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I was born in NYC, lived there my whole life. I had a business 6 blocks north of the twin towers and was there many times. I am an architect and my very first job upon graduating school was to work for the architects of the twin towers, Emery Roth & Sons.

The towers were not hollow and they were not left incomplete. That is rubbish, with all due respect.
I don't often ask people to speculate but you seem to be familiar with the Let's Roll forum. Do these people know the Hollow-Towers theory is rubbish? Like I said, if the buildings were full of tenants, it just seems pretty easy to conclusively debunk something like that before you present it to the public. It may cause a person from NYC to roll their eyes but to the rest of us, it's almost believable.
I don't know what they think. I've tried to read everything about 911.. but one can't read it all I suppose. For one thing things were different back in the 70s and 80s... we didn't even have the fax machine in the 70s.

People who may have taken photos in their offices... from 4 or 5 decades ago could be dead or tossed into the rubbish... who saves such things for decades? And why would they then scan the photos and put them on the www?

All the records of the twin towers were in the real estate office in the twin towers... destroyed. I suppose the big leases are available... somewhere. Lots of the floors were NYS offices and they DID have problems renting as there was a real estate glut and they were not in the best location.

The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Most people concoct a world view which makes sense to them... internal logic. But often based unproven assumptions taken as fact. I think these people are convinced that they have sound foundations - upon which to apply logic to... and they come up with what they believe is a logical AND TRUE conclusion. I don't think so. At least they haven't convinced me.

Lot's of theories out there that sound convincing. They all can't be correct. And likely none of them are!

The fact is we know we were deceived.

We don't know what actually happened.

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