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Saint Fletcher the Obscure
For years, medical and X-ray experts such as Dr. David Mantik Phd. MD and Dr. Randy Robertson have contended that there is evidence for two head wounds in the original autopsy X-rays.
But, one of the biggest problems has been in finding a plausible location for the second shooter. A shot from almost anywhere say, behind the picket fence in Dealey Plaza would require an exit wound somewhere on the left side of the President's head. There just doesn't seem to be evidence for such a wound.
Kennedy's position at Z323 at first seemed to pose even worse trajectory problems than 313. The head has turned considerably further to the left, and has become tipped further to the left as well (see figure 15). If Kennedy was shot in the head as it appears in Z323, and in such a way as to drive a piece of his head out onto the trunk, then there is only one way it could possibly have happened. A shot had to have come in from a lower position and exited through the top of his skull. Of course, since most of the skull damage was at the top of the head anyway, this made perfect sense. Please look at figure 17.

Figure 17
Admittedly, I have positioned my rather crude models based on an eyeball examination of the Z323 frame, but they do, I think, show the kind of shot that we see at Z323. This shot would exit through the top of the head and could cause some of the damage there that we know occurred
Of course, we are once again faced with the problem of locating the shooter's position. In this case, there is only one option. If we position the limousine where it would have been at Z323, and plot a line out 22 degrees below the limo's orientation, the line intersects perfectly with the storm drain which was just west of the steps coming down from the pergola in Dealey Plaza. If we drop the line from a position of about 4 feet at Kennedy's location, falling at 3.5 degrees, for 60 feet, it strikes the storm drain cover.

Figure 18Frankly, I had never put much credence in the possibility of a shooter in such a location. Penn Jones suggested the idea many years ago, and Harrison Livingstone talks about it on p. 90 of "Killing the Truth". He also goes into some detail in the photo section of that book, demonstrating how a sniper with a small weapon could easily fit in such a place (figure 18). Livingstone further claims they confirmed an escape route through the tunnels below. If so, this would have been an excellent location for such a sniper.

This location becomes even more plausible when we consider it's location in relation to the area in which witnesses saw smoke.
S.M. Holland said,
Mr. Holland. There was a shot, a report, I don't know whether it was a shot. I can't say that. And a puff of smoke came out about 6 or 8 feet above the ground right out from under those trees. And at just about this location from where I was standing you could see that puff of smoke, like someone had thrown a firecracker, or something out, and that is just about the way it sounded. It wasn't as loud as the previous reports or shots.
Mr. Stern. What number would that have been in the -
Mr. Holland. Well, that would - they were so close together.
Mr. Stern. The second and third or the third and fourth?
Mr. Holland. So, that it might have been the third or the fourth. 28
Despite Holland's confusion, he shares two important pieces of information with us. First, the shot he heard "wasn't as loud" as the others. We already know that a smaller weapon would have been required in the storm drain. Second, he spots smoke rising into the trees near the corner of the picket fence. Of course, it was perfectly natural that smoke would rise from the drain location into the trees where Holland saw it.

Figure 19 Just after the assassination. The arrow points to the area where witnesses said they saw smoke.
It is characteristic of gun smoke, that the lighter particles rise, while others remain at lower levels. The distinct graphite smell experienced by witnesses in the motorcade would have been the natural result of a shot fired from the storm drain location as the westerly winds that day carried the odor east, back through the motorcade, and as cars proceeded into that area.
Tom Dillard, a photographer with the Dallas Morning News, riding five cars back said, "I might add that I very definitely smelled gunpowder when the car moved up at the corner." 29
Mrs. Earle Cabell, wife of the Dallas mayor was riding four cars behind the Presidential limousine. She said, "I was acutely aware of the odor of gunpowder." 30 Others who said they smelled gun smoke included, Mrs. Donald Baker, Police officer Earle Brown, and Congressman Ralph Yarborough. What could have caused this reaction in so many witnesses? Certainly, the odor of shots fired from six floors up in the Depository would not have been noticed at street level. A shot from say, behind the picket fence, which was North of Elm and at a considerably higher elevation would also seem unlikely to create a smell which would have been noticed by those in the motorcade.

Clint Hill

Special agent Hill, positioned on the left-front running board of the Secret Service followup car proved himself to be the quickest and most responsive member of the President's protective team that day. Of course, Hill only testified to hearing two shots. I believe it will become apparent that Hill did not hear the first shot. The only ones he did hear, were the shots at Z284 and Z323. This is part of Hill's testimony to the Warren Commission in which he describes the first shot he heard,

"On the left hand side was a grass area with a few people scattered along it observing the motorcade passing, and I was visually scanning these people when I heard a noise similar to a firecracker. The sound came from my right rear and I immediately moved my head in that direction. In so doing, my eyes had to cross the Presidential automobile and I saw the President hunch forward and then slump to his left. I jumped from the follow-up car and ran toward the Presidential automobile." 31
Clint Hill is visible throughout much of the Zapruder film. In fact, in volume 18 of the Warren Commission report, there is a photo section which displays black and white z-frames extending all the way into the film area between the sprocket holes. In these wider frames, we can see Hill up to about Z-248, and he does appear to glance to his right, but we never, ever see him looking or turned to his left as he testified. Neither is he turned left in the Altgens photo, taken at Z255. This is a strong indication that Hill turned to "scan the crowd" on his left, and heard the apparent 1st shot at some point after Z255. In another part of his testimony, he described his actions this way,
"This is the first sound that I heard; yes, sir. I jumped from the car, realizing that something was wrong, ran to the Presidential limousine..." 32
We know from earlier footage that Hill had been jumping on and off the running board throughout the motorcade, sometimes running alongside the Presidential limousine.
As we will see a bit later, Clint Hill jumped off the running board almost at the same instant as the Z313 head shot. It is important to remember however, that the report of the rifle would take 3-4 frames to reach Hill at that point (assuming a TSBD location), therefore, he had to have started running before he heard the Z313 shot.
If Hill had heard a first shot at Z190, it would mean he waited 6.8 seconds to have moved. If he had heard the first shot at Z224, he would still have waited almost 5 seconds. As we read Hill's testimony, he mentions almost no delay at all from the time he hears the shot, until he looks at the President, and then jumps off the followup car and starts running.
If Hill had heard Z284 as the first shot, it would mean he had responded within about 1.4 - 1.6 seconds. That might seem fast, but that was exactly what he was trained to do.

Figure 20
In order to determine when Hill first heard a gunshot, we can look at him in several stages of the assassination. In Zapruder frame 183 (figure 21), in Willis' photo #4 (figure 20) taken at Z202, and in the Altgens photo taken at Z255 (figure 13), we see Hill in almost identical positions facing slightly to his right. In fact, in the Altgens picture, he is the only agent on the running boards who is not turned far to the right or looking to the rear. At that moment, he is still oblivious to the first shot. Remember his testimony - he reacted "immediately" after hearing the shot. Despite the fact that he is turned generally in the direction of the President (as he has been since they turned onto Elm) he simply does not know about the danger yet. If he did, he would have already been in motion.

Of equal importance to this case is the question of exactly when Hill heard the last shot. Here is another part of his testimony, in which he describes running toward the Presidential limousine and hearing that final shot,
"...Just about as I reached it, (the Presidential limo) there was another sound, which was different from the first sound." 33
Figure 22 is from the Muchmore film and shows Clint Hill at the equivalent of Zapruder frame 316. He has just stepped off the running board and is approximately in line with the front tires of the followup car. This is the point at which he should have become aware of the report of the head shot at Z312/313.

Figure 22 Equivalent to Z316
But Hill said he heard a shot just as he reached the limousine. Is it possible that he did not hear the third shot either? He jumped off the car before he could have detected the report of the rifle at Z313. Perhaps he was so absorbed in his desperate dash to the President that the sound didn't consciously register. Look at figure 23. This shows Hill's position at the equivalent of Zapruder frame Z324, which is about when he would have detected the report of a weapon fired from the storm drain, only 60 feet away. At this point, he would certainly be more likely to claim he had "just about reached" the limousine.

Figure 23 Equivalent to Z324
Hill's claim that this shot sounded very different from the first is also illuminating. Here is more of his Warren Commission testimony in which he describes the sound of that shot,
"It was right, but I cannot say for sure that it was rear, because when I mounted the car it was - it had a different sound, first of all, than the first sound that I heard. The second one had almost a double sound - as though you were standing against something metal and firing into it, and you hear both the sound of a gun going off and the sound of the cartridge hitting the metal place, which could have been caused probably by the hard surface of the head. But I am not sure that that is what caused it." 34
Could Hill have gotten the impression of a "double sound" from the lingering ring of Z313, combined with a shot at Z323, about 1/2 second later? Is it possible that two reports fired almost on top of one another would create exactly that impression?
If we try to apply the traditional spacing of shots, and posit Hill as hearing reports at say, Z224 and Z313, we run into problems with his testimony. He reacts very slowly, standing around for almost 5 to 7 seconds after hearing the first report; he incorrectly describes the shots as sounding different from one another; he incorrectly states that he was almost to the Presidential limousine when he heard the last shot. His statements and impressions fit perfectly when we consider him responding to shots at Z284 and Z323.
On the right, rear running board of the followup car, SA Paul Landis only heard two reports, but his impression of the source of the final shot points directly at the storm drain, "My immediate thought was that the President could not possibly be alive after being hit like he was. I still was not certain from which direction the second shot came, but my reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front, right-hand side of the road."
On November 22, 1963, three killers were poised to assassinate President Kennedy. One, possibly Oswald himself, was in the 6th floor window at the East end of the depository. A second shooter was hiding in a closet on the second floor of the Dal-Tex Building, looking out through a window with a perfect view of the President's back. A third shooter was well hidden in a storm drain on the North side of Elm St. Both the second and third shooters were in possibly the best positions in Dealey Plaza that day for such a mission. They both had unobstructed views of the President, subject to minimal lateral motion. Their goal was two-fold. First, they wanted to murder the President. Second, they wanted to be certain that Lee Harvey Oswald was tied to the crime. Ideally, if the shooter in the 6th floor window could do the job alone, the others would not even have to fire.
The first shot rang out from the 6th floor sniper's nest at Zapruder frame 187. It struck the President and went on to wound Governor Connally. The shooter in the Dal-Tex building was edgy and perhaps more than a little frightened. He could see that Kennedy was wounded, and perhaps felt a momentary relief that his bullet would not be needed. But, the President did not topple. He was very obviously still alive and upright. The 2nd, reluctant shooter waited as long as he dared - over 5 seconds. When he finally fired, his nervous shot passed just above the President's head.
The third shooter waited patiently, raising the storm drain lid just the couple of inches he needed to peer out at the oncoming Presidential limousine. He was the last backup, and probably their best marksman. He could see that the 2nd shot had no effect on the President. Would the 6th floor shooter come through? He knew precisely when his last safe opportunity to fire would come. He propped up the lid with a small block of wood and waited until the limousine approached a point about 60 feet from his position. As his finger gradually tightened on the trigger, the sound of the third shot from the Depository reached his ears just before his pistol exploded. Both shots were horrifyingly successful, though the fourth bullet, striking the exposed flesh on the right side of the President's head, did not fragment like the third. It exited through the top of the head, taking with it pieces of skull and brain tissue, perhaps already loosened by the first shot.
Needless to say, the known shot at Z313 combined with gunshots at either Z284 and/or Z323 constitute absolute proof of the presence of two or more active shooters in Dealey Plaza that day.
Thank you for considering this article. My hope is that it provides objective proof of conspiracy which will be persuasive, even to people outside of the "assassination community". I disagree with those who say the entire federal government is resistant to learning the truth about this crime. If we can submit irrefutable evidence of the existence of even one more assassin, then I believe we will be able to enlist the aid of federal and state investigators, in one last ditch effort to uncover the truth, while some of the conspirators and witnesses are still alive.
At the very least, we will be able to pass on a more accurate history book to our children. Robert Harris

Motorcades.....SS Principals of Protection of the President and Other Dignitaries.....

17...Sewers and other passage under streets should be inspected and sealed prior to a publicized parade....
chris davidson Jun 26 2006, 05:55 PM
Post #6

Advanced Member
These photos are from the Discovery Channel video.

Gonzalez is filming from inside the storm drain. He says he is at the far right of the drain.
Mack goes out and stands on the X(Kennedy Head Shot) in the street.

They say it is impossible to see Mack at the X.

Charlie, there were lasers used throughout the program, from different shooting areas. The storm drain segment was not one of these areas. I am not sure it is the same program you are describing.

The person filming was Daniel Martinez, I referred to him as Gonzalez.

I wasn't trying to influence anyone, just supplying photos from the sewer itself for others to view.

They should of had Mack walk down the street toward the sewer, to see if he would be visable at
any point in the street.


Jun 26 2006, 07:51 PM
Post #9


Group: Admin
Posts: 2,689
Joined: 18-June 04
From: Tampa Bay, Florida
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QUOTE(chris davidson @ Jun 26 2006, 07:48 PM)
[. . .]

The person filming was Daniel Martinez, I referred to him as Gonzalez.


Was this Daniel Martinez a young (mid-30s, early 40s) guy with a goatee??
If so, he was used for that program and a few others and he
was credited as an historian. Actually, his day job is as a
uniformed park ranger at the Pearl Harbor memorial.

If it was a different Daniel Martinez I apologize for butting in.


Rich DellaRosa

Yes, this is the same Daniel Martinez. He has been in other specials relating to the assassination, and is labeled as a historian.

Here's a picture of him.


Yes, this is the same Daniel Martinez. He has been in other specials relating to the assassination, and is labeled as a historian.

Here's a picture of him.


Yep, that's him. I don't know what his CV is but his day job
is as a uniformed park ranger at Pearl Harbor. He was on that
program about the JFK case -- the in which Gary Mack also
appeared and the one in which Mack failed to identify himself
as the person who discovered Badgeman. The program
concluded that there was no one in the Badgeman position.

Martinez also appeared in other programs in that series including
the Princess Di and MM cases.




Rich DellaRosa
Forum Admin
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains,
however improbable, must be the truth!"
-- A.C. Doyle: "A Study In Scarlet" (1887)

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i still not have found the other photos of the tunnels,Correction :wavey:...they are maps drawn of the tunnels, Not photos...tx i will persue...thought i posted this was from the original underground tunnel site..b

« Johnny America / Archives / Non-Fiction / Dallas Underground i just clicked this on the left and it came up...?????? good...

Dallas Underground


You may not know this, but there is an elaborate system of pedestrian tunnels throughout downtown Dallas. It was originally designed as a way to keep busy Dallasites out of the heat during the summer and the thunderstorms in the spring and fall. There are also spaces available for retail and services underground, creating a sort of self-sufficient city underneath the streets.
It's a good idea…in theory. Of course, like many cool things in Dallas, it all went horribly wrong when it actually got put into practice. Number one, downtown Dallas is dead. As soon as five o'clock passes and offices close, the worker bees of downtown buzz back to their hives in the suburbs as fast as their Hummers can carry them. Even during the day it's a rare occurrence to see a living soul outside of their cubicle. Number two, anything that requires the people of Texas to get out of their SUVs and actually move their lazy asses around by mere footpower is destined to fail. As a result, walking through the tunnels is like walking in a ghost town. Empty retail spaces outnumber the occupied ones at least two to one. Even the ones that remain open are host to absent customers and one or two extremely bored-looking clerks. The employees underground seem to spend more time engaging in idle conversation with each other, pausing only to emit a sigh of frustration whenever a potential customer saunters by.
One day, I set out to explore the mysterious labyrinth I had heard so much about. Equipped with my wits, an iPod, and a blurry map culled from the dark corners of the internet, I began my journey at Fountain Place Plaza, roughly three blocks east of the Dallas Museum of Art. You might know it as "that weird looking kind-of-triangular" building. The neat thing about Fountain Place Plaza is that the building changes shape depending on which direction you view it from. It goes from wide triangle to thin sliver of glass to chopped-up obelisk as you move around its perimeter. Dallas must be one of the only cities with a 60-story optical illusion in its heart.
I walked down a staircase leading from the street to enter a massive garden of fountains. Unlike most building complex names like "Forest Park" or "River Glen", Fountain Place is actually a place with a lot of fountains. During a summer afternoon you might find business types enjoying their lunch under a shady tree, mingling with the bored children of summer enjoying an illicit dip in one of the dozens of fountains.
The underground entrance is tucked away behind one of the tiered fountains. I was in; I had finally gained access to the elusive tunnel system. No longer did I have to endure the scorching wrath of the Texas sun. I was free from the legion of panhandlers shuffling about the sidewalks. The great labyrinth was mine to explore. Of course, things do get a little confusing when your only method of navigation is a barely-legible map and no sense of direction; I had foolishly neglected to bring a compass. What would my former scoutmaster think of me? Only a handful of signs offered cryptic directions, and surprise junctions connected underground tunnels to second-story skywalks. It's kind of like following a dusty old pirate map, only there's no treasure at the end. Or pirates, for that matter.
It's easy to get lost between buildings due to lack of signs, but it does add a bit of adventure to an otherwise bland atmosphere. While other cities have their clearly marked subways and helpful tourist maps posted on every corner, Dallas seems to antagonize anyone foolish enough to wander the strangely angled streets of downtown. The city is a trap for lost souls who dare to escape the clean, organized uniformity of the suburbs. You almost expect to find David Bowie and an army of Jim Henson puppets taunting you at every corner.
The path winds through a number of prominent buildings in the downtown area, but the tunnel system itself remains disturbingly bland. Most of the way, gray or white walls are all that you see. At some points it's like walking through a parking garage with no air conditioning. These corridors were built in a time where function triumphed over form. In some corners, however, you can still see the faint ghosts of decoration: an unlit fossil display, a faded mural, signs advertising shopping areas long derelict. The tunnels were built with the noble purpose of creating a subterranean fusion of business, shopping, and leisure. Now, they merely shuttle sun-weary businesspeople between cubicle prisons.
After an hour or two of exploration and disappointment, I decided to turn back. I had expected some grand endeavor of smart urban planning. Instead, I got a few air-conditioned skywalks and empty store facades. It's sad to see noble efforts fall into such disuse. But it is a good way to waste a lazy afternoon.

Filed under Non-Fiction on 1 September, 2005.

So far sixteen comments relate to this item. Read or add to the discussion.

So far sixteen comments relate to this item. Hide comments.


Don't they have an ice rink in there?

Posted by Anonymous on 12 September, 2005 at 04:57 PM.

At one time, there was one near Plaza of the Americas which is in the "skybridges" section. Do not know if it is still there.

Posted by aanon on 7 October, 2005 at 05:13 PM.

From what dark corner of the internet did you cull your map of the pedestrian tunnels?

Posted by Anonymous on 19 April, 2006 at 02:03 PM.

Unfortunately for your readers you are very off base. Maybe if you did some research before attempting to play travel expert you might know that first of all the tunnels were not designed to keep the people of Dallas out of inclemental weather, but designed and layout for the Santa Fe railroad company back in 1924 and used to transport troops and supplies during WWII.

Posted by Anonymous on 10 May, 2006 at 06:46 PM.

Interesting Story. Were there any retail shops or restaurants still open down there? Did you make it over to the One Main Place building? I hear there may be some stuff open down that way? Just curious……

Posted by Brian on 30 May, 2006 at 01:13 PM.

Keep talking shit about TEXAS, I hope it makes you feel better.

Posted by Winston on 22 June, 2006 at 12:15 AM.

you did not respond to any of the questions…so never mind

Posted by rich on 24 August, 2006 at 01:55 PM.

There are still plenty of food courts and pharmacies and doctors offices and banks and gift shops and jewelry shops and starbucks and art dealers and clothiers and massage therapists and various other ventures that are alive and well in underground' Dallas - you just have to know where they are

Posted by Anonymous on 1 June, 2007 at 04:15 PM.

yes what dark corner of the internet did you get yopur map from.

Posted by Brent on 26 June, 2007 at 02:13 AM.
…dark corner of the internet located here

Posted by undergroundjordan on 23 March, 2009 at 04:23 PM.

Very cool, but as said before - it's a shame that nothing really came of these tunnels. I'm hearing different reports of the history of them - trains? Military transport? Does anyone have some citations for any of this?

Posted by Ben^2 on 9 May, 2009 at 01:21 AM.

check out the information on this web-site… this is closer to what I have heard about Dallas' Underground.

Posted by Cristal on 26 October, 2009 at 11:33 PM.

Johnny, You will LOVE the site I found…
This man has taken MANY pictures of the underground that you may be able to post to your map.
Also… here is the best map that I have found…
Hope this all helps!
Sincerely, Cristal

Posted by Cristal on 27 October, 2009 at 01:37 PM.

Back in the mid seventies I worked for The Dallas Chamber Of Commerce. I went into the tunnel weekly and had lunch. It was a thriving, beautiful adventure. Of course many of the pretty, glamorous people of Dallas were there. Ia anything in this article by Shawn Livengood true?

Posted by Gary Bouslog on 4 November, 2009 at 03:01 PM.

I had always wondered what we had stumbled onto back in the early eighties, it was late - after midnight or so, we were running through the streets back then and ditched into an underground parking lot that had a small entrance into what appeared to be an underground rail system. It was very unusual, we picked up an old police billy club (spring loaded!), police flashlight and some misc army crap (canteens, belts et al) if I remember right. We wondered these tunnels for most of the night till early morning, never went back - but had always wondered that these tunnels were for, now I know - Thanks for the blog!

Posted by Aaron C on 1 December, 2009 at 11:59 PM.

I had always wondered what we had stumbled onto back in the early eighties, it was late - after midnight or so, we were running through the streets back then and ditched into an underground parking lot that had a small entrance into what appeared to be an underground rail system. It was very unusual, we picked up an old police billy club (spring loaded!), police flashlight and some misc army crap (canteens, belts et al) if I remember right. We wondered these tunnels for most of the night till early morning, never went back - but had always wondered that these tunnels were for, now I know - Thanks for the blog!

Posted by Aaron C on 2 December, 2009 at 12:02 AM.

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« Johnny America / Archives / Non-Fiction / Dallas Underground
Below are photos copied from some books, mainly triangle of fire, as well as some copied from when posted in threads all over the web...if i have doubled any, magda please delete, to save resources...thanks for your time the one showing the limo from the sewer drain below, is from triangle of fire, it was taken by the garrison crew..67..

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Link to the maps;

see maps top of list...:wavey:b link to
analyze Dallas
I forger which paper(s) it appeared in - The Boston Globe? The NYT? - but I do distinctly remember the insistence, entirely plausible on the face of it, that Prouty was unleashed by the Pentagon as a rejoinder to the CIA's Pentagon Papers. Can anyone remember where this appeared?

The argument went as follows:

The CIA cobbled together a version of the origins of the US assault on Vietnam which exonerated it of all responsibility, and instead lumped it on the Military: the Pentagon fired back with Prouty's revelations concerning NSAMs 51, 53 & 55 (can't remember the exact numbers), which detailed Kennedy's post-BoP's attempt to strip the Agency of responsibility for large-scale covert ops, and place them under McNamara and the soon-to-be-founded DIA.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:I forger which paper(s) it appeared in - The Boston Globe? The NYT? - but I do distinctly remember the insistence, entirely plausible on the face of it, that Prouty was unleashed by the Pentagon as a rejoinder to the CIA's Pentagon Papers. Can anyone remember where this appeared?

The argument went as follows:

The CIA cobbled together a version of the origins of the US assault on Vietnam which exonerated it of all responsibility, and instead lumped it on the Military: the Pentagon fired back with Prouty's revelations concerning NSAMs 51, 53 & 55 (can't remember the exact numbers), which detailed Kennedy's post-BoP's attempt to strip the Agency of responsibility for large-scale covert ops, and place them under McNamara and the soon-to-be-founded DIA.

It's NSAM #'s 55, 56, & 57.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Greg Burnham Wrote:
Paul Rigby Wrote:I forger which paper(s) it appeared in - The Boston Globe? The NYT? - but I do distinctly remember the insistence, entirely plausible on the face of it, that Prouty was unleashed by the Pentagon as a rejoinder to the CIA's Pentagon Papers. Can anyone remember where this appeared?

The argument went as follows:

The CIA cobbled together a version of the origins of the US assault on Vietnam which exonerated it of all responsibility, and instead lumped it on the Military: the Pentagon fired back with Prouty's revelations concerning NSAMs 51, 53 & 55 (can't remember the exact numbers), which detailed Kennedy's post-BoP's attempt to strip the Agency of responsibility for large-scale covert ops, and place them under McNamara and the soon-to-be-founded DIA.

It's NSAM #'s 55, 56, & 57.

I've retrieved my copy of The Secret Team from storage, and you're right, Greg, so thanks for that.

For those interesed in exploring the strengths and weaknesses of Prouty's work, the shrewdest critique is Vincent Salandria's. Most of it can be found within Michael D. Morrisey's Correspondence with Salandria 1993-2000 (Lulu, 2007).

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Bernice, I think the book was deleted because it's now available in paperback again.

Bernice Moore Wrote:no matter which way one choses to look at Col.Prouty, he and his work make for a fascinating read and study thread, thanks... ''the Guns of Dallas'
Fletcher Prouty -- who served in the Air Force for 23 years, rose to the rank of Colonel, was a briefing officer in the Pentagon from 1955 thru 12/31/63, serving also as Focal Point Officer (liason) between the DOD and the CIA, first in the Headquarters of the Air Force (1955 to 1960), where he set up and then ran the structures that supplied Air Force logistical (military hardware) support for CIA clandestine operations world-wide, then in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (1960 into 1961), and then in the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1961 thru 12/31/63) where he ran the same support for all branches of the military...

© 1975 by L. Fletcher Prouty
Photographic Research by Richard E. Sprague

From 1955 to December 31, 1963, Col. L. Fletcher Prouty was the Focal Point (liason) officer between the Pentagon and the CIA. During 1962 and 1963 he was Director of Special Plans (clandestine operations) in the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Download The Secret Team
Sorry the secret team has been deleted, perhaps it may be elsewhere on the web...?b

there is one here free download but i do not know anything about the site...b...

this link at ratville appears to work, for ''the secret team free download book''.

"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs

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