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Michael Piper and Final Judgment
Magda Hassan Wrote:I will moderate posts in future unless you are on topic. We have several pages of your avoidance on show and that is quite enough band width for you. Time for you to stump up with all this evidence you talk of Mark. Come on don't be shy. Give it to us. But you can't. You're shooting blanks.


So what do we have here?

A threat followed by an allegation of 'several pages of avoidance' (this thread reads very poorly for you actually--unlike you, I've actually made contributions to this thread).

To top it off, a demand for more evidence--immediately! Is this a new policy? Members have a time limit and the clock is ticking? The Spanish Inquisition lives again. But even the old Inquisitors weren't this impatient.

I'll make contributions to this thread as I see fit. I won't conform to yours or anyone else's timetable.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:A threat followed by an allegation of 'several pages of avoidance' (this thread reads very poorly for you actually--unlike you, I've actually made contributions to this thread).
No, you've posted plenty. But we're still waiting to see your evidence.....

Mark Stapleton Wrote:To top it off, a demand for more evidence--immediately!

No, really, several pages of self indulgent time wasting wankery avoiding the production of the evidence you say you have is quite enough. If you had spent your time gathering and presenting this evidence instead of posting diversions and distractions we would not be having this conversation. On the contrary I have the patience of a saint. As would be obvious to any one reading this 76 page thread on Piper's puffery. As are your continual diversionary tactics.

Mark Stapleton Wrote:I'll make contributions to this thread as I see fit. I won't conform to yours or anyone else's timetable.
Fine. But don't expect us all to wait for you. We all have lives to be getting on with too. You seem to find unlimited time for all your diversionary crap though. The short bus may be along to collect you ....shortly.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
What's to be found, racing around,
You carry your pain wherever you go.
Full of the blues and trying to lose
You ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know.

So I give you my eyes, and all of their lies
Please help them to learn as well as to see
Capture a glance and make it a dance
Of looking at you looking at me.
The black-throated wind keeps on pouring in
With its words of a lie that could almost be true.
Ah, Mother American Night, here comes the light.
I'm turning around, that's what I'm gonna do

- Black Throated Wind

"Filler" as known to one Mark Simpleton, is what the rest of us call EVIDENCE THAT PROVES PIPER WRONG....

Enjoy your parting gifts... have a nice day. :wavey:

Mark Stapleton Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
Phil Dragoo Wrote:The entirety of the 771-page anti-Jewish screed rests on an anonymous informant's unverifiable claim of a third-hand comment.

That's a big statement.

Prove it.

I have, repeatedly....

771 pages and you can't find even a sentence to support the conclusion?

Here, let me give you a hand....

Chapter 15 is supposed to bring it all together....:

Would you please go to YOUR COPY OF PIPER - REREAD CHAPTER 15 - and POINT TO THE PAGES that support the following "preface" to the Chapter...

Chapter Fifteen
The Twain Shall Meet
The Permindex Mystery:
Israel, the CIA, the Lansky Crime Syndicate
and the Plot to Kill John F. Kennedy

Central to understandingthe joint Mossad-CIA-Lansky
Organized CrimeSyndicate nexus in the plot to assassinate
John F. Kennedy is to recognize the importance of a little explored
corporate entity based in Rome and known as

New Orleansbusinessman Clay Shaw, indict ed
by Jim Garrison forconspiracy in the JFK assassination,
served on thePermindex board of directors.

Many assassinationresearchers have contended that
Permindex was a covertCIA money laundering operation.
Shaw, of course, didhave ties with the CIA. Others have put
forth the theory thatPermindex was a front for a Nazi
remnant left over fromWorld War II (DJ: GLADIO). This theory, exciting
though it may be, falls far off the mark.

All of the firm evidence indicates Permindex was an
Israeli operationwith close CIA connectionsand tied
inextricably with the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime

Unraveling the mystery of Permindex explainsthe web of
intrigue that ties all of the key players inthe conspiracy
together. The Permindex connect ion is also the famous
"Frenchconnection" to the JFK assassination. Andas we
shall see, the French connection is, actually, the Israeli

And here we finally have the REALITYof the matter…. Piper needs to connectPaulino Sierra
to Lansky, the CIA, and PERMINDEX and in turn connet THEM to the assassination.

Does this look like SPIT and BUBBLEGUM is holding these JFK links together to anyone else?

Once again MARK or ALBERT - you are free to post ANYTHING from that book in your support....

Was a Short-Lived Cuban Exile Group a Mossad Front?
The Strange Story of Paulino Sierra and Peter Dale Scott

In fact, it was Sierra who financed the armsdealreferenced on the first page of
the preface of FinalJudgmentabout which a federal informant inside the Cuban
groups (one ThomasMosley) said he was told: "We now have plenty of moneyour
new backers are theJewsas soon as they take care of JFK."

Since Sierra wasfunded by "Las Vegas and Cleveland gambling interests," that
unquestionably points towardMeyer Lansky's chief Las Vegas point man, Morris
Dalitz (formerly Cleveland-based), who was a shareholder in Mossadoperative
Tibor Rosenbaum's Permindex entity which, as we have seen, played such a central
role in the JFKconspiracy.

In other words, ifas we contend here[size=12]Sierra'sshort-lived organization was a[/SIZE]
[size=12]Mossad"front" designed to finance and manipulate the New Orleans-based[/SIZE]
operations used toorchestrate the JFK assassination through the activities of
Frank Sturgis, GuyBanister and David Ferrie, not to mention Permindex board
member Clay Shaw(DJ: THEN) themoney was provided by the Lansky syndicate's gambling
ventures, which, asnoted, were intertwined with the Mossad's Permindex operation.

Sounds strangely familiar… now who do we know from the casethat creates a HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION from which to conclude TRUTH? i.e. is an exit hole and exit?

Piper writes, "IF youassume items as fact even though we have provided nothing to prove or supportsuch a fact but IF YOU ASSUME it to be FACT is it FACT?" oy!

Mr. SPECTER - Permit me to supply some additional facts, Dr.Perry, which I shall ask you to assumeas being true for purposes of having you express an opinion.
Assume first of all thatthe President was struck by a 6.5 mm. copper-jacketed bullet fired from a gunhaving a muzzle velocity of approximately 2,000 feet per second, with theweapon being approximately 160 to 250 feet from the President, with the bulletstriking him at an angle of declination of approximately 45 degrees, strikingthe President on the upper right posterior thorax just above the upper borderof the scapula, being 14 cm. from the tip of the right acromion process and 14cm. below the tip of the right mastoid process, passing through the President'sbody striking no bones, traversing the neck and sliding between the largemuscles in the posterior portion of the President's body through a fasciachannel without violating the pleural cavity but bruising the apex of the rightpleural cavity, and bruising the most apical portion of the right lunginflicting a hematoma to the right side of the larynx, which you have justdescribed, and striking the trachea causing the injury which you described, andthen exitingfrom the hole that you havedescribed in the midline of the neck.
Now, assuming those facts to be true,would the hole which you observed in the neck of the President be consistentwith anexit woundunderthose circumstances?

Oh brother.

So how does this prove Piper's book and conclusion is based on an anonymous informant's unverifiable claim of a third hand comment.

Just in a few sentences or as brief as possible. Your posts are so full of filler it's hard to follow what you're talking about.
The following is the only mention of a statement allegedly heard by one Thomas Mosley:

Informant 2-1-266 heard (Mark, from who did he hear this?)
that Mosley was ALLEGEDLY negotiating to sell guns to Homer
and (ALSO HEARD - from who?) that Homer ALLEGEDLY made a comment on the 21st of Nov about "new Jewish backers"...

To recap...

2-1-266 HEARD these things... from some UNNAMED THIRD PARTY
that Mosley was ALLEGEDLY negotiating with Homer

Homer ALLEGEDLY made a comment about JFK on the 21st.

We have no idea WHO he HEARD it from
or whether it was actually ever SAID by Homer in the first place...

AGAIN: He (2-1-266) said, that he heard that some guy was trying to sell guns to this other guy who ALLEGEDLY made this comment...

Your turn Mark... have you even bothered to read the REST of the report about Mosley and Homer and Mannie? Piper obviously didn't... he stopped at "new Jew Backers"
and called it a done deal...

btw - what do you think Sierra has to do with this? as that's a name you've never even bothered to include in your SUPPORTING EVIDENCE

[TR="class: tr1"]
[TD="class: td1, colspan: 2"]allegedly
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TR="class: tr2"]
[TD="class: td2, colspan: 2"] adv
[TR="class: tr3"]
[TD="class: td3n1, align: right"]1.
[TD="class: td3n2"]reportedly; supposedly: payments allegedly made to a former colleague
[TR="class: tr3"]
[TD="class: td3n1, width: 1%, align: right"]2.
[TD="class: td3n2"]( sentence modifier ) it is alleged that
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TR="class: tr2"]
[TD="class: td2, colspan: 2"] interj
[TR="class: tr3"]
[TD="class: td3n1, width: 1%, align: right"]3.
[TD="class: td3n2"]an exclamation expressing disbelief or scepticism

Attached Files
.jpg   Homer allegedly told Mosley who allegedly sold guns.jpg (Size: 121.17 KB / Downloads: 3)
Magda Hassan Wrote:I'll make contributions to this thread as I see fit. I won't conform to yours or anyone else's timetable.
Fine. But don't expect us all to wait for you. We all have lives to be getting on with too. You seem to find unlimited time for all your diversionary crap though. The short bus may be along to collect you ....shortly.

You make it sound like your life revolves around this thread.

Go and live your life you clown--I'm not stopping you.
Quote:Go and live your life you clown--

What a fucking idiot!!!!!!

Close this fucking thread..This forum has had enough!
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
David Josephs Wrote:The following is the only mention of a statement allegedly heard by one Thomas Mosley:

Informant 2-1-266 heard (Mark, from who did he hear this?)
that Mosley was ALLEGEDLY negotiating to sell guns to Homer
and (ALSO HEARD - from who?) that Homer ALLEGEDLY made a comment on the 21st of Nov about "new Jewish backers"...

To recap...

2-1-266 HEARD these things... from some UNNAMED THIRD PARTY
that Mosley was ALLEGEDLY negotiating with Homer

Homer ALLEGEDLY made a comment about JFK on the 21st.

We have no idea WHO he HEARD it from
or whether it was actually ever SAID by Homer in the first place...

AGAIN: He (2-1-266) said, that he heard that some guy was trying to sell guns to this other guy who ALLEGEDLY made this comment...

Your turn Mark... have you even bothered to read the REST of the report about Mosley and Homer and Mannie? Piper obviously didn't... he stopped at "new Jew Backers"
and called it a done deal...

btw - what do you think Sierra has to do with this? as that's a name you've never even bothered to include in your SUPPORTING EVIDENCE

You think Piper's whole book revolves around this?

What about JFK's secret war with Israel concerning Dimona. Ruby's arms smuggling to Israel. Ruby's connection to Lansky, Cohen, Gruber and the the rest of the Kosher Nostra. Lansky's crime syndicate and connections to Permindex. The sudden pro-Israel policy shifts after Kennedy's death. LBJ's undying loyalty to Israel. Angleton, who helped establish Mossad, and his role in the conspiracy and coverup. The control over the motorcade route and the DPD exercised by the Dallas Citizens Committee, chaired by ardent Zionists Scheppes and Bloom. The Zionist control over the US and western media.

Piper's book is much more than the single incident you describe. It doesn't hinge only on this. That's a ridiculous assumption.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:The following is the only mention of a statement allegedly heard by one Thomas Mosley:

Informant 2-1-266 heard (Mark, from who did he hear this?)
that Mosley was ALLEGEDLY negotiating to sell guns to Homer
and (ALSO HEARD - from who?) that Homer ALLEGEDLY made a comment on the 21st of Nov about "new Jewish backers"...

To recap...

2-1-266 HEARD these things... from some UNNAMED THIRD PARTY
that Mosley was ALLEGEDLY negotiating with Homer

Homer ALLEGEDLY made a comment about JFK on the 21st.

We have no idea WHO he HEARD it from
or whether it was actually ever SAID by Homer in the first place...

AGAIN: He (2-1-266) said, that he heard that some guy was trying to sell guns to this other guy who ALLEGEDLY made this comment...

Your turn Mark... have you even bothered to read the REST of the report about Mosley and Homer and Mannie? Piper obviously didn't... he stopped at "new Jew Backers"
and called it a done deal...

btw - what do you think Sierra has to do with this? as that's a name you've never even bothered to include in your SUPPORTING EVIDENCE

You think Piper's whole book revolves around this?

What about JFK's secret war with Israel concerning Dimona. Ruby's arms smuggling to Israel. Ruby's connection to Lansky, Cohen, Gruber and the the rest of the Kosher Nostra. Lansky's crime syndicate and connections to Permindex. The sudden pro-Israel policy shifts after Kennedy's death. LBJ's undying loyalty to Israel. Angleton, who helped establish Mossad, and his role in the conspiracy and coverup. The control over the motorcade route and the DPD exercised by the Dallas Citizens Committee, chaired by ardent Zionists Scheppes and Bloom. The Zionist control over the US and western media.

Piper's book is much more than the single incident you describe. It doesn't hinge only on this. That's a ridiculous assumption.
Well, give us the proof Mark. We're waiting.....
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote:Go and live your life you clown--

What a fucking idiot!!!!!!

Close this fucking thread..This forum has had enough!

Selective indignation at its best.

What else could one expect.
Pack your bags, Mark.

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