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TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady?
Reasoning about Doorman

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth". Sherlock Holmes (A. Conan Doyle)

Jim Fetzer

Since there appears to be considerable confusion about reasoning scientifically in a case of this kind, the most valuable contribution I can make to the discussion of Doormån and Oswald concerns the pattern of reasoning that applies here. Having offered courses in logic, critical thinking and scientific reasoning to college students for 35 years, I am well positioned to explain the principles that apply in cases of this kind, which are part and parcel of the application of the scientific method.

Scientific method is a process involving four steps or stages of investigation or inquiry, beginning with PUZZLEMENT, where some phenomenon or event does not fit into your background knowledge and understanding; SPECULATION, where the full range of appropriate alternative explanations are advanced; ADAPTATION, where those alternatives are tested relative to the available relevant evidence; and finally, EXPLANATION, where the alternative that is best supported is acceptable as true but in the tentative and fallible fashion of science.

Scientific Reasoning

The key stage is ADAPTATION, which involves the application of inference to the best explanation to the available evidence. This requires comparing the relative degrees of evidential support for alternative hypotheses by calculating the probability of the data on the assumption that the hypothesis is true. Do that for each of them and see which of them confers the highest probability on the evidence, if it were true. It sounds like a process of reasoning backwards and, in a way, it is: you are treating the evidence as the effect of a cause and comparing the probability with which various causes could have brought about an effect. If you found a tree that had been cut in half and felled, what is the probability that that had been done with a pen-knife, a Swiss Army knife or a chain saw? Consider the effects and figure out which among its possible causes is most likely.

An hypothesis with a higher likelihood is preferable to one with lower, where the one with the highest likelihood is acceptable as true when the evidence has "settled down". It is always possible to return to make a recalculation when new evidence or new alternatives become available. Here I want to highlight a few of the key considerations that have led me to conclude that Doorman and Oswald are indeed one and the same, where, in this case, we are essentially dealing with only two alternatives, namely: that Doorman was Billy Lovelady, as the government contends, or that Doorman was Lee Oswald, as David Wrone, Ralph Cinque, Richard Hooke, Orlando Martin and I among others contend. Because there are only two serious candidates, evidence that favors one of them disfavors the other, and evidence that disfavors one of the favors the other. Doorman is one or the other. If Doorman was Oswald, he wasn't Lovelady; if he was Lovelady, he wasn't Lee.

"Out with Billy Shelley in front"

It was astonishing to me to learn only last year, 2011 that the Assassination Records Review Board had discovered the handwritten interrogation notes of Will Fritz, the DPD Homicide Detective who had interrogated Lee Oswald, notes that had been released way back in 2007, that said Oswald told Will Fritz that he had been "out with Bill Shelley in front" during the assassination. This discovery led me to take a second look at Altgens6 and to revisit the question of whether Doorman could have been Oswald.


Some have claimed Lee was not talking about his location during the shooting but some time thereafter. That makes no sense at all, however, since we know he was observed in and around the lunchroom at 11:50 AM, Noon, 12:15 PM and as late as 12:25 PM by Carolyn Arnold, the executive secretary to the Vice President of the TSBD. So, Oswald could not have been referring to being outside with Bill Shelly before the shooting. Within 90 seconds, after the shooting, Oswald had been accosted in the lunchroom by Roy Truly and motorcycle officer Marion Baker. Oswald could not have meant he was "out with Bill Shelly in front" after the shooting because Bill Shelly was not there then. Shelly said he left immediately, with Billy Lovelady, to walk down to the railroad tracks to look around. When Lovelady and Shelly returned, they re-entered the building through the backdoor, of the TSBD, and went to the base of the back stairwell (in the northwest corner (rear) of the building). So, Bill Shelly was definitely not out in front when Oswald was leaving.

The Altgens6 was Altered

It would have been unbelievably remiss of Detective Fritz not to have asked Lee Oswald where he was at the time of the shooting; that is the most pertinent question Will Fritz would have needed to ask. Three questions therefore arise about what Lee told Fritz:

(1) Why would Lee have said he was "out in front" if it were not true?
(2) Why mention Shelley unless Lee believed that he would confirm it?
(3) How could Lee have known Shelley was there if Lee had not been?

These questions appeared to me to create a prima facie presumption that Lee was telling the truth during his interrogation. I therefore began to take a closer look at Altgent6 and was astonished to discoverand on a John McAdams site!that Altgens6 was altered:


Notice I am NOT talking about Doorman but the figure to his left / front (our right / front viewing the images). I original inferred that the face that was obfuscated must have been that of Lee Oswald, but I now believebased on new research by Richard Hooke-- that it was instead that of Bill Shelley. For Shelley to have been in the immediate vicinity of the enigmatic Doorman would have made Lee's remark to Will Fritz just a bit too intriguing, which would have invited taking a closer look and risk exposing the entire charade. As we have taken a closer and closer look, it is remarkable how many of the features used to pull off this charade are present in this composite image, including not only Billy and Lee but the man in a checkered shirt, who was a Lovelady imposter, and frames from a faked film.

Taking a Closer Look

That the Altgens6 was altered at all creates the presumption that something was wrong. Surely it would only have been altered if someone had been there who should not have been there. The only candidate for that role would have been Lee Oswald. While I now believe that the face that was obfuscated was that of Bill Shelley, his importance there would only become apparent when Oswald's remarks to Fritz would eventually become available. And, to the best of my knowledge, that did not occur until 1997. I published my first article accenting this discovery, "JFK: What we know now that we didn't know then" (21 November 2011), mistakenly asserting that the obfuscated face was that of Lee, which led Ralph Cinque to contact me to explain why he thought that I was right about my conclusionthat Oswald HAD been in the doorwaybut that I was wrong about my reasons for thinking so, where the clothing that Doorman was wearing was the key!

It did not take long for Ralph to convince me that he was right, which led to our joint article, "JFK Special: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!" (25 January 2012). The uniqueness of Oswald's clothing had never really been addressed before. Well, perhaps it had, but not in a long time, and not with any widespread recognition. When you compare the clothing of Oswald and Doorman in detail, you realize it had to be the same clothing, which means it had to be the same man. Unless Billy was wearing Lee's clothing, the probability that Doorman was Lovelady approaches zero and the probability Doorman was Lee approaches one. Not only is there no serious chance that Billy Lovelady just happened to dress himself exactly the same way as Lee Oswald on that particular day, but Billy himself would go to the FBI and show them the shirt he had been wearing that day an incredibly implausible thing to do unless it was trueand it was not the same shirt!

Inference to the Best Explanation

As you will find on the pages of The Oswald Innocence Project, Ralph Cinque and Richard Hooke have done brilliant work in displaying the full range of alterations to which this photo has been subjected, where the more they have done, the stronger the case has become. Any one familiar with the principles of scientific reasoning--most importantly, of inference to the best explanation--will have no difficulty appreciating that the case for alteration has been made, again and again. The complexity of what was done is rather astonishing, but the price of failure would have been to blow apart the greatest hoax in American history, namely: that JFK had been killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone, demented gunman. We know that cannot be true on multiple grounds, but this proof is as powerful as they come.

An hypothesis has been proven beyond reasonable doubt when no alternative hypothesis is reasonable. There would have been no reason to alter Altgens6 unless someone had been there who should not have been. Altgens6 was altered. Therefore, someone was there who should not have been. The only person that could have been was Lee Oswald, the designated "patsy". Questions have long revolved over the identity of Doorman, but they have been pursued in the past in ignorance of what Lee told Fritz and that Altgens6 had been altered in at least one respectand now turns out to have been altered in many others. We have found that the man in the checkered shirt appears to have been used as a "target of opportunity" to explain away the differences between the shirt Doorman was wearing and the shirt that Billy was not. As you will discover here, there is no reasonable alternative to the hypothesis that Lee was Doorman, which has been further confirmed in detail by more recent studies. Beyond a reasonable doubt, the charade has been exposed.

Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer and journalist with Veterans Today, has joined The Oswald Innocence Project (now aka The Oswald Innocence Campaign) which he highly recommends. Fifty years of deceit and deception are enough.

Attached Files
.jpg   lovelady-2_highlight1.jpg (Size: 63.99 KB / Downloads: 2)
.jpg   Captain fritz1-5 notes C.jpg (Size: 26.65 KB / Downloads: 2)
Are there any extant statements by Shelley re: who was outside?
And do I understand the position now on the answer of Oswald or Lovelady being posited is 'both'....but that Oswald was 'rubbed out' before being 'rubbed out'? The obvious question is why Lovelady didn't mention Oswald...but many were intimidated into their answers or their answers altered....but I think the testimony of Lovelady is pretty clear.
As CD points out, while this may be interesting, it changes nothing fundamental as to MO or LHO's innocence, as far as I can see. Every little extra detail is an interesting piece in the puzzle, but this one seems tangential. Unless one finds a witness saying Oswald was outside or a photo before he was 'rubbed out', it is an interesting speculation, but IMO unproven and not provable at this moment. Roger Craig, of course, said he saw 'Oswald' [or one of two Oswalds] leave the TSBD and enter a car. Just as there were apparently two 'Oswalds' at the theater, it seem likely there were two in or near the TSBD.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Interesting: The Oswald Innocence Project is what we all here believe.
We just do not believe he was in front of the TSBD. He was where witnesses saw him,
on the second floor drinking a can of soda.
I shall post no further on this and I am not reading Dr F's gibberish on this matter. It has been overly discussed already.
Not going down that dead end again. I advise others to do the same.

Peace. :hippy:

Jim Fetzer has left the house. I don't know how long ago, but he hasn't been home for a very long time. The
air conditioning is running, the TV is showing the Olympics, the stereo is playing the Beatles, the stove is
boiling water, the vacuum cleaner is in use, no mail has accumulated in the mailbox, but all of the lights are
out. And, if you knock at the door all you'll hear is the sound of the clock lamenting coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo
from the once deserted attic, keeping time for no one in particular or perhaps for no one at all...yet it is a well
oiled bird.

Go figure.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Albert Doyle Wrote:Groden scan of Altgens 6 from original negative:

Doesn't look at all like Lee Harvey Oswald, does it?


The lingering, all-important question: Who is doing the oiling?
Adele Edisen Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Groden scan of Altgens 6 from original negative:

Doesn't look at all like Lee Harvey Oswald, does it?


I have made the call here and Greg has made the call over at the Swamp to Cinque as too why if they had edited the photo, did they leave in the visage of someone who looked like Oswald on the front step? Of course the counter claim Adele, has been that they airbrushed out some the similarities, yet of course completely obliterated other images in the photo. This is pure and utter bullshite. While Greg has a slightly different take to me like you I tend go right along with Groden's analysis. This picture in particular proves the folly of Cinque and Fetzer.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Charles Drago Wrote:Has the entity "Ralph Cinque" resurfaced, under an assumed name, at the EF Swamp?

On May 27 of this year, there appeared on the EF a character who deals primarily with photo interpretation -- and does so with pitiful illogic, manic prolificacy, and the application of modest and oddly familiar graphic skills.

In little more than two months, he has made 155 posts -- many of them in the in-your-face style of "Cinque."

As "Cinque" fixated on Altgens 6, this guy obsesses over the Dealey Plaza shape/figure know as Black Dog Man. His "Black Dog Man is a woman with a baby... " thread bears all the hallmarks of a "Cinque" provocation, especially the my-way-or-the-highway certainty he brings to matters deeply uncertain.

The guy may be legit and just plain foolish.

Or "Cinque" may be back.

Let's wait to see if Jim Fetzer endorses the guy's work.

Three cheers for CD. The frauds don't get by you do they??

Charles Drago Wrote:I have solved the Black Dog Man mystery by applying my superior photo interpretation skills to the attached image.

Note the melting skull to the right of Black Cloak Man.

Note that Black Cloak Man, facing to the left in an obvious attempt to implicate liberals in JFK's death, clearly is holding the mutilated torso of Marilyn Monroe as viewed from the rear (and don't try to tell me that such an ass could have belonged to any other woman in history).

Note that Black Cloak Man is wearing a black cloak -- a fashion statement most closely identified with Satan worshipers.

It's all so simple if only we choose to see ...

Fucken Hilarious CD and ohhhhh soooo true when we deal with the Ickes, Cinques and Fetzers of this world!
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Charles Drago Wrote:I have solved the Black Dog Man mystery by applying my superior photo interpretation skills to the attached image.

Note the melting skull to the right of Black Cloak Man.

Note that Black Cloak Man, facing to the left in an obvious attempt to implicate liberals in JFK's death, clearly is holding the mutilated torso of Marilyn Monroe as viewed from the rear (and don't try to tell me that such an ass could have belonged to any other woman in history).

Note that Black Cloak Man is wearing a black cloak -- a fashion statement most closely identified with Satan worshipers.

It's all so simple if only we choose to see ...

I was invited onto a UFO. I was informed that "Black Dog Man" an alien who was there with strict orders not to interfere with the course of life on Planet Zenon, also known as The Silent Planet. You might be interested to know that the dog in question was Barack Obama who was shape shifting into the form of a dog to provide cover for his superior. Now that Obama has completed his training, he was placed in command of the United States. I can't reveal any more. My website will soon be up and my book and DVD's will soon be out.

As for "Charles Drago", well ... let's just say his fight with Ed Jewett is part of a strategy of tension. He will soon be called back for a software upgrade and reprogramming. They think his next "life" will be as an aging jazz hipster who will claim that he slept with Jackie and JFK on the same night, but in different beds. And as for Mr. Ed, he is doing just fine the way he is.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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