18-01-2009, 10:53 AM
David Guyatt Wrote:Thanks John.
My personal position is that Obama needs first to deal with the forces that placed him in power to do what is right -- and since I very much doubt he has the stomach or, indeed, the inclination to do that, he'll have to leave tackling the "Unspeakable" for another day. :alberteinstein:
But hey, I should give Obama a chance, right...
What do you mean "The forces that placed him in power"? The people put him in power, and they helped him by funding his grass roots campaign giving him more finances to play with during the election than any previous would-be president before. He kept telling the world about how proud he was of these grass roots people and their grass roots belief in his gras.....
Yeah, I don't buy it either. Too perfect. The MSM have lifted him upon a pedestal reserved for the gods. It reminds me of when Blair got in. That honeymoon period was great, Blair wasn't but thats not the point, he could have declared a dictatorship once major moved out of Downing street and the people would have cheered at first. Obama comes out of nowhere to become a senator, then writes a book called The Audacity of Hope, and then runs for President gaining record amounts of campaign funds all in small donations so they don't have to be declared.
I hope I'm wrong, but this story just seems like a rocky movie or something. I can't shift this feeling that he's been deliberately groomed for this. Wow, I really am paranoid.
Found this for ya'll: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08279/917245-373.stm (but it may have been written by McCain)
The worm has ate the apples core, beneath the skin lies curled.
Just so many a man lies sore, from the worm within the world.
Just so many a man lies sore, from the worm within the world.