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Nelson's LBJ Mastermind book
Alan Dale Wrote:Madeleine Brown seems to be one of the necessary figures among those who promote LBJ as a Murderous Mastermind. I'm slightly bewildered by that.

In 1982 Madeleine Brown spoke at the Press Club of Dallas to promote the upcoming publication of her memoir, Texas In The Morning. At that appearance she stated that Speaker of the House, Sam Rayburn was complicit with LBJ in planning President Kennedy's assassination...

Sam Rayburn was a Texas democrat who died on November 16, 1961.

I think she was a fantasist.

Alan Dale, Madeleine Duncan Brown was perhaps the closest and most favorite mistress that Lyndon Johnson had for 21 years. She is not a fantasist. What she is is wrong on some things and very right on others.
Of course Sam Rayburn was dead in 1961, 2 full years before the JFK assassination.

Madeleine knew very well WHO Sam Rayburn was, he used to come over to her mother's house and eat fried chicken. Sam Rayburn may very well have had an affair with Madeleine's mother.

What we can take from that above, is how close House Majority Leader Sam Rayburn and Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson were especially in the 1950's when they were running the country hand in hand with Eisenhower.

Sam Rayburn did not kill JFK, but he sure helped Lyndon Johnson, using Hoover's info, BLACKMAIL John Kennedy on the night of July 14, 1960, to put Johnson on the 1960 Democratic ticket:

In reality John Kennedy was all set to pick Sen. Stuart Symington of Missouri who was very popular in California, which had a whopping 35 electoral votes at that time. With Johnson on the ticket, Kennedy lost California by a razer close 1/2 of a percent. It is very likely that a Kennedy/Symington ticket would have WON California.

Read the Dark Side of Camelot by Seymour Hersh, p.124-129:

Close JFK friend Hy Raskin: “Johnson was not being given the slightest bit of consideration by any of the Kennedys… On the stuff I saw it was always Symington who was going to be the vice president. The Kennedy family had approved Symington.” [Hersh, p. 124]

John Kennedy to Clark Clifford on July 13, 1960: “We’ve talked it out – me, dad, Bobby – and we’ve selected Symington as the vice president.” Kennedy asked Clark Clifford to relay that message to Symington “and find out if he’d run.” …”I and Stuart went to bed believing that we had a solid, unequivocal deal with Jack.” [Hersh, p.125]

Hy Raskin: “It was obvious to them that something extraordinary had taken place, as it was to me,” Raskin wrote. “During my entire association with the Kennedys, I could not recall any situation where a decision of major significance had been reversed in such a short period of time…. Bob [Kennedy] had always been involved in every major decision; why not this one, I pondered… I slept little that night.” [Hersh, p. 125]

John Kennedy to Clark Clifford in the morning of July 14, 1960: “I must do something that I have never done before. I made a serious deal and now I have to go back on it. I have no alternative.” Symington was out and Johnson was in. Clifford recalled observing that Kennedy looked as if he’d been up all night.” [Hersh, p. 126]

John Kennedy to Hy Raskin: “You know we had never considered Lyndon, but I was left with no choice. He and Sam Rayburn made it damn clear to me that Lyndon had to be the candidate. Those bastards were trying to frame me. They threatened me with problems and I don’t need more problems. I’m going to have enough problems with Nixon.” [Hersh, p. 126]

Raskin “The substance of this revelation was so astonishing that if it had been revealed to me by another other than Jack or Bob, I would have had trouble accepting it. Why he decided to tell me was still very mysterious, but flattering nonetheless.” [Hersh, p. 126]

Here is author Anthony Summers on this blackmail:

During the 1960 campaign, according to Mrs. Lincoln, Kennedy discovered how vulnerable his womanizing had made him. Sexual blackmail, she said, had long been part of Lyndon Johnson's modus operandi—abetted by Edgar. "J. Edgar Hoover," Lincoln said, "gave Johnson the information about various congressmen and senators so that Johnson could go to X senator and say, `How about this little deal you have with this woman?' and so forth. That's how he kept them in line. He used his IOUs with them as what he hoped was his road to the presidency. He had this trivia to use, because he had Hoover in his corner. And he thought that the members of Congress would go out there and put him over at the Convention. But then Kennedy beat him at the Convention. And well, after that Hoover and Johnson and their group were able to push Johnson on Kennedy.
"LBJ," said Lincoln, "had been using all the information Hoover could find on Kennedy—during the campaign, even before the Convention. And Hoover was in on the pressure on Kennedy at the Convention."
(Summers, Official and Confidential, p. 272)."
If I had to pick the 2 most depraved political criminals in modern American history it would be Lyndon Johnson and George Herbert Walker Bush. Far beyond Nixon and the Clintons. And I think that both Lyndon Johnson and GHW Bush were involved up to their ears in the JFK assassination.

They are both guilty of capital crimes against Americans, without even mentioning foreign nationals. Especially note where I discuss Chip Tatum Pegasus, the terror campaign on Ross Perot in 1992, and the Ollie North/Bush/CIA murder of Barry Seal in Feb., 1986. (Sources on that Chip Tatum and Al Martin - both men strongly imply that). Not to mention GHW Bush's involvement (and Atty Gen. Richard Thornburgh's - key player) with the Franklin pedophile ring in the 1980's. That is a gargantuan story in an of itself. [Go to]

Especially google those links I suggest.

George Herbert Walker Bush Murdered John F. Kennedy


George Herbert Walker Bush has NOT lived an honorable life. CIA man George H.W. Bush 1) helped to MURDER John F. Kennedy 2) was involved with his SON JEB in gargantuan cocaine DRUG SMUGGLING in the 1980’s 3) used Pegasus unit CIA ASSASSINS to criminally intimidate/ TERRORIZE Ross Perot to withdraw from the 1992 campaign. In a nutshell, the Ugly Truth is that George Herbert Walker Bush’s life has been one of a murdering, drug dealing, CIA terrorist.

From Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639]:

“The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK … During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, JOHNSON of Texas, GEORGE BUSH, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"

I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, p. 638-639]:

In order to understand the JFK assassination, you have to understand the criminality of Lyndon Johnson BEFORE the JFK murder and the criminality of George Herbert Walker Bush AFTER the JFK murder. Lyndon Johnson: in addition to stealing the 1948 Senate election with vote fraud, LBJ also made a career of taking $$ millions in bribes. Lesser known is that LBJ had a hit man named Malcolm Wallace who would kill people who could have gotten LBJ indicted, thrown in jail or endangered his political career. Billie Sol Estes fingers LBJ, his top aide Cliff Carter, & Malcolm Wallace in the murders of Henry Marshall, JOHN F. KENNEDY and 6 others. Go to this web page to read about who LBJ murdered: . Lyndon Johnson was one sick, evil son of a bitch who would do anything to get ahead, including murdering John F. Kennedy.
In Nov. ’63, LBJ was a dangerous, cornered animal. He was about to be dropped from the 1964 Demo ticket and he was possibly headed to JAIL because of the Bobby Baker scandal. LBJ and the CIA murdered JFK, with the equally corrupt LBJ friend Hoover of the FBI in charge of covering it up.
Six weeks after the murder of JFK, on 1/1/64 LBJ’s beloved mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown asked LBJ who killed JFK. She says LBJ got angry, hopped out of bed and started pacing and waving his arms; then Lyndon Johnson said, “It was Texas oil and those f____g renegade intelligence bastards in Washington!” [Texas in the Morning, Madeleine Brown, p.189] In other words: the CIA (Bush), LBJ’s biggest campaign contributors (Texas oil) and closest friends murdered John F. Kennedy.

George Herbert Walker Bush:

“F____g Renegade Intelligence Bastard”

George H.W. Bush, despite his lies, has been CIA for a very LONG TIME. Bush helped organize the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in April of 1961. The Bush family had lost a LOT of money because of Castro. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the CIA and the anti-Castro Cubans hated JFK as much as they hated Fidel Castro. Eventually LBJ, the CIAand George Bush would use this hate to murder JFK.
Read this web page: covering GHW Bush’s very probable involvement in the killing of JFK. Google 1) “JFK II – The Bush Connection.” (video) 2) “Tom Flocco George Bush photo” 3) Google the “Nixon-Bush Connection to the Kennedy Assassination” by Paul Kangas.
During Watergate one of Nixon’s aides mentioned that he had spoken to George H.W. Bush about the “Bay of the Pigs” thing. Nixon asked what was Bush’s response? The aide said that George H.W. Bush “broke out in assholes and then shitted himself to death.” Haldeman said that “the Bay of Pigs thing” were Nixon’s code words for the JFK assassination. George H.W. Bush has the blood of JFK all over his hands and he might shit all over himself if YOU ever find out the Ugly Truth about his murderous ways.
George Bush has a long criminal career of massive CIA DRUG SMUGGLING. Google the video: “Mena Connection: Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA, Drug smuggling”



Barry Seal was a CIA asset and legendary drug smuggler. It is very likely that VP George H.W. Bush, his son JEB BUSH and Ollie North MURDERED Barry Seal in 1986. Barry Seal was about to spill the beans in court about GHW Bush’s criminal drug involvement. You can read about it in Al Martin’s book The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider. Here are some good web links:
1) 2) Google “Barry Seal Spartacus.”

George Herbert Walker Bush used CIA Pegasus unit

Assassins to Terrorize Ross Perot in the 1992 campaign

Google “Chip Tatum Pegasus” for the Ugly Truth about Bush

George H.W. Bush is a career criminal with a lot of dirty, evil secrets to hide. Ross Perot, while he was hunting for US POWs in Asia, came across clear evidence of US CIA heroin smuggling from Burma. This is in addition to the HUGE amounts of cocaine that Bush/Clinton/CIA/Jeb Bush/Oliver North were bringing in from Central America. Google “Bo Gritz letter to George Bush.” GHW Bush was very scared of what might happen to him if a hard ass like Perot ever became president. Bush was giving his CIA assassins the green light to murder/terrorize Ross Perot. George H.W. Bush said: “you are authorized to use whatever means necessary to recover said documents and insure that this criminal [Ross Perot] is brought to justice. You are authorized to exceed existing regulations and FTM’s to accomplish this mission. If loss of life occurs as a result of the performance of your duties, you shall be exempt and protected from prosecution.” [Chip Tatum, Pegasus Files – Google it!]
George Herbert Walker Bush, like Lyndon Johnson, is one sick, evil son of a bitch who will do anything to get ahead, including MURDERING John F. Kennedy, Barry Seal, almost Ross Perot and God knows who else.
One more thing: Nelly Patterson Webb, one of the sex abuse victims of the infamous 1980’s Omaha pedophile ring says she saw GHW Bush leave one of ultra pervert Larry King’s parties with a young black man she called “Brandt.” [The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, John DeCamp, p. 176, Chapter 13]. Google “Bush Child Sex Cover Up”.
Charles Drago Wrote:And so the floodgates open.

No matter where these exchanges lead us, let me state for the record and as powerfully as I am able that:

1. Nothing herein disagreed upon will have the power to negate my friendship with and respect for Jim Fetzer.

2. Nothing I post should be construed as a respectful disagreement with Nelson and his acolyte Morrow. The LBJ/"mastermind" construction is a product of, at best, ignorance -- and at worst, of a wilfull attempt to disinform and protect the guilty.

3. The Fetzer/DiEugenio contratemps is best understood as an intentional byproduct of Nelson's horrific endeavor -- a manufactured conflict between natural allies. Jim F., Jim D. -- Stop it. For the love of all that is just in our shared endeavor, understand that Nelson and his idiot son Morrow are not worth the consequences of our disagreements. In my educated opinion, Nelson accomplishes a major part of his mission by weakening our alliance.

My goals in this thread and everywhere else I can engage the Nelson obscenity/absurdity are to expose it as such and to heal the rifts it is causing.

Is Nelson an enemy agent of disinformation? A simple-minded executioner of the mother tongue? Both?

In the final analysis, the distinctions matter not a hell of a lot. All of Nelson's arguments are, by their nature, sophistic: THEY ARE BASED ON A FALSE PREMISE.

Does Nelson know the premise is false, or is he honestly arguing a patently and demonstrably idiotic point?

In the final analysis, it matters not.

If a man wants to shoot you in the head because he hates you, or because he honestly believes that to do so will cure your headache, you still end up dead as Julius Caesar.

Here are the bottom lines:

1. Neither Nelson nor his factotum Morrow define "mastermind." With this context, they dare not/cannot.

2. To ascribe to any 20th century president OTHER THAN JFK the power Nelson ascribes to Johnson is to fatally and almost comedically misunderstand deep politics.

3. I reiterate: To declare that LBJ was the "mastermind" of the JFK assassination -- within reasonable parameters of the definition of "mastermind" -- is tantamount to claiming that a welder designed the Petronas Towers.

Charles Drago

Dear Moderators of Deep Forum Politics,

Does Charles Dragoo have special privileges to make personal attacks and to call people names such as "idiot son?" Just wondering ...


Robert Morrow
Alan Dale:

"I would be open to any testimony of any eye witness whose story was told on the day of the event, and which was not embellished over a period of decades to become something much more sensational than it was originally.

Very simply, I don't believe any person whose story of what they saw emerged at some point after their initial interviews on the subject."

Is a witness's story more accurate at FIRST account ... or YEARS/DECADES later? The answer is NEITHER! You have to have critical thinking no matter what a witness/participant is saying whether it is immediate or years later - even if there are dramatic changes.

A good example is Marina Oswald. Practically everything she said in 1963-1964 was a LIE. Just bucketfuls and bucketfuls of lies, lies, lies. Remember in fall 1963, Marina was age 22 with 2 small kids, including a BABY, with NO money, and speaking almost no English, and every news media in the USA and the government was saying that her DEAD husband had MURDERED the president of the USA. Plus Marina was surrounded by US intelligence and her phone was tapped in Feb. 1964 by the FBI (and probably by the CIA as well....) Marina was a marionette doll for US intelligence who made her say anything they wanted her too, including fantastic whoppers like Oswald shot at Gen. Walker, Oswald wanted to kill Nixon, Oswald wanted to hijack a plane to Cuba ... the list is endless.

The Marina 40 years later has dramatically changed her story - and out of the suffocating net of US intelligence (pretty much so, I am sure they "monitor") her story is a lot more ACCURATE. That is why when Marina in 2010 still says she took the backyard photos of Oswald, I tend to believe her. She has changed her story on everything else and I think she is much, much more truthful and accurate now.

So there is no easy rule when it comes to witnesses, when to believe them and when not to - whether it is Marina, Madeleine Duncan Brown, Judy Baker ... or ANYONE. What you have to do is use critical thinking, logic and weigh every statement they make on its own merits. No one is 100% truthful and usually not even a 100% liar.
It has always struck me as very significant that 2 of the women closest to both John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson were convinced that Lyndon Johnson either knew about or had a role in the JFK assassination. Those to women are Evelyn Lincoln, who was JFK's personal secretary for at least 11 years and Madeleine Duncan Brown who was Lyndon Johnson's favorite and most close mistress from 1948 to 1969.

Some (many) men are closer to their secretaries and mistresses than they are to their wives. Some (many) men will tell their secretaries and mistresses more things than they tell anyone, including their wifes. Men often develop close emotional, intimate bonds with their secretaries and mistresses. Sometimes their secretary IS their mistress, which has happened often. Am I right completely correct in my last 4 sentences or so? Yes.

We have heard from Madeleine Brown. Let's hear from Evelyn Lincoln, JFK's personal secretary for 11+ years; here is a 1994 letter from her:

Evelyn Lincoln
4701 Willard Avenue
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20816
(301) 664-3670

October 7, 1994

Dear Richard,

It was a pleasure to receive your kind letter concerning your
desire to obtain my assessment of President Kennedy's administration
and assassination to pass along to your students.

I am sending along to you and article which was written by
Muriel Ressman for the "Lady's Circle" October 1964, and was recent-
ly reprinted in a current issue of that magazine, which will give you
an insight into my impression of the man.

As for the assassination is concerned, it is my belief that there
was a conspiracy because there were those that disliked him and felt
the only way to get rid of him was to assassinate him. These five con-
spirators, in my opinion, were Lyndon B. Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, the
Mafia, the CIA and the Cubans in Florida. The House Intelligence
Committee investigation, also, came to the conclusions that there was
a conspiracy.

My very best wishes to you and your students.



Evelyn Lincoln
Oswald enlisted in 1956 and became an undercover intelligence operative for ONI, CIA and FBI.

His file was manipulated by Angleton; his movements by Agency handoffs which included Banister and DeMohrenschildtand his last call was to Hurt in North Carolina.

The patsy was Agency.

That would be Dulles, who manipulated Kennedy with the Bay of Pigs invasion, intending to extort involvement of U.S. forces by means of public opinion supporting the invasion's beachhead.

Dulles pupil Bundy cancelled the last raid on the Castro jets, insuring disaster.

Upon Dulles' firing, his pupils the Bundy brothers ascended to National Security Advisor to the President and Undersecretary of Defense at the White House.

Greg Burnham deems Bundy the likely author of the draft NSAM 273, a telltale of the war made possible by the assassination.

Bundy icy as the blood-red carpet is rolled out in the Oval Office per Moynihan there with Sorenson in the essay "It's Over."

Helms in Vietnam for the Diem coup, with Bundy and his deputies advising Lodge to proceed, a mutiny in progress.

For this is the way of U.S. Government: the national security establishment runs the world, changes governments, involves and disengages, and the president must get with the program.

Douglass masterfully showed Kennedy marked out for assassination for having amassed a criticality of "Bay of Pigs" type impasses with this establishment.

When the time came, the Vice President was amenable, being under threat of being dropped from the 1964 ticket and subject to investigation in the Billy Sol Estes and Bobby Baker scandals.

The Director of the FBI was amenable. He loathed the Kennedys. They had threatened to retire him by refusing him the waiver.

The General Counsel of Treasury, acting Secretary of the Treasury on the Big Day, was married to the Bundy sister Harriet. And the Secret Service was amenable. Per Abraham Bolden they boasted of their hate for the traitor, the "nigger-lover", boasted they would let Kennedy be assassinated. And Palamara has them dead to rights for blatant security stripping.

The Warren Commission was likely a brainchild of Bundy to Katzenbach to Moyers.

Dulles and McCloy and Ford the active members, and Rankin the protege of Hoover.

Ford figured in the future, beyond Nixon.

All the killing to prepare for Nixon in 1968, King and Bobby. And after Nixon, Ford, and Ford named Rockefeller Vice President and put him in charge of investigating CIA, and put GHWBush in as DCI.

The 35th was not down with the program. Ike had been, all too amenable to letting Nixon run that side of it, who let that Bay of Pigs thing be run by CIA.

And its doom was Kennedy's doom.

Johnson begged, "No mas!" March 1968, believing Uncle Walter the CIA Steppinfetchit who called Tet for the North.

Lo and behold the very next month King is down. The next month Bobby is down.

LBJ. King. Bobby.

And Nixon sweeps in.

And Hoover heart attacks in 1972. Johnson in 1973. Nixon is sabotaged by the CIA and does his "effective noon tomorrow" August 8, 1974.

Enter Ford to name Rockefeller and Bush to key positions.

And the band plays on to this very day in the poppy fields of Junkistan.

The silver train ain't stopping for any temporary resident of the White House.

Johnson is not Holmes' Professor Moriarity, nor Sax Rohmer's Fu Manchu.

He strutted and fretted his time upon the stage and was sandbagged by the Langley stagehands' union.

No salvo, volley or fusillade of insult and belittlement, no filibuster of multiple postings can promote a mere facilitator to the position of prime mover.

And if E. Howard Hunt says it was Johnson, it wasn't.

As surely as the sun will brighten the eastern horizon tomorrow morning.
Robert Morrow Wrote:I went to a JFK presentation of Jim Marrs last year (2010). He said he would reveal who murdered John Kennedy. At the end of his presentation, he showed 2 pictures of the JFK killers: Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover, both of whom he called "Accessories after the fact" in the murder of John Kennedy.

For the Nerrow-Minded (Nelson + Morrow ... get it?), "Accessories after the fact" [sic] can be twisted like a Cirque du Soleil dancer into "mastermind."

Jim Marrs got it right. Nerrow is being disingenuous in the desperate search for allies.

Robert Morrow Wrote:Jim Marrs is yet ANOTHER person who thinks that LBJ's fave mistress of 21 years, Madeleine Duncan Brown, is a highly credible person. As for me, I don't believe EVERYTHING Madeleine says, but on the big ticket items of LBJ's foreknowledge and his statements on 12/31/63 that it was Texas oil and the CIA who murdered John Kennedy ... I think that is golden.

Nerrow teaches us this much: The colloquial term for Iron pyrite could not be more aptly coined.

Purely subjective, intellectually invalid uses of sources to bolster an indefensible claim. Which is as neat a review of the "Mastermind" abomination as I can muster.

Robert Morrow Wrote:Jim Marrs, I think, would agree to. I have found that the folks who had close contact with Madeleine - people like Ed Tatro, Jim Marrs, James Fetzer, Casey Quindlan, Constance Kritzberg - people who have interviewed or talked with her 30+ times, these folks tend to give her credence.

I do as well, though I never met her. Apparently, she was a sweet lady.

"Sweet lady" -- and Jim Fetzer refers to Morrow as an "expert" in the study of the JFK assassination.

I previously referred to Morrow as Nelson's "idiot son." This literary construction is not uncommon -- an admittedly snarky way to describe a man who evinces not a scintilla of insight, common sense, and original thinking. And, I might add, a man who regularly demonstrates the wisdom inherent in the adage, "Ego is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of ignorance."

In a post above, Morrow has joined Jim Fetzer in asking, rhetorically, if I have special permission to use such language. In the case of Jim, I accept the question as an honest inquiry.

In the case of Morrow, I see it as a sinister ratcheting-up of a larger campaign that is playing out elsewhere.

Time will tell.

I enjoy no special privileges. I use language intended to inform, inquire, and at times provoke toward realizations of greater ends.

Robert Morrow demonstrates the he is Phillip Nelson's unquestioning acolyte. He parrots Morrow's nonsense with the utmost loyalty and not a shard of original thought.

There is an elegantly concise term often used to describe such a person. When the person who is so described interprets it literally, the appropriateness of its use is confirmed.

The term is "idiot son."

Phil Dragoo Wrote:No salvo, volley or fusillade of insult and belittlement, no filibuster of multiple postings can promote a mere facilitator to the position of prime mover.

And if E. Howard Hunt says it was Johnson, it wasn't.

As surely as the sun will brighten the eastern horizon tomorrow morning.

Perfectly reasoned, Phil.

The Morrow "filibuster," as you put it, further identifies the Nelson/Morrow clique with the tactics of those who confuse repetition with rationality. Not to mention with those who serve a very dark agenda.

The last time this happened on DPF was when an apparently emotionally disturbed fellow named, if memory serves, Hanson made post after bandwidth-consuming post attempting to "prove" the long-dismissed "theory" that JFK was shot from inside his limousine.

Hanson later went on to forge my reply in which I demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that he was lying, twisting its meaning 180 degrees and posting it on his site and others over my signature.

Morrow is just another Hanson. They can't help opening their kimonos.


Robert Morrow Wrote:Dear Moderators of Deep Forum Politics,

Does Charles Dragoo have special privileges to make personal attacks and to call people names such as "idiot son?" Just wondering ...


Robert Morrow

See above.

Time to regroup and try another tactic.
Robert Morrow Wrote:If I had to pick the 2 most depraved political criminals in modern American history it would be Lyndon Johnson and George Herbert Walker Bush.

Thus Nelson and Morrow -- Nerrow, if I may, as in Nerrow-minded -- would direct us away from the deep political criminals for whom Johnson and Bush are mere tools in a belt.

Leave it to Morrow to get out the old petard and climb it to the tippety-top.

This is the CRUX of the issue with "Mastermind": It is DESIGNED, I am now convinced, to reinforce the coverup and protect the truly guilty by A) promoting the FALSE Sponsorship of LBJ, and B) providing opportunity for the MSM to ridicule all serious, honorable research into the JFK conspiracy.

I'm reminded that the literary construction "idiot son" is often used to describe the flawed offspring whose deficiencies end up sinking his "father's" boat.

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