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The Cover-Up: How Was Movement from Phase I to Phase II Justified?
Lauren Johnson Wrote:"Occult" in its simplest meaning "secret." Or as in, for example, Ordo Templi Orientis, et. al?
And if the latter, which I suspect is your meaning, why would the eugenicists have been so powerful and effective? Instead, why wouldn't they be limited to being a bunch of kooks fulminating about the Untermenschen?
They are a bunch of kooks fulminating about the Untermenschen. A powerful bunch of kooks who fund institutions and individuals to reflect their world view and who believe it is their divine right to rule over others.

Lauren Johnson Wrote:Are you suggesting under this scenario that those who who would make the history of a depopulating world are a death worshiping religious cult?

Like the Military Industrial Complex with all its associated rituals?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
In Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, Donald Gibson clarifies the great divide between John F. Kennedy and the Cult of Death.

Kennedy for plentiful and cheap energy, better quality of living for all people, no pouring gasoline on fires of postcolonial nationalism, that sort of thing.

Cult of Death:

See also, Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett.

1994 was a great year for clarity.

Apocalypse Now as a business model. Green Berets, CIA, helicopters, napalm, diplomatic and economic pressure, pacification (genocide) of indigenous tribes, to pave the way for Daddy Warbucks to roar in on the CGI Avatar screen and hose the natives, take their resources, beat it back to the world.

Limit the population. Eugenicists and enviromania, kill the little babies, particularly those of color.

He wasn't leading us into a hellish incineration, and hence had to be made an example of, so that all who followed would know the power of the military intelligence simpletons and their complex.

That all-seeing eye, that Dallas (white) citizens council, that railing against Caroline's pink tricycle--

See also Elton John, Texas Love Song.

Bernal Diaz presents Cortez, 400 conquistadores, cannon, horses, lots and lots of treachery to subdue Montezuma.

Rinse, repeat with Rockefeller, Nelson, David, notable in Battling and Thy Will.

Some say Henry and David's adventure in Vietnam, then Henry and Dick's adventure in Road to Beijing with Mao & Chou those laff-a-minute funtastic fellows

Why doesn't Dallas do oil--because the Saudis are running the show

And in Bolivia IRGC and Chavez' Bolivarian shock troops in a Colonia Dignidad for a new millenium

While Syria features MB v Assad, winner to be arms dealers

The sleeping giant is the 85 per cent addressed by Robert Kennedy Jr.

Still saddled with the Fed and perpetual war brought to you by darkness

Is there something suggested in the murder of that president

that eternal flame

our sun

From David Guyatt:

Quote:Whereas these and other organisations are likened to the visible arm of the global elite, the "inner sanctuary" is the sinister "Order of the Skull and Bones." Immensely secretive, even to this day, the Skull and Bones lay at the pinnacle of absolute hidden power from which they direct World Inc. Formed over a century and a half ago, its origin dates back to the German Illuminati - a secret occult society whose agenda has always been global dominance. The membership roster is a well-guarded secret although names do occasionally surface including that of former President, George Bush. "Bonesmen" are forbidden from speaking of the bizarre Satanic rituals they practise. However, they are believed to worship death and use as their symbol the "death's head" emblem also worn by SS storm-troopers during WWII.

As we probe deeper into the "Order" and unravel the connections of their British associates, we discover that there is nothing "new" about the New World Order. In fact it dates back hundreds and possibly thousands of years. Along the way, history has deftly manipulated to eclipse the presence of those who create wars to further their occult aims.

I suppose that eugenics can be seen as a kind of common sense that leads various individuals along with their means of enacting their visions. Nelson Rockefeller Jr? But a death worshiping cult implies some organization, specification as to who is in and who is out, and that murder is central to the faithful. Certainly, Apocalypse Now, is a powerful display of a death cult.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:But a death worshiping cult implies some organization, specification as to who is in and who is out, and that murder is central to the faithful.

Just so we're clear: I did not and do not use the term "death worshiping cult."
Post #86
My quote:

Quote:And yes Charles,I've had the opportunity to deer hunt with Northern Cheyenne friends before.They would eat the deer liver raw on the spot.They still followed the old customs.

I really need to rephrase this quote as it doesn't depict the situation correctly.What the Cheyenne did was only take a bite from the raw liver.This was in conjunction with a prayer given to the deer spirit.

I failed to add this spiritual aspect in my original quote.It's of upmost importance.....
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

Quote: I'll try to ask it one moretime:

How were the most powerfulpeople in and around government who, innocent of any involvement in the conspiracy,were told and accepted as being truewhat today we call the Phase I story, mollified when they asked (and Ibelieve many of them did), "If we go along with this cover-up of Cuban andSoviet complicity for the greater good, how and when will the guilty Cuban andSoviet parties be punished?"

My hope is that I've finally found the words and constructions requiredto make my point.

Because I'm done trying.

Who was aware of this Phase 1 story?

October 9, 1963:
CIA informed that a LEE OSWALD contacts Russian Consul having beenthere on Sept 27/28 ( A Saturday and Yom Kippur) Photo taken Oct 1 has Americanentering 1216 and leaving 1222.

October 10, 1963
CIA send State, FBI and Dept of Navy a cable re: man identifyinghimself as LEE OSWALD… does NOT mention Kostikov, names man as LEE HENRY OSWALDwith LEE HARVEY's History

CIA Director send 3 page message back to Mexico City with detailed infoabout LEE OSWALD (no HENRY) and that STATE has determined OSWALD still USCITIZEN….

October 16, 1963
Win Scott sends memo to Mexican Ambassador reiterating info from Oct 10CIA cable… LEE HENRY, KOSTIKOV, with CC's to a number of locations including:Legal Attaché, Naval Attaché, I & M S, Lee Henry OSWALD P-

October 24, 1963
CIA asks NAVY for photos of LEE HENRY OSWALD to determine if Americanin Mexico actually OSWALD

November 23, 1963
From: DD Plans
To: Hoover
Ref teletype #84915
Conclusion: OSWALD trying to get to Soviet Union or at least Cuba inwaiting to get to Soviet Union
(again many on the distribution list)

So again… there are a handful of people who are aware that CIA istrying to ascertain if American from Sept 27, 28, Oct 1, Oct 3 is LEE HENRYOSWALD (there is no mention of "HARVEY" in these communications, it is eitherLEE H., or LEE HENRY)
In every communication prior to the memo from Hoover to Rowley on 11/23which states that Special Agents are of the opinion the individual was NOT LEEHARVEY OSWALD (Hoover knows there is no HENRY?) the American is referred to asthe same as LEE HENRY OSWALD from the Marines.

On Nov 23[SUP]rd[/SUP] Hoover tells LBJ that the voice and appearanceare NOT LEE H. OSWALD yet a second man down there did in fact use his name…. he goes on to say that the "case as it nowstands isn't strong enough to be able to get a conviction." "… I think we have a very, very close plan." And then moments later, "if we can ID thisman who is at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. this man OSWALD has stilldenied everything."

So who is it outside the CIA -that knows the man in Mexico City was IMPERSONATING OSWALD, and not the accusedkiller of JFK as of Saturday afternoon 11/23/63?
- Hoover
- ???

Yet by 11/23 the public is aware that OSWALD had defected to Russia,was married to a Russian and was a COMMIE. DPD and Dallas papers supporting this theory.

I have not read each and every LBJ transcript for all his calls… but Ihave read the Russell call on 11/29 where he states: "…and we've got to takethis out of the arena where they're testifying that Khrushchev and Castro didthis and did that and check us into a war that can kill 40 million Americans inan hour…."

Now, on Dec 12 Hoover writes the following in a memo to his Sr. Staff:
I said I personallybelieve Oswald was the assassin; that the second aspect as to whether he wasthe only man gives me great concern; that we have several letters, not in thereport because we were not able to prove it, written to him from Cuba referringto the job he was going to do, his good marksmanship, and stating when it wasall over he would be brought back to Cuba and presented to the chief; but we donot know if the chief was Castro and cannot make an investigation because wehave no intelligence operation in Cuba; that I did not put this into the reportbecause we did not have proof of it and didn't want to put speculation in thereport; that this was the reason I urged strongly that we not reach conclusionOswald was the only man.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri]Which makes sense since Hoover KNOWS that someone impersonatedOSWALD. Alvarado has recanted his storyas of Dec 7, 1963 as we learn from the CIA message sending Alvarado back toNicaragua. Yet do we know if HOOVERknows about the recanting? As of theconversation with LBJ on the 29[SUP]th[/SUP], Alvarado's story had NOT berecanted and DURAN was still placing OSWALD down there.

From what I can conclude then, the Phase 1 story… connecting OSWALDwith RUSSIA/CUBA was something that is borne via the CIA cable toSTATE/NAVY/FBI on Oct 10th… yet other than Hoover,who is involved in the investigation of this story? I get the feeling that NAVY already knew itwas not OSWALD and couldn't care either way, STATE had to have known somethingsince they confirmed he was still a US citizen and also would have little to dowith the investigation or the crime other than the Katzenbach memo… whichdiscusses how the Dallas police let go statements directed toward a communisttheory with the "too pat too obvious" evidence in support of such aconclusion.

I am trying to find… and maybe you can help, when the FIRST MENTION OFLONE NUT appears… since as late as 11/29jeh/lbj are still discussing that angle in Mexico City…. What I have found is Section IB paragraph 3of the 11/9/63 FBI report states:

Nevertheless,evidence developed in the investigation points conclusively
tothe assassination of President Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald, avowed
Marxist,a former defector to the Soviet Union and the self-appointed
Secretaryof the New Orleans Chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, a

Everything that follows is focused on Oswald with the concludingparagraphs:

Investigationhas (1) developed detailed background information concerning
Oswaldfrom his birth to his death; (2) strengthened the evidence that
Oswaldwas the assassin of the President although no clear-cut motive has
beenestablished; and (3) despite numerous allegations which have been
investigated,developed no sound evidence indicating that he received any
financialassistance or that any other person, group, or foreign government
inspiredor directed the assassination or was cognizant of his plan to
assassinatePresident Kennedy. On the contrary, thedata developed strongly
indicates that heacted on his own initiative or impulse with little
advance planning.Also, investigation has disclosed no evidence that
Oswald,while residing in Russia, was recruited by the Soviet intelligence
servicesor received any assignment or training from the intelligence
services.Further, investigation has developed no proof of any prior
contactor association between Oswald and his murderer, Jack Leon Ruby.

Leadsare still being covered, and the FBI will continue to check out any
additionalallegations or information which come to its attention.

So it appears the transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 occurswith the leaking of information from this FBI report and the dissemination of thisreport to these mentioned as "the most powerful people".

Of these people… WHO knew about the recanting of Alvaradoand Duran? WHO knew that OSWALD in Mexico was an imposter and not the realOswald? I for one get the impressionthat there were not too many in the know about this and those that were, werenot going to be questioning anything anyway. Once the FBI tells us that OSWALD acted alone… and HARRIMAN lets us knowthe Soviets had NOTHING to do with it… the Phase 1 story was thoroughly hidden until history dug it up… (and Plausible Denial is published)

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
You have 11/9/63 David?

Is that correct?

If you read my book, I think the first person to inject the Krazy Kid Oswald idea into the MSM is Whitney who went to work at the NY HT that night because , "he was forced into service". LOL

As far as who did it inside the government, that it a good question I think.

Also, I think that G@ concluded the letters Hoover is talking about were from Phillips.
I created this thread to solicit answers to the following question:

How were the most powerful people in and around government who, innocent of any involvement in the conspiracy, were told and accepted as being true what today we call the Phase I story, mollified when they asked (and I believe many of them did), "If we go along with this cover-up of Cuban and Soviet complicity for the greater good, how and when will the guilty Cuban and Soviet parties be punished?"

David Josephs responds by posing a question I didn't ask:

"Who was aware of this Phase 1 story?"

Don't get me wrong: David's is an interesting question -- one worthy of its own thread. But like so many other responses this thread has generated to date, it contributes nothing of value to the effort to answer my original query.
I have often wondered what would have happened if Oswald had been picked up by his handlers, spirited away and quietly eliminated, as must have been the intention. Would there have been a Warren Commission, would there have even been a need for shenanigans with the autopsy? If evidence of other shooters came out would it have mattered, as long as Oswald was one of them and he could be linked to Castro?
Gordon Gray Wrote:I have often wondered what would have happened if Oswald had been picked up by his handlers, spirited away and quietly eliminated, as must have been the intention. Would there have been a Warren Commission, would there have even been a need for shenanigans with the autopsy? If evidence of other shooters came out would it have mattered, as long as Oswald was one of them and he could be linked to Castro?

You might as well wonder what would have happened if Oswald had been picked up by visitors from Alpha Centauri.

While there may have been hiccups along the way, the game ended as planned: both the general public and individuals in positions of authority who would have been expected to press for an honest investigation were given separate, conflicting, equally satisfying cover stories that protected the true Sponsors of the assassination.

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