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Vince Palamara -- Self-Described "Lone Nutter" -- Set to Strike Again
"We see hollow-eyed Manson in the Colorado Joker and Sandy Hook creature; only the drugs have been changed

Joker's analyst was USAF CMO; Manson is connected to ONI, as was Lee calling the Hurt Locker Saturday night..."

Oh man, do we ever see the hollow-eyes of the mind-bent killers.

Son of Uncle Sam, MDChapman, Hinkley too. Sirhan Sirhan. And on and on.

How long before we "connect-the-dots" for the fact that Mind Melting to Black OP Soup is still being served? Dammit!

We pay for the junk and are victimized by the spooks and their prepared operatives too.

I thank you for providing the information. More data than I had before.

It occurs to me: I do not recall seeing Lee Harvey Oswald with that hollow eyed "dead in spirit" look, he was at times bewildered and angry and figuring out he was out in the cold and in the maw of the beast. I'd be angry too.

Disgusted in demeanor and appearance was called by the MSM as a smart a**ed smirk.

I just see disgust in that slice of time before LHOswald's date with JRuby, not a "certain arrogance" like JFDulles and AWDullles had. Just my opinion the last part.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Don Jeffries Wrote:I was trying to be classy with my last post. Charles, since you won't have it any other way- your response to Vince's articulate and reasonable explanation (which he didn't owe you) was childish and profane. You want to convey the image of a towering intellect, and everyone here incomprehensibly bows down to you and enables your outrageous behavior. You come off like a pompous internet bully.

I know you don't have the capacity for it, but try and re-read what you wrote. You sound like you're quoting a bad Western movie- "You gonna fuck with ME, boy?" THAT is your idea of an intellectually impressive reply? And once again, the reference to "heavy weapons." Are you planning to shoot Vince? You bring debate down to the playground level.

Vince was exactly right- you are constantly playing semantic games, while inferring that you, and only you, comprehend absolute truth. If even one of your devoted sycophants slips up and, in your mind, uses the wrong word, they feel the full brunt of the Dragonian wrath. You are not a benevolent ruler, and demand total, unadulterated subservience from your followers.

And yet you have the audacity to demand that Albert Doyle be banned, and resort to juvenile name calling. Just writing things like "Little Vinny" and "Miss Manners" alone discredits you in the eyes of mature and responsible people. Your fan base here may continue to ignore your tantrums, but I feel no obligation to do so. I've been studying this case for nearly forty years, and I don't need you to lecture me about any aspect of it. You overestimate your own influence and your base of knowledge. In fact, I'm not even sure how much you do know about this case, since you seem to spend most of your time here snidely putting others down and vaguely hinting at things only you know.

God bless, Don.

I sincerely wish you sufficiently good health and long life so that you may spend the next 40 years in deep study of the JFK assassination.
How sad ... There's no sport in it anymore.

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God bless, Charles.

I sincerely wish you sufficient good mental health and long life so that you may spend the next 40 years in deep study of the JFK assassination...and, perhaps, deep psychotherapy. I pray for you.

Vince Palamara (and the rest of the research community)

(so you were toasted, Charles....there's always jazz to study LOL):lol:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Don Jeffries Wrote:Vince, thanks for your sincere and thoughtful explanation.

I don't think it's necessary to say anything further about Vince's posts on this thread or Charles Drago's response to them. They speak for themselves.

I look forward to the publication of Vince's book.

Oh lovely! Miss Manners returns from the Special Olympics debate team camp to weigh in on Vacillating Vinny.

You make a lovely couple.

Fuck, does this never end? I am in the midst of a jury trial or I would have more to say. He has apologised and explained himself.

I for one am tired of seeing this forum constantly be a flame machine.

Vince Palamara Wrote:God bless, Charles.

I sincerely wish you sufficient good mental health and long life so that you may spend the next 40 years in deep study of the JFK assassination...and, perhaps, deep psychotherapy. I pray for you.

Vince Palamara (and the rest of the research community)

(so you were toasted, Charles....there's always jazz to study LOL):lol:

I guess you do not recognize sarcasm. Vince.
Vince Palamara Wrote:God bless, Charles.

I sincerely wish you sufficient good mental health and long life so that you may spend the next 40 years in deep study of the JFK assassination...and, perhaps, deep psychotherapy. I pray for you.

Vince Palamara (and the rest of the research community)

(so you were toasted, Charles....there's always jazz to study LOL):lol:

God bless, Vince.

I trust that you will continue to carry the burden of speaking for "the rest of the research community" with the courage, consistency, and humility that you've demonstrated in the past.

And lest I forget, I'm once again left to marvel at your eloquence.

"Toasted." Sheer poetry.

In breathless anticipation of your next metamorphosis,


I would much rather discuss the real Victor Gladio, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, and Charlie Parker Smile My best friend has literally thousands of jazz cds and is a walking dictionary on all things jazz, obscure and otherwise (one jazz musician I do not care for: Sonny Sharrock)


P.S. G.M. Evica's book is very good, as is your intro. Thank you for carrying the torch for him.

IF you are no longer going to be mean, I will "refriend" you on Facebook.

Your June 1991 conference presentation video is still cherished, as is the time you, myself, and Jerry Rose sat for lunch (1997 Lancer, I believe...or was it 1995 or 1996 COPA?)

I take no pleasure in dealing with you in this manner.

But understand: As I've attempted to explain in a just-submitted new thread, we have about nine months left to win this war. And I cannot in good conscience remain silent when, in my estimation, individuals ostensibly on the side of the angels act in ways detrimental to our efforts to effect justice for JFK and the extended victims of his assassination.

So I'm sorry, but what you define as "mean" behavior, I define as necessary acts of war.

I wish things were different. I do remember fondly our social interactions of the past.

And I'll go this far: I promise you that, for whatever it's worth, I will read your new edition of Survivor's Guilt with a fair and open mind. And I will make every effort to bring those qualities to my publicly published review.

For now ... Peace.


I totally understand your ire and indignation re: my temporary reveral: G.M. Evica would have kicked my butt over that! Besides yourself and, to a certain extent, Dawn, I know Walt Brown is also mad at me. To be honest, I "get it": I would be weary of myself, as well, if i was in your shoes (in retrospect). That said, I promise to make you proud- a sinner can only atone for his sins going forward. The "good" news: the public at large (and even, surprisingly, the vast majority of the research community) does not seem to be aware of my brief 2007 flirtartion with Vince B, so to my book will go a LONG way toward atonement.

I apologize for my sarcasm and juveline retorts---you are a good guy who is (rightfully) very passionate about the truth AND skeptical of any perceived "Benedict Arnolds" in our midst. I did let pride and ego get in my way---while I truly was quite vulnerable to be "had", it STILL takes a conscious decision TO be "had"...and my infatuation with Vince B was NOT good; a classic case of shooting myself in the foot...big time.

All I (we) can do is go forward. The one truly good consolation: we are looking for converts as we preach to the choir--isn't it nice to know that a former member of the choir is now BACK to being a part of that choir? Smile

I have enjoyed my association with you and you speak and write eloquently. Again, I truly am sorry for my stupid, ill-advised (albeit temporary) reversal on the case back in 2007.

Vince Palamara 2/20/13 :O)

P.S. I "refriended" you on Facebook--let's try to get along. But, let me stress once again: upon reflection, I DO understand your anger with is justified. My book, for the whole world to see, will go a very long way (as have my actions and writings since late 2007) toward atonement.

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