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Final Proof Prayer Man Is Sarah Stanton
This enhanced photographic image puts the final nail into PrayerMan's coffin. Brian, you are to be commended for your tenacity-  over 8 years battling the ROKC cult -  to finally deliver a clear image of Sarah Stanton. This mob has been clamoring for this level of visual proof, since they lack the critical-thinking skills to realize otherwise that the PrayerMan blur cannot possibly be Oswald.

Clarity is a high state of energy. And you have singlehandedly turned this issue around since 2016. That is when Duncan MacRae's forum had a giga-thread focused on the PrayerMan question. And I well-remember reading that almost-700 page thread for 3 days that winter, starting at page 1, where Sean Murphy had posted some pictures from inside a Dublin pub of his friends holding Coke bottles and apples in a PrayerMan pose; that held object turned out to be Sarah Stanton's purse. And finally about page 405 you stepped in to denounce the entire charade. You showed that the blurry image was situated at the front of the landing, and was a full head shorter than Wesley Frazier (who was standing at the center) and therefore was about 6 inches too short to possibly be Oswald. And as a result, you endured relentless, despicable character assassination from the ROKC cult, who despised anyone who exposed them as mistaken.

For correctly discerning the PrayerMan evidence, you were made into an outcast. And I wouldn't expect an apology from this cult or its enablers. They are not mature enough to admit their mistake. Narcissists like Sean Murphy, Greg Parker, Bart Kamp, James Gordon and Jim DiEugenio are not man enough to step forward and acknowledge the damage they've wrought upon the research community, wasting 1000s of hours of researchers' lives with their regressive endorsement of the PrayerMan nonsense. They're more interested in adulation than in the hard-nosed detective work that leads to JFK Truth.

The ROKC cult made a sham of the sanctity of scholarship, opting for the keyboard-warrior approach (oftentimes under the influence) rather than the college library approach of academic integrity. And they were able to attract a decades' worth of barroom scholars who now are the major demographic in the community. Subpar intellects who follow the subpar intelligentsia of Murphy, Parker, Kamp, Gordon and DiEugenio. Personally I don't foresee any significant demographic shift until these people die.

The ROKC cult succeeded -  just like Mao Tse-Tung's Red China -  in spreading its woke culture amongst the JFK cybercommunity. Its 4 required revolutionary beliefs were: 1) PrayerMan is Oswald  2) the lunchroom encounter was a hoax  3)  the bus & taxi rides were a hoax  4) There was no "Harvey and Lee"..... And all 4 beliefs have been proven to be dead wrong. And the ROKC cult leaders know it. They have nothing left to hang onto but their need for adulation. They will not win the praise from a future generation.

But you will. And I will, for my parallel defense of the lunchroom encounter. Because we have been gifted with a Boston-bred intellect, which is head & shoulders above the norm. And we had the courage of our convictions. We stood up to the mob, at a great expenditure of personal energy, simply because they lack clarity. In the final analysis, they were charlatans and liars. The truth was something quite different from what they were trying to insinuate. 

And they are jealous, jealous of our clarity and our display of courage. They are jealous of our talents, which we put so much effort into making the most of, basically because doing so pleases the Lord. And they will continue to treat us as outcasts.

Van Morrison expresses Professional Jealousy in a way I'm sure he has personal experience with:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Final Proof Prayer Man Is Sarah Stanton - by Richard Gilbride - 12-06-2024, 02:33 PM

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