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Nazi slaves of the haciendas: Hitler fanatics forced orphans to build new Fatherland in Amazon
Nazi slaves of the haciendas: Hitler fanatics forced orphans to build new Fatherland in Amazon

By Allan Hall
Last updated at 12:50 AM on 27th June 2009

[Image: article-0-057D9B33000005DC-323_233x423.jpg] Aloísio Silva, 'Number 23', with two of the bricks carved with Nazi insignias

Bricks marked with swastikas on a crumbling building in Brazil have helped historians trace an astonishing plan by Adolf Hitler for a Nazi empire in South America.
They have also found some of the young men who were kept as slaves by German settlers and local Nazi supporters.
They were known as ‘ Nummernmenschen’ – the number people – as the dehumanisation practised in the concentration camps was exported.
It had long been known that fleeing Nazis moved into remote regions of South America after the war. But the story of the slaves began years earlier.
From 1933 onwards men and boys, often from orphanages, were taken to vast farms like the hacienda Cruzeiro Do Sul 150 miles west of Sao Paulo.
It was there that pig farmer Jose Maciel found the swastika bricks after buying the land. In one of the buildings, preserved in a metal cyclinder, were documents and photos showing cattle branded with swastikas and a Nazi flag flying.
Now the last three surviving slaves have been back to see the bricks they made by hand – and point out the shallow graves where many of their friends were buried after dying through neglect and maltreatment.
[Image: article-1080071-0238C03E000005DC-329_468x316.jpg]Explorers: Nazi researchers on expeditions of the Brazilian jungles in 1935

AloÌsio Silva, 85, was number 23. ‘Cattle and horses had more of a family tree than I,’ he said. ‘I was a slave and a boy without a name.’
Mr Silva was nine when he was taken from an orphanage by rich landowner Oct·vio Rocha Miranda, a fanatical supporter of Hitler.
‘The great landowners saw ideal workers in us parentless boys,’ he said. ‘We were lied to, told that we would ride around on horses, that the work wasn’t hard.
‘But we were put to backbreaking toil and paid with coins that could be spent only on the farm. It wasn’t until I was 16 that I got my first shoes.

[Image: article-1080071-0238C05C000005DC-152_468x635.jpg]Final resting place: Brazilian natives at a Nazi grave decorated with swastikas

[Image: article-1080071-0238C055000005DC-410_468x623.jpg] Discovered: Crosses mark the graves deep in the jungle
‘I was tortured, made to kneel on hard grains of corn for hours on end, beaten. Two large dogs guarded our barracks.’
The slave boys were employed until the mid-1940s when the authorities clamped down.
Some 2,000 German settlers moved to Brazil after SS officers posed as naturalists to scout it out, calling the area ‘ripe for exploitation.’

[Image: article-0-057D9B05000005DC-942_468x286.jpg] Everything from bricks to animals were carved with the Nazi sign, on the orders of Nazi supporter Octávio Rocha Miranda

There were similar-migrations to Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay.
Now the surviving Brazilian slaves are seeking reparations from the government which allowed their ordeal.
Mr Silva said: ‘I want compensation, I want an apology. But above all, I want to find out who my mother was and put some flowers on her grave.’
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
There are many old swastikas in the ancient and not-so ancient world. And swastikas which rotate in the other direction - eg in Tibet.

However, the brickwork in the photos looks relatively modern, and the crosses are clearly modern.

What there is of the testimony is powerful, and confirms much other material I've been privy to over the years.

And never forget Colonia Dignidad:
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Joseph P Farrell makes the numinous suggestion in Secrets of the Unified Field that the torsion genius Walther Gerlach sold the concept of the Bell as a Kriegsendscheidend (War Decisive) weapon to the SS hierarchy by explaining that their beloved Swastika was a perfect symbol of rotating stress in the medium, combining the sub-system of stress with the sub-system of rotation to create a shearing effect in the fabric of space-time.

Farrell also has some comments on the Joseph Greiner cross - picture above.

Quote:The article comes with some fascinating pictures, one of which is of a large cross – I’d say about 10 feet tall, at the top of which is painted or carved (it’s hard to tell which, it may be both) swastika, with the person’s name, “Joseph Greiner” painted (or carved) on the cross arm, and below it, on the vertical shaft of the monument, it states “starb hier am 2.1.36″ that is, died on the 2nd of January, 1936, “in the service of German research work” and then lists the “German Amazon Jary Expedition, 1935-1937 as presumably the expedition on which he was conducting “research.”

The article’s author does not say much about what this “research” actually was. What he does say, however, is intriguing for its brevity. Noting that the purpose of the expedition was ostensibly to explore remote areas of the Amazonian jungle for eventual German colonization, “The author (Alan Hall) found evidence, however, that Himmler had ’scant interest’ in (the expedition leader’s) grandiose settlement plans. A Nazi film was made of his travels – but no mention made of the Guayana Project: it remained classified by SS Intelligence.” (Note: the “Guayana Project” was the expedition leader’s scheme to explore the Jary tributary of the Amazon near French and British Guayana for the purposes of colonization.) The article continues: “‘Given time, the plan may be submitted again,’ Himmler wrote to his jungle emissary. But his experiences were put to use by the Nazi war machine: he became Nazi Germany’s leading expert in aerial photoreconnaissance interpretation.”

Aerial photoreconniassance interpretation? Say that again please?

Clearly this was not an ordinary archaeological expedition. Granted, such capabilities might be used for such an expedition, to scout out likely encampment areas, determine the best routes, and so on, so the possibility must be entertained that the expedition was nothing more than what Hall indicates in his article: a looney Nazi scheme to scout out areas for colonization by “the master race.” But Himmler’s involvement might also portend something more, as might this aerial photoreconnaissance capability and the leader’s expertise in interpreting it.

Indeed, the latter capability, plus the article’s comment that the expedition leader’s expertise in aerial photoreconnaissance interpretation was subsequently used by the Third Reich, suggests that this capability was added to the expedition, not because it was looking for areas to colonize, but rather because it was looking for something, or perhaps even some place. And the very direct involvement of Reichsfuehrer Himmler himself underscores this possibility, for as is now well known, Himmler sponsored a number of such pre-war expeditions by the SS precisely to look for things of ancient and esoteric significance. It is well known, for example, that the Schaeffer expedition to Tibet in late 1938 and early 1939 returned to Germany with the only complete copy of the epic Kang Schuur in Western hands. (And an even greater mystery is what happened to that copy at the end of the war! My guess? It remained in Nazi hands after the war, probably in Argentina or some Latin American outpost.)

The clue that the expedition may have been looking for something rather than for areas to colonize comes from the inter-war expedition plans of certain German archaeologists, who – recalling the story of Colonel Percy Fawcett’s expedition to find a lost city (and the “crystals of power” that it allegedly, according to local native Indian traditions, possessed) – planned an expedition in the 1920s to find the lost colonel (or at least his remains), and hopefully the city itself. The expedition planned on utilizing the enormous air ship, the Graf Zeppelin to scout and photograph the territory by air. The plans fell through, however, with the advent of the depression. But these plans, and the real purpose of that expedition, would certainly have been known to Himmler and his Brazilian team.

So what might this expedition have been looking for, beyond Colonel Fawcett’s remains, or his lost city and “power crystals”? One answer is provided – although very vaguely and cryptically – by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas in their latest installment of the Indiana Jones series of films: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. In the movie, Indie and a companion, who later turns out to be the son he never knew he had, journey to South America in search of the lost city of the crystal skulls, a city called “Akator”. For those who thought the Nazis were long gone as a theme in the Indiana Jones movies, hang on, for there was published in Germany in the late 1970s and 80s, a book that was subsequently translated into English, called The Chronicle of Akakor. The book purports to be the recounting to a westerner by a native Indian in Brazil about a lost colony deep in the Amazon jungle, where the natives and their Caucasian visitors all spoke German. According to the book, the tribesman said that these Germans arrived before and during the war as a part of a large-scale commando operation preparatory to a German invasion of Brazil. These details sound suspiciously similar to the recent discovery of these German graves deep in the Amazonian jungle as recounted by Hall.

But there’s much more. According to the Chronicle of Akakor these Germans learned of the native traditions of lost cities, crystals of power, and a very ancient cosmic war, and decided to befriend the Indians in an effort to learn its location. And the name of this lost city – which the book strongly suggests the Germans actually found and decided to colonize – was, of course, Akakor.

There are other possibilities as well for the SS’ interest in Brazil and the Amazonian jungle and headwaters. Recently one of my publishers (Adventures Unlimited Press), published a book called Taos Gold, a story about similar legends of lost treasures and records from some very ancient and unknown civilization in the highlands of Ecuador, close to the Brazilian border and the headwaters of the Amazon. The rumors of this particular lost treasure and record hall even picqued the interest of none other than former Apollo 11 astronaut Niel Armstrong, who took part in an expedition to find the lost treasure and records. The important thing here, however, is that the rumors of this treasure were old enough – having begun in the days of colonial Spain – that they could also have been known to the Nazis. And given Himmler’s SS Ahnenerbe’s research interest in such things, it may indeed be possible that this particular story also came to the attention of the Nazis.

While these speculations are certainly not grounded in any actual evidence that these things or things like them formed the real purpose of that Nazi Brazilian expedition, what is known about it thus far certainly would not preclude such a possible and covert purpose. The parallels between the Chronicles of Akakor, released years before the actual discovery of these Nazi graves, are quite compelling and intriguing in their own right. Coupled with what I detail in my forthcoming book The Nazi International concerning Nazi activities in Argentina, my money is on the possibility that the 1937 German Amazonian expedition was looking for more than just places to colonize…

I know about the Chronicles of Akakor, having once worked with a group of adventurers who were intent on following the clues deep into the jungle.

The multi-faceted nature and legacy of these SS/Ahnenerbe "expeditions" - Brazil, Tibet, Antarctica - is clear.

They resonate - like the SS Bell itself.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
See also here:
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I stole the following article about a bizarre archaeological find in the Ukraine off Pravda before it disappeared.

Quote:Ahnenerbe was the most secret service of the Third Reich

Ukrainian workers found strange graves at a construction in one of the towns in the south of Ukraine. The graves were found at a depth of two or two and a half meters.

At first, they thought that it was an ancient Scythian graveyard. Then, someone saw a medallion of a German soldier in one of the coffins. The finding was a grave of German soldiers. However, when archeologists arrived to the site, they were shocked with what they saw. Some of the human skeletons in the grave had their spines sawn lengthwise. Some of them did not have heads, while others had skull trepanation. Other skeletons had little holes drilled in their cannon-bones. After that, there were tens of other graves found. They were all covered with lime and calcium chloride. Some of the human remains preserved the vestiges of chemical impact. Someone was trying to find a “third eye” in the heads of several officers: their skulls were opened in several places.

Experts determined that the found graves were the vestiges of Ahnenerbe’s activities. This was the most secret organization of the Third Reich. The people of the true Aryan race were its victims. Ahnenerbe’s doctors believed that medical tests and experiments were supposed to eventually result in a new breed of a human being.

Scythian fields are not the only place where Nazi mystics performed their horrid tests. They were travelling all over the world. Ahnenerbe means “Ancestors’ Inheritance;” the organization appeared in 1933. After the establishment of Hitler’s regime in Germany, Ahnenerbe was entrusted with searching for anything dealing with spirit, traditions, and peculiar features of the Indo-German Nordic race. In 1937, the Ahnenerbe was incorporated into the SS. The study of the ancient German history was conducted with only one goal: to prove the superiority of the Aryan race within the scope of the Nazi race doctrine.

First-class scientists took part in the research. They performed expeditions to Tibet, the Middle East, and Ukraine. When WWII started, research of ancient German culture was reduced. New projects were totally devoted to anthropological research, including infamous research in Dachau and Auschwitz.

Ahnenerbe was founded by philosopher Friedrich Gilscher and Doctor German Hirt. It is interesting that professor Gilscher never became a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. He was in friendly relations with Jewish philosopher Martin Buber. In the beginning of 1940s, Hirt was appointed to the position of chairman of the Anatomic Institute in Strasbourg. The institute was working on the scientific substantiation of the race theory. In the summer of 1944, Hirt was ordered to destroy his laboratories. He did not manage to do that, so the allied troops found numerous beheaded corpses. Hirt disappeared afterwards. People say that he was seen in Chile and in Paraguay.

Karl Maria Willigut was the most conspicuous person in the organization. He was known as an outstanding specialist in the field of black magic. He was called Himmler’s Rasputin due to his immense influence on Nazi high-ranking officials. His last name is translated as the “god of will.” According to mystical terminology, this is a synonym to a “fallen angel.” Karl Willigut died in 1946; he was never called into criminal account for his activities.
It is also worth mentioning that Ahnenerbe maintained contacts with Tibet.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan, et al,

I am devouring Farrell's books and related volumes.

As far as the Swastika's design replicating the counter-rotation that manifests the torsion effect, I wonder if the ancient symbol may have been minimally altered to hide its deepest meaning.

Could be all wet here, but bear with me:

Take the historic Swastika and ...

reverse the orientations of the horizontal mid-section's vertical elements so that the left vertical points downward and the right veritcle points upward.

Would this not more accurately symbolize counter-rotating elements?

Do you know of any such representations?

Or am I one too many Malbecs into the day?
Another glass is history, another thought is (still)born:

Starting with the re-imagined Swastika above, run the mid-section's right vertical up through the horizontal section above it ...

Run the mid-section's left vertical down through the horizontal section below it ...

Tilt the entire symbol counter-clockwise until what you're left with is a double-helix representation.

My God ... I'm turning into one of them!

Where can I buy tin foil on a holiday?
Charles Drago Wrote:Jan, et al,

I am devouring Farrell's books and related volumes.

As far as the Swastika's design replicating the counter-rotation that manifests the torsion effect, I wonder if the ancient symbol may have been minimally altered to hide its deepest meaning.

Could be all wet here, but bear with me:

Take the historic Swastika and ...

reverse the orientations of the horizontal mid-section's vertical elements so that the left vertical points downward and the right veritcle points upward.

Would this not more accurately symbolize counter-rotating elements?

Do you know of any such representations?

Or am I one too many Malbecs into the day?

Farrell is indeed mining incredibly important territory.

As we know, symbols, especially ancient and iconic symbols, have multiple meanings. Indeed, some seem particularly resonant in a certain space-time, and less so in other space-times. :bandit:

Why was a certain version of the swastika so sacred to Tibetan Buddhists? And to Hinduism, Mithraism and Jainism?

Swastikas were found in Khazestan (modern day Iran) more than 5000 years BC.

Quote:In Hinduism, the two symbols represent the two forms of the creator god Brahma: facing right it represents the evolution of the universe (Devanagari: प्रवृत्ति, Pravritti), facing left it represents the involution of the universe (Devanagari: निवृत्ति, Nivritti).

Quote:The swastika shape was used by some Native Americans. It has been found in excavations of Mississippian-era sites in the Ohio valley. It was widely used by many southwestern tribes, most notably the Navajo. Among various tribes, the swastika carried different meanings. To the Hopi it represented the wandering Hopi clan; to the Navajo it was one symbol for a whirling log (tsil no'oli'), a sacred image representing a legend that was used in healing rituals (after learning of the Nazi association, the Navajo discontinued use of the symbol).[37] A brightly colored First Nations saddle featuring swastika designs is on display at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Canada.[38]

A swastika shape is a symbol in the culture of the Kuna people of Kuna Yala, Panama. In Kuna tradition, it symbolizes the octopus that created the world; its tentacles, pointing to the four cardinal points.[39]

It was the mystics of the Thule Gessellschaft who bequeathed the swastika to Hitler & the Nazis.

Quote:The use of the swastika was associated by Nazi theorists with their conjecture of Aryan cultural descent of the German people. Following the Nordicist version of the Aryan invasion theory, the Nazis claimed that the early Aryans of India, from whose Vedic tradition the swastika sprang, were the prototypical white invaders. It was also widely believed that the Indian caste system had originated as a means to avoid racial mixing.[citation needed] The concept of racial purity was an ideology central to Nazism, though it is now considered unscientific. For Rosenberg, the Aryans of India were both a model to be imitated and a warning of the dangers of the spiritual and racial "confusion" that, he believed, arose from the close proximity of races. Thus, they saw fit to co-opt the sign as a symbol of the Aryan master race. The use of the swastika as a symbol of the Aryan race dates back to writings of Emile Burnouf. Following many other writers, the German nationalist poet Guido von List believed it to be a uniquely Aryan symbol. Before the Nazis, the swastika was already in use as a symbol of German völkisch nationalist movements (Völkische Bewegung). In Deutschland Erwache (ISBN 0-912138-69-6), Ulric of England (sic) says:

[…] what inspired Hitler to use the swastika as a symbol for the NSDAP was its use by the Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft) since there were many connections between them and the DAP … from 1919 until the summer of 1921 Hitler used the special Nationalsozialistische library of Dr. Friedrich Krohn, a very active member of the Thule-Gesellschaft … Dr. Krohn was also the dentist from Sternberg who was named by Hitler in Mein Kampf as the designer of a flag very similar to one that Hitler designed in 1920 … during the summer of 1920, the first party flag was shown at Lake Tegernsee … these home-made … early flags were not preserved, the Ortsgruppe München (Munich Local Group) flag was generally regarded as the first flag of the Party.

José Manuel Erbez says:

The first time the swastika was used with an "Aryan" meaning was on December 25, 1907, when the self-named Order of the New Templars, a secret society founded by [Adolf Joseph] Lanz von Liebenfels, hoisted at Werfenstein Castle (Austria) a yellow flag with a swastika and four fleurs-de-lys.[48]

What Farrell may be (re)discovering is a piece of iconic, archetypal, encoding of a fundamental scientific principle in the symbolism of the swastika.

His suggestion does seem numinous to me.

At a mundane level, I can imagine torsion genius Gerlach selling his Bell project to the SS mystics through an exposition of this additional meaning of the swastiika.

At the profound level, perhaps this is one of the archetypal meanings intended - encoded? - by the original creators of the swastika.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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