26-04-2009, 08:25 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:All who would argue for Z-film alteration are obliged to note that conspiracy in the death of JFK is established regardless of the film's provenance.
If you don't, and alteration cannot be unequivocally established, you provide aid and comfort to the accessories after the fact.
Proof of alteration helps along the process of suspect elimination -- if, that is, you choose to conclude that A) alteration was done to cover up evidence of conspiracy, and B) the alterationists were themselves acting on the orders of the conspirators.
For what other reason(s) might the film have been altered?
I can think of at least one.
We need to be clear that there were two versions of the Z-film, the first of which - described in impressive detail by Dan Rather on 25 November, shown on WNEW-TV, NY, in the early hours of the following morning etc. - sought to convince us of the patsy thesis: To wit, shots from high to the rear. This was a crude and unsatisfactory fabrication, swiftly overtaken by events, most notably the Parkland press conference.
The second version - the one we are familiar with today - represents a much more cunning beast. It was designed to conscript popular suspicion of an inside job to certain elite ends, most notably the campaign to restrain those forces determined to use Vietnam as a springboard into China. The classic synthesis of this cynical business is Thompson's Six Seconds in Dallas, which yolked (non-existent) rear wounds to (misplaced) frontal entries.
I'll offer much more detail on the latter later this year.