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Michael Piper and Final Judgment
At the heart of the argument advanced by the Albert(s) Doyle and Mark is a foregone conclusion: Jews are the problem.

Thus, all evidence is interpreted in that tainted light.

You've both (all) poisoned your own well of reason.

Critical thinking has been abandoned.

Replaced by stinkin' thinkin' --

This operation is not intended, however, to blame the Jews. This operation exists to distract by creating a Red Herring.

The operators are not antisemitic. They are accessories after the fact. They are guilty of conspiracy to obstruct justice.

Albert Doyle Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:Albert - You've been asked numerous times...

If you don't like what I post from Piper... post what YOU THINK represents your POV as supported by Piper...
YOU'RE the one who keeps saying we haven't read the book and don't know the material well enough - but YOU DO.

POST SOMETHING from the book Albert...


Since you are basically admitting all of your attempts at obfuscation have blown up on you shouldn't what we've already posted have been enough? (David will follow with a lengthy post explaining how he hasn't admitted anything. At that point I think we are both saying the same thing - which appears to be a trend in here, that is, not admitting anything about Piper)

I think you have nerve posing yourself this way since you still haven't answered how any "new jew backers" could get so deep into the conspiracy and not be involved with the major players? Mark did make a good point when he said jews were still isolated in 1963 into ethnic groups. This isolation, when combined with the fact support of Cuba was clearly at the covert level when it involved Dallas, makes it a near certainty that these new backers were associated with the main players. As Piper shows there was no reasonable way for any "jew backers" to disassociate from those covert zionist and Lansky interests once you got to that level. They would automatically be under their control. Plus, if these backers were separate from the main conspirators I don't think those conspirators would let any freelancers walk right into their plot. Since your responses make no effort to either acknowledge or answer this I don't think you're being honest.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
This isolation, when combined with the fact support of Cuba was clearly at the covert level when it involved Dallas, makes it a near certainty that these new backers were associated with the main players. As Piper shows there was no reasonable way for any "jew backers" to disassociate from those covert zionist and Lansky interests once you got to that level.

A presumption plus a "fact" which is "clear" produces "near certainty" these Jews (subjunctive voice) were "associated" with the "main players."

"Main players" being a wholly-owned trademark of A Priori Productions, who stipulate the mighty Oz "shows" there was no "reasonable" way for these Jews to "dissociate" from "covert zionist and Lansky interests" (Dow Jones symbol CZLI) "once you got to that level"--

What level was that?

The level at which an entire floor of headless mannequins say, "Jews killed Kennedy; Piper proved it--case closed"?

Bugliosi says if Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, Kennedy wasn't killed. McAdams says no proof of Ferrie-Oswald association. Specter says if A-Y, then Z. Ford says wound is mobile.

None of the above have any proof.
I am more apt to believe that the "operators" presenting here under the signature of "Albert Doyle" are
themselves Jews than I am apt to believe that "Jews killed Kennedy".

Why? Because I do not resist compelling evidence indicating the complicity of ANY group, ethnicity, or
individual irrespective of their affiliations, ethnicity, beliefs, sexual preferences, marital status, or origins.

In this case, the arguments implicating "Jews" in the Kennedy assassination are so dripping with illogical,
yet inflammatory, mumbo-jumbo that I wouldn't be surprised if the expertise of knowing how to create such
wholly prejudiced propaganda for the purpose of "wild goose chasing" would be best performed by Jews who
have themselves been subject to such idiocy.

Albert(s), are you Jewish? Mark? Because you sure are acting like some pretty crafty operators here.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Maybe if people just stop responding to Albert and Mark this thread will die a much- needed death.

I don't see this as a credible argument for Deep Political analysis of the evidence for Israeli facilitation of the assassination. You've personalized subject matter. It's the subject matter that is being discussed here (or avoided) not those who discuss it.

So full circle maybe we can put this to rest….

Mark linked to aspecific page in an EF thread where Rago posts a number of times….

Quote:My goodness I thinkthe EF got it right. It wasn't just Israel, but they were a major player. I waspartly right

Jim Phelps and MikoRago are impressive researchers, imo. Best JFK thread I've seen.

And some veryinteresting names appear in the troll sideshow.

#1 Israel is building a Reactor with the French Gov't's help that ends and is picked up by private companies. Dulles tells NSC Israel is building a nuclear complex

Mike Rago, on 14 September 2012 - 03:50 PM, said:
Heavy Water

The French give it asecond thought....and Allen Dulles is informed

Quote #1

The French, on theother hand, were no longer so sure that they wanted Israel to join the nuclear club, notifying the Israeli ambassador in May 1960 that France had decided to end its nuclear relationship with Israel. However a distinction was made between government-to-government ties andcommercial interests. French companies were allowed to continue working on the Dimona reactor and did so until it was completed in 1963 or 1964, at which point, with blueprints acquired from the Saint-Gobain enterprise, the Israelis were working on the reactors fuel reprocessing plant. The continuing French"private" support for the Israeli nuclear weapons program had not gone unobserved: "In late October and early November [1960] the United Kingdom informed the United States that it believed a reactor was under construction near Beer Sheba. On 8 November British intelligence provided CIA/PIC with ground photography of the site. The next day, based on a hurried analysis ofthe photography, a preliminary assessment was made in the CIA--'the site was probably a reactor complex'. On December 2 (1960), Allen Dulles informed the National Security Council that Israel was building a nuclear complex in the Negev,probably including a reactor capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium. This was made public on December 18 when the chairman of the AEC, John McCone,announced it on the television program Meet the Press. The next day the NewYork Times carried the story on its front page.


#2 Mr Rago and by default Mark and Albert will accept ANYTHING the supports Piper, checked for accuracy or not…. "IMPRESSIVE RESEARCH", right?

Quote #2
Why did it take morethan three years for the American intelligence establishment to reach theconclusion that Israel was planning to build nuclear weapons at the"peaceful" nuclear research station at Dimona? According to AvnerCohen's account in Israel and the Bomb, "Information about Israel wasjealously held within the CIA, where James Jesus Angelton was in charge of theIsraeli desk. Angleton did not sharesensitive information with other agencies, and also withheld much of it fromother CIA sections".

Below is a draft report on Israel's Nuclear Activity on JANUARY 30, 1961
And we obviously KNEW something was up REGARDLESS of what JJA was doing.

AGAIN is this in any way indicative of Israeli involvement in the assassination?

Israel's NuclearActivities
(January 30, 1961)
This memorandum notesIsrael's claim to not be seeking nuclearcapability and the U.S.'s position on Israel's research.

Israel's Atomic EnergyActivities

In 1955 under the"Atoms-for-Peace" program the United States undertook to assistIsrael with its atomic energy development program. Subsequently a one megawattresearch reactor was built with our aid at Nahal Rubin, near Tel Aviv.

In the summer andearly fall of 1960 rumors reached our Embassy at Tel Aviv that the French werecollaborating with the Israelis in the construction of a large reactor atDimona, near Beersheba, in the northern part of the Negev desert. After ourintelligence agencies had established on December 2 that a significant atomicinstallation was in fact being built near Beersheba, Secretary Herter onDecember 9 called in Israeli Ambassador Harman who undertook to obtain fullinformation from his government. After anumber of exchanges, Prime Minister Ben-Gurion gave us categoric (sic) assurancessupported by appropriate public statements to the effect that Israel does nothave plans for developing nuclear weaponry. The French have also assured usthat their assistance is premised on Israel's atomic energy program beingsolely for peaceful purposes. Ben-Gurion had indicated that aside from normalmilitary precautions the reason for Israel's extreme secrecy with respect tothe Dimona project was his fear and that of the foreign firms assisting the projectthat the Arab states would boycott or take other retaliatory measures againstany firm or even country assisting the project. There is considerablejustification for this Israeli reasoning.

Our government'sconcern was two-fold: a) pursuant to Congressional legislation and firmexecutive branch policy the UnitedStates is opposed to the proliferation of nuclear weapons capabilities; andb) Israel's acquisition of nuclearweapons would have grave repercussions in the Middle East, not the least of whichmight be the probable stationing of Soviet nuclear weapons on the soil ofIsrael's embittered Arab neighbors.

The Israeli and Frenchassurances which we have received appear to be satisfactory, although severalminor questions still require clarification. In any case, the Departmentconsiders this not a single episode but a continuing subject and it is theintention of our intelligence agencies to maintain a continuing watch on Israelas on other countries to assure that nuclear weapons capabilities are not beingproliferated. At the moment, we areencouraging the Israelis to permit a qualified scientist from the United Statesor other friendly power to visit the Dimona installation. Prime MinisterBen-Gurion has indicated that this may be possible at an early date.

A full chronology ofour interest in Israel's atomic energy activities is attached in the event thatit may be of interest to you./2/

Dean Rusk/3/

/1/Source: Departmentof State, Central Files, 884A.1901/1-3061. Secret. Drafted by Meyer (NEA/NE).

/2/Attached but notprinted.

/3/Printed from a copythat indicates Rusk signed the original.

Source: ForeignRelations of the United States, 1961-1963: Near East, 1962-1963, V. XVIII.

This is a paper dated THE NEXT DAY - 31 Jan 1961 entitled

"Implications of theacquisition by Israel of a Nuclear WEAPONS Capability"

See the front page attached

#3 I ask once again… the THIRD POST ON THAT SAME PAGE linked by Mark….
JJA has knowledge great.

And how does the above referenced paper on Israel's NuclearCapability on JANUARY 31, 1961 get written if only JJA knows about this?

More James JesusAngleton

Quote #3

Angleton, it turns outknew of what he spoke. In Top Secret testimony to the Church Committee TadSzulc outlined Angleton's own account of U.S assistance to the Israeli atombomb program.

"I was told byone of my news sources that a situation had occurred in the 1960's in which theCIA delivered to the Israeli government classified information , technicalknowledge, know-who, the services of distinguished physicists and fissionablematerial in the form of plutonium to assist in the development of an Israelinuclear weapon at the Dimona Israeli Nuclear Testing grounds....
I have raised thesubject in private conversation with Mr. James Angleton in the spring of thisyear [April 1975]. Mr. Angleton told me that essentially this information wascorrect.
Angleton correctedSzulc on two points, saying that the events had taken place in the late 1950's,after the Suez War, and that no fissionable material had been delivered. Szulcthen asked Angleton "whether he could confirm that a British bornscientist...Wilfrid Basil Mann...was indeed one of the scientist involved inthis operation. Mr. Angleton confirmed that indeed this was the case.


#4 I linked to the entire report… on that website I'vebeen pulling from this entire thread the one that Mark feels is NOTrepresentative of the situation yet is good enough to quote thru Rago as an "impressive researcher"

Maybe if he kept reading he would have avoided posting this:

7. Yet with all this outcry the Arabs would be basicallyfrustrated. No really satisfactory course of action would be open to them to counter the Israeli achievement.Nasser might be tempted to strike at Dimona, but would probably be deterred bythe fear that Israeli retaliation would destroy him before internationalpeace-keeping machinery could intervene to suppress the conflict. Thenationalist leaders would doubtless try to work up a high degree ofinternational pressure to restrain Israel from aggressive action. They would probably attempt to persuade thegreat powers to force Israel to submit its nuclear capability to internationalcontrol--an attempt which would almost certainly be unsuccessful. Nasserwould contemplate, and might embark upon, a nuclear weapons program of his own,with what technical help he could beg or hire from abroad; but this would atbest be a lengthy and expensive enterprise, highly provocative to Israel. The principal advantage in the short termwould be to give Nasser something to make speeches about. In his efforts torestore Arab morale, Nasser might claim to have nonnuclear weapons of massdestruction--chemical or biological--and might even make an effort to developsome capability along these lines.

In1967 Israel gets thebomb...

Quote #4

By the mid-1960's theCIA station in Tel Aviv was convinced, for good reason, that the Israeli's hadan atomic bomb program. These field reports became official in March 1963, whenthe head of the Office of National Estimates, Sherman Kent, released a reporton "Consequences of Israeli Acquisition of Nuclear Capability.". (
Kent wrote that"Israel's policy toward its neighbors would become more rather [than] lesstough... t would to exploit the psychological advantages of itsnuclear capability to intimidate the Arabs and to prevent them from makingtrouble on the frontiers...[Israel] would use all its means at its command topersuade the US to acquiesce in, and even to support, its possession of nuclearcapability."
Kent predicted thatthe Arab countries would be dismayed and frustrated and turn from the UnitedStates to the Soviet Union for support. Three years later the CIA predictedthat Israeli "assembly of a nuclear weapon could be completed in 6-8weeks, a prediction that came true when, just before the 1967 war, Israel puttogether two nuclear weapons.

And I will have to disagree with Dawn… this thread is VITAL to countering the "Israel was involved because JFK pissed off BG"

There is not a shred of evidence that Israel's efforts tobuild this reactor and the US response had anything at all to do with a buildup to his assassination.

The reaching for straws here by Mark and Albert is worsethan listening to DVP defend the SBT.

Will Mark or Albert ever post something FREOM PIPER'S BOOK that actually supports the argument?
I can't imagine they can as I've been thru the entire book now a number of times…

No matter how many ways you want to slice it… Piper's SHITE will never be art, nor taken seriously until a defendable case can be made thatsomehow relates to the evidence from the time.


pps.... Looking at what Ike made the Israeli's and BG do in Egypt, as well as the bonds France and Isreal created at this time and their mutual distrust of Nassar
maybe one of you two can explain why IKE was not slated for assassination so they could KEEP their won territories and remove Egypt and Nassar from the picture?

JFK, if I read history correctly, didn't make Isreal STOP or DO anything related to Dimona and their program....



Ike Forces Israel to Withdraw
President Eisenhower was upset by the fact that Israel, France
and Great Britain had secretly planned the campaign to evict Egypt from the Suez Canal. Israel's
failure to inform the United States of its intentions, combined with ignoring
American entreaties not to go to war, sparked tensions between the countries.
The United States subsequently joined the Soviet Union (ironically, just after
the Soviets invaded Hungary) in a campaign to force Israel to withdraw. This
included a threat to discontinue
all U.S. assistance, UN sanctions and
expulsion from the UN (see exchanges between Ben-Gurion and Eisenhower).

U.S. pressure resulted in an Israeli withdrawal from the areas
it conquered without obtaining any concessions from the Egyptians. This sowed
the seeds of the 1967 war.

One reason Israel did give in to Eisenhower was the assurance
he gave to Prime Minister [URL=""]David
Ben-Gurion[/URL]. Before evacuating Sharm al-Sheikh, the strategic point guarding
the Straits of Tiran, Israel elicited a
promise that the United States would maintain the freedom of navigation in the
waterway. In addition, Washington sponsored a UN resolution creating the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) to
supervise the territories vacated by the Israeli forces.

The war temporarily ended the activities of the
fedayeen; however, they were renewed a few years by a loosely knit group
of terrorist organizations that became know as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

Attached Files
.jpg   Report on 1-31-63 about Israeli nukes.jpg (Size: 182.38 KB / Downloads: 0)
I've got your back, DJ.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)

RE this:
Quote: Because you sure are acting like some pretty crafty operators here.

On page 58/#580, David Josephs says this:
Quote:How you can give this person ANY intellectual credibility when people like MOSLEY go unresearched, and GLADIO does not play in discussions of PERMINDEX
is, to me, absurd and requires more than the deflecting posts offered.

It doesn't take long before MS, is demanding to know what Gladio has to do with JFK assassination, as if this were the position, and fawning helplessness. 'What am I suppossed to do? Work me on this?'

My reading of this thread is that David Josephs introduced Gladio to the Permindex discussions to show the inadequacy of Mosely's analysis saying in so many words, 'it's so bad that he does not even mention Gladio.' It's obvious to a non-expert reader such as myself that Stapleton is pretending to be a partner to a conversation. That he is not. He is indeed an operator.

He should be put on moderation in lieu of being ignored which isn't going to happen. This shit has been going on for months.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Your mouth keeps moving but nothing seems to ever come out of it....

When and if you EVER address the LACK OF EVIDENCE in support of Piper I can once again take you seriously.
Until then you simply sound like a disgruntled troll -

In Internet slang, a troll ([Image: 11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png] /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,[SUP][1][/SUP] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[SUP][2][/SUP] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion

you can't even provide anything from the book that connects MOSLEY, claiming HOMER said JEWS, to actual PEOPLE other than thru wild speculation.

The only admission I will make is that I am sick and tired of your tactics and inability to respond honestly to any request for PROOF from the book.
You play the game like DVP's LNer act.... terribly wrong analysis of pretty simply stuff resulting in conclusions that have no base in reality

OPEN the MF'ing thing - find a passage that supports what you claim


Otherwise, you and your posting buddies are off my radar... we can let Greg, Seamus and CD deal with you.
I'm done.

Albert Doyle Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:Albert - You've been asked numerous times...

If you don't like what I post from Piper... post what YOU THINK represents your POV as supported by Piper...
YOU'RE the one who keeps saying we haven't read the book and don't know the material well enough - but YOU DO.

POST SOMETHING from the book Albert...


Since you are basically admitting all of your attempts at obfuscation have blown up on you shouldn't what we've already posted have been enough? (David will follow with a lengthy post explaining how he hasn't admitted anything. At that point I think we are both saying the same thing - which appears to be a trend in here, that is, not admitting anything about Piper)

I think you have nerve posing yourself this way since you still haven't answered how any "new jew backers" could get so deep into the conspiracy and not be involved with the major players? Mark did make a good point when he said jews were still isolated in 1963 into ethnic groups. This isolation, when combined with the fact support of Cuba was clearly at the covert level when it involved Dallas, makes it a near certainty that these new backers were associated with the main players. As Piper shows there was no reasonable way for any "jew backers" to disassociate from those covert zionist and Lansky interests once you got to that level. They would automatically be under their control. Plus, if these backers were separate from the main conspirators I don't think those conspirators would let any freelancers walk right into their plot. Since your responses make no effort to either acknowledge or answer this I don't think you're being honest.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:In other news, Herman Kahn was employed by the Rand Corporation. Used systems theory and game theory to supercede MAD, devising counters to pre-emptive first strike scenarios.

Conceivably Rand's 1972 counterterror database was a prescient view of the post-Cold War model twenty years hence.

Gladio provided a range of countermoves to Soviet expansion. Its force, unused for its intended purpose, exercised a strategy of tension.

Is Benghazi a helping hand to the Mau Mau. Certainly 911 was strategic tension, opening the gates to extraordinary Federal executive power, neutralization of constitutional safeguards, access to heroin, an exercise for the dogs of war cooped up for too long.

Kahn was thinking of a world Kennedy wanted to dismantle. Certainly a Rand study deemed it more cost-effective to dismantle Kennedy.

As Rumsfeld oversaw consigning terabytes of Able Danger data to oblivion, no doubt there is nothing this side of the memory hole of the calculations of the threat posed by the 35[SUP]th[/SUP] president to the military-industrial complex, the intelligence sword and shield of the powerful, the Federal Reserve, the free flow of narcotics at market prices.

And thus, with a few deceptively straightforward thoughts, Phil Dragoo justifies the existence of DPF.

Phil has absorbed and astutely interpreted material readily available in this thread, and brought his own particular research specialities to bear.

The result is a highly insightful deep political haiku.

As Hopper's photojournalist raps:

"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Lauren Johnson Wrote:This shit has been going on for months.

Yes, it has. As of November 22, 2013 it will have been going on for exactly 600 months.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Greg Burnham Wrote:I've got your back, DJ.

Thank you much my electronic brother...

Means ALOT to me...


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