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Why the second floor lunch room encounter could not have happened
Quote:Pure make believe, without the backing of any evidence whatsoever, no different like Doyle and Miller.

The head basher Bart Kamp wrote the above on the Education Forum under the assumption it would be approved by Jim D. The context of this is Kamp ran from the thread when I appeared even though, like he does here, he bad-mouthed me calling me a coward for not signing-on to the Education Forum to confront him. When I signed-on his bully moderator James Gordon rode my back applying draconian rules to all my posts and nit-picking them for site rules violations. When I pointed out to Gordon that I actually hadn't violated the rules he was moderating me over his response was "I am not going to debate you on this. Any further challenges from you may result in your banning". In other words the bully coward James Gordon couldn't justify his actions against me and was just straight censoring me for his ROKC friends. My post was the ultimate refutation for Stancak's and ROKC's Prayer Man bullshit. Kamp is a lying coward because he had every opportunity to show where my material was lacking and couldn't when I was there on the board. It isn't until he's protected by a British coward named James Gordon, who likes to play things the English way (crooked and dirty), that Kamp is back loud-mouthing knowing he'll never have to actually back up that bravado. Meanwhile reality dictates that Kamp and Stancak still haven't answered my last post to Stancak showing why Prayer Man is standing on the landing and is therefore too short to be Oswald. Since then I have discovered even more photographic evidence that further reinforces Prayer Man being on the landing. Even though Gordon said he was moderating for academic rigor he refused to let me post it. When I e-mailed him asking why I was banned he ignored it. The Education Forum is a dirty room run by an uncredible bully moderator who serves the dishonest interests of a select group of members and lies about his reasons for banning. The members are not honest because they gladly accept this self-serving censorship in order not to have to answer for the flaws in their material. They have given birth to a major jackass named Bart Kamp who specializes in boasting when he knows Gordon has silenced the opposition. After banning me in a cowardly way Gordon has dropped out of posting. He also applies none of the phony restrictions he was citing against me to his favored posters who can post anything they feel without fear of moderation. Having the one person who can out-argue the pro-Murphy majority on the Education Forum out of the way the rest of the members won't complain and Kamp's rank cowardice will be tolerated. Miller has offered a pretty good case against Kamp and his bs. Much better than Kamp's contrived bs that is the specialty of the ROKC evidence-cookers. As usual, Kamp is guilty of the lack of evidence he accuses us of. The others know this but won't point it out because it preserves their pro-Murphy position. However Miller has ignored my evidence that goes right to the heart of the issue and finally proves Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton. The dishonest majority know this disproves their favored Murphy theory so they practice an open defiance of reality and pretend our evidence doesn't exist. When you have a 95% percent majority who didn't see the evidence and don't want to admit they were wrong it is much easier to just push the guy with the good evidence over the side and pretend not to notice. And then the boasting of the crank who benefited from this can be silently honored, even though everybody knows he's yahoo. (An "Excellence In Research" yahoo)

I just wanted to point-out that Kamp addresses his dishonest bragging to Jim DiEugenio as a partner and approver of all this. Jim has given approval to the Cinque-like efforts on Prayer Man and they acknowledge him for it. Jim also never made any attempt to respond to Davidson's metadata. Miller is a dummy and doesn't point this out. That's why Gordon has sculpted the site after his own personal inclinations, violating moderator neutrality British style, and forcing weak-handed Miller as the only opposition to his Prayer Man mob. By forcing Miller as the only opposition Gordon gives artificial life to a now debunked theory and its credulous proponents saving him and his uncredible Education Forum website from being shown to have strongly supported a bogus theory. Jim D works all the dirty levers with his silent approval.

Messages In This Thread
Why the second floor lunch room encounter could not have happened - by Albert Doyle - 15-03-2017, 07:02 PM

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