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The Cover-Up: How Was Movement from Phase I to Phase II Justified?
I understand and respect (at least in part) your hypothesis.

But based on what you have shared to date, I must conclude that its fatal weakness is its America-centric bias.
W Averell Harriman set a record for inherited wealth at the age of 21.

In the 20's his bank financed the Soviet manganese and oil industries as well as the German Nazi Party.

In the 30's Harriman financed the build-up of Hitler's war machine, which used Soviet manganese in steel production.

Hitler had a hard-on for the Harriman-financed oil industry in Baku.

In 1941 Harriman doled out the Lend Lease to the Brits and the Russkies.

After the war Harriman was put in charge of implementing the Marshall Plan.

It never mattered to Harriman who "won" WW2. He could not possibly lose. All sides were beholden to him.

The man was capable of geopolitical criminality on a massive scale.

After all, Stalin liked the idea of eugenics enough to starve 2 - 10 million Ukrainians to death. Hitler was a big supporter of "culling the human herd."

After WW2...A Holocaust By Another Means...
Cliff Varnell Wrote:They were both (as well as the Walkers and the Bushes) devoted to eugenics.

Eugenics is key to understanding elite actions.

The origin of eugenics is not in America.

It lies in occult dreams of Power and Control.

Here are a few of many DPF threads:

[URL=""]Churchill and Eugenics

[URL=""]War Against The Weak

Eugenics, population control and genetically engineered foods?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Charles Drago Wrote:I understand and respect (at least in part) your hypothesis.

But based on what you have shared to date, I must conclude that its fatal weakness is its America-centric bias.

How about this tweak -- Harriman was an anglophile in matters of intelligence. It was "Brown Brothers Harriman", after all. His partners were Brits.

In the 19th century the world's opium market was controlled by the British with American allies (Skull & Bones was founded by opium runners, for instance).

Perhaps all that never changed.

Please change my bias to "Anglo-centric."
Lansky to Havana in 1947 to set up heroin trade; would trust Trafficante, later useful in JFK operation.

Preparata in Conjuring Hitler depicting Montagu Norman director of Bank of England as central to events.

A comment by then head of British intelligence that Roosevelt's selection of Donovan was "one of ours."

Afghanistan as a necessary source for heroin trade, at the time facilitated by 911, and recently backstopped by Obama-Hillary Burma gambit.

Dulles expediting U.S. loans for Germany while pooh-poohing threat of Hitler.

From Battling Wall Street and Thy Will Be Done obviously JFK was as described by Eliot Janeway and our friend from milint "very dangerous"

That would be a good item in Help Wanted

A Very Dangerous Man
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:[URL=""]

[URL=""]War Against The Weak


Quote:I began by saying this book speaks for the never-born. It also speaks for the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees who attempted to flee the Hitler regime only to be denied visas to enter the United States because of the Carnegie Institution's openly racist anti-immigrant activism. Moreover, these pages demonstrate how millions were murdered in Europe precisely because they found themselves labeled lesser forms of life, unworthy of existencea classification created in the publications and academic research rooms of the Carnegie Institution, verified by the research grants of the Rockefeller Foundation, validated by leading scholars from the best Ivy League universities, and financed by the special efforts of the Harriman railroad fortune. Eugenics was nothing less than corporate philanthropy gone wild.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:I understand and respect (at least in part) your hypothesis.

But based on what you have shared to date, I must conclude that its fatal weakness is its America-centric bias.

How about this tweak -- Harriman was an anglophile in matters of intelligence. It was "Brown Brothers Harriman", after all. His partners were Brits.

In the 19th century the world's opium market was controlled by the British with American allies (Skull & Bones was founded by opium runners, for instance).

Perhaps all that never changed.

Please change my bias to "Anglo-centric."

A "tweak" just ain't gonna cut it insofar as ANY NATION/ETHNIC-centric bias fails to encompass and address the timeless quest for "power and control" to which Jan insightfully refers.

I get it that the majority of sober, accomplished researchers of all things deep political choose to tread very carefully around the borders of what they might term Dan Brown Territory. But for many years now I have allowed logic to lead me to acceptance of what I choose to call non-material motivations driving elites for whom the acquisition and preservation of earthly power are forever foregone conclusions.

An example: It is impossible for me and others not to see ritual and magic(k) driving the brutal subjugations of indigenous aboriginal/tribal peoples by their imperialist conquerors long after military and material objectives of conquest have been met.

Systematic obliteration of Native North American cultures by the heirs to the masters of conquistadors and Custer continues to this day. So too do the efforts to obliterate the cultural origins and traditions of Native Central and South American peoples continue under the auspices of those who make certain that the Rockefellers' will (among others) continues to be done in those regions.
Charles Drago Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:I understand and respect (at least in part) your hypothesis.

But based on what you have shared to date, I must conclude that its fatal weakness is its America-centric bias.

How about this tweak -- Harriman was an anglophile in matters of intelligence. It was "Brown Brothers Harriman", after all. His partners were Brits.

In the 19th century the world's opium market was controlled by the British with American allies (Skull & Bones was founded by opium runners, for instance).

Perhaps all that never changed.

Please change my bias to "Anglo-centric."

A "tweak" just ain't gonna cut it insofar as ANY NATION/ETHNIC-centric bias fails to encompass and address the timeless quest for "power and control" to which Jan insightfully refers.

Perhaps. But that is as far as I go, up to this point in my studies.

Quote:I get it that the majority of sober, accomplished researchers of all things deep political choose to tread very carefully around the borders of what they might term Dan Brown Territory. But for many years now I have allowed logic to lead me to acceptance of what I choose to call non-material motivations driving elites for whom the acquisition and preservation of earthly power are forever foregone conclusions.

An example: It is impossible for me and others not to see ritual and magic(k) driving the brutal subjugations of indigenous aboriginal/tribal peoples by their imperialist conquerors long after military and material objectives of conquest have been met.

Systematic obliteration of Native North American cultures by the heirs to the masters of conquistadors and Custer continues to this day. So too do the efforts to obliterate the cultural origins and traditions of Native Central and South American peoples continue under the auspices of those who make certain that the Rockefellers' will (among others) continues to be done in those regions.

These matters are above my pay grade, Charles.

I only go so far as The Shirt takes me.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:I only go so far as The Shirt takes me.

Raymond Chandler said of women (I paraphrase) -- "They have few defenses but the ones they have work remarkably well."

The JFK assassination has few hard facts but the ones it has work remarkably well.
I admire your discipline, Cliff. And your frankness.


And yet the enemy increaseth every day ...

There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

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