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Israel and 9/11 - An Introduction
What evidence would have had to have been destroyed?

Let's suppose the following plot:

SOB's inside the gov decide the do a false flag. They want a war and they want to use fighting Islamic Terrorism as the pretext. So they set up some drones and fly them into the towers ... put out the hijacker cover story. Evrerything is the same bu the towers don't come down nor does bldg 7. The twins burn for days and are charred burn out unsafe monstrosities... blocks around them are cordoned off for months while the authorities assess the damage (and remove and plant evidence to suit).

The Islamists who had nothing to do with it issue press releases taking claim for the act and praising Allah for doing this to the great satan.

Congress declares war etc...

The Feds agree to pay for the dismantling of the towers... A big fight goes on about whether to rebuild them or not.. not one wants to fly on planes or work in high rises... Military enlistment skyrocket. The DHS is formed and away we go!

No towers fell.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:The Islamists who had nothing to do with it issue press releases taking claim for the act and praising Allah for doing this to the great satan.

When the towers were bombed in Clinton's day there were several hundred groups who called and claimed responsibility for it. Clearly it was not all of them.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:What evidence would have had to have been destroyed?

Let's suppose the following plot:

SOB's inside the gov decide the do a false flag. They want a war and they want to use fighting Islamic Terrorism as the pretext. So they set up some drones and fly them into the towers ... put out the hijacker cover story. Evrerything is the same bu the towers don't come down nor does bldg 7. The twins burn for days and are charred burn out unsafe monstrosities... blocks around them are cordoned off for months while the authorities assess the damage (and remove and plant evidence to suit).

The Islamists who had nothing to do with it issue press releases taking claim for the act and praising Allah for doing this to the great satan.

Congress declares war etc...

The Feds agree to pay for the dismantling of the towers... A big fight goes on about whether to rebuild them or not.. not one wants to fly on planes or work in high rises... Military enlistment skyrocket. The DHS is formed and away we go!

No towers fell.

Jeffrey, I am trying to get at your implied question, which is Who benefits from the fall of the towers? Why would anybody plant explosives to bring them down? Certainly Islamic terrorists would not benefit any more than just running airplanes into the buildings. Agreed.

Who else would benefit. If it were some elements govt\defense\intelligence state, you answer, Nobody. They still get their war. They still get everything they got as of now. Why would they bother to blow them up? Right?

I'll await the answer to this question before going on.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:I have not shifted my focus...I have interest on multiple levels concerning 9/11. Sometimes on the very details of what happened and other times on the meta issues. But they all are linked somehow are they? If you look at the behavior of nuerons you learn something about the brain and perhaps thought even... maybe. 9/11 is kind of like that.

Been reading about this for almost two decades... ..
but I didn't find anything that links clearly to explosions, 9/11, or anything like it.

Perhaps if you do a word-based or thematic search through the material, you will see the centrality of the human mind.

Perhaps if someone were to have turned that map inside-out.

I've heard it said by several with uncertain documentation that these kinds of innate human capacities cannot be "weaponized" for evil, as there is some form of magic in them that prevents it. For my money, I don't think such proof is of a major sort or can be replicated or noted or cited. But lots of things can be and continuously are taken on the basis of gnosis, experience, faith, or misperception.

And, for my money, as I glance for about the umpteenth time at that word map, I see clearly that the tiny small word that stands alone out to the left just after the twin towers (the five A's) on downwardly-scanned bridge of "loss of self-consciousness" is the word intention, inside which are found all manner of application possibilities, and which may be better understood if placed somewhere else on that map or at least explored and explained with better focus.

Surrounding the bridgeheads are the "infantry" of leadership and teamwork on one side, and, on the other, the battalions of emotion, with belief and perception in the supporting ranks.

These can be the breeding grounds for hegemony, domination, power and control which brings it into some relevance in re: 9/11 and many other false flags.

They can also be the breeding grounds for their antithesis.

I note the the introductory or primary entry point to the OODA loop starts with the blending of observations during unfolding circumstances with an orientation to cultural background, genetic heritage, previous experience and new information....
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Insurance policy holders often benefit if their building gets burned down....Especially if it costs too much to demolish...or can't because of heritage resitrictions...People with things hidden in a building that would be convenient to have disappear would also benefit.....People who have committed a crime in a building often set fire to it to cover it up and destroy evidence of the crime...

Just saying.

And some thimes things just go wrong. Even things that are mean to go wrong.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Yes people do burn down their buildings and commit insurance fraud. But the 9/11 plot which also involved the pentagon and the Shanksville plan seems to make this motive hardly seem plausible. If Larry wanted to collect the insurance he could have planted bombs and blamed it on terrorists... why go to the extent of getting planes involved...hijacked or drones?

I find the destruction of evidence of the destroying the towers a bit of a tautology. Frankly I can see no reason that the total destruction of the towers served the perps and more than just slamming jets into the towers.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Magda,

I find the destruction of evidence of the destroying the towers a bit of a tautology. Frankly I can see no reason that the total destruction of the towers served the perps and more than just slamming jets into the towers.

Since unexploded explosives and their residue was found in the dust, one is required to say explosives were involved.

At that point, the destruction of the towers is no longer a tautology. One must say, They had their reasons. And one would be justified in making speculations.

My speculation is that at the very least, since explosives were used to help bring the buildings down, the planning of this operation would find taking them all the way down would be preferable.

Consider: the fires burn themselves out or were put out as one courageous fire fighter was calling for: two hose teams to put out the two small fires. So the WTC 1 & 2 are sitting there as useless husks. There would have been no way to keep to keep forensic inspectors, FBI agents, salvage engineers, the press, etc. from giving the buildings infinite attention.

Secondly, from a psy-op point of view, to control of the flow of information needs to be assured and subject to careful planning. As a planner, why would I submit a plan that has as a key part, I sure hope nobody looks to close at those buildings.

If you are a domestic perp, would you want this to happen? No fuckin' way. In terms of planning the operation, I cannot imagine why I would want that set of unknowns to remain in the open. Bring the buildings down; ship the steel off for salvage; keep inspectors away; shut the firemen up; silence the whistleblowers, etc.

Remember that saying they could have had as much impact without using explosives becomes unnecessary. Maybe so. The fact is, they chose to use them. And I think it was the correct decision from a black-op point of view.
Thank you, Lauren.

I was waiting for just such insight to appear before I offered the following:

As was the case with JFK and Diana (to name but two targets of deep political systems) the "best evidence" must be controlled so as to minimize opportunities for inconvenient post-mortem discoveries.

Each target and the circumstances and methods of its destruction present unique challenges to the obfuscators. And make no mistake, whether we're talking about human or non-human targets, significant similarities are noted in most instances. These include, but are not limited to, security stripping, public execution, multiple patsies, and/or the aforementioned pm control.
The evidence of explosives found in the dust is inconclusive. The Harrit Nano thermite paper asserts that the red gray chips are un reacted nano thermite. However there are dissenters to this thesis which assert that nano thermite does not have the explosive power to destroy steel or concrete for a building demolition.

Harrit has mentioned in a listserve I am on that he estimates that there would have had to have been 160 tons of nano thermite per floor. YIKES that seems to make this a non starter if true.

There are also claims that the red gray chips are the primer paint used by LaClede steel who produced much of the structural steel and supplied it shop primed... red by the way. I believe additional tests on dust are being conducted to determine/confirm or dispute the Harrit findings what was in the dust... what the red gray chips were.

Further, there is very little evidence if any that steel was exploded apart. There are some steel samples showing severely eroded and in even missing parts of steel which is attributed to eutectic type burning. Eutectic burning is a process wherein a chemical is introduced which changes the temperature performance of a material:
"A eutectic system is a mixture of chemical compounds or elements that has a single chemical composition that solidifies at a lower temperature than any other composition made up of the same ingredients. This composition is known as the eutectic composition and the temperature is known as the eutectic temperature.

Eutectic alloys have two or more materials and have a eutectic composition. When a non-eutectic alloy solidifies, its components solidify at different temperatures, exhibiting a plastic melting range."

The notion being that the melting point of steel was lowered by the eutectic (since there is no way for office or fuel fires to reach the melting point of steel in open air burns of such short duration.

Some chemists have suggested that the building materials themselves might have acted and produced a thermitic-like reaction using the sulfur within the gypsum of the insulation. The concept being that at some point the gypsum decomposes and releases the sulfur, and with the presence of aluminum oxide and iron oxide thermite was created. If true this could burn through steel and obviously raise the temps and weaken it.

It should be noted that the steel did NOT have to melt for the core to fail. Heat lowers the strength of steel and so in combination with destroyed columns (in the case of the twins) the reserve strength is eat up as the temps of the steel rises... to the point where all the reserve strength COULD be lost and the columns fail from being over loaded.

None of the above rules out placed devices or chemicals or in the case of the twins delivered as payload on the planes.

You don't know that they chose to use explosives. You think they did. This has not been proven. If explosives can be proven, it would make sense to scrub the scene of the crime and silence those who could talk.

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