02-07-2015, 03:28 PM
"It is a highly effective way to keep the Left on its reservation, "-- Tracy Riddle
Bingo. My only qualm with this near-Bingo is that IMO we should be clear in distinguishing between "left" media and a real left. Its problematical in this stage of capitalism, on account of ANYTHING reaching 10,000 eyes or more needs foundation grants which is why we have seen so much BS in the NOMINALLY left sites like Counterpunch and Truthout re JFK and RFK. That's how they pay their rent. Quid pro quo. If we dignify this rent money propaganda by conflating it with a "real left" -- whatever the hell that might mean in 2015 I certainly agree it's is of necessity conjectural-- we play right into the small group psychology and spectrum-positional-identity-manipulation that our communications researchers lay out for us. But generally I agree that this is a reservation. And if so McGeorge Bundy's move to Ford Foundation in 1966 may have been The Dawes Act of The McLeftists.
Bingo. My only qualm with this near-Bingo is that IMO we should be clear in distinguishing between "left" media and a real left. Its problematical in this stage of capitalism, on account of ANYTHING reaching 10,000 eyes or more needs foundation grants which is why we have seen so much BS in the NOMINALLY left sites like Counterpunch and Truthout re JFK and RFK. That's how they pay their rent. Quid pro quo. If we dignify this rent money propaganda by conflating it with a "real left" -- whatever the hell that might mean in 2015 I certainly agree it's is of necessity conjectural-- we play right into the small group psychology and spectrum-positional-identity-manipulation that our communications researchers lay out for us. But generally I agree that this is a reservation. And if so McGeorge Bundy's move to Ford Foundation in 1966 may have been The Dawes Act of The McLeftists.