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Clay Shaw
Tom S. 2016/06/06 at 10:45 pm
Beyond the T&C connections to INCA represented by Robertson, Shilstone and Raul, there is at least one other likely connection. In reporting the formation of T&C, James and Wardlaw mention a few additional members, namely Eberhard Deutsch,…. (33) The name of Deutsch jumps out of that list, since he is an attorney whose name appears on the letterhead of the Directors of INCA. (34) Deutsch has been described by Scott… as the General Counsel of Standard Fruit and as "Jim Garrison's former law partner and political mentor." (35)..
STANDARD FRUIT and STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Appellant, v. … Deutsch, Kerrigan Stiles, New Orleans, La., Eberhard P. Deutsch, Augusto P. Miceli,…..
The 1920's were a real challenge for division managers. After the passing away of Vicente D'Antoni, the division was managed by both Carmelo D'Antoni and by John Miceli, who did so, along with their other responsibilities on an off and on basis. This went on until 1922, when Biagio D'Antoni was assigned the position.
John Miceli
Neighbor's of Carlos Marcello :
31 August, 1970
[Image: BlaiseDAntoniObit1970.jpg]
"A great guy, Frank Costello," said D'Antoni, with fervor. "I'm a personal friend."
John Miceli's sister is married to Carmelo D'Antoni,(1)(1a) brother of Biaggio and Standard Fruit chairman, Dr. Joseph S. D'Antoni.
In 1939, John Miceli married Dorothy Agnes Brandao.(2) His brother, Augusto was counsel for Standard Fruit.
Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) Saturday, July 5, 2003
Dorothy Agnes Brandao, a retired Central Intelligence Agency field agent, died Sunday at Chateau de Notre Dame. She was 92. Ms. Brandao was a lifelong resident of New Orleans. She was a graduate of Newcomb College and the University of Iowa. She was a member of St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church and the Orleans Club. After retiring from the CIA, she worked for the New Orleans Tourist Commission for several years. There are no survivors….
[Image: Brandao030367.jpg]
The memo above indicates Dorothy Brandao was in a position to be anybody's "eyes and ears," including Garrison's via Eberhard Deutsch. Augusto Miceli had been Brandao's brother-in-law….
BTW, unless there are two Czajkowskis, (See last para. 6., in doc. image directly above) the same agent posed as an academic in May, 1963 ( ) as he sat in on a meeting with Dorothe Matlack, DeMohrenschildt, and Clemard Charles.:

End Quote

BTW, in the memo in the last image above, there is Musulin/Ray Telecon 3 Mar 67
Is this the Musulin Lloyd Ray was in telecon with?[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9123&stc=1]

Musulin is also copied by Lloyd Ray on the memo linked below, describing the reinitiated contact of one William R. Martin, recently reporting to Garrison (May 24, 1967)
that he, Martin had learned from a New Orleans native recently employed by CIA that Nicholas B Lemann's grandfather Monte had approved of Lloyd Ray's
predecessor, William P Burke, Jr. as SE U.S. chief of CIA domestic contacts and also described Monte's son, Stephen B Lemann as a distributor of CIA funds
in NOLA. Garrison used the description of Stephen, but did not include his name, in a letter of complaint the following month to the Commissioner of the FCC.

Attached Files
.jpg   GarrisonLloydRayMusulin.jpg (Size: 326.74 KB / Downloads: 67)
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Thanks, Tom. You've had most of this research done over a year ago at Morley's Place. Thanks for adding to the mystery.

Dorothy Brandao……. 'Their Miss Brooks' indeed.
Oswald is established as a lone nut?

William Ruggles in 1963 wrote the editorials of the Dallas Morning News.
His daughter Marilou Ruggles Core was linked in a CIA report to a former O.S.S. officer who became an India scholar at Harvard
and was the son of the Dallas Morning News music columnist. Marilou Ruggles married Jesse R Core III, a recent DMN reporter,
in 1950.
Marilou, in that same CIA report, is linked to two CIA officers who served in India, as well as her husband Jesse who admitted to
being a CIA asset. That CIA report describes Jesse as serving in Calcutta with one of those two linked CIA officers, David G Baldwin.

Kerry Thornley claimed his mentor, Clint Bolton, a former AP journalist reporting from India, was a close friend of Jesse Core.

J Walton Moore served in India in 1950, Ann Goodpasture in 1954.

Clay Shaw hired Baldwin as Trade Mart PR director upon his return from Calcutta in 1952 and in 1955 hired Jesse Core as Baldwin's
replacement. David G Baldwin informed Clay Shaw a week after Shaw was arrested that he (Baldwin), was godfather and first cousin of Liz Ziegler, wife of Jim Garrison.

Jesse Core reported to the FBI observing Oswald handing out fliers near the Trade Mart. Oswald is accused of firing a shot through
a window at 4011 Turtle Creek Blvd.
The thread at this link, is not very long. Please read it.:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9240&stc=1]

J.F. Stuart Arthur rented in 1962 the home he owned (since 1940) at 4011 Turtle Creek Blvd. to Edwin Walker.

[Image: Walker4011TurtleOwner.jpg]

[Image: Walker4011Miller1978.jpg]

W. Orrin Miller purchased the 4011 Turtle Creek property from JF Stuart Arthur in summer, 1963, one year after Arthur rented that property to Edwin Walker.

W. Orrin Miller is linked to George Bush....
Mr. Miller helped former President George Bush draw up incorporation papers for Zapata Petroleum when he first moved to Dallas TX , his son said.

"I can't prove any of that; it's a story he used to tell me," Robert Miller said.
[Image: Walker4011ArthurMiller1963.jpg]

Attached Files
.jpg   Walker4011StuartArthurJesseCore.jpg (Size: 109.62 KB / Downloads: 121)
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
The Italian newspaper L'Antidiplomatico published today a worldwide exclusive, by Michele Metta: inside Centro Mondiale Commerciale-Permindex in Rome, there was not only Clay Shaw but also Gershon Peres, brother of Shimon Peres, President of Israel from 2007 to 2014.

Jim Di, please read my post directly above
Ms. Marvard's last post in this thread and then emphasize you have an irrefutable analysis on Garrison and his antagonists.

I am bothering to weigh in because we agree on many things, you recently posted a positive mention of me on another forum, breaking a new rule there
that risked your suspension or banning.

I am prompted to post this because you posted about Tom Bethel today on that same dysfunctional forum. I am a researcher, not a writer, as I believe you are aware.

BTW, Andy Anderson you mentioned in this very thread was the longtime manager of the Adolphus Hotel, a different person than Newman researched and wrote about.

I am still keeping the roach bait fresh with the appreciated assistance of Mark O'Blazney. This was posted two days ago, by "you know who."
Quote:Former POTUS GHW Bush, 94 has passed. A thread to post discredited CT trollbait Started by Tom Scully on December 01, 2018,
Quote:Mark A. Oblazney Reply #22 December 4, 2018

Go ahead, Albert. Say something, in twelve paragraphs or less. Your opinions are worthless, in my humble opinion, especially when it comes to the Pinchot murder. You know nothing. Nothing. And Hendrix died by accident. So there.

Quote:Brian Doyle Hero Member Reply #23 December 4, 2018

Reality: After Scully and DiEugenio did their usual gang-bang on Janney by trying to debunk him through Mitchell I posted a summation of the key evidence for conspiracy in Mary Meyer's killing on the Deep Politics Forum...Each time I posted it Scully and DiEugenio ignored it...The worst part of this is Mitchell was what Janney was describing him as...Janney may have withdrawn his charges from Mitchell in public but if he did it was only for purposes of libel...Janney had his man and Mitchell was clearly part of a black op designed to frame a poor ignorant black man in a typical patsy set-up like we see repeatedly in Intel hits...DiEugenio and Scully were allowed to continue their gang-banging of an innocent whistleblower who was doing what they should have been doing...In effect Jim and Tom were acting as Lone Nutters just like Von Pein without accounting for it...When I posted my summation several times Jim and Tom were allowed to ignore it each and every time...It is a reality that is present in the thread over on DPF for anyone to see...BLAH... BLAH...BLAH

The brainless Dxxx Mxxxxxxx pretended to be confronting Jim D and calling him out on the evidence ....

I will complete my primary reason for addressing you, about your Tom Bethel comments, on your new thread.:
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Just plowing my way through Man of a Million Fragments by Carpenter.

As I expected, I struck gold in the pages of MMF by Carpenter. At page 307, Carpenter mentions that the FBI was trying to spy on the German Consulate in 1954 with the help of Shaw's staff at the International Trade Mart, but backed off over the issue of Shaw's homosexuality.

As mentioned before on DPF, author Carpenter discusses Shaw's military service with General Charles O Thrasher, but omits mention of Thrasher's recruitment of the Nazi scientists which involved Major Clay Shaw in 1944-1946. All this was documented in the books about Operation Paperclip by Annie Jacobsen, Tom Bower and others.

Because of this omission, one has to question the entire treatment of this issue by Carpenter (sadly). But as usual in books like this, Carpenter throws in endless detail and (sure as shooting) he spills the beans on the involvement of Shaw and the German Government.

At page 307, he mentions this above factoid about the FBI and the German Consolate. According to the following link, the German Consulate was located in Shaw's International Trade Center at room 103 in 1952.

Amazingly, author Carpenter refuses to read between the lines of his own work in any matter or means whatever. So I will read between the lines for him. He reports that General Thrasher was in charge of an area of occupation in France the covered one-fifth of that entire nation. But this was in northeastern France around the Marne area. Thus, Thrasher's area would not have covered the area of southern Germany that was where Shaw would have met with Nazis like Wernher von Braun. Further, since Thrasher was in charge of such a large area, he would not have been able to personally meet with and recruit the Von Braun team. This would mean that Shaw was likely personally running the Thrasher operation in recruiting these Nazis.

Based on Carpenter's portrayal of Shaw, Shaw was a "savant" in that he was functioning way, way above his background and upbringing in Louisiana. He went to New York and was a successful playwright around age 23. But he was only a high-school graduate, so he was precocious and likely rose quickly in the military ranks due to his uncanny and unaccountable intelligence and social skills. He would have apparently been capable of almost any achievement including recruiting the likes of Von Braun.

As I mentioned in The Three Barons, there is some evidence that Shaw was involved with the I G Farben German chemical company in their famous lawsuit which also involved JFK. The East German government was also suing Wernher von Braun over the Mittlebau/Dora concentration camp which was run by IG Farben during WWII. Von Braun gave testimony in this case at the German Consulate in NOLA in 1967.

Reading between the lines again, it looks like when Shaw returned to New Orleans, he was immediately set up "in business" by the CIA in establishing the International Trade Mart in New Orleans. Although the ITM was allegedly patterned after the Chicago Merchandise Mart, it was really nothing like that. It was obviously designed as a "front" for Shaw and his friends like Dr. Alton Ochsner (son of German immigrants) to co-ordinate with the escaped Nazis in South America.

It looks more and more like the fugitive Nazis were essentially running the US government to a large extent through Lyndon Johnson and his Space Committee in Congress and their absolute dominance of the U.S. missile program. According to Executive Intelligence review, Eisenhower narrowly escaped an actual military coup by Von Braun and General John B. Medaris (himself a genius). It also looks like that JFK launched the "moon race" as a sop to the Nazi scientists and a full-employment program for them (and probably out of a fear of them, like Ike had experienced).

Shaw often traveled to South America and according to Carpenter, was rumored to have met with Eva Peron there. All this was at the same time when ex-Gestapo officers like Horst Kopkow and Heinrich Muller were consulting with US and UK intelligence and designing the US National Security State from 1947 to 1953 and beyond based on their experience in designing the Gestapo for Hitler.

Also according to Carpenter, the Cuban consulate was kept open by anti-Castro people after Castro took over. That would have to be a CIA-supported situation. That consulate was also in Shaw's International Trade Mart. New Orleans was conveniently situated between Fort Bliss near El Paso and the Huntsville, Alabama Rocket facility, both centers of ex-Nazi scientific research. LBJ planned JFK's visit to Dallas in El Paso in June, 1963. On the internet, there is a photo of what appears to be Lady Bird Johnson with the German NOLA Consul and staff in 1963.

Shaw's travels also included Madrid, Spain and dovetailed perfectly with the picture painted of the Otto Skorzeny activities which author Ralph Ganis conclusively links to the JFK Assassination in The Skorzeny Papers. Spanish Fascist dictator Francisco Franco paid for the plaza surrounding the NOLA International Trade Mart, even up until 1978.

And Carpenter documents the connection between Shaw and the Permindex/Centro Mondo Commercialle in Rome which was a CIA covert operation.

The German Consulate in NOLA had with it an Information Officer, but author Carpenter does not report anything about its activities. The countries represented at the NOLA Trade Mart were mostly the fascist-connected countries of the EEU of that time like Italy, France, Germany and the South American countries like Argentina which were populated by the ex-Nazis.

I will have more complete analysis of the Carpenter book as I finish reading it. But it is obviously a gold-mine of genuine original research by Carpenter, and I would recommend it (regardless of Carpenter's blind eye towards the JFK conspiracy).

More to come.

James Lateer
Looking forward, Mr. Lateer, to your follow up commentary.

The late Jim Garrison (RIP), an honourable man of courage & integrity, knew in spite of Clay Shaw's lying eyes that Shaw was an intelligence asset. Like the rest of his ilk in the C.I.A., Shaw's allegiance was to the Agency. Mr. Garrison's allegiance, however, was to a much higher authority, his beloved country, a once open, free democratic Republic void of secrecy running amok by madmen.

Clay Shaw perjured himself, cowering away from an honest admission to do what his ilk does best, Lie, leaving even the Serpent in the Garden of Eden blushing. History has proven that Mr. Garrison was on the right track all along about the lying treasonous cowards playing god amid their own cutthroat version of treason. $%&#@ clowns.
Here is the first part of my review of Man of a Million Frangments:

The book Man of a Million Fragments by Donald H Carpenter is a book well worth reading if you are interested in the JFK assassination.
The author, Donald H. Carpenter is a forensic accountant and CPA by trade but he is also an excellent writer. His book Man of a Million Fragments: The True Story of Clay Shaw [hereinafter MMF] is a very thorough biography and analysis of the enigmatic Clay Shaw, the only person ever tried for the murder of John F. Kennedy.

The following are the major points that one will discover in the pages of MMF:

  1. Carpenter speaks with condescension about JFK "conspiracy theorists." This is ironic because his book treats the alleged JFK conspiracy in more detail than any other book I can think of.
  2. Carpenter writes "if one set out to examine any individual's life, it would be difficult to find a greater degree of unanimity of good feeling than that expressed toward Clay Shaw by those who had known him." Shaw was, according to Carpenter, a man who urged acquaintances to urinate on him and worse. I was hard for me as a reader to swallow all the glorious references to Shaw, knowing this disgusting background about him. How can you promote respect for someone like that? I'm sorry, but count me out as an admirer of Clay Shaw.
  3. I can only think of three other figures in the JFK assassination literature who had such a disgusting lifestyle. The others would be Nazi Generals Heinrich Muller, Karl Wolff and James Bond author, Ian Fleming. At least the first two were intimately connected with U.S. intelligence and probably Allen Dulles specifically. Fleming was a British Intelligence employee.
  4. The most enlightening information which I discovered in MMF is the clue about Jim Garrison assassination witness Thomas P. Breitner. Breitner was a professor at Berkeley in California who contacted various JFK investigators about a connection of Shaw to people Breitner felt were involved with Clay Shaw in the JFK assassination. That was because Breitner reported that Clay Shaw was meeting with Nazi-type people on the day of the assassination in his lab at Berkeley, California. This suggestion fits perfectly with the growing body of evidence that Shaw was closely connected with the worldwide network of fugitive WWII Nazis in the Kennedy murder.
  5. In the microbiology department at Berkeley (along with Breitner) were several German-connected scientists. One was the lab manager Gerhard Burde (apparently a former member of Hitler Youth). Two others were Peter H. Duesberg (born in Germany and came to the US in 1963) and Gunther Stent (who wrote a book entitled "Nazis, Women and Molecular Biology" published in 2004. Stent had worked for the US military in Germany in 1946. Still another faculty member there, in microbiology, was David Powell Hackett who was murdered in early 1964 in Berkeley (shot with a World War II German-made 38 caliber pistol). An immigrant from Luxembourg was strongly connected to that crime but there was a lack of proof.
  6. Carpenter reports that Garrison considered the International Trade Mart, (which was led by Clay Shaw from the late 1940's to 1965) to be a sinister building which had other nefarious purposes besides world trade. Carpenter mentions "consulates" as being located there which aroused Garrison's suspicion. Mentioned only indirectly by Carpenter was the fact the German Consulate was located there, at least from 1952 to 1963. In 1954, the German Consulate in the World Trade Center was under FBI investigation. It is important to know that the US and the UK retained control of the locations of West German consulates during that period, even up to 1955 when West Germany officially received back its legal sovereignty.
  7. Carpenter pleads innocence regarding the endless number of CIA-connected people with whom Shaw was involved personally from the 1940's up until his death in 1974.
8 The most egregious criticism of Carpenter is regarding Shaw's service under General Charles O. Thrasher during World War II. Carpenter goes into depth about Thrasher's important role in occupied France, but fails to mention Thrasher's involvement in recruiting Nazi scientists such as Wernher von Braun and other rocket experts as well as biological scientists (of the type on the faculty at Berkeley in 1963).

9 This deafening silence about Thrasher is due to the fact that Carpenter is apparently a purist when it comes to historical research. He worked almost exclusively from the papers of Shaw and original sources. It may well be that there is no information about Thrasher's role with the Nazi scientists in those papers. Thrasher's own daughter was the most important source about Thrasher which Carpenter mentions. She may have omitted information about this Nazi connection.

10 As a fellow CPA, I as a writer am sure that Carpenter was following the general ethical principles observed by CPA's in writing their opinion letters. CPA's stick strictly to the facts and numbers that they uncover in their auditing. In their opinion letters, they might mention and client lacks internal financial controls or the client is not a "going concern." But they don't editorialize. Likewise, in MMF, Carpenter absolutely refuses to read between the lines IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. This is, of course, his prerogative as an historian whereby he sticks to original sources. The details that he reports could be characterized as "a million fragments" about his subject, Clay Shaw. (In reality, he reports easily 5000 details about Shaw, at a minimum).

11 The overall takeaway from Carpenter's analysis of Shaw (and his life) is that Shaw was indeed involved with the JFK assassination. However, Carpenter seems to be of the mind that Shaw was innocent because he was found not-guilty by a jury of his peers. The guilt of Shaw still comes through (in my opinion). A person just can't happen to know that many CIA-connected people all by accident or happenstance.

12 Carpenter faithfully reports all the connections between Shaw and the sinister Italian organization known as Centro Mondo Commerciale or Permindex, led by Hungarian Ference Nagy from 1958 onwards. That groups was clearly CIA sponsored and also involved Fascist leftovers from World War II, and probably actual former Hitlerite Nazis such as Hjalmar Schacht.

13 The International Trade Mart in New Orleans was probably established almost exclusively as a front which enabled Shaw to travel to Latin American and Spain where the hotbeds of fugitive World War II Nazis were located. It was just an office building but it supported a large group of bureaucrats. It had to have CIA subsidies to be such a financial treasure-trove while in competition with other plain-vanilla office buildings of a similar sort which are normally low-budget.

14 I have to say that Carpenter did a superb job in sticking to the evidence contained in the reports of the multitude of witnesses and he drew all the right inferences and conclusions JUST STICKING TO THE WITNESS ACCOUNTS. In this respect, his treatment of the Garrison investigation is radically different than that of other authors such as Joan Mellen (and Garrison himself).

15 And it also should be mentioned that Carpenter doesn't even mention the New Orleans history and JFK plot information discovered by author Dr. Jeffrey Caufield about the anti-communist investigations by Senator James O. Eastland in New Orleans at the time of the JFK assassination which involved Garrison. Carpenter never mentions the name Leander Perez. He also fails to even mention the thorough reporting by two different authors about the CIA weaponized-cancer project involving Dr. Alton Ocshner and Dr. Mary Sherman. He does mention Dr. Sherman, who was murdered in NOLA but Carpenter fails to connect her to the CIA weaponized-cancer project with which she was most certainly involved in 1963 along with Lee Harvey Oswald, Ochsner and others.

16 Finally, the last facts which are omitted by Carpenter are the likely blind spots in the eyes of Garrison about law enforcement involvement in the JFK murder and the failure to accuse right-wing extremists. Apparently, Garrison had deep involvement with the military, law-enforcement (FBI) and right-wing extremists whom he represented in court as NOLA District Attorney. SO THAT LEFT ONLY CLAY SHAW FOR GARRISON TO ACCUSE AND PROSECUTE. (A real shame).

Over all, The Man of a Million Fragments is well worth reading if you are a JFK buff or a history buff generally.

James Lateer
Does anyone know if Shaw's address book can be obtained online?

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