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Is this a lefthanded assassin in the 3rd floor Dalt-Tex window?
Dallas private citizen Phil Willis was standing at the corner of Elm & Houston with his family, taking snapshots of the parade procession that afternoon. Much has been written of Mr. Willis' photos that day, and also his & his wife's strong conviction about where they thought at least the fatal gunshot originated, quote, "There's no doubt in our mind the final shot that blew his head off did not come from the depository. His head blew up like a halo. The brains and matter went to the left and the rear", but little has been written (well, little did I know until most recently) about how Mr. Willis and his family actually witnessed the arrest of a young man wearing a black leather coat and black gloves, being escorted out of the Dal-Tex Building by two uniformed police officers.

Whether he was up to no good or not has never been established, because akin to the suspicious woman trying to make a hasty getaway in her car in the rear parking lot of the TSBD, who managed to slip past the officer charged with holding her there for follow up questioning, this individual, quote, "had been up in the building across the street from the Book Depository without a good excuse'', also managed to slink away from the authorities before any recording of his name or an interrogation could take place. His vanishing act came soon after people watching his arrest openly cursed and jeered him.

*Source: Matthew Smith, JFK: The Second Plot (1992) via a Spartacus article...

No police department in the world is as inept as more than a few instances suggesting otherwise plagued the Dallas Police Department/Sheriff's Office that afternoon. What competent law-enforcement agency allows a figure dressed in a black leather coat and wearing black gloves inside of a building simply disappear off the face of the earth before it can be determined that he wasn't the responsible party to what just happened a few minutes ago?

In review:

Here's a suspicious figure, without a valid reason to be in the Dal-Tex building
He's wearing gloves inside the building upon being apprehended and escorted out
Shots were just fired
Even dumb criminals know to keep gloves handy
but, somehow, all of this equates into, Nothing to see here folks, he doesn't warrant being a Person of Interest, last we knew he asked to go to the "bathroom"...oh, well, shrug, at least he didn't wiss his pants or soil one of our department chairs...

Are you smucking serious?! This cannot be indicative of what law-enforcement was in Texas circa 1963. Please say it ain't so. Was this arrestee a possible shooter? Was he charged by his co-coup d'état attack-force to hit the target in the rear/back to establish the myth about all of the shots coming from the rear? That shot was key to establishing their pre-designated decoy position across the street.

Messages In This Thread
Is this a lefthanded assassin in the 3rd floor Dalt-Tex window? - by Alan Ford - 06-01-2016, 06:19 PM

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