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Two contrived histories combine to insulate America from the truth about Obama
By the way, Garry, the reading of all those books and my assembly process for excerpting, editing, and digitizing all of the material pre-dated my medical events. It generated a high degree of curiosity that continued through and after those events. Of course other people have suffered similar personal and medical crises; the book "Deep Survival" talks about wilderness and other similar encounters with the possibility of death; the neuro-anatomist Jill Bolte Taylor's book and TED video chronicle her stroke (different nature medically than mine but fascinating nonetheless), and of course there are many others. They keep the issue of winning in competition in their proper perspective.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
From (cleared for release):

August 24-25, 2011 -- DATELINE JAKARTA. What was the meaning of Obama's last name "Soebarkah" in mother's passport application?

In 1968, one year after moving to Jakarta, Indonesia, President Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro listed her son's last name as Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah) with "Soebarkah bracketed by parentheses, vice Soetoro. Obama's mother later used the spelling of "Sutoro" as her own last name.

Files released by the State Department on Dunham's name-change passport application lists two dates and places of marriage to her Indonesian Army Lieutenant Colonel husband, Lolo Soetoro: March 5, 1964, in Maui and March 15, 1965, in Molokai -- almost a year's difference. In her 1968 passport renewal application, Barack Obama's name is listed as Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah). In passport renewal and amendment applications filed from Jakarta, Dunham uses two different names: Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro and Stanley Ann Soetoro.

The name "Soebarkah" may be Obama's given Indonesian name upon his formal adoption by Lolo Soetoro. The adoption of an Indonesian name also indicates strongly that Obama became an Indonesian citizen. In Janny Scott's book, "A Singular Woman," a young Obama is quoted as telling Lolo that he wanted to one day become "Prime Minister of Indonesia," something that only an Indonesian citizen could strive to attain. Indonesian law explicitly states that dual citizenship is not permitted and, according to a 1958 Indonesian law, only Indonesian citizens could be enrolled in the two schools Obama attended in Jakarta: St. Fransiskus Assisi Catholic school and Menteng Elementary. By becoming an Indonesian and possibly by travelling on an Indonesian passport to Pakistan and India in 1980, Obama ceased being a "natural born" citizen and became a "native born" citizen. Although it is an Indonesian custom for family, friends, and even employers of domestic help to informally "adopt" the children of relatives, friends, and employees, Obama's adoption was much more formal and carried out pursuant to Indonesian law.

Obama's mother's listing of her son's name as "Soebarkah" was in all likelihood an attempt by her to avoid breaking U.S. law, which states, "False statements made knowingly and willfully in passport applications are punishable by fine and/or imprisonment under U.S. law."

[Image: soebarkah.jpg]

Soebarkah may be Obama's given Indonesian name: a legal requirement in his formal adoption process and his becoming an Indonesian citizen.

Article II, clause 5, is very specific about Obama's ineligibilitu to serve as President as a "native born" American who held Indonesian citizenship as a child and may have continued holding dual citizenship two years after turning 18: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Obama's eligibility to serve as President has never been about his Hawaiian birth certificate. Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961, which made him an American citizen until he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, became a sole Indonesian citizen as a result of Indonesia's prohibition of dual citizens, was given the Indonesian name of Soebarkah, and may have continued to swear allegiance to a foreign power until after he turned 18. There is a controversy over Obama's attendance at Occidental College in 1979, with unverified reports that he had been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship only available to foreign students. Obama's Occidental records, as well as those from Columbia University, where he transferred, remain largely sealed.

With most of Obama's immediate family members dead and those who he knew in Jakarta who are still alive afraid to talk to the press, Obama has managed to continue to perpetuate a fraudulent presidency on the American people. The "birther" extremists, most of whom are unfamiliar with the history of Indonesia in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, have managed to muddy the waters by insisting that Obama was born in Kenya, a meme that is intended to paint Obama as an African, thus catering to racist elements in the Republican Party. There is a significant issue with Obama's eligibility to serve as President but the roads to Mombasa and Honolulu are truly dead ends: the only road pointing to the answers about Obama's citizenship status leads to Jakarta.


From a subscriber in the comments:

"... The "birther" fight has always been about the Constitution NOT where he was born. The Corsi's and Taitz's of the world are doing the work for their masters to distract the populous w/this nativity story scavenger hunt but they've failed as they always do and always will. Few, mostly newbies to the meme, even give a rip what these paid detractors have to say about Kenya or Hawaii.

And I don't know how one can be impeached if one does not and never has met the three simple qualifications laid out in Article II of the US Constitution. You see, if you don't meet the qualifications, at least according to the constitution, yet you ran anyways and got elected that is called fraud. Therefore, one can't be impeached unless they are legally qualified under the constitution to serve of which Obama is not.

And don't think for a minute Obama didn't tell the world this including those who voted for him in 2008. He told everyone he was a dual citizen at birth, everyone, but the majority still voted him in which is precisely what the charlatans needed to begin to shred Article II whose sole intent is designed to protect American's from foreign allegiances influencing their/our government.

So Crank, I'd like to see him arrested for fraud and I'd like to see his voters, at least those who have done their due diligence to learn their history and the significance of what their vote really meant in 2008 to turn out in droves voting him and his ilk out of office.

That's what I'd like to see. I can't imagine any American who understands the significance of violating Article II so blatantly could ever cast their one vote for a self-admitted fraud. Talk about voting against your own self interest."


August 25-26, 2011 -- DATELINE JAKARTA -- Indonesian single citizenship law explained

WMR has learned from a knowledgeable source who has covered Indonesian politics for twenty years why Indonesia has been so strict on insisting that no dual Indonesian citizenship by nationals of other countries be legal. The Indonesians, like the framers of the U.S. Constitution, particularly Article 2, Clause 5, which states that U.S. presidents must be "natural born" citizens, did not want a foreign usurper from being proclaimed President of Indonesia in the years leading up to Indonesia's declaration of independence in 1945, following World War II.

Indonesian independence leaders feared that the Dutch Queen might try to become a president-regent in a post-war independence for Indonesia that would be in name only. The independence leaders were also aware that the Japanese occupiers during the war suggested that Emperor Hirohito was offerred as a regent-president of Indonesia in de facto colonial relationship with Japan. Therefore, Indonesian law was crafted to disallow dual citizens to prevent someone with loyalty to a foreign power becoming President of Indonesia.

Ironically, it is Barack Obama's own Indonesian citizenship status that has some questioning his constitutional eligibility to serve as President of the United States.

In the years following the fall of the Suharto dictatorship, rather than seeing a disclosure of archives from the Suharto "New Order" regime following the CIA-inspired coup in 1965, archives have been kept under wraps. This situation has benefited those researchers who want more information on the activities of Obama's step-father, mother, and their Indonesian and American colleagues in the years immediately following the coup. There is one group in Indonesia that is calling for more disclosure and transparency of government activities in Indonesia: the Muhammadiya Islamic movement, condemned by some in the West as pro-Islamic state, but in reality, is as reform-minded as the Turkish Justice and Development Party and is just as committed to increasing democratic rule in Indonesia.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
August 25-26, 2011 -- DATELINE JAKARTA -- Indonesian single citizenship law explained

WMR has learned from a knowledgeable source who has covered Indonesian politics for twenty years why Indonesia has been so strict on insisting that no dual Indonesian citizenship by nationals of other countries be legal. The Indonesians, like the framers of the U.S. Constitution, particularly Article 2, Clause 5, which states that U.S. presidents must be "natural born" citizens, did not want a foreign usurper from being proclaimed President of Indonesia in the years leading up to Indonesia's declaration of independence in 1945, following World War II.

Indonesian independence leaders feared that the Dutch Queen might try to become a president-regent in a post-war independence for Indonesia that would be in name only. The independence leaders were also aware that the Japanese occupiers during the war suggested that Emperor Hirohito was offerred as a regent-president of Indonesia in de facto colonial relationship with Japan. Therefore, Indonesian law was crafted to disallow dual citizens to prevent someone with loyalty to a foreign power becoming President of Indonesia.

Ironically, it is Barack Obama's own Indonesian citizenship status that has some questioning his constitutional eligibility to serve as President of the United States.

In the years following the fall of the Suharto dictatorship, rather than seeing a disclosure of archives from the Suharto "New Order" regime following the CIA-inspired coup in 1965, archives have been kept under wraps. This situation has benefited those researchers who want more information on the activities of Obama's step-father, mother, and their Indonesian and American colleagues in the years immediately following the coup. There is one group in Indonesia that is calling for more disclosure and transparency of government activities in Indonesia: the Muhammadiya Islamic movement, condemned by some in the West as pro-Islamic state, but in reality, is as reform-minded as the Turkish Justice and Development Party and is just as committed to increasing democratic rule in Indonesia.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
August 27-30, 2011 -- DATELINE JAKARTA -- CIA, State Department directly linked to altering Obama's and family's Indonesia history

WMR previously reported how difficult it was to unlock the secrets of President Obama's and his family's past in Indonesia. However, a turn of events just prior to the completion of WMR's field investigation in Jakarta has yielded evidence that the former U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, Cameron Hume and his top embassy staff and CIA station officers pressured the makers of the bio-pic "Little Obama," the release of which was to coincide with Obama's first planned state visit to Indonesia on June 17, 2010, to cut several scenes from the final version of the movie. Obama's visit was postponed twice at the last minute during 2010 and the film was released, independent of a presidential visit, on July 1, 2010.

However, recently published State Department cables, released by WikiLeaks, have sent shock waves through the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), the Minister of Political and Security Affairs in the cabinet of the previous president, Megawati Sukarnaputri, the daughter of President Sukarno, who ousted in 1965 in a CIA-inspired coup supported by Obama's step-father, Army Lt. Col. Lolo Soetoro. In a fortuitous turn of events, the blow-back over the leaked cables has resulted in information being passed to WMR by high-level sources in the Indonesian government that contained in Indonesian intelligence files are documents related to the activities of Obama's step-father, Soetoro, and his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham-Soetoro. In Soetoro's case, it his CIA training at the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii in preperation for the September 30, 1965 coup against Sukarno. In the case of Dunham-Soetoro, the files show her involvement in Javanese village- and rural-based Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) and Sukarno cadre eradication efforts in the years following the coup, an operation that relied on anthropologists like Dunham-Soetoro and which was code-named Project PROSYM. The program's counterpart in South Vietnam, which targeted Vietcong and Vietcong sympathizers for eradication was known as Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) and the Phoenix Program. President Obama has retained funding for the two programs' modern-day successor, the Human Terrain System, which targets villagers and peasants in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia and other countries thought to be sympathizers of "Al Qaeda" and its off-shoots.

Cables sent by Hume to the State Department in November 2009 painted SBY as leading a corrupt administration and political party, the Democratic Party of Indonesia. The cables from Hume suggest that SBY and his top officials are involved in corruption with Indonesia's wealthiest business tycoons and bankers. It is noteworthy that Hume makes no mention of the close financial relationship between the Lippo Group of Mochtar and James Riady and top U.S. Democrats, including former President Bill Clinton, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore, and Obama. The U.S. embassy here has not refuted the claims made by Hume in the cables.

WMR has learned that during a pre-screening of "Little Obama" at the U.S. embassy, Hume, CIA, and other embassy officials objected to two scenes. One showed a young Obama saluting the Indonesian flag while attending Menteng state elementary school and singing the Indonesian national anthem. The other scene depicted Obama praying to Mecca and reciting passages from the Koran in Arabic at the Menteng school's At Taqwa Muslim [musralla] chapel. Both scenes were cut from the final version of the film, according to our high-level sources in Jakarta. Hume reportedly told the film's director and producer that the scenes "were not good for the United States." The rights for the final version of the film have been bought by MGM United Artists and the film is due for release in the United States next year, during the presidential campaign. WMR has also been informed that there is a belief by many in the Indonesian government that the film, rushed through production at the break-neck speed of 5 weeks and with a $1 million budget, was partially subsidized by the CIA as a propaganda vehicle. If true, the distribution across the United States of a CIA-financed film about Obama calls into question the role of the CIA in producing propaganda aimed at the U.S. electorate during a major political campaign.

"Young Obama" was produced by Multivision Plus, an Indonesian movie production company with links to India's "Bollywood." The company is owned by Indonesian-Indian Raam Punjabi. When released in Indonesia, "Young Obama" was treated to favorable coverage by The New York Times, The International Herald Tribune, and CNN.

It has been stressed here in Jakarta that the Soetoros lived in what amounted to Jakarta's center of military, intelligence, and foreign diplomatic power -- the Menteng district of central Jakarta. Most of Indonesia's political and military elite lived in Menteng when Barack Obama and his mother and step-father lived in the community. In addition, during the 1960s, Menteng was the home to all the major embassies, including those belonging to countries that supported the coup against Sukarno -- the United States, Britain, and Australia, embassies that opposed the coup -- the People's Republic of China, North Vietnam, and Yugoslavia, and those embassies that were neutral -- the Soviet Union, India, and Japan. Housed within the embassies were the foreign intelligence agents, who, along with the diplomats, mostly all lived in Menteng, along with the Soetoro family.

Menteng, where Obama grew up, was and remains the center of Indonesia's military, political, diplomatic, and domestic and foreign intelligence activities. To the left in the background is the National Monument at Monas square. To the right, obscured by buildings, is the U.S. embassy, which also houses the Jakarta CIA station.

It has been learned that the work that Soetoro and Stanley Ann were doing for Indonesian and U.S. intelligence in the years following the coup kept the two away from Jakarta for weeks and months at a time. For that reason, Obama was raised by Soetoro household staff who were either employed directly by Soetoro or were provided under the aegis of the U.S. embassy and the CIA station in Jakarta.

WMR previously reported that those who were directly involved with the Soetoros, or those whose family members had a link with the Soetoros, are either dead or have disappeared from public view. These include Lia Sobah, the daughter of the Soetoro's maid, who died from a sudden heart attack last year and who was unofficially "adopted" into the Soetoro household; the son of Obama's late driver, who has now left Jakarta and has adopted a low profile; and Obama's transvestite nanny, Turdi, now 60 and who has departed Jakarta and who has also assumed a low profile.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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