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9/11: Seismic Proof + Video Fakery = Inside Job
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Then why don't you contact Pilots for 9/11 Truth and tell them they have their heads where the Sun does not shine?
First off, I've no interest in resorting to such vulgar characterizations. Second, if I went around emailing everyone I saw making a poorly reasoned argument, I would have no time left to do anything else.

James H. Fetzer Wrote:I know Rob Balsamo and have confidence in their competence. That is not true of you. Here's a link to their home page at
Considering the thinness of their ranks, that's a rather weak appeal to authority you are wielding in place of your inability to justify using EA990 as benchmark to determine the maximum equivalent airspeed for 767s.

James H. Fetzer Wrote:I find it curious that you are not discussing John Lear's affidavit or "9/11 Intercepted", which both discuss this in some detail.

I am also struck that you have not address the impossible entry of the plane into the building
I did address the impossible entry claim in my first post in this thread, after asking you for clarification on your "impossible speed (as Pilots for 9/11 Truth has confirmed)" claim. However, when you only vaguely responded my question, and didn't even acknowledge example of a plane impacting a wall which I presented, I felt it best to addresses the points of contention one at a time. So, since that isn't working as you're unwilling to discuss the use of EA990 as a benchmark, is there any of the many claims you've presented which you are willing to discuss the details of? Or are you going to respond to whatever I say by slandering me as incompetent and disingenuous, and telling me to go "Fight with" those you have vested your faith in as revelers of your proclaimed proofs?
Broken off and fallen to the ground? Jim you obviously don't understand materials science and the physics involved and haven't seen a collision by two cars head on at 50 mph. They don't bounce off each other. The energy causes the sheet metal to be crushed and ripped apart. What do you think 10,000# of liquid flying through the air at 400mph would do to 1/2" thick steel plate rigidly affixed to a "frame". I know... you think the liquid would just bounce off. Did you ever see a steel ship smashed to bits by the huge waves in a hurricane? This is not rock-paper-scissors.

All you do is parrot things you read and obviously have little to no comprehension of and cite childlike understanding of the physical world.

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