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Death of the lunchroom hoax

I am convinced that reliable evidence, derived from sworn statements/testimony, that LeeOswald was encountered by ML Baker and RS Truly on the 2nd floor of the TSBD Building, in the lunchroom, at approximately 12:31:00pm/12:32:00pm CST, on 11/22/'63. And, I am equally convinced, that reliable evidence, derived from sworn statements/testimony, that Ms SarahStanton and Ms PaulineSanders, were among the known occupants of the TSBD Elm St entrance top step/landing at the time of filming, likely at approximately 12:30:30pm/12:31:00pm CST, on 11/22/'63. It appears to me quite likely that Ms Stanton was just to BuellFrazier's right at said time, looking toward Elm St and the motorcade.

I am thus far unable to embrace any picture enhancement for evidence, but I believe there are identifiable unenhanced indications for study.

And, I have not been "inspired" about said subject by DuncanMacrae, and I am quite unfamiliar with his work.

Any disagreement with my conclusions is fine, but I have yet to determine the reliability of evidence presented in an attempt to disprove said conclusions.

Also, I remain committed to avoid claiming that now deceased eyewitnesses are "liars".


I am not interested in whether Duncan MacRae lost his buttons data. The information derived form a Sean Murphy picture in his PrayerMan thread at the Ed Forum. So that issue is not neutered whatsoever, despite Jim's claim. Reasonably enhancing the contrast is a valid technique for obtaining extra morsels of data and does no violence to the evidentiary value of the film.

So once again the Murphyites are telling lies to advance their PrayerMan argument. Another lie is that my photogrammetry is "junk science." I post the result in the town square and take on all comers. And I hope David Josephs has begun his own photogrammetric determination.

Once that result is obtained, and seen to agree with the requisite scientific parameters- the Wiegman & Darnell film forensics- we'll have a new ballgame.

I hope that David remembers the grief I took for him when I stood up for him as an ROKC administrator and suddenly they all shifted their hatred for him onto me.

The handwriting is on the wall. The Murphyites are going to come tumbling down. Have a good cry, I could care less about awards or speaking invitations. I am presently waiting for a response from a Boston Irish Catholic "mafia don" regarding help overcoming NBC's impasse of requiring a professional film production project to obtain access to 1st-generation Darnell & Wiegman. I simply hope to drive down there and use NBC's own digital film scanner. If that source doesn't wish to involve himself, I am next turning to my Trump insider sources to enlist their potential clout in accessing the NBC films. And if they can't come to my rescue, it's back to the old 6th Floor Museum song & dance routine.

We'll see this digital scan sooner rather than later and please brace yourself for a nervous breakdown when you see how gorgeous Sarah Stanton looked in 1963.
So much for a troll proof forum.
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
ROKC Admin is an oxymoron....

The only thing the 4 people who posted there ever did was curse others and slap each other's back....

Mad at me cause I Show them how wrong they are most of the time....

A defender who PM me claims a photo expert can tell... Yet when asked for the name and conclusions of the expert he or you went to... We get nothing....

Did you or not have an independent photographic expert confirm any of what you offer in that math of yours? Or is this your uncorroborated work?

I post an image, in focus and clea, or a woman in a long coat just like PM. No buttons.... You only see them Cause they NEED to be there for you.... Not very scientific....
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
In spite it being much easier for some people to remain in denial regarding the credibility--or lake thereof w/the testimony of Roy Truly, here again today is even more actual evidence of his propensity to lie ---->

In a short span of mere secondswithin his Warren Commission testimonyRoy Truly (one of a trio of witnesses used to FRAME an innocent party, amid multiple Discussions off the Record) lied several times already not even a scant 1/3 of the way through his full testimony. I won't focus just yet on the other outright lies, but let's just take this one ---->

Mr. BELIN. All right.
Then what did you see happen?

Mr. TRULY. I heard an explosion, which I thought was a toy cannon or a loud firecracker from west of the building. Nothing happened at this first explosion. Everything was frozen. And immediately after two more explosions, which I realized that I thought was a gun, a rifle of some kind.
The President's--I saw the President's car swerve to the left and stop somewheres down in this area. It is misleading here. And that is the last I saw of his ear, because this crowd, when the third shot rang out--there was a large crowd all along this abutment here, this little wall, and there was some around us in front--they began screaming and falling to the ground. And the people in front of myself and Mr. Campbell surged back, either in terror or panic. They must have seen this thing. I became separated from Mr. Campbell. They just practically bore me back to the first step on the entrance of our building.

Now, taking his lying words into account, watch the following video ---->

and note the following:

No onenot a single personlet alone "some people" quote, "bore me back to the first step on the entrance of our building."

Roy Truly (short individual in dark suit and hat just behind the passing white helmet of the motorcycle officer running by him at the six second mark). The white helmet motorcycle officer is running from your viewing left to your right across the screen.

Where are all those people around Roy Truly?, let alone the sheer weight of their frightened numbers pushing him back?

Time and time again, within his testimony, Roy Truly is obviously lying/misrepresenting actual events, even making up some--as the video demonstrates-- as he seeks to embellish the framing of an innocent party. He lied about accessing an otherwise LOCKED roof. A single lie trumps any part of his testimony.

It was his fabricated testimony about encountering the wrongly accused in the lunch room that places Mr. Oswald two floors above where he really was immediately after the gunsmoke cleared in Dealey Plaza that fateful afternoon (the first floor).

Scroll up to the post "Which Lie Is, Roy Truly" and take note of how he cannot even remember to get his lies straight in all facets of his testimony. In one instance, he claims he lead the way up the backstairs; and, in another instance, he followed Marrion Baker up the backstairs.

The plain simple truth does not need revisions; however, lies need more than a few, especially amid a hastily contrived script concocted to FRAME an innocent party. The plain simple truth in this case is the wrongly accused was precisely where he said he was all along, quote, Out in front w/Bill Shelley (those charged with fully investigating this case hid his alibi from public consumption for several decades).

In spite of the buttons, the mystery man cannot be Sarah Stanton. On that afternoon, she stands on the east side of the front entrance, and our mystery man stands on the west side, thus he is not Sarah Stanton, who is also made reference to as, quote, short and heavy-set. The mystery man is not heavy-set by anyone's imagination (not even Arlen Specter).

Lest there be any doubt, here straight from someone in the know (she was actually there) ---->

[FONT=&amp]To the best of my recollection I was standing on the top step at the east end of the entrance. I recall that while standing there I noticed Mrs. Sarah Stanton standing next to me, but I am unsure as to the others." ---- TSBD Employee Pauline Sanders.

Where was that again, Mrs. Sanders -----> [/FONT]
at the east end of the entrance

[FONT=&amp]Who stood next to you over on the east end, Ma'am -----> [/FONT][FONT=&amp]I noticed [/FONT]Mrs. Sarah Stanton standing next to me

[FONT=&amp]One more time for clarification sake -----> [/FONT]at the east end of the entrance[FONT=&amp]

Interestingly enough, It was ace card researcher Sean Murphy himself who said there would be nothing left for those in desperation mode to do, but try to convince others that the mystery man was a woman. How perceptive of Mr. Murphy. How would he have known that?

*Source for Mrs. Pauline Sanders' statement, an exemplary research website...

*Source for Sarah Stanton's physical build, quote, a heavyset short lady...Buell Wesley Frazier's testimony

The mystery man--standing here on the west side of the entrance
-----> [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9357&stc=1] in the opposite corner of Pauline Sanders & Sarah Stanton is not heavy-set...nor is this man ---> [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9356&stc=1]

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Never ever have I seen anything close to reliable evidence that the person in the west corner, in shadow, on the landing, as filmed, unaltered, is proven to be a male!
And, consistently, eyewitnesses have stated that they did not see LeeOswald on the landing at the time!


I never said he was proven male either...

What I said was it is not possible to make out buttons on a coat based on the digital info there... Period.

Now there are 7 of them ? Sorry LR but your fighting your own battle.... Deal with the info in Richard ' s work.

Has any of his photo assumptions been corroborated? Any of the math?

They are waiting for better copies to examine? What does that tell you about the conclusions from the images we've seen?

I don't see how it could be Oswald either... Doesn't make that a 5 foot 2 inch woman... Sorry.
And Mr. Ford makes perfect sense questioning the basis of Richard's work... That Truly and Baker would NEVER make anything up... or be directed to testimony by the FBI OR DPD.

It's as if the rest of the case didn't scream cover up and were asking you to suspend belief here... Truly lied his butt off...

Baker counters a police chief suggestion by starting a sentence, catching himself and saying well, he knew better.

If you're going to pick a fight, stay on topic. The work is my problem, not Prayerperson... PP.

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Couple of interesting points to share planning to double-back here later this week to engage further. Before beginning, excellent points to ponder in your reasonable round of questioning above, Mr. Josephs. That said...

We already know from Mrs. Pauline Sanders that Sarah Stanton stood next to her on the opposite side of the front entrance when compared to the mystery man's position. We also know Sarah Stanton is described physically as short and heavy-set.

Nowvia Billy Nolan Lovelady's Warren Commission testimonyWhen asked who was with him when shots were fired, his answer tells us he is standing on an even plane w/Bill Shelley and Sarah Stanton ---->

"Bill Shelley and Sarah Stanton and right behind me..."

But the most interesting thing here, which is immediately quashed by Warren Commission counsel before Lovelady could elaborate further is his lead in with, standing right behind me…

Though he is cut off before he could elaborate even further, it is established that someone was behind him, Bill Shelly and Sarah Stanton on those entrance steps.

How considerate of the individual standing behind Lovelady and the short & heavy-set Sarah Stanton to afford them a closer view to the unfolding action…

That said, let's take a look at a famous photo, courtesy of the late James Altgen's (RIP) ----> with Lovelady's words in mind ---->

Several people saw me. That lady shielding her eyes works here on the second floor.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9370&stc=1]

*Image Source:

Observing the image, given that sworn testimony has already confirmed Sarah Stanton's physical stature as short and heavy-set it's obvious Lovelady is not speaking of the person to his immediate left, who is as tall as him, but the shorter figure--lower right corner-- shielding her eyes ---->

That lady shielding her eyes works here on the second floor.

For the record, the short and heavy-set Sarah Stanton just so happens to work on the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor too.

Try as some people might want/need to substitute Sarah Stanton for the mystery man, between Pauline Sanders; Billy Nolan Lovelady; and, Buell Wesley Frazier, Mrs. Stanton's position is much farther over in the opposite direction than the mystery man's position; and, her MUCH heavier frame when compared to the mystery man's is akin to the desperation-mode spoken of by ace card researcher Sean Murphy, who to his credit knew desperate times would call for desperate measures.

You can bet your last dollar, the house, and the Farm that Sarah Stanton does NOT resemble this mystery man ----->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9371&stc=1] [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9372&stc=1]
*AF 1200B @ 77%

Mr. BALL. Who was with you?
Mr. LOVELADY. Bill Shelley and Sarah Stanton, and right behind me…

Right behind Lovelady sums up precisely where the mystery man in as Lovelady faces the parade route someone was behind him alright, just over his right-shoulder.

An Addendum, following this exchange via pm ---->

Shelley was next to him back left with the tie...

Stanton was next to him back right in the Prayer Man spot...

And direct behind him was Buell Frazier...[/QUOTE]

My response ----->

Good afternoon. Where was Pauline Sanders? She covers that succinctly and also just who was standing next to her (in the opposite corner of the mystery man's position).

Addendum ----> scrolling above to post 25 tells us precisely where the short and heavy-set Sarah Stanton was, no if's and's or buts...

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David Josephs Wrote:I never said he was proven male either...

What I said was it is not possible to make out buttons on a coat based on the digital info there... Period.

Now there are 7 of them ? Sorry LR but your fighting your own battle.... Deal with the info in Richard ' s work.

Has any of his photo assumptions been corroborated? Any of the math?

They are waiting for better copies to examine? What does that tell you about the conclusions from the images we've seen?

I don't see how it could be Oswald either... Doesn't make that a 5 foot 2 inch woman... Sorry.
And Mr. Ford makes perfect sense questioning the basis of Richard's work... That Truly and Baker would NEVER make anything up... or be directed to testimony by the FBI OR DPD.

It's as if the rest of the case didn't scream cover up and were asking you to suspend belief here... Truly lied his butt off...

Baker counters a police chief suggestion by starting a sentence, catching himself and saying well, he knew better.

If you're going to pick a fight, stay on topic. The work is my problem, not Prayerperson... PP.

What? Exactly what are you, Mr Josephs, talking about? Pick a fight? Explain that! What is meant, Mr Josephs by "your fighting"? What post of mine are you, Mr Josephs, referencing? Stay on topic? Explain that! Did you read the post just ahead of mine, by Mr Ford? Did you see Mr Ford's "photographic?exhibition"? And you say, "And Mr Ford makes perfect sense questioning the basis of Richard's work". So, David Josephs, are you saying that you endorse Alan Ford's assertions? What "work" of mine do you have a problem with? Seeking clarification? Seeking reliable provable evidence? Or, are you, Mr Josephs, among those that tend to believe that anyone and everyone disagreeing with you have to be wrong about anything and everything?


Alan Ford Wrote:In spite it being much easier for some people to remain in denial regarding the credibility--or lake thereof w/the testimony of Roy Truly, here again today is even more actual evidence of his propensity to lie ---->

In a short span of mere secondswithin his Warren Commission testimonyRoy Truly (one of a trio of witnesses used to FRAME an innocent party, amid multiple Discussions off the Record) lied several times already not even a scant 1/3 of the way through his full testimony. I won't focus just yet on the other outright lies, but let's just take this one ---->

Mr. BELIN. All right.
Then what did you see happen?

Mr. TRULY. I heard an explosion, which I thought was a toy cannon or a loud firecracker from west of the building. Nothing happened at this first explosion. Everything was frozen. And immediately after two more explosions, which I realized that I thought was a gun, a rifle of some kind.
The President's--I saw the President's car swerve to the left and stop somewheres down in this area. It is misleading here. And that is the last I saw of his ear, because this crowd, when the third shot rang out--there was a large crowd all along this abutment here, this little wall, and there was some around us in front--they began screaming and falling to the ground. And the people in front of myself and Mr. Campbell surged back, either in terror or panic. They must have seen this thing. I became separated from Mr. Campbell. They just practically bore me back to the first step on the entrance of our building.

Now, taking his lying words into account, watch the following video ---->

and note the following:

No onenot a single personlet alone "some people" quote, "bore me back to the first step on the entrance of our building."

Roy Truly (short individual in dark suit and hat just behind the passing white helmet of the motorcycle officer running by him at the six second mark). The white helmet motorcycle officer is running from your viewing left to your right across the screen.

Where are all those people around Roy Truly?, let alone the sheer weight of their frightened numbers pushing him back?

Time and time again, within his testimony, Roy Truly is obviously lying/misrepresenting actual events, even making up some--as the video demonstrates-- as he seeks to embellish the framing of an innocent party. He lied about accessing an otherwise LOCKED roof. A single lie trumps any part of his testimony.

It was his fabricated testimony about encountering the wrongly accused in the lunch room that places Mr. Oswald two floors above where he really was immediately after the gunsmoke cleared in Dealey Plaza that fateful afternoon (the first floor).

Scroll up to the post "Which Lie Is, Roy Truly" and take note of how he cannot even remember to get his lies straight in all facets of his testimony. In one instance, he claims he lead the way up the backstairs; and, in another instance, he followed Marrion Baker up the backstairs.

The plain simple truth does not need revisions; however, lies need more than a few, especially amid a hastily contrived script concocted to FRAME an innocent party. The plain simple truth in this case is the wrongly accused was precisely where he said he was all along, quote, Out in front w/Bill Shelley (those charged with fully investigating this case hid his alibi from public consumption for several decades).

In spite of the buttons, the mystery man cannot be Sarah Stanton. On that afternoon, she stands on the east side of the front entrance, and our mystery man stands on the west side, thus he is not Sarah Stanton, who is also made reference to as, quote, short and heavy-set. The mystery man is not heavy-set by anyone's imagination (not even Arlen Specter).

Lest there be any doubt, here straight from someone in the know (she was actually there) ---->

[FONT=&amp]To the best of my recollection I was standing on the top step at the east end of the entrance. I recall that while standing there I noticed Mrs. Sarah Stanton standing next to me, but I am unsure as to the others." ---- TSBD Employee Pauline Sanders.

Where was that again, Mrs. Sanders -----> [/FONT]
at the east end of the entrance

[FONT=&amp]Who stood next to you over on the east end, Ma'am -----> [/FONT][FONT=&amp]I noticed [/FONT]Mrs. Sarah Stanton standing next to me

[FONT=&amp]One more time for clarification sake -----> [/FONT]at the east end of the entrance[FONT=&amp]

Interestingly enough, It was ace card researcher Sean Murphy himself who said there would be nothing left for those in desperation mode to do, but try to convince others that the mystery man was a woman. How perceptive of Mr. Murphy. How would he have known that?

*Source for Mrs. Pauline Sanders' statement, an exemplary research website...

*Source for Sarah Stanton's physical build, quote, a heavyset short lady...Buell Wesley Frazier's testimony

The mystery man--standing here on the west side of the entrance
-----> [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9357&stc=1]in the opposite corner of Pauline Sanders & Sarah Stanton is not heavy-set...nor is this man ---> [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9356&stc=1]

The larger photograph appears to be of an image of a person standing on the TSBD entrance landing just after the shooting in DealyPlaza/Dallas on 11/22/'63. But, is it authentic, or is it a photographic exhibition?



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