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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
I am opening this thread because I consider Armstrong's HARVEY & LEE
the foremost of all assassination books. I would like to hear opinions

I would also hope that my friend Jim Fetzer would use this thread to
tell us why he DISAGREES with Armstrong's work WITHOUT HAVING
READ THE BOOK. After explaining that reason, I would hope that Jim
WOULD READ THE BOOK and then tell us whether his opinion changed.
He changed his mind regarding the OJ case, and has admitted it. I
wish he would READ THE BOOK (he has an unread copy) and tell us
if it causes him to change his mind again.

Jack, I guess [without knowing] that Assange/Wikileaks is not your need to belabor that further, can fully understand.

I think Harvey and Lee is the best book on LHO [or whoever he/they were] bar none! No one can ignore this book and its scholarship. Taking exception to any or most parts of the book and its thesis is NO problem. Fire away. I think NO such work can be 100% correct, but having read most everything on Oswald[s] and the JFK assassination, I find this book a treasure trove of information and never-before-public information. My only complaint with the author is that he left out [was it 2/3rds?] that didn't have MULTIPLE sources as confirmation. I'll let it 'slide'....
Great book. If you haven't read it, IMO, you have no reason to even talk about LHO [and his possible/probable/ almost-certain double. [that does NOT mean that everything in his book is correct, but I think the majority will be borne out by history and fact.] More than essential reading. If you have a 'JFK-Assassination library' and do not have this book, IMHO, you do not have a library on the JFK Assassination nor on LHO.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I agree with Jack and Peter. All one has to do is read 50-100 pages of this book to KNOW that it is accurate. I hope that Jim does read it and that he gets a copy for Judyth. I got mine from Andy when I was in Dallas last Nov. I had John sign it. It is incredibly researched. John tracked down so many people that no one had ever spoken with before. Anyone who is interested in this case must read this book to understand the person we know as Lee Harvey Oswald.

Hello Friends

Yes I have read Harvey and Lee, page by chilling page. A great book that any student of America's hottest cold case should read. I have ordered the book Me and Lee by Judith Vary Baker, in which, if I am not mistaken, there are timeline/location problems that John Armstrong has identified. Perhaps these difficulties can be overcome. But by all means read Harvey and Lee. It is a terrific read.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:I agree with Jack and Peter. All one has to do is read 50-100 pages of this book to KNOW that it is accurate. I hope that Jim does read it and that he gets a copy for Judyth. I got mine from Andy when I was in Dallas last Nov. I had John sign it. It is incredibly researched. John tracked down so many people that no one had ever spoken with before. Anyone who is interested in this case must read this book to understand the person we know as Lee Harvey Oswald.


Thanks, Dawn! It is also important to know that John did not rely
on any single source for any information. He felt it was important
to have multiple different sources on everything. In so doing, he
omitted much important research of his own.

For instance, he flew to Argentina to interview the Ziger sisters.
They did spoke Russian and Spanish (but not very good English)
so he hired an interpreter to talk to them. He found out MUCH
IMPORTANT INFORMATION from them, which he felt he could not
use in his book because he had no second source. They told him
many important things which bring into question THE ENTIRE
RUSSIAN EPISODE...such as the LHO that they knew who worked
at their father's radio factory in Minsk WAS ONLY 5'2" TALL! Such
a short fellow could be neither Harvey nor Lee! The information
from the Zigers indicates MORE THAN TWO OSWALDS. John also
left this out, since his major study was of Lee and Harvey, and
he had no verifiable independent documentation of a different LHO
in Russia (even though photos show several OTHER LHOs in Russia).

He also left out a half year of research in Ohio, Florida and Nevada
regarding Donald O. Norton, who John and I believe is the real LEE,
in a witness protection program.

There are other things he left out for lack of space, for instance
information about Robert Oswald and John Pic.

I appreciate the responses so far. I am glad to hear from two who
have read the book.

JVB denies that anything in H&L is true. She knew only Harvey.
Harvey is the one who was employed briefly at Reily Coffee.
She believes that he is the ONE AND ONLY LHO who ever existed.
If she were to read H&L, she will dispute parts of it which do not
fit her story as she has done for years.

Hi Jack

How did JVB escape John Armstrong's research dragnet? Or does JVB fall into the category where Armstrong could not get enough backup to include her story in his book? Any thoughts?

Brian Anderson Wrote:Hi Jack

How did JVB escape John Armstrong's research dragnet? Or does JVB fall into the category where Armstrong could not get enough backup to include her story in his book? Any thoughts?


That is easy. Absolutely NO DOCUMENTATION exists that
the FBI, Secret Service, CIA, Naval Intelligence, Garrison,
Warren Commission, House Committee, Church Committee
or hundreds of JFK Researchers ever noticed ANY of the
events described by JVB, even though all of these named
groups either were controlling, watching, studying or otherwise
at all times figuring LHO's every move in New Orleans.

Now you tell me how JVB managed to be so invisible to all of

John relied on DOCUMENTATION or personal interviews and
research for his book. Not a single document refers to Baker.

Now you tell me whether she belongs in H&L.


Yes, I too have wondered why JVB does not show up, at least obliquely, in documents from these government agencies, and so many researchers over the year.

I hope that I have not sidetracked this thread by bringing up JVB. Harvey and Lee alone can make for much fruitful discussion. I do have some questions about Harvey and Lee, that I thought of, as I was reading it. Just have to remember them first.

Jim...have you started reading H&L yet?

I am hoping for another OJ moment.


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