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Why the second floor lunch room encounter could not have happened
Bart Kamp wrote:

Quote:He is lambasting almost everyone (yup you included Miller) even admins about what is happening here. His posting privileges are revoked and he can only lurk and PM here.

Other than that Doyle just rambles on, posts drivel declared gospel and so on. He is the court jester of the JFK Assassination research community.

Mr Kamp is a liar and a coward. He makes it sound like my posting privileges have been revoked on the Education Forum because of "lambasting". That isn't at all true and anyone can read my last posts. I was quite civil and offered a factual challenge to Andrej Stancak on his evidence that he refused to answer. I then found myself on moderation for reasons Gordon refused to explain. Gordon also said he would restore my posting privileges on Jan 4. When that date came around he did not do so. When I sent an e-mail asking why he did not answer it. Mr Gordon is a typical bully moderator and is clearly moderating in favor of the Murphy posters.

My posts were quite clear in their content. They were not "rambling" or "drivel", they were actually the cutting edge on the subject. When Gilbride defended me he was immediately suspended and still has his privileges revoked. Duncan also found himself having trouble posting when he posted evidence that refuted ROKC.

Mr Kamp is a coward because he was calling me out on the Education Forum before I was a member saying I was coward for not coming over there and debating him. So after I showed up Mr Kamp left the thread and stopped posting. He cut and ran and made no attempt to debate me or answer my evidence. Now that his moderator protector has censored me Kamp is back speaking from the cowardly safety of censorship. And, no, he never answered my evidence in my last post on the Education Forum, nor is he answering the points I am making in these remote responses. Typical of ROKC he's switched the topic to me instead of answering the informational points I was making and none of the dishonest membership on the Education Forum calls him on it.

What Kamp is dodging here is answering our height argument, our Davidson enhancement, as well as his claim that Campbell wasn't referring to Truly and Baker when he said "Truly and an officer went into the building". He's the one offering the rambling and drivel. We're demanding answers to evidence and he's avoiding them with the dirty help of a major british coward named James Gordon.

This is why Miller is not a good representative for our side. If he were a credible defender of our case he would cite my posts and make Kamp and Stancak answer them. It is obvious to me that Gordon isn't too bright and just sides with sources he thinks are established. He's too dumb to see that ROKC's material is complete bullshit and he should never be moderator.

ROKC somehow got a photo of my mother and put it on their site in a mocking cartoon about a padded cell. ROKC are scum and hooligans who should be driven from the internet.


Messages In This Thread
Why the second floor lunch room encounter could not have happened - by Albert Doyle - 12-03-2017, 08:22 AM

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