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New information re motorcade route
This could very important.

A friend emailed me about Michael Collins Piper's radio program broadcast Monday 1 December:

Piper claims he recieved an anonymous 19 page document (with 115 footnotes) with some fascinating info about the planning of the motorcade route. Piper states he thinks it was sent by Jim Marrs. Have a listen.

The main points:

- The image of Dallas as a racist, anti-Semitic, KKK, protestant, oil plutocrat town is largely myth.

-Dallas was a centre for fundraising and arms shipments to Israel (Sonneborn Institute docs are quoted). Ruby boasted about his arms smuggling exploits on behalf of Israel.

-The Dallas Citizens Council sponsored the Dallas leg of JFK's trip. As such, this leg was designated non-political, as opposed to other legs like Houston and Austin. Consequently, the planning and organisation was wrested from the DNC and placed in the hands of the private entity paying for the Dallas leg of the trip. i.e. the Dallas Citizens Council.

-The Dallas Citizens Council designated a host committee to oversee the organisational details of the Dallas trip and its Chairman was Sam Bloom. (Bloom was an outspoken supporter of Israel and was--apparently--a highly placed official in Jack Ruby's synagogue).

-The host committee met with DNC advance man Jerry Bruno and argued strongly for the Trade Mart over Bruno's choice (which was the Women's Centre) and prevailed.
(NB. The Trade Mart was perfect for sniper fire in the event of DP being aborted. I saw a clip of the interior of the Trade Mart on Youtube and couldn't believe how many catwalks there were. I believe Bruno was told there was another event being planned for the Women's Centre which couldn't be moved but I find it hard to believe it couldn't be shunted to make way for the President).

-Bloom insisted the map of the route was repeatedly published so that when LHO was arrested they could credibly claim he knew that JFK would be passing his place of work.

-The Dal-Tex was co-owned by a major player in the ADL.

-It was Sam Bloom who pressured Dallas City Manager Elgin Krull into pressuring Jesse Curry into making LHO accessible to the press and moving him publicly to the City Jail. (In TMWKK, members of the DPD complain that the pressure to move Oswald on the Sunday rather than Saturday night in secret came from the City Manager).

-When Jack Ruby was arrested he had a slip of paper with Bloom's name, address and phone number on it.

It all seems to hang together for me. When the DNC lobbed in Dallas, they were inundated by the squabbling between the Connally and Yarborough camps over seating, placements etc. Also LBJ was making demands. By the time it came to the motorcade and choice of venue, I think Bruno and other DNC bosses were battle weary. Bruno regrets not sticking to his guns and claimed this was one of the few fights he didn't win.

Apparently Bruno and the DNC relented to the Dallas Citizens Committee's wishes in early November, which might explain the LBJ timeline chapter in Larry Hancock's book SWHT where Larry expressed his surprise in LBJ's sudden change in behavior from frenetic telephone conversations with Abe Fortas and plane trips all over America in the preceeding two months to a sudden cessation of activity by early November. My opinion.

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