02-01-2012, 05:36 PM
"What happened to JFK--and why it matters today"
An extensive, thorough and detailed explanation of what happened to
JFK, how it was covered up, who was responsible and how it changed the
course of American history. Presented on 22 November 2011, the
occasion of the 48th observance of the death of our 35th President at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the sponsorship of the
Sifting and Winnowing Club. The speaker, Jim Fetzer, a former Marine
Corps officer and McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of
Minnesota Duluth, has chaired or co-chaired four national conferences
on JFK and edited three books on the subject as well as giving
hundreds of interviews, including three on JFK on "Coast to Coast AM".
http://vimeo.com/34444597 (1:50:58)
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An extensive, thorough and detailed explanation of what happened to
JFK, how it was covered up, who was responsible and how it changed the
course of American history. Presented on 22 November 2011, the
occasion of the 48th observance of the death of our 35th President at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the sponsorship of the
Sifting and Winnowing Club. The speaker, Jim Fetzer, a former Marine
Corps officer and McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of
Minnesota Duluth, has chaired or co-chaired four national conferences
on JFK and edited three books on the subject as well as giving
hundreds of interviews, including three on JFK on "Coast to Coast AM".
http://vimeo.com/34444597 (1:50:58)
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