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Advancing Armstrong - Putting The Puzzle Pieces Together In The Lobby
In the last year I have come to realize the depth of the corruption in the Depository and investigation was much worse than I had realized before...The persons most responsible for my education on that are yourself, Armstrong, and Barry Ernest... It is possible the Rear Elevator was used as a means of escape, however Armstrong's 6th Floor Escape theory possesses the type of strange espionage techniques that you see elsewhere in the assassination - which, to me, loans it merit...Like the power being turned off in order to make sure the elevator cab was beneath the 5th Floor elevator equipment room...I managed to e-mail Carol Reed in 2018 and she responded...She told me that she remembered bolting immediately from her position in the motorcade spectators...She left in such haste that she remembered hurdling over people who had laid down in order to avoid any assassin's bullets...Carol Reed told me she went inside immediately and when she got to the Passenger Elevator in the Lobby it was dead and didn't work...She said she thought she remembered the operation lights for the elevator call buttons were unlit and out...This is serious evidence that I believe is the only contact ever with Carol Reed and the reaction from the so-called research community was total silence...They aren't interested...That's not very credible...You can see Carol Reed in all white next to Gloria Calvery on the steps in the Darnell film...Thomas Graves is obnoxious however he has skill in photo identification...In 2018 he and I developed this evidence but were limited to Duncan MacRae's troll site...I asked Carol if she remembered climbing the steps, and even sent her that image in an e-mail, but she didn't recall...It is interesting however that Carol Reed remembered the cop who Truly(?) remembered coming up to the 2nd Floor and giving orders...Carol told me that after she took the stairs up to the 2nd Floor offices a cop told her to hide under her desk and she did...She said she hid in fear for a long time under that desk as instructed...

In any case, if indeed the West Elevator was used as an escape route it is possible it only contained Lee...I mean no disrespect Richard and am a person who respects your research and ability, as you already know...This exchange forced me back to your book that I found in my salvaged belongings...That book is highly interesting on every page and very instructional - which makes it a tragedy that it doesn't get more recognition...It is possible that the other conspirators seen by Richard Carr left just before the assassination like Carr witnessed...I am forced to mention here that if Adams left early, according to my theory, that the timing lines up with her seeing the elevator cables moving in the process of the elevator being sent back up to the 5th Floor...Again, I can't reconcile Mrs Garner not seeing that elevator in motion from her perspective on the 4th Floor Landing where she said she was taking control of who arrived at that location...Not to mention the negro workers on the 5th Floor who saw Baker's helmet...How did they miss a hit team?...

I'll have to disagree with you on Mrs Reid somehow confusing Harvey's Reddish-Brown Long-Sleeved Shirt with a White T-Shirt...It doesn't make sense to me that she could make such a mistake with such radically different articles of clothing...It is like mistaking a Zebra for a Buffalo...Especially when Roger Craig saw an Oswald who was wearing a white shirt...The Commission did not accidentally fail to ask Campbell what his Oswald was wearing...They intentionally avoided it because it was a White T-Shirt...Campbell's Oswald went in to the Utility Closet to hide because he screwed-up and bungled in to the Lobby at the same time as Harvey...Go to the 1st Floor blueprint and you will see that the Utility Closet is located in perfect positioning with Lee stumbling in to the Lobby from the front stairs and seeing Harvey at the other end...It is a quick hook turn away from visibility and is located exactly where a person would duck-out and not be seen in that situation...It perfectly aligns with the behavioral forensics of my theory...

I'll bet money, Richard, that Frazier will pass a lie detector test on his witnessing of Harvey exiting the rear Loading Dock 5 to 10 minutes after the shots...Gary Mack's reaction (or lack thereof) is proof enough for me...There's a complete causal scenario that occurs before it that locks it in to plausibility...Harvey was stopped by the same cop who stopped Jarman...Shelley knew Harvey was in trouble so he OK-ed him with the cop telling him he was an employee...Shelley then helped Harvey out the Loading Dock to get him on his way with his continuing spook work...Buell recently made a statement "Oswald did not leave via the front door"...Buell said he himself drifted out to the corner of Elm and Houston where he could see the rear of the Depository...A seasoned researcher should see Lovelady lying about seeing Oswald leave via the front...Harvey could not have walked right out under the nose of a cop who had just ordered him to step aside and not leave...We know Lovelady is lying because 1) He never mentioned that witnessing to the Commission...2) The HSCA never went to Lovelady to ask him why he never told that to the Commission...3) Lovelady had a "heart attack" 16 months after Jarman's admission...

"So he told me to step aside for a little but and we will get to you later. Then I just went on out in to the crowd to see what it was all about." -  Again, for your interpretation to be correct would require a cop, who had just ordered Oswald to not leave, to do nothing when Oswald defied his order right in front of him and walked right out under his nose anyway...A cop who then stopped Jarman and his coworkers from leaving too...It is pretty obvious here, Mr Gilbride, that Harvey is following the template we are already familiar with of him covering-up the deeper aspects of the conspiracy...He's lying and not blowing the cover of fellow CIA operative Bill Shelley and his helping him out of the Depository...Many of Oswald's interrogators said he was obviously trained in anti-interrogation tactics...I'm not sure how, exactly, one Oswald going up to the bus and one being witnessed getting in to the Station Wagon on the Knoll cannot constitute a "conflict"???...

It is possible that Couch/Darnell is as much as 30 seconds after the shots and Baker is still far from the crowded steps...There's plenty of leeway there in Baker having to get to the steps still, having to push through the crowd blocking the steps, going to the Lobby to look for the way up, and waiting for Truly to catch up...It is feasible that Baker did not exit the Lobby with Truly until 50 seconds...The girls bolted under adrenaline as soon as the limousine disappeared at 8 to 10 seconds after the head shot...They could easily have gotten to the 3rd Floor landing when Baker was seen in Darnell at 30 seconds after the shots...I ask you to look at your image on page 402 of your book...Gloria Calvery and Carol Reed covered a distance about 1 1/2 times further than Adams & Styles from their position in the motorcade spectators...They dashed to the front steps by about 20 seconds after the shots where they spoke to Lovelady & Shelley at the base of the steps...That took them maybe 18 seconds...Adams & Styles started about 10 seconds after the shots and only went about 2/3rd's the distance as Calvery & Reed...Your illustration shows how small the Depository was...Since they only went 2/3rd's the distance, I contend that it only took Adams & Styles 2/3rd's the time as Calvery & Reed - 12 seconds, to get to the stairs...If Adams & Styles were at the stairs at plus 22, and on the 3rd Floor 8 seconds later or less, then they are on the 3rd Floor when you see Baker in Darnell...Baker has a lot of obstructions, uncertainty, and slow-downs from there...The girls are flying downhill with gravity at that point free and clear and full of adrenaline...

As to Truly hearing Adams & Styles on the 3rd Floor landing above him we can pretty much count him out because the level of corruption we have already proven with him shows that even if he heard them pounding on the floor with their steps he would never bear witness to it...Truly is excluded from being a witness for this, however Adams & Styles are not and it seems to me they would have heard Truly starting up the creaky stairs just below...Mrs Garner heard the girls in a similar situation when she got to the 4th Floor landing...Why didn't the girls with Truly?...

Mr. BELIN. About how long after these shots do you think it took you to
go all the way up and look around the roof and come all the way down again?

Mr. TRULY. Oh, we might have been gone between 5 and 10 minutes. It is
hard to say.

Mr. BELIN. What did you do when you got back to the first floor, or what did
you see?

Mr. TRULY. When I got back to the first floor, at first I didn’t see anything
except officers running around, reporters in the place. There was a regular

Mr. BELIN. Had they sealed- off the building yet, do you know?

Mr. TRULY. I am sure they had.

Mr. BELIN. Then what?

Mr. TRULY. Then in a few minutes-it could have been moments or minutes
at a time like that I noticed some of my boys were over in the west corner of
the shipping department, and there were several officers over there taking their
names and addresses, and so forth.

There were other officers in other parts of the building taking other employees, like people’s names. I noticed that Lee Oswald was not among
these boys.
So I picked up the telephone and called Mr. Aiken down at the other warehouse who keeps our application blanks. Back up there.
First I mentioned to Mr. Campbell-I asked Bill Shelley if he had seen him,
he looked around and said no.

Mr. BELIN. When you asked Bill Shelley if he had seen whom?

Mr. TRULY. Lee Oswald. I said, “Have you seen him around lately,” and
he said no.

So Mr. Campbell is standing there, and I said, “I have a boy over here missing.

You would think if Oswald got stopped trying to leave through the front door and Truly stepped-up to OK him that Truly might mention this to the Commission - right??? It is highly incriminating that there would be multiple witnesses to Oswald being stopped in the Lobby and cleared by the "superintendent" yet Truly himself would make no mention of it to the Warren Commission...

Truly gets caught lying when he's asked if the police had sealed-off the building and he replies "I'm sure they had"...That's not the answer you would expect from someone who had allegedly witnessed the Depository being firmly sealed-off when Oswald was stopped from leaving right in front of him...Linguistic Forensics would tell you that the words Truly used there are words that someone who wasn't there would use...They are definitely not the words that a "superintendent" who had allegedly seen a prime example of the building being sealed would use...

Ochus Campbell saw Oswald in the Utility Closet after Campbell returned from the Grassy Knoll...This has to be before Truly got back downstairs - so why does Campbell not mention seeing Oswald in the Utility Closet to Truly when Truly asks if he saw Oswald?...Someone is lying here...

Why does Jarman not see Truly in the Lobby?...He would have to if Truly cleared Oswald before Jarman got down there...Jarman said Lovelady told him of his witnessing Oswald being stopped when Jarman was sent back inside by the same cop...

What you are seeing here is exactly what you would see if Truly knew Shelley had OK-ed Harvey and helped him out the rear exit...There's a fatal conflict here between witnesses saying a "superintendent" cleared Oswald with the cop at the front door and Truly not mentioning it to the Commission...

If you are clever and know what to look for Belin is staying away from specifics in his interview of Truly...Belin doesn't ask where on the 1st Floor Truly arrived after descending from the upstairs...That isn't an accident...Belin is helping Truly not answer important cross-examination evidence...Truly knows what the game is which is why he blurs his arrival time to "5 or 10 minutes"...

By the time of Truly's Warren Commission interview it was well-known that Campbell had seen Oswald in the Utility Closet and the notes from the 3pm interrogation had made clear that Oswald allegedly exited with Shelley... It is highly incriminating for Belin to fail to pursue these glaring conflicts...Belin is helping walk Truly around the dangerous evidence...

Look at Truly's wording above..."First I mentioned to Mr. Campbell-I asked Bill Shelley if he had seen him"...Truly realizes that any pursuit of Campbell will lead to his seeing Oswald in the Utility Closet, which in turn will lead to questions of what happened in the Lobby...Pay careful attention to Belin's response to that where he suborns perjury and aids Truly...Shelley is a safe receptacle for the cover-up and worst corruption in the Depository because he's CIA...By the time of the Commission interviews Belin and the Commission were well aware of Campbell's and Shelley's alleged witnessing of Oswald in the Lobby yet Belin allows Truly to get away with pretending that both of them hadn't seen Oswald when he got back downstairs...

The answer to all this is Truly got back downstairs on the late end of his "5 to 10 minutes" and probably stayed in the back NW corner by the elevators and his office when he did and didn't go up to the Lobby until later...Truly is blurring all this on purpose because by this time he had been briefed on what to avoid and doesn't want to give any clues away to the fact he was still upstairs when Harvey and Jarman were stopped in the Lobby...The overall purpose of all this being the total cover-up and avoidance of what happened in the Lobby and Oswald's alleged route of exit...

If Truly was the superintendent who OK'ed Oswald in the Lobby, then he most certainly would have been there for Jarman too...Truly would have mentioned OK-ing Oswald in the Lobby in his Commission testimony and Belin would have asked him...All this business is all explained by the fact Shelley assisted Harvey out the Loading Dock after a cop detained him and told him not to leave and that was something that CIA Shelley could not explain so they buried it...Buell Frazier: "Oswald did not leave through the front door"...

Hope you continue to comment Richard because, right now, you and I seem to be the spear point and leading edge of assassination research with the most recent important discoveries, whether people want to admit it or not...

Messages In This Thread
Advancing Armstrong - Putting The Puzzle Pieces Together In The Lobby - by Brian Doyle - 09-04-2023, 07:29 PM

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