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Advancing Armstrong - Putting The Puzzle Pieces Together In The Lobby
Oswald did not exit via the front doors...If he had there would have been witnesses...For Oswald to exit through the front doors he would have to walk out right under the nose of the cop who had just stopped him and told him to step aside...The reason the Warren Commission did not explore or investigate Oswald's leaving through the front door is because they knew he didn't...They didn't want to reveal the real way Oswald exited because it was incriminating...We know Harvey walked up to the bus, so he had to get there some way...Strong evidence that Harvey left via the Loading Dock is seen in Billy Lovelady's trying to con Jarman that he saw Oswald leave via the front doors...Good detective skill will make one realize that the reason Lovelady told this to one of the negro workers was because he was doing disinformation for his CIA partner Shelley...However one has to ask, if Lovelady actually saw Oswald leave via the front door, then why didn't he tell that to the Warren Commission?...Why didn't Roy Truly tell it to the Commission?...Why is Jarman the only person he told that to?...Buell Frazier recently said "Oswald did not leave via the front door"...The way the current JFK research community works is I have made a good case for a second stop of Oswald in the Lobby...That evidence shows that an un-named cop stopped Oswald from exiting the front door under his order...My brilliant case then gets ignored...Richard, the reason why no HSCA official went after Lovelady and asked him why he was telling Jarman he saw Oswald leave through the front doors, but never told that to the Warren Commission, is because they know he is lying and they don't want to pursue the real way Oswald exited...And low and behold Lovelady dies 16 months after Jarman admitted this...Lee also exited via the rear because of that restriction by the un-named cop...There is no other reason to not identify and interview that cop...Frazier is telling a dangerous truth about Oswald leaving via the Loading Dock that took him decades to admit...

Sean Murphy
Aug 7, 2010, 11:32:40 PM

On September 25 1977 James Jarman was interviewed for the HSCA. He
told the interviewers that he, Bonnie Ray Williams and Harold Norman
had run downstairs after the assassination and attempted to leave the
building by the front entrance:

"... as we was running out of the building the police stopped us, he
told us to come back inside the building, so we proceeded back inside
the building. And, after we was inside the building after that, I
heard that Oswald had come down through the office and came down the
front stairs and he was stopped by the officer that had stopped us and
sent us back in the building and Mr. Truly told them that that was
alright, that he worked there, so then, he proceeded own (sic) out the
building and we wondered why he stopped us."

The source for Jarman's information about the incident?

"Well, there was a billy love lady standing out there, he was on the
steps, see... And, Oswald was coming out the door and he (Lovelady,
S.M.) said the police had stopped Oswald and sent him back in the
building, billy love lady said that Mr. Trudy (sic) told the policeman
that Oswald was alright, that he worked there, so Oswald walked on
down the stairs."

The problem with Jarman's statement to HSCA is that Harry Holmes heard the accurate version, told by Oswald himself, and repeated it to the Commission...The un-named cop at the front door told Oswald to "step aside" AFTER THE "SUPERINTENDENT" OK-ED HIM...This is the key to deciphering Lovelady's disinformation because Lovelady purposefully omitted the part where the cop told Oswald to step aside (and therefore not leave)...You have to realize that Lovelady knows Oswald did not walk on out and down the stairs because Lovelady was out there and saw with his own eyes that that never happened...He's doing disinformation for his CIA partner Shelley and helping cover-up Shelley's helping Oswald out the back...Jarman's statement is nothing less than a corroboration of Holmes' witnessing of Oswald telling of being stopped by a cop in the Lobby...Lovelady lied to Jarman and told him it was Mr Truly who OK-ed Oswald in the Lobby...But Holmes heard the accurate version directly from Oswald and Oswald said "superintendent" (Shelley)...I think Lovelady is lying and he was inside with Shelley when all this happened...Helen Forrest was quite clear that the Oswald she saw in the white shirt had come from the rear of the Depository and had not exited through the front door...Murphy is dishonest because he ignores the part where Jarman said Oswald had "come down"...That was obviously from the Lunch Room Encounter just like Holmes heard...Where Jarman says Oswald came down the front stairs Holmes said "Went Downstairs to see what the commotion was all about"...That's known as solid corroboration and Murphy is totally dishonest when he tries to ignore it...

Frazier's statements in your quotes with Moriarty is one of the most incoherent, mixed-up jumbles of verbiage I have ever seen in a transcript...Linguistic Forensics will tell you the reason for that is because they are both lying and covering something up...In my opinion the reason why Gary Mack never followed-through on Frazier saying he saw Oswald exit through the Loading Dock, and changed the subject in the interview, is because Gary Mack knew that was the truth and was dangerous...You have to realize who Gary Mack was...He was one of the people with the most knowledge of the assassination...His lack of interest in Frazier's witnessing is incriminating...Gary changed the subject instead of reviewing that claim and asking Frazier why he waited so long to admit it...It was one of the questions I was going to ask Frazier if he let me interview him...Remember - there is no other option here since we know Oswald walked up to the Bus/Taxi Encounter...He had to get there some way...Shelley was CIA and knew he had to help fellow CIA Harvey on his way...

No, actually my reconstruction is also based on the authorities not asking Ochus Campbell what his Oswald was wearing...They got away with that under the assumption that he would be wearing the same Brownish-Reddish Long-Sleeved Shirt that Baker saw him in...I personally believe that Geneva Hine was either lying and saw the White T-Shirt Oswald or FBI radically altered her testimony like they did with Sarah Stanton and Carolyn Arnold...In any case Roger Craig saw Lee cross the Knoll and get in a car...He also said Oswald was wearing a white shirt...Richard - you are failing to process that the evidence forces this because we have witnesses for two Oswalds leaving the Depository...Harvey in Long-Sleeves and Lee in a White T-Shirt...Harvey goes to the Bus/Taxi Encounter and Lee goes to the Station Wagon driven by the Dark Complected Man CIA operative...I would hardly believe that Mrs Reid could look at Oswald in a Reddish-Brown Long-Sleeved Shirt and then describe it as a White T-Shirt...It grinds against my evidence analysis abilities... 

I mean it is possible that Adams & Styles cruised by the 2nd Floor Lunch Room while Truly & Baker were inside...We know Baker was in there longer than told because Truly continuing to go up the stairs, realizing Baker was not behind him, turning back and going to the Lunch Room, had to take a little while that would translate to the time Baker was in there with Oswald...They shortened the time of the Lunch Room Encounter because they were trying to cover-up the fact they witnessed evidence that Oswald was in there the whole time - like the lunch on the table...However, your version requires that Adams & Styles were not that far from Truly & Baker when they shouted for the elevator and ran up the creaky stairs...Also, your version requires Adams & Styles to not hear Truly & Baker confronting Oswald...It requires the girls to be right on the heels of Truly when he turns back...Something they would not have missed on the creaky stairs...

Your book 'Inside Job' miraculously survived Hurricane Ian even though the room where I kept it was destroyed...I'll try to take a look at your illustration...If you have a link it would be better...However, as far as Oswald flinching, you have to step back to a detective's overview of Oswald's overall presence in that Lunch Room...We know Oswald was not supposed to be seen in that Lunch Room because Sarah Stanton saw him hiding out on the 2nd Floor staircase landing waiting for Mrs Reid to induce the ladies to leave...We know Oswald was cooperating with a plan to hide him in that remote Lunch Room where he could be framed as being upstairs shooting Kennedy....Seeing how the rest of the evidence shows that Oswald was cooperating in his being hidden in that Lunch Room it becomes unlikely that Oswald would then break the very cover he kept through-out and lead a police witness to his Coca Cola and lunch on the table...In my opinion the flinching was to avoid being seen rather than the opposite...It can't make him a more effective patsy if it leads police witnesses to his being in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the shots...

Mrs Garner should have been pressed on exactly how long it took before Truly & Baker emerged... 

There are a majority of recalcitrant researchers on the internet who are saying "Now that the Lunch Room Encounter has been shown to have never happened"...Those people do not participate in discussions that show how that is wrong...They are trying to push through false claims with a mob-like majority and favoring oversight...

Messages In This Thread
Advancing Armstrong - Putting The Puzzle Pieces Together In The Lobby - by Brian Doyle - 05-04-2023, 05:24 PM

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