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As its synopsis states, "Outlines how the Book Depository's west freight elevator, with the assistance of several employees, was used for the escape of the 6th-floor hit team; and helps debunk the false narrative of PrayerMan and the lunchroom hoax"

This was filmed last October at the local library. Numerous problems delayed its release. I'm reasonably happy with the result, although I rushed the delivery a bit. It totals only 21 minutes. Since a lot of information is presented rapidly, the viewer might wish to refer to the parent essay:

This is a precise criminological assessment of the role of the Texas School Book Depository Company in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This is a role that only became apparent thanks to the efforts of William Weston in the 1990s, and myself a decade later, and it took a further decade to hammer it into a finely-honed paradigm. Key insights were garnered thanks to the work of Barry Ernest and Brian Doyle.

The move of the Book Depository into Dealey Plaza the winter beforehand, coupled with its elevator shenanigans, definitively implicates the hidden hand of the US intelligence agencies in Kennedy's murder. The planning for that began in earnest, in my opinion, after the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Good to see Richard Gilbride still posting...Richard told me he doesn't have the gas in the tank anymore to post on internet forums due to their corrupted nature and being taken over by a research clique that puts favorites above skill...I am surprised Magda allows whoever the anonymous moderator is who is giving Richard and myself 1 star ratings on everything we post to lower the site's standards...That demeans the previous serious academic nature of the Deep Politics Forum and its protection of member's rights...I see the DPF rules have been gutted and those rules that specifically protected members from moderator abuse have been removed...It is a shame because some unfamiliar public might take those ratings seriously instead of the petty childishness they really are...The clique has taken over the JFK internet and operates outside of academic standards...Outside of evidence...The fact there is no discussion on this board speaks for itself...We are being punished for what the favorites are guilty of and that isn't right...

In any case, Richard's presentation of my analysis of the notes from the 3pm Interrogation needs some clarification...Captain Fritz didn't like being led by the nose by the Yankee Federals and forced to lie...Being a good old Texas Sheriff he told the truth during his Commission testimony when asked where Oswald said he was during the assassination...Fritz didn't hesitate...He told Ball that Oswald told them he was in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the assassination eating a cheese sandwich and apple...Fritz even followed it through by saying Oswald added that although he usually worked on the 1st Floor he was on the 2nd Floor that day...Continuing this defiant truthfulness Fritz oriented the notes of the 3pm Interrogation by specifying that Oswald was in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room "When Officer Came In"...That was during the Lunch Room Encounter 90 seconds after the shots...

The only way to interpret the notes from the 3pm Interrogation is by means of this accurate premise...As Richard spells out in his video above, the only correct way to interpret the Fritz, Bookhout, and Hosty notes of the 3pm Interrogation is to understand that all 3 sets of notes all start at the Lunch Room Encounter when officer came in...All 3 then go downstairs to the 1st Floor (went downstairs to see what the commotion was all about)...And after that all 3 then go outside either with Shelley or to watch the Presidential Parade...The going outside part is at least 4 minutes after the shots and cannot possibly be credibly used to say Prayer Man is Oswald...The Prayer Man people just ignore this with the full assistance of the contemptuous mods who don't hold them accountable...

So once you know all 3 sets of notes start at the Lunch Room Encounter 90 seconds after the shots then you are forced to realize that all 3 sets of notes omitted Oswald telling the 3pm Interrogation that he was in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the assassination...The reason the notes from the 3pm Interrogation all contain a missing gap at the part where they asked Oswald where he was during the assassination is because all 3 sets of notes clumsily removed Oswald telling them he was in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room...Otherwise we are being asked to believe the 3pm Interrogation failed to ask Oswald the most important question they could ask him...We know this is true from Fritz's & Hosty's admission that Oswald told them he was in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the assassination...Kamp and Murphy just ignore this and the Education Forum prefers banning-enforced contempt and refuses to allow discussion of it...The JFK internet has been successfully hijacked by the totally dishonest and uncredible Prayer Man people and their complicitous moderators... 

Further verifying this is James Hosty, whom, in 1991, turned to Nigel Turner's camera with emphasis and stated "Oswald told us he was alone in the Lunch Room during the assassination"...The context of this is clearly Hosty clearing his conscience and telling the truth about where Oswald was during the shots...It is obvious that Hosty doesn't say which Lunch Room because he knows it is the 2nd Floor Lunch Room and doesn't want to perjure himself or get killed...Murphy and Kamp never ask themselves why Hosty would feel such animus to reveal this to Turner but then leave it out of his notes?...The answer is simple...It was left out of the original notes because Hosty knew it exonerated Oswald...Hosty wanted to come clean and Turner's 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy' was his chance...The Prayer Man people know this is the correct interpretation of Hosty's statement to Nigel Turner...That's why they never mention it...

The Education Forum is pretending to be high minded and discriminating however it has pretty much erased the most important evidence discovery in 60 years...I never see them mention my discovery of Sarah Stanton hearing Oswald say he wasn't going out to the front steps but was going back in to the "Break Room" instead...The current clique would rather preserve their personal relationships and pet theories than finally crack the case...Whenever I try to get them to account for it those bullies hijack the venue and switch the subject to false accusations of site rules violations...The Education Forum recently denied me re-entry because they said I called Kathy Beckett a bad name...So Sandy Larsen is saying that one of the best researchers in the community who has made ground-breaking discoveries that will lead directly to a solving of the conspiracy is being banned for life and destroyed all so a woman who has no research resume or skill can carry our her petty revenge...A woman who isn't even active any more...Helping Jim D promote support for Greg Parker and his trolls is more important than finally solving the case and the JFK community isn't really about evidence as much as social media friends covering each other at the expense of credible evidence...

Over the last 60 years the research community has failed to realize how important Jack Dougherty was to the conspiracy...Dougherty was undermined and his reputation was destroyed by Roy Truly personally...Truly told the Warren Commission that Dougherty was retarded and unreliable obviously because Dougherty had told them something dangerous...If you know how to interpret linguistic forensics at the highest intelligent level Dougherty's Commission testimony was obviously scripted and he screwed it up in several places giving it away...We can assume that Dougherty told the authorities exactly what he told Gil Toff...That Oswald was up eating his lunch in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room while Dougherty ate his lunch down below in the Domino Room...You can see Dougherty tripping up on the scripted account he was forced to tell the Warren Commission...Truly was telling people Dougherty was slow and unreliable because he couldn't remember his lines when forced to lie... 

In 2021 Buell Frazier said on a radio show that an un-named employee told him a cheese sandwich and apple were seen on the 2nd Floor Lunch Room table after the assassination...That was obviously the same lunch Carolyn Arnold saw and therefore Baker & Truly...This new revelation cinches the conspiracy evidence and destroys Greg Parker's idiotic Prayer Man bullshit once and for all...(Not to mention a woman's dress neckline being seen on Prayer Man in Darnell)...However because the JFK internet is run by a hijacking clique we are being forced to listen to their lies over why they banned the best and the brightest and a final solving of the case...We are being forced to watch Roger Odisio be allowed to ignore shattering new evidence and switch the subject to the disingenuous call for original scans (as if those scans could make that woman's dress neckline go away)...

Both Parker and Murphy quit because they didn't really believe what they were asserting...

Could it be that the Education Forum mods, in relation to the woman's dress neckline seen in Darnell, are the ones who are actually "failing to practice correct evidence procedure when told?"...I got banned for life under that false accusation...And the evidence that proved it correct is still being ignored so we can switch the subject to name-calling...

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