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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile
More from Judyth:

As Ed Haslam wrote, it was more important to get rid of Lee Oswald due to our bioweapon operation than it was for any other reason. Lee also was involved in it up to his eyebrows. You have been taught that he was stupid, a nobody. I remind you that he learned Russian so well Armstrong believed he was a native speaker.

Note that Lee Oswald's half brother, John Pic, worked in a US armed forces pathology laboratory in San Antonio and ran lab operations, that is in the W.C. Records....Is it a stretch to believe that his half-brother had enough brains to do lab work? Only if you knew what was really going on can you put these together and get the big picture. Otherwise, you can’t sift the wheat from the chaff.

Lee was trained to handle the bioweapon and knew how to keep it alive, to get it safely into the hands of others. He knew the polio vaccine was contaminated and was still being passed out to everybody anyway, to be used, despite the presence of the cancer-causing monkey virus. It would take decades to get rid of the contamination.

Lee knew there were plans to ship our bioweapon-contaminated monkeys to Africa, both to cover the origin of the bioweapon and to hopefully decimate the black population--eugenics society plans behind the back doors...Note that the creation of this type of virus was sped up artificially--but when they are tracing the origins, they say it goes back to the 1930’s, etc. Because they assume a normal rate of generational changes, when in fact it was accelerated. You can’t use the usual mathematical paradigms to trace how ‘old’ the bioweapon and its offshoots actually are. In nature, such changes go slowly. Not so in the lab. The public is deceived into thinking HIV and other such viruses that may have been handled in a way similar to what we were doing, actually began in the 1930’s or so, and the disinfo folks will push that.

Lee knew that M.D. Anderson (and, we believe, Baylor) also had the bioweapon--the only person beside myself who knew it had got out of Ochsner's hands. But now I am the last one still alive. The other person who knew that was Hugh Ward, who flew Lee to Houston in a Schlumberger plane, a Dove.

As I told you, Hugh Ward died May, 1964; flaming plane crash, Mexico. Guy Banister died in June, 1964 and his files were stolen – people in New Orleans in 2000 told me he was shot in the back, including Anna Lewis, but the coroner wisely for his own health seems to have decided on a heart attack.

[Image: 243grcg.jpg]

Dr. Mary Sherman died July 21, 1964; the day the W.C. arrived to take testimonies. By then, everybody got the message.

I am the last witness still alive that knows the bioweapon went to deep freeze (liquid nitrogen) at M.D. Anderson. How do I know that? I was sent to work at PenChem, where I made glyceride compounds they tested freezing cells with in liquid nitrogen. BTW, every day I had to work with liquid nitrogen.

For fun, I show here part of somebody’s description of working with it, exactly as did I:

Liquid nitrogen has been part of my scientific life since I first entered a lab. See, there's two types of cells you can grow (in petri dishes, flasks, 6-96 well plates, or, in the case of one microbiology undergrad, on the flesh of your back). Primary cells have been taken directly from the source, be it a human or an animal,via biopsy or just by cutting it open and taking out an organ or two. You 'split' (ie. take a smaller amount of cells from a container that's full of 'em and transport to a new, fresh container) primary cells about 20 times at most. After that, you can't be sure they're the same cells you started with - primary cells have a bad habit of changing.

The second type are the immortalised cells. The first of these was the HeLa cells, and they were originally the cervical cancer cells of a woman called Henrietta Lacks (hence, the HeLa), who died from the disease. She was also royally screwed over by the doctor who propogated these cells from her biopsy without her permission or knowledge and, eventually commercialised those 'progeny'. You're not allowed to do that today (says the woman who had to write a 25 page ethics application to ask permission to use people's blood cells which we'd then dispose of, not alter and make shitloads of money off). Immortialised cell-lines don't change. This makes them awesome. What little comfort Henrietta's family can take from the entire shitty mess is that HeLa cells have been instrumental in everything from development of the Sacks vaccine for Polio to understanding of telemeres and their role in cancer. Next time you're having a drink, raise your glass to Henrietta Lacks.

Regardless of what type of cell you're using, you need a stock of them. Here's where liquid nitrogen comes in. Take one large container, fill it with racks containing boxes of your cells samples. Add liquid nitrogen and there you have it, long term cell storage. The temperature of liquid nitrogen is about -200C, AKA, Really Fucking Cold. This stops the cells from doing, well, anything. It's like those cold mornings when you don't want to get out of bed, multiplied by a million. Here's a demonstration picture of a random scientist and their cells:

[Image: bad%20scientist%20no%20cookie.jpg]

But there's another feature of liquid nitrogen that isn't so well known. At room temperature, it evaporates. When it evaporates, it expands to about 7 times what it is in liquid form, shoving the oxygen and carbon dioxide away. This has a bad effect on humans, because our lungs are set up according to the usual ratio of oxygen:carbon dioxide: nitrogen, and if it's not right, you're not conscious. What makes it worse is that nitrogen is heavier than oxygen and carbon dioxide and when people pass out, they tend to fall downwards. Where it's mostly nitrogen.

I am mentioning this because I was working with this in 1963. Due to the correspondence I had, I know that the bioweapon was frozen and can be grown and used at any time. Period.

Interestingly, McAdams had on his website and—I have the posts—posted that Dr. Sherman was not a cancer researcher, just an orthopaedic surgeon. He said a colleague of his assured him cancer cells cannot be injected in people and stay viable....that you cannot get cancer from injections. He laughed at the notion.
More from Judyth:

Here is the truth, where we did something akin to this--see the following link--back in 1963:

Updated Friday, August 7, 2009 10:01 am TWN, The China Post news staff:

Doctor injects cancer cells in insurance scam

KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan -- Investigators recently cracked a health insurance scam involving a doctor injecting cancerous cells into patients with their knowledge, local media reported yesterday.

The defrauders altogether swindled over NT$20 million in payouts from insurance firms, noted the media.
Hsu Shi-zheng, a former attending physician with the obstetrics and gynecology department at the Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, and his partner in crime, Lee Mao-chang, would seek out women with relatively poor uterine health and have them sign up for critical illness insurance policies with multiple insurers, the media said.

According to reports, Hsu would then extract cancerous cells from another patient with malignant cell growth and inject the healthy women with cancerous cells during “procedures.”

Investigators were tipped when an insurer found inconsistencies in the records of one of the women, surnamed Lin. She reported a thin income, yet paid premiums in sums of several thousands of dollars from an account that was under Lee's name, said reports.

Officers eventually sent the ovarian tissue sample with which Lin's “cancer” was diagnosed to Mackay Memorial Hospital, where it was later revealed via a DNA test that the malignant growth did not match her own cells.

Hsu was apprehended when authorities issued a search warrant late June

Nonconsensual Medical Experiments on Human Beings
(1997) by Ronald B. Standler, which may be found at

[Image: wmjo7p.jpg]

4. injections of cancer cells

There were intradermal injections of live human cancer cells into 22 chronically ill, debilitated non-cancer patients in 1963 without their consent in the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital case, to learn if foreign cancer cells would live longer in debilitated non-cancer patients than in patients debilitated by cancer. Lump at injection site disappeared approximately seven weeks after injection. Research funded by U.S.P.H.S. and American Cancer Society. The subjects were not told that the injection contained cancer cells, because the physicians "did not wish to stir up any unnecessary anxieties in the patients" who had "phobia and ignorance" about cancer. Physicians claim each patient gave "oral consent", but a material fact was not disclosed to patient and many of the patients were not in a physical or mental condition to give valid consent. Hospital administration tried to cover-up lack of consent, and some written consents were fraudulently obtained after the fact. Three physicians at the Hospital resigned when the administration did not seriously consider their complaints about the experiment. The chief of medicine at JCDH and the principal investigator were placed on probation for one year by the New York State medical licensing board, as a result of a unanimous guilty verdict on fraud/deceit and unprofessional conduct. Two years later, the American Cancer Society elected the principal investigator to be their Vice-President.

Hyman 251 N.Y.S.2d 818 (1964), rev'd 258 N.Y.S.2d 397 (1965) (litigation regarding whether director of hospital could have access to patients' medical records) and Katz, Experimentation with Human Beings (1972), pp. 9-65, recounts more than you want to know about this experiment, including affidavits of physicians on both sides.

In passing, it is noted that several hundred postoperative gynecology patients at Memorial Hospital had the same injections, also without consent, but there was no fuss about that. (Katz at 11, 23, 27, 37) Why was it necessary to inject human cancer cells into more than 300 healthy subjects; wouldn't a smaller number of subjects be adequate? There seems to be a genuine scientific controversy about whether the injections were dangerous: some cancer experts said that it was impossible to transplant human cancer cells from one person to another, as the donee's body would reject the foreign cells. But there is one documented case of transplantation of melanoma from daughter to mother (Katz at 309). And several physicians testified that the injected cells might produce cancer years later.

If a physician were to ask healthy people if they would willingly agree to have live cancer cells injected into them, the healthy people would certainly say "NO!" The practical result is that, if this research is to be performed on a large number of subjects, the physician performs his experiment on non-consenting patients. This point raises a number of interesting questions. Is this experiment so important to society that the requirement of informed consent should be suspended? Is it really necessary to have a large number of subjects, or could we get adequate information from experiments on a few brave volunteers? I believe informed consent is always necessary when subjects are participating in an experiment that can not benefit them.
From Judyth:




Electronic Assassinations Newsletter

Issue #2 New Discoveries in the Recently Released Assassination Files

Jerry D. Rose

NOTE: This article was originally published in The Fourth Decade 4/3 March 1997.

Oh, what a tune! - in the words of an old Jimmy Durante song. The Information Council of the Americas played an interesting "tune" in both the foreground and the aftermath of the JFK assassination. This article explores the exploits of INCA at three critical times: during the "communizing" of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans in the summer of 1963; in helping to create, immediately after the assassination, a climate of fear that the murder was a "communist conspiracy"; and its continuing effort to promote that scenario of the assassination, especially at the time of the Garrison investigation circa 1967-69.

A bit of historical background on INCA will bring us up to speed on this interesting organization. A useful source for this historical thumbnail is an article on INCA by Arthur Carpenter in the magazine Louisiana History. (1) As Carpenter describes it, INCA was created to protect the interests of the New Orleans economic elite, including the fruit companies and the shipping and other industries that were highly dependent on a stable situation in Latin America and were, of course, aghast at the economic instability introduced by the Castro regime in Cuba.

The founding lights of INCA were Alton Ochsner, the legendary physician/surgeon founder of the Ochsner Clinic, which catered particularly to an elitist Latin American medical clientele; and a youthful Edward Scannell Butler, a professional public relations man. After a rather abortive attempt in 1961 to promote Latin American anti-communism through a Free Voice of Latin America (with headquarters in the International Trade Mart), (2) Butler later that year teamed with Ochsner to form INCA. Butler claims to have conceived of INCA while he was still in Army,"in the quiet little town of Alexandria, Virginia." (3)

When INCA was formed, Butler did not, of course, emphasize the organization's role in protecting the economic interest of the city's elite. Rather, INCA's aims were couched in patriotic anti-communism. INCA's "truth tapes" (30 minute broadcasts produced and furnished to Latin American radio stations), said Butler, "will be one of the best ways of staving off communism until the Alliance For Progress [the Kennedy administration's Latin American policy] gets underway." (4)

A glorious opportunity for an INCA "truth tape" presented itself in August of 1963 when Lee Harvey Oswald, the former Soviet defector and the one member of the New Orleans branch of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, became embroiled in a highly publicized series of involvements with INCA operatives. I refer, of course, to Oswald's pro-Castro leafleting activities on New Orleans streets, during one of which episodes he was arrested after a scuffle with the anti-Castro activist Carlos Bringuier, after which he engaged in a WDSU radio "debate" with Bringuier and Butler-which resulted in a vivid public identification of Oswald as a Soviet defector and pro-Castro disloyalist.

[Image: 6rrha0.jpg]

The role of INCA in arranging both the leafleting activity and the debate (the transcript of which furnished the basis of a famous "truth tape") is well known in the research community, but is perhaps more profound than has been generally recognized. The degree of WDSU interest in such seemingly mundane demonstrations has been suggested as problematical by Melanson and others. (5)

As Carpenter notes, (6) Edgar Stern who (with his wife Edith) was a co-owner of WDSU, was an active member of INCA. Also relatively little known, I think, are Bringuier's connections to INCA. He was a member of INCA, at least in 1967, (7) and his sympathy and support for the organization go back to pre-assassination times. After their "debate" in August 1963, when Bringuier was calling for a "congressional investigation" of Oswald and the FPCC, he also, in a press release, urged people to "help those organizations such as 'INCA' directed by Mr. Edward Butler, whose lives are dedicated to fight communism all over the world and especially in Latin America." (8)

Apparently Butler and INCA reciprocated the admiration because Bringuier was the guest speaker at INCA's Second Truth Forum on November 19, 1963. (9) During his speech, he provided a scenario of communist propaganda techniques in Argentina that seems remarkably similar to the way Oswald was manipulated by anti-communists in the summer of 1963. He describes a pattern of "two communists starting a street corner debate ... One will defend capitalism and the other communism. When a large enough crowd congregates, the one defending democracy will concede that the pro-Communist speaker is right." (10) This suggests that Bringuier and his collaborators learned from the enemy, and that the 'disaster" for the FPCC in New Orleans (and Dallas) was fully planned for and done with the connivance of Oswald.

The next spate of INCA/Oswald propaganda activism occurred in the few hours and days following the assassination. Butler and Bringuier were again among the principal actors. Near the beginning of the Garrison investigation (on February 21, 1967), Butler issued a press release in which he said he "debated Oswald 93 days before the assassination and was called to Washington within 48 hours after the tragedy to testify to the [Senate Internal Security Subcommittee]." (11)

Actually he misrepresents somewhat both the time frame of his visit to D.C. and the claim that he was "called" there, as opposed to having gone there on his own initiative. As I have indicated in an "updates" section of The Fourth Decade, (12) Butler was in the Washington office of Congressman Hale Boggs on the very day of the "tragedy," and presented Boggs (later to be a Warren Commissioner) with enough Oswald-as-communist material that Boggs came out as a believer in the Butler scenario. It was, however, on November 24 that Butler made an extraordinary visit to the red-hunting lair of Senator Thomas Dodd, chairman of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee or SISS. (13)

Widening the audience for its propaganda to the general public, INCA operatives like Bringuier were feeding the press its first stories about Oswald's "communist" activities in New Orleans in the summer of 1963. Apparently the chosen instrument of this propaganda was the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE), of which Bringuier was the New Orleans delegate. The House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), in investigating a story told by Clare Booth Luce about having been contacted by Cuban exiles the night of the assassination with the "information" that Castro was behind the assassination, interviewed Jose Antonio Lanusa, a Miami DRE leader and reported the following result:

Jose Antonio Lanusa was interviewed by the committee on April 22, 1978. Lanusa said that on November 22, 1963, he and a small group of DRE members were at a Miami Beach hotel when they heard the news of the assassination of the President. When Oswald's name was broadcast, Lanusa recalled the name as that of someone who had something to do with one of the DRE delegates, so Lanusa and those who were with him went to the Miami DRE office to search the files to determine if Lanusa's suspicion was right. By late afternoon, they had found delegate Bringuier's report from New Orleans detailing his encounter with Oswald. Along with it was a sample Fair Play for Cuba (FPCC) leaflet and a tape recording of the radio debate. With this discovery someone immediately called a CIA contact. This person told them not to do anything or contact anyone else for at least an hour. He said he needed time to contact Washington headquarters for instructions. Nevertheless, Lanusa said, he was so anxious to release the information that Oswald was associated with a pro-Castro group that he contacted the major news organizations before the hour was up.(14)That delegate Bringuier's "report" contained a recording of the Bringuier/Butler/Oswald debate was fortunate indeed for the propaganda purposes of INCA's ally, the DRE.

Finally, I come to the intensive activity of INCA in the era of 1967-1969 as related to the investigations of District Attorney Jim Garrison. Apparently INCA had hoped at an early stage to co-opt the investigation. Shortly after the first publicity surfaced in the Garrison case, on February 21, 1967, Butler wrote Garrison to "offer INCA's facilities, contacts and know-how in the area of communist psycho-warfare." (15)
Apparently Garrison did not accept the offer since, by June of 1967, Butler had moved INCA files from New Orleans to Los Angeles and Ochsner, at first having questioned the move, finally granted its wisdom. In a letter to Butler dated June 29, 1967, Ochsner reported that William Gurvich had just resigned from Garrison's staff and had provided the information that Garrison planned to arrest "a doctor," possibly himself, and accuse INCA of assassination involvement. (16)

This INCA paranoia had mellowed by November of 1967 to a form in which Butler was claiming, in a letter to California supporter Patrick Frawley, that "INCA will be attacked by Garrison, with distortion, innuendo and 'evidence' during the Shaw trial, when the eyes and ears of the world will be [small section of text missing at this point in the article] debacle from Garrison, it was ready to counter-attack. When Ochsner became a "little suspicious" of one of Garrison's investigators, Tom Bethel, he wrote Congressman Hebert of Louisiana to find out if the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) had any "subversive" information on Bethel (it didn't). (18) The cause of Ochsner's "suspicion?" Bethel "is an Englishman, who apparently went to Washington to see if the CIA had anything on Oswald."

When Mark Lane began making speeches in the New Orleans area, Ochsner complained to the President of the Young Businessmen's Club at the Roosevelt Hotel (owned by INCA member Seymour Weiss) that Lane was "affiliated with communistic front organizations" and that his writings indicated that "he apparently had concluded that because Oswald was a communist, he did not do it." (19) He also wrote Tulane University President Herbert Longenecker (also an INCA member) with the same complaint, saying that he had hoped that "Tulane is one place that there would be some control" of people the likes of Garrison and Lane. (20) When he went again to HUAC, the result was more productive than in the case of Bethel, as HUAC sent along a lengthy resume of Lane's "communist front" memberships, including the National Lawyers Guild and (of course!) the New York Council to Abolish HUAC. (21)

For all these and other instances of Garrison-bashing by INCA, there is nothing in the published record (that I know of) to indicate that Garrison ever did contemplate prosecution and/or public vilification of INCA. In neither of Garrison's two books on the assassination is there any mention of INCA, Butler or Ochsner (and even the name Bringuier does not appear in the index to the second book). (22) Are we dealing, then, with a case of severe paranoia (or a guilty conscience) on the part of INCA; or, perhaps, with an actual co-optation of the Garrison investigation by INCA? Let us explore for a bit this second possibility.

My comments in this direction revolve largely around the unusual composition of the group of New Orleans "citizens" who, in early 1967, formed a group called Truth and Consequences (T&C) which would provide private funding for Garrison in his investigation. (23) Peter Dale Scott long ago pointed out the anomaly that two of the three leaders of T&C, Willard Robertson and Cecil Shilstone, were in fact founding members of INCA. (24) Robertson was an especially active member. When INCA opened its 'truth tapes" operation in 1961, Robertson was prominent in the dedication ceremonies and had donated, for INCA's use in local fund-raising, a "bright red, sound-equipped station wagon." (25) (presumably a Volkswagen, since Robertson had the VW dealership in the New Orleans area). For this generosity (and, no doubt for other services rendered), he was given an INCA Fighter for Freedom Award at an INCA ceremony on December 11, 1963. (26)

Actually, the INCA ties to T&C (and to Jim Garrison) go considerably beyond the Robertson/Shilstone connection noted by Scott. The third (and usually considered the leading) founder of T&C, oil tycoon Joseph Rault, Jr., arguably had ties to INCA as well ... he certainly was close to Ochsner. Although I have not found that Rault was an INCA member, there is a letter in the Ochsner papers soliciting Rault for a contribution. (27)

In 1965, when Ochsner was chairman of the New Orleans Inter-American Municipal Organization, he brought in Rault as a temporary director. (28) The man who ultimately replaced Rault was a Bay of Pigs veteran, Cuban exile Alberto Fowler, has been described as a sometime investigator for Jim Garrison. (29) Finally, Rault was, in one account, (30) present with Senator Russell Long when the idea was planted in Garrison's mind that the Warren Commission had done a faulty investigation. The Long connection to Garrison and Ochsner is an interesting one.

A biography of Ochsner shows a surprising friendship between Ochsner and Long - surprising considering that, early in Ochsner's career in the Tulane Medical School (around 1930), Ochsner had a bitter confrontation with Long's father Huey Long over questions of leadership at the Charity Hospital in New Orleans. (31) Surprising, then, that Russell Long once praised Ochsner in noting a controversy about Huey's medical treatment at the time of his assassination, saying to Ochsner "You know, if my father had had you to take care of him, he would be alive today." To this, Ochsner "modestly" replied "I didn't know Russell realized this." (32)

Beyond the T&C connections to INCA represented by Robertson, Shilstone and Raul, there is at least one other likely connection. In reporting the formation of T&C, James and Wardlaw mention a few additional members, namely Eberhard Deutsch, John Mmahat, Edmond G. Miranne, Harold Cook and Lawrence Merrigan. (33) The name of Deutsch jumps out of that list, since he is an attorney whose name appears on the letterhead of the Directors of INCA. (34) Deutsch has been described by Scott (who was probably unaware of his T&C connection) as the General Counsel of Standard Fruit and as "Jim Garrison's former law partner and political mentor." (35)

Do we start to get the picture? INCA, which was supposedly in mortal combat with the Garrison investigation, has at least 4 of its associates among the leaders of Truth and Consequences, the money bag outfit for the Garrison investigation. Did T&C "get" what it may have been "paying" for? - i.e., immunity for INCA from Garrison prosecution? Certainly those INCA people who were T&C-involved were not ostracized by INCA for "sleeping with the enemy." In fact, two of them - Robertson and Shilstone - were re-elected as INCA directors in September, 1968, after T&C had been operating for a year and a half. (36) Certainly, I haven't proven that the Garrison investigation was INCA co-opted, but there seems to be quite a bit pointing in that direction.

*Revision of a paper delivered at the First Research Conference of the Fourth Decade at Fredonia, New York, June, 1996.


1. Arthur E. Carpenter, "Social Origins of Anti-Communism: The Information Council of the Americas," Louisiana History, Spring, 1989, pp.117-143. In writing this article Carpenter, an archivist at Loyola University in New Orleans, made extensive use of the Alton Ochsner papers in the Historic New Orleans Collection, 533 Royal St. in New Orleans. I have examined many of the same papers and, at every point of intersection of my interests with those of Carpenter, I have found his interpretation of these papers to be quite reliable. In this paper, all references to the material in this collection are cited in the format: Ochsner Papers, Box _Folder_.
2. New Orleans Times-Picayune, January 5, 1961. All references to Times-Picayune articles in this paper were furnished courtesy J.P. Shinley.
3. Peter Dale Scott, Crime and Cover-Up (Santa Barbara: Open Archive Press, 1993) (originally published in 1977), p. 14.
4. New Orleans Times-Picayune June 8, 1961.
5. Philip Melanson, Spy Saga, (New York: Praeger, 1990), p. 66.
6. Carpenter, "Social Origins of Anti-Communism," p.129.
7. Ochsner Papers, Box 105, Folder 1.
8. Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, vol. 19, p. 175, Bringuier Exhibit no. 3.
9. New Orleans Times Picayune , November 20,1963, p. 17.
10. New Orleans Times Picayune, November 20, 1963, p. 17.
11. Ochsner Papers, Box 105, Folder 2.
12. The Fourth Decade vol. 1, #6 September, 1994, p. 19.
13. FBI #105-82555-209, Wannall to Sullivan, 11/29/63.
14. House Select Committee on Assassinations, Hearings, vol. X, p. 85. It is not clear whether one of these "major news organizations" may have included the Miami News, one of whose reporters, Hal Hendrix, was feeding New Orleans summer of 63 material as early as 6 P.M - to Seth Kantor of the Scripps-Howard newspaper syndicate. Seth Kantor, The Ruby Cover-Up (New York: Kensington Publishing Company, 1978) p. 378.
15. Ochsner Papers, Box 105, Folder 2.
16. Ochsner Papers, Box 105, Folder 4.
17. Ochsner Papers, Box 105, Folder 2.
18. Ochsner Papers, Box 105, Folder 2.
19. Ochsner Papers, Box 105, Folder 1.
20. Ochsner Papers, Box 105, Folder 1.
21. Ochsner Papers, Box 105, Folder 3.
22. Jim Garrison, A Heritage of Stone (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1970, p. 7); Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins (New York: Warner Books, 1988).
23. Rosemary James and Jack Wardlaw, Plot or Politics? (New Orleans: Pelican Publishing House, 1967), pp. 38, 39.
24. Scott, Crime and Cover-Up, p. 54.
25. New Orleans Times-Picayune June 8, 1961, p. 11.
26. New Orleans Times-Picayune December 12, 1963, p. 6.
27. Ochsner Papers, Box 105A, Folder 6.
28. New Orleans Times-Picayune, April 6, 1965, p. 6.
29. Anthony and Robbyn Summers, "The Ghosts of November," Vanity Fair , December 1994, p. 110.
30. James DiEugenio, Destiny Betrayed (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1992, p. 124.
31. John Wilds and Ira Harkey, Alton Ochsner: Surgeon of the South (Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1990).
32. Wilds and Harkey, Alton Ochsner .
33. James and Wardlaw, Plot or Politics? p. 38.
34. For example, see the letterhead of the Butler-to Frawley letter cited in fn 17.
35. Scott, Crime and Cover-Up, p. 16.
36. New Orleans Times-Picayune September 10, 1968, sec. 3, p. 4.
Not only has Judyth identified key players behind the scenes but, contrary to some of her critics, she has offered innumerable new leads for investigation.

More from Judyth:

I have implicated Dr. Alton Ochsner, powerful and influential as he is, AT MY PERIL, as involved in the bioweapon project and also, as hating JFK.

I knew he had become personally involved with JFK's enemies at least by the time when JFK came and dedicated a new wharf in New Orleans in May, 1962.

I finally found the document proving Ochsner personally arranged matters for JFK's trip to New Orleans.
How good to have a smart doctor handling the visit.

Know what Ochsner found out?

1) How Secret service provides protection
2) How routes are decided upon
3) Who is involved in Presidential motorcades and how they are organized and created
4) The vulnerabilities: JFK's doctor was removed from JFK's car instead of riding in it, as hitherto...Who would think of that feature?

There's more, but see the attached document about Ochsner's being in charge of JFK's trip, then ask yourself, why did I hunt for the article, how did I know about it...It was not in the literature before I sent it it not of interest?

[Image: 1448dc5.jpg]

Usually a Mayor's office plans the motorcade and the visit.

In this case, we have International House planning it.

International House was run by Clay Shaw and Alton Ochsner together through March 23, 1962. They had been doing so for more than 9 years, total. Mr. Fabry-- CIA asset from Voice of America--replaced Shaw March 23, 1962, just prior to JFK's visit. Front page news, Times-Picayune.

Can't have everybody too-too obvious...Yet Shaw and our project geneticist were co-owners of property together. Attached is a file of our bioweapons project geneticist (Tulane professor, genetics) and lecturer to the Eugenics Society, Dr. Wm. Kloepfer, showing he and Clay Shaw owned property together. Kloepfer's name and personal phone number is in Lee Oswald's address book, along with Kloepfer's wife's.

Incidentally, Kloepfer's daughter had studied Russian and had gone to Russia. Ruth Paine helped get students back and forth in a Russian exchange type program.....They say Dr. Kloepfer's wife was clerk of the New Orleans Quakers, but it was actually her husband, Dr. Kloepfer. We do not know if Dr. Kloepfer understood the full implications of what he was doing for Ochsner, but his relationship with Clay Shaw and his lectures to the Eugenics Society suggest he may have known more than he ever admitted under questioning.

[Image: 2v8slsk.jpg]

Shaw ran the International Trade Mart under Mr. Lloyd Cobb, his long-time friend who also covered for him, lying whenever necessary to cover out-of-town trips Shaw made.

Clay Shaw called and invited himself to speak in San Francisco TO THE TRADE MART THERE, the day of the assassination, distancing himself as much as he could from New Orleans and Dallas.

Interestingly, while at the university there, he inspected their microbiology labs.... Why? Did he take yet another batch of bioweapon materila all the way there?

Ronald Reagan (who later is rewarded as US President) refused to extradite many people who fled to California when Garrison was after them. Truth and Consequences was a group formed to finance Garrison's work--who were mostly New-Orleans financed and based in California.

All of INCA's files were sent to California.

Truth and Consequences was funded by people with close ties to Ochsner. Garrison had a writ out with Ochsner and a 'Coffee Company' as suspects. I have the document--so do others I have worked with--"60 Minutes" found that document.

Presently, Ochsner is well developed today as possibly involved with prime suspects who helped plan and finance the assassination for the US govt interests, using mafia to hide behind and the secret service, FBI and CIA to clean up the mess and control the info and investigations. They helped, of course, to kill JFK, too.



OCHSNER WAS NOT IMPLICATED AND HIS CLOSE RELATIONSHIP TO SHAW WAS ALL BUT HIDDEN until I spoke out and began gathering these documents. I had to prove to sceptical Shckleford and Platzman that their close and lengthy relationship existed. I finally was able to do that.

Isn’t that new evidence of some worth? Isn’t it full of leads?

What about the leads I gave out about Lee working with Customs? The new witness and his family regarding that? Dr. John Williams, who worked very hard to inspect and correlate all evidence I presented him, presented much information in two papers in the Dealey Plaza Echo, to silence.

The attached demonstrates that Alton Ochsner of International House, who also had almost lifelong ties with Clay Shaw, was in charge of Kennedy's visit to New Orleans.

I found this document by going through Congressman Bogg's papers under Congressman Willis' files in HUAC, in an obscure library collection. I had been in Willis' office in 1963, sent there by Monaghan, and saw correspondence on the desk, open, as they were moving their offices to a new building.

So I knew what to look for later.
Jim: I am following the exchanges between you and Jack and others on the thread of this same name over at EF. Instead of arguing with Jack about Armstrong PLEASE go to The Last Hurrah and order Harvery and Lee. As Jack has said now repeatedly you cannot just pick out a few things from Armstrong's book as proof, it is the overall evidence and it is MASSIVE. Tedious in places because of the thoroughness of his research. All the time you have wasted arging with Jack over this you could have read the book. As you know I am not a detractor of Judyth's but I must say I do have some questions based on this book. However I am aware of her recent terrible loss of her best friend and have no intention of asking these questions at the moment.

I was also one of the people to whom Armstrong said he did not believe Judyth at COPA. But I have corresponded with Judyth for years and have always found her to be honest, forthright and able to supply ample evidence for her claims. So I listened to what John had to say, then found Andy and bought John's book. You cannot possibly understand the Oswald part of this case without reading this remarkable book. And please cease comparing it to Bugliosi's pack of lies. Just because both books are lengthy, all similarity ends there.


I am going to transfer the material from Judyth to this forum when I can catch my breathe. My only point in comparing the books is that they are both massive and detailed. Therefore, that one of them is massive and detailed no more proves its reliability in the one case than the other. I was a bit surprised that Jack thought I was dismissing it as worthless.

I featured John Armstrong in "The Death of JFK" conference I held in Minneapolis in 1999, which I used as a basis for composing MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA (2000) by inviting speakers to submit their material in the form of a chapter. What Armstrong sent me was virtually incoherent and I was not in the position to undertake some Herculean effort to shape it up.

According to Judyth, John spoke with her exactly once and dismissed her on the basis of a faulty inference about passing for Marina when Marina was pregnant. Like you, I have found Judyth to be incredibly open and forthcoming as well as better at presenting her case than any of those who oppose her are at presenting theirs. I continue to support her strongly.


Dawn Meredith Wrote:Jim: I am following the exchanges between you and Jack and others on the thread of this same name over at EF. Instead of arguing with Jack about Armstrong PLEASE go to The Last Hurrah and order Harvery and Lee. As Jack has said now repeatedly you cannot just pick out a few things from Armstrong's book as proof, it is the overall evidence and it is MASSIVE. Tedious in places because of the thoroughness of his research. All the time you have wasted arging with Jack over this you could have read the book. As you know I am not a detractor of Judyth's but I must say I do have some questions based on this book. However I am aware of her recent terrible loss of her best friend and have no intention of asking these questions at the moment.

I was also one of the people to whom Armstrong said he did not believe Judyth at COPA. But I have corresponded with Judyth for years and have always found her to be honest, forthright and able to supply ample evidence for her claims. So I listened to what John had to say, then found Andy and bought John's book. You cannot possibly understand the Oswald part of this case without reading this remarkable book. And please cease comparing it to Bugliosi's pack of lies. Just because both books are lengthy, all similarity ends there.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:Jim: I am following the exchanges between you and Jack and others on the thread of this same name over at EF. Instead of arguing with Jack about Armstrong PLEASE go to The Last Hurrah and order Harvery and Lee. As Jack has said now repeatedly you cannot just pick out a few things from Armstrong's book as proof, it is the overall evidence and it is MASSIVE. Tedious in places because of the thoroughness of his research. All the time you have wasted arging with Jack over this you could have read the book. As you know I am not a detractor of Judyth's but I must say I do have some questions based on this book. However I am aware of her recent terrible loss of her best friend and have no intention of asking these questions at the moment.

I was also one of the people to whom Armstrong said he did not believe Judyth at COPA. But I have corresponded with Judyth for years and have always found her to be honest, forthright and able to supply ample evidence for her claims. So I listened to what John had to say, then found Andy and bought John's book. You cannot possibly understand the Oswald part of this case without reading this remarkable book. And please cease comparing it to Bugliosi's pack of lies. Just because both books are lengthy, all similarity ends there.


Thanks, Dawn, for your assessment of Harvey and Lee. One
cannot hope to understand the JFK case without understanding

Remarkably, the book was originally more than 2000 pages
long, but John had to edit tightly and leave out lots of valuable
evidence which should have been included...such as his interviews
with the Ziger sisters in Argentina, and his detailed revelations
about Donald O. Norton.

[quote=Jack White][quote=Dawn Meredith]Jim: I am following the exchanges between you and Jack and others on the thread of this same name over at EF. Instead of arguing with Jack about Armstrong PLEASE go to The Last Hurrah and order Harvery and Lee. As Jack has said now repeatedly you cannot just pick out a few things from Armstrong's book as proof, it is the overall evidence and it is MASSIVE. Tedious in places because of the thoroughness of his research. All the time you have wasted arging with Jack over this you could have read the book. As you know I am not a detractor of Judyth's but I must say I do have some questions based on this book. However I am aware of her recent terrible loss of her best friend and have no intention of asking these questions at the moment.

The most interesting fact about Armstrong's book as it relates to Baker's story is what is not in it, Judyth Vary Baker's story. Anyone who read his book (I bought a copy form Last Hurrah) will realize that she is not mentioned in the book. Given the amount of research that he did, one has to wonder why he does not mention her. Could it be because her story, as she writes it, is not true.

John Kowalski
Remarkably, the book was originally more than 2000 pages
long, but John had to edit tightly and leave out lots of valuable
evidence which should have been included...such as his interviews
with the Ziger sisters in Argentina, and his detailed revelations
about Donald O. Norton.


Let's hope that John Armstrong will someday release the rest of his research on Lee Harvey Oswald to the research community. While this material does not meet the standards he used for the material that was included in his book, if made available to JFK researchers, could be explored and expanded upon by the JFK research community, and may even be able to answer some of the questions that he left unanswered in his book.

John Kowalski
John Kowalski Wrote:[quote=Jack White][quote=Dawn Meredith]Jim: I am following the exchanges between you and Jack and others on the thread of this same name over at EF. Instead of arguing with Jack about Armstrong PLEASE go to The Last Hurrah and order Harvery and Lee. As Jack has said now repeatedly you cannot just pick out a few things from Armstrong's book as proof, it is the overall evidence and it is MASSIVE. Tedious in places because of the thoroughness of his research. All the time you have wasted arging with Jack over this you could have read the book. As you know I am not a detractor of Judyth's but I must say I do have some questions based on this book. However I am aware of her recent terrible loss of her best friend and have no intention of asking these questions at the moment.

The most interesting fact about Armstrong's book as it relates to Baker's story is what is not in it, Judyth Vary Baker's story. Anyone who read his book (I bought a copy form Last Hurrah) will realize that she is not mentioned in the book. Given the amount of research that he did, one has to wonder why he does not mention her. Could it be because her story, as she writes it, is not true.

John Kowalski

At the time he researched Oswald, as I recall, JVB had not yet
surfaced with her claims. Her name is not in a single document
relating to LHO. John ordered from the archives every document
which mentions Oswald or the Oswald family. He did not have
the archives do a search for Baker, because he did not know of
her. Later, as his book was in prepublication, her story surfaced.
He checked her claims against all his documents, and found many
of her claims spurious. He talked to her once on the phone, as
I recall, and his opinion of her I will not repeat here.

My studies convince me that THE CIA AND OTHERS were keeping
track of and/or controlling every move of LHO and his contacts and
every one seemed to be documented by the FBI or CIA. To me the
absence of any records is revealing.


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