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At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds
Helen Reyes Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:If memory serves, it's to do with Crisman and Banister's "flying saucers" psy-op and the filing system for some of the related reports.

Please expand.

Yeah, Banister's (or Shaw's? they were apparently both there, as was Garrison) reports back to the director of the FBI on UFO activity in Washington state in 1947 (and perhaps elsewhere, I don't know) carried the title X-File number number number.

Helen, this could be very important or it could just be a spelling issue but who was the person named "Cordon Hull" from the Minutemen you mentioned a few days ago? Don't leave me hanging. Could it have been Gordon Hall perhaps? What is your source for Cordon Hull and could it have been Cordell Hull instead who was not a Minuteman? I can not tell you who Gordon Hall was just yet, but he is long since deceased and he sometimes impersonated a leader of the KKK, sometimes a John Bircher, sometimes a White Supremacist, sometimes even a member of YAF, sometimes a legitimate newspaper man, or a high school teacher or even a leader of the Communist Party. He was such a great chameleon he could convince almost anyone that he was "sympathetic to their causes" and he used to go into left wing offices of various MIT student organizations and offer to "reorganize their files" using his X-files methodology and they actually let him do it. Of course he had to read everything in order to X-File it. They used to pass him along from org to org, too. He got the scoop on what they were doing, who their leaders were and they were planning. Even when I told one of those MIT morons what he was up to he went into denial. And he did the same for the right wing. Billy James Hargis from the right and Frank Donner from the left exposed him, too. Frank wrote exposes on illegal taping and wire tapping and other surreptitious methods of info gathering. Gee sounds kinda like me. He He.

Wonder if he kept organizing the "MIT X-Files" right up until the day he died.
Bet he did. Morons! He was on the C.O.P.A. mailing list too, according to my friend John Judge, but that was pretty innocent stuff really.

Sarah McClendon was just like my X-Files suspect and she pulled the wool over the eyes of Bill Kelly from C.O.P.A. of BK/CryOps fame. He is still in denial and still partaking of the BK/CryOps strategy which involves obfuscation, graffiti tagging, debilitation and other similar childish tactics. Stop the denial and admit that Sarah McClendon, former White House Reporter from Texas, got the best of you. Wonder if she seduced him with her charms? She was about 80 years old, Bill, how could you fall for that?
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Helen, this could be very important or it could just be a spelling issue but who was the person named "Cordon Hull" from the Minutemen you mentioned a few days ago? Don't leave me hanging. Could it have been Gordon Hall perhaps? What is your source for Cordon Hull and could it have been Cordell Hull instead who was not a Minuteman? I can not tell you who Gordon Hall was just yet, but he is long since deceased and he sometimes impersonated a leader of the KKK, sometimes a John Bircher, sometimes a White Supremacist, sometimes even a member of YAF, sometimes a legitimate newspaper man, or a high school teacher or even a leader of the Communist Party.

Just an error, sorry. Cordon Meyer, I meant. Not a minuteman, CIA whose brother was deputy chief of Dallas PD or something.

EDIT: Cord Meyer.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:David, I would assume you probably buy into my Birchers as lynchpins thesis more than most, correct? Can you buy into the Ray S. Cline as John Yerkes Iselin analogy to any extent? I think Helen is crossing over to our side on the Bircher theme, and maybe on the ManCand themes slowly but surely. What say you Helen Reyes? (an obviousLY deliberately contorted anagram for Rey Lenses, Eh? or The King's Glasses, huh?. <grin>)

Not entirely John. I think the Birchers are just too focused on the domestic US and what we are teasing out here is bigger than that. I think we must include amongst the growing band of like-minded villains the Catholic power group Opus Dei. I was once told by someone associated with these sorts of events and who was close to the CIA (but not on their books) that OD was the nexus of the European right. This has always made sense to me and I believe it is probably true. The gentleman concerned personally knew many of the leading post WWII nazi players and I doubt not his insights.

I would say rather that we are looking at the rabid far right that has its share of powerful and influential converts all over the world. There are some insight to be gained by what has been revealed in recent years about the Syncarchists. The Wiki page is one place to start learning about the Pacte Synarchique. Whatever the actual historical veracity of this and other associated documents, it seems to me that something along these lines is probably the case.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Helen Reyes Wrote:House mom/homemaker. I've done some shoddy journalism in the past. I've been variously called a demon from hell, Anti-Christ, KGB agent, Mossad agent, neo-Nazi, sadist and fascist, but if I had to choose I'd just call myself seeker after truth. Thanks for asking.

Jeez, that' s some upsetting you've done Helen. I'm impressed.:rock:
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:
John Bevilaqua Wrote:David, I would assume you probably buy into my Birchers as lynchpins thesis more than most, correct? Can you buy into the Ray S. Cline as John Yerkes Iselin analogy to any extent? I think Helen is crossing over to our side on the Bircher theme, and maybe on the ManCand themes slowly but surely. What say you Helen Reyes? (an obviousLY deliberately contorted anagram for Rey Lenses, Eh? or The King's Glasses, huh?. <grin>)

Not entirely John. I think the Birchers are just too focused on the domestic US and what we are teasing out here is bigger than that. I think we must include amongst the growing band of like-minded villains the Catholic power group Opus Dei. I was once told by someone associated with these sorts of events and who was close to the CIA (but not on their books) that OD was the nexus of the European right. This has always made sense to me and I believe it is probably true. The gentleman concerned personally knew many of the leading post WWII nazi players and I doubt not his insights.

I would say rather that we are looking at the rabid far right that has its share of powerful and influential converts all over the world. There are some insight to be gained by what has been revealed in recent years about the Syncarchists. The Wiki page is one place to start learning about the Pacte Synarchique. Whatever the actual historical veracity of this and other associated documents, it seems to me that something along these lines is probably the case.

I will check it out. But my concept of the Hierarchy of the Assassination Cabal would look something like this based simply on the total volume of identified leaders from each special interest group associated with the JFK hit. Sort of like the bubble sort for keyword concentration on a web page:

Draper's Eugenicists and Nazis: 20-25

(Some of whom belonged to groups below)

Richard Condon's Dirty Baker's Dozen: 13-?

McCarthyites and MacArthurites: 12-15

The Central Intelligence Agency 8-12

American Security Council: 8-12

Army Intelligence: 7-10

Armed Services Committee of Shickshinny Knights of Malta: 5-7

Anti-Communist Liaison Committe of Correspondence: 5-6

The John Birch Society: 4-6

Anti-Bolshevik Nations and Organization of Ukrainian Natonalists: 3-5

Now the question is: Name the SINGLE PERSON who shows up on about
6-7 of these organizations or affinity groups. That would make him Mr. Big in the JFK hit if I am right about these organizations. And name Number Two on the list as well. Taco Bell Gift Certificate at stake here.
NOP is an assembler language mnemonic which means "no operation." There is no mnemonic for psy-op or cry-op Smile the best you can do is a conditional jump, I'm afraid. Stupid computers.

John Bevilaqua Wrote:My specialty is shoddy journalism loaded with inferences, bad cites and jumping to conclusions... But that is how I solved this whole thingy so what is so bad about that? ...
Funny as hell as they blubber, stammer, stutter and harrumph... "I thought this was uhhhh... about inheriting umm.... some money..." Ummm... Guess again. You just got busted!

Yes, traditional techniques haven't cracked it yet. You can surely run anything you want past me manuscript-wise, I'll give you an opinion at least, but I probably don't have time to do any real research or fact checking.
Helen Reyes Wrote:
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Helen, this could be very important or it could just be a spelling issue but who was the person named "Cordon Hull" from the Minutemen you mentioned a few days ago? Don't leave me hanging. Could it have been Gordon Hall perhaps? What is your source for Cordon Hull and could it have been Cordell Hull instead who was not a Minuteman? I can not tell you who Gordon Hall was just yet, but he is long since deceased and he sometimes impersonated a leader of the KKK, sometimes a John Bircher, sometimes a White Supremacist, sometimes even a member of YAF, sometimes a legitimate newspaper man, or a high school teacher or even a leader of the Communist Party.

Just an error, sorry. Cordon Meyer, I meant. Not a minuteman, CIA whose brother was deputy chief of Dallas PD or something.

EDIT: Cord Meyer.

The Cabell's had the only Dallas brothers connection between the CIA and the Mayor's office or the Dallas PD that I am aware of... Maybe Cabell just jumbled in your X-Files <grin>?

These men acted with the approval and consent of the CIA Deputy Director of Planning, Richard M. Bissel, along with the Deputy Director of Operations, Lieutenant General Charles Cabell -- later relieved of his duty by President Kennedy, who he would describe as a “traitor.” Cabell’s brother, Earle, was the Mayor of Dallas in 1963 and oversaw all activities relating to the motorcade and its chosen route through the city and down Elm Street.
Helen Reyes Wrote:NOP is an assembler language mnemonic which means "no operation." There is no mnemonic for psy-op or cry-op Smile the best you can do is a conditional jump, I'm afraid. Stupid computers.

John Bevilaqua Wrote:My specialty is shoddy journalism loaded with inferences, bad cites and jumping to conclusions... But that is how I solved this whole thingy so what is so bad about that? ...
Funny as hell as they blubber, stammer, stutter and harrumph... "I thought this was uhhhh... about inheriting umm.... some money..." Ummm... Guess again. You just got busted!

Yes, traditional techniques haven't cracked it yet. You can surely run anything you want past me manuscript-wise, I'll give you an opinion at least, but I probably don't have time to do any real research or fact checking.

Yeah, I knew the NOP acronym. I still do Microsoft SQL Server 2008, on Windows 2008, IIS, with eCommerce enablement using ASP. See: NOPCommerce running at or the world's first eCommerce site running both Bing Cashback, Google Checkout, PayPal Checkout with exports to about 10 major Pay Per Click or Pay Per Acquisition sites, too. Whaddya think?
Wanna buy a watch?
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Another challenge is the claim that mind control experimentation was conducted in Harbin, Manchuria. It may have been, but the known history of Unit 731 is entirely concerned with biological and chemical warfare experiments, of which very many were terminal.

I also am unaware of any kind control work conducted by the Japanese. However, they were involved in developing a "death ray" that could kill an unshielded human at distances up to 10 kilometres. In view of later US emphasis in developing electromagnetic mind control technology one supposes that more may have been done in this area by the Japanese that was kept entirely secret. But who knows for sure?

Quote:The background to the development of anti-personnel electromagnetic weapons can be traced by to the early-middle 1940’s and possibly earlier. The earliest extant reference, to my knowledge, was contained in the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific Survey, Military Analysis Division, Volume 63) which reviewed Japanese research and development efforts on a “Death Ray”.

Whilst not reaching the stage of practical application, research was considered to be sufficiently promising to warrant the expenditure of Yen 2 million during the years 1940-1945. Summarizing the Japanese efforts allied scientists concluded that a ray apparatus might be developed that could kill unshielded human beings at a distance of 5 to 10 miles. Studies demonstrated that, for example, automobile engines could be stopped by tuned waves as early as 1943.[1] It is, therefore, reasonable to suppose that this technique has been available for a great many years? Research on living organisms ( mice and ground hogs) revealed that waves from 2 meters to 60 centimeters in length caused hemorrhage of lungs, whereas waves shorter than two meters destroyed brain cells.

Failing car engines was, of course, a marked feature of UFO sightings in the Sixties and Seventies.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Somewhere I read that The Protocols were White Russian forgeries...Can not recall precisely.

They were translated into Russian and popularized in St. Petersburg around the time of Rasputin. That's basically where the ominous conspiracy surrounding them comes from, from the Russian version and fanfare then and there.

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