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Noam Chomsky and his Acolyte Exposed
THis is a really neat article by a new writer named Brian Hunt. I helped him fill it in with some detail work. But its his baby.

I don't know if you knew this awful stuff about Chomsky and the Khmer Rouge or Chomsky and Faurisson, or how Chomsky has deceived everyone about what he really thought about the JFK case. But its all here.

Anyway Anton Batey somehow takes him seriously. And therefore does all he can with Chomsky's propaganda to distort who JFK was.

Brian helps put him in his place. Hopefully this is a first dig at the Left Gatekeepers, like Norman Solomon, Amy Goodman and Chomsky's biggest promoter David Barsamian.

In part two, Brian goes into the assassination itself and shows us Batey's connections to Von Pein and McAdams.

This is the stuff we should be talking about instead of Nelson and Hersh.

And then hook sup with the likes of John McAdams and Dave Von Pein to give us the second helping on teh JFK murder itself.
Quote:Additionally, he describes himself as an anarcho-capitalist, and admires the works of Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Noam Chomsky, and Ayn Rand.
!!!! All in the same breath? And any one who is an Ayn Rand groupie and admires a sociopath like her is highly suspect to me.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
This is something Brian is going to get into in the second part.

Because although Batey agrees whole heartedly with Chomsky on foreign policy, he differs with him on domestic policy. And his writings appear on some odd web sites.

So he will dig into this more in Part 2 where he tries to really figure this guy out and where he is coming from.
Where do you get these people like Anton Batey? Is there something wrong with their minds that they feel they need to fill an ass-backwards intellectual contrarian niche?

These people are evil in their wickedly backwards interpretation of the real facts.

Or is truth optional for them in relation to other things?

Batey should be wacked on the head with a thick copy of The Unspeakable...
Douglass writes that Kennedy was surrounded by Doctor Strangelove generals who were operating under a First Strike paradigm. They had figured out that nuclear war was inevitable with the Soviets so the best advantage for them was to be in control of it by launching first and taking advantage of a window of nuclear superiority that would close around 1964.

Douglass says Khrushchev's son Sergie said his father decided to install missiles in Cuba after hearing Kennedy tell some Washington DC media sources that the US would consider a first strike scenario. Sergie said this worried his father and made him paranoid Kennedy was telegraphing an intention of carrying out his threat.

The context of this however was Kennedy being immersed in nuclear timeclock meetings with generals constantly pushing him on this. Like some other mistakes Kennedy made, he made the mistake of voicing what he was constantly hearing at the time to the media, since it was an ongoing topic. However, his message was taken out of context. What he meant was if the Soviets had acted on their Berlin tank stand-off the previous year and invaded Europe Kennedy would not exclude a pre-emptive nuclear attack.

Because of this, and his knowledge of CIA's alpha raids on Cuba, Khrushchev decided to equal the US nuclear facilities placed close to Russia in nearby countries like Turkey and Italy.

Other than this, Douglass makes it more than clear Kennedy was in the process of an unprecedented back-channel overture toward detente with Khrushchev that was the real reason the missile crisis was resolved.

What should be noted is that all military surrounding Kennedy wanted to invade Cuba. If Kennedy had allowed them they would have stepped on a prickling booby trap of 160 armed and ready Soviet nuclear missiles they did not know at the time were ready and able for launch. What I'm saying is those arrogant Strangelovian US generals, so full of their power, came that close to incinerating the planet Earth and possibly putting the human race to extinction.

John Kennedy is the single person who stopped them from doing that.

If I remember correctly, Allen Dulles and some other Pentagon CIA types met with Kennedy in the fall of 1961 and actually proposed a first strike scenario since they said they would never have a better opportunity to do so.

Kennedy turned them down and left the room disgusted. I think he made a comment something like: And we call ourselves the human race.

The outmoded missiles in Turkey did not come close to what the Russians were going to install in Cuba. And you did not have to vaporize NYC, Chicago, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, St. Louis, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and many others, in order to stop an invasion of Cuba. THe tactical nukes would have done that easily.

It was Kennedy who navigated that horrible crisis wonderfully. And he probably saved us from WWIII. Cannot believe that Batey has not read The Kennedy Tapes. To busy reading that fruitcake Chomsky.
Who is Anton Batey?
Part One: Batey's Posthumous Assassination of JFK
by Brian Hunt with Jim DiEugenio

This is a ctka machine, the Rolls mechanic taking a day to correctly set the four doors on their hinges, a Roman road of depth and long service life, nothing superficial. (10,322 words)

Anton Batey is not full of himself, but rather, full of Noam Chomsky, apologist for Pol Pot's genocide and Holocaust denier Fourisson. Puppeteer and puppet sing lalala I can't hear you in re the Cold War context and the crimes of Korea, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Stalin and Mao.

Appalling as it may seem, Batey claims JFK "used the CIA" and "funded the military-industrial complex."

Hunt notes this mad assertion requires blindness toward Kennedy's response to the Bay of Pigs CIA performance, his NSAM 55, 56 and 57, creation of the DIA, setting his brother Robert to ride herd on the rogue spooks, place authority in U.S. ambassadors, not CIA agentsin other words, the Get Smart phone shoe is on the other foot.

Batey gets the Bay of Pigs wrong, framing Kennedy with an ownership he never hadafter all, it was an Eisenhower-era plan held closely to Allen Dulles' vest.

Batey, in like manner, gets the missile crisis wrong, making Kennedy the atomic cowboy and the Russians the cooler heads. The author notes it was not JFK who placed all the nuclear weapons so close to CONUS, nor he who wished to saddle up an ICBM Chill Wills-style and nuke those Russkys back to the Stone Age.

Batey presents as E. Howard Hunt in framing Kennedy for the killing of the Diem brotherswhen it was Lodge, the rogue whom 35 was going to 86 before he himself was Diemed in Dallas. (Some say Lodge's accessory Lucien Conein was on the street that day. Would Batey say he was there to pick up dry cleaning and stopped to watch the paradestay tuned.)

Batey persists in insisting Kennedy was going to go to war in Vietnam, despite the president's 1961 instruction to prepare an exit strategy.

Batey conflates NSAM 263 with 273, ignoring that Kennedy was planning withdrawal behind a screen of confidentiality; ignoring, too, that 273 was never seen by Kennedy, and signed by Johnson on the Tuesday after the Monday funeral.

So, summing up, we have a puppet of a dogmatist who ignores reality in favor of solipsistic sand castles.

Thus Hunt begins to answer the question, who is Anton Batey.
Excellent Phil.

THe Ferlinghetti of DPF.

One other thing to note just how bad Chomsky is on this.

He once said that, in retrospect, he would let stand his discussion of the issue in Rethinking Camelot which was issued in 1992. He said anything else added was just "nuance".

What rubbish.

The ARRB documents on this point were not declassified until 1997!

There now in black and white was McNamara riding herd on the withdrawal plan in Hawaii in May of 1963. And everyone in the room knows they are getting out, no matter what happens on the field.

Further, the testimony about Galbraith leading the way and handing off to McNamara was not in the record until years after that. Because Howard Jones found an oral history by Ros Gilpatric, McNamara's assistant, in which he mentions it.

So much for "nuance".

Batey should do his homework.

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