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Dallas for the 50th?
Friends Frank and Dede Caplet were successful in securing two. I will have to ask Frank what trick he employed.

Jim: Let me know if you hear anything from Brad. I was gong to email him too but don't want to bombard him.

So they don 't want a circus atmosphere? Well guess what: they created one. Welcome to fascist amerika.


....forwarded To all... no secrets here: Hopefully this email will perhaps 'someday' be considered "before the Fact" information in reference to Dallas's Special Tactical Team and its clean up methods secretly used on its citizens, decades past, and well into the present.

XXXXX I don't normally discuss this subject. However, I will tell anyone who will listen. I was recently denied a pass-ticket to the Plaza, because of LHM from DoJ; FBI to Dallas DA, sensitive, "xxxx ..Plumlee considered a security risk...xxxx." I guess I am classified by Dallas and the FBI as a threat and a 'known conspiracy freak'. So my read is only those who support the LNT, the WC, and the Dallas DA, can attend the events of the plaza this year and that will be monitored by federal and city authorities, namely the DoJ, the FBI, and the Dallas PD.

Also, a contact I have at the Dallas PD (an old friend) recently told me that people, special event contractors from outside areas, have been hired by Dallas authorities to roam through the crowd and get names and address of those who are spreading, what the Dallas DA considering falsehoods in relation to JFK and Dallas's 'inside' knowledge of the event. Dallas for generations has had a specialized 'clean up crew' of old army Intel and organized crime operatives, to do its political dirty work, as noted by the skeletons that can be found today scattered along the banks of the Trinity River. (when I brought this subject up a few months ago, I was told by Dallas authorities, "Mr. Plumlee, your sure as hell are pushing, and thats not very healthy for you". (documented)

Anyway I can't go to the Plaza because Dallas (my home town) considers me a security risk. I tell the truth and might 'spill the beans' about the JFK front shot from the south side of triple underpass to those around me, causing them to think. Also, I am considered NOT to be a Dallas resident and therefore not qualified to enter the Plaza are thereabouts. " Plumlee's immediate arrest.... if found in or near the plaza...xx" rif FBI memo DoJ to Dallas DA, on file 6-3-13.

I was told by my source in the Dallas Police Department, ( a close friend) that, ".... it would probably best for my health that I stay far away from Dallas this year... So, the way I read it is Dallas is shut down to the public and only opened to those who support the LHO did it crowd... led by my old friend xxxxxxx who also told me , through another sensitive source to 'stay away for my own good'.

I was not going anyway, but they came to me telling me I could not go... well that pisses me off and I might just go and hang out around the plaza and see what these hired GOONS try to do. My source tells me not to do that. Dallas 'secret' special tactical team won't like that and they sure as hell do not want that altercation to take place around or in the plaza. The media would be force to cover that can of worms in spite of old "Mockingbird".

be safe... this is only background for those who seek the real truth about that day, 50 years ago and not to offend anyone.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Mayor Mike's Plan to Keep "Extremists" from the JFK 50th: Does It Include Him?

By Jim Schutze Fri., Jun. 21 2013 at 10:22 AM

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[TD][Image: SHZ_GetOffMyLawn_TitleImageV2.jpg][/TD]
Plans for the 50th anniversary of the murder of President John F. Kennedy at Dealey Plaza in Dallas just got weirder by one whole magnitude. Yesterday Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings unveiled a process that will make security much tighter for the ceremony next November than security would be for a speech by a living president.This is about a dead president. He won't be there. He's dead. He has been dead for half a century. That's what the ceremony is about.
The plan announced by Rawlings requires people who want to attend the event to apply for tickets months in advance so an entity which the city so far has refused to name can vet them for "extremist ties." I'm pretty sure the unnamed entity doing the vetting is a public relations company, which should pretty much tell you what's really going on here.
But wait. We still need to deal with the weird factor first before diving into details. Mr. Mayor, this is for you. Who are you protecting? Who is it who requires all of this crazy background checking and cop presence? What are we trying to make up for here? It looks like Dallas is trying to show it's not going to allow the assassination to happen again.
First of all, it can't happen again. He's dead. I already said that, didn't I? Sorry. But I'm getting weirded out by this for some reason I can't quite put my finger on yet.
[TABLE="class: image center, width: 565, align: center"]
[TD][Image: concertina.jpg][/TD]
[TD="class: credit"]Wikimedia Commons[/TD]
[TD="class: caption"]Some call it concertina wire. We call it "rolling out the Dallas welcome mat."[/TD]
Take a second with me. The accusation of history is not that Dallas allowed it to happen. The accusation is that Dallas did it. If we really want to correct the record somehow, the best way would be not to shoot any more presidents.Go ahead, dismiss the accusation as unfair and crazy and based on nothing. I won't even argue that with you. But you can only make that argument insofar as the accusation is conspiratorial. You'd be right: Nobody has ever proved anybody in Dallas was in on a conspiracy.
The more powerful and unsettling accusation is that Dallas did it, because Dallas leaders in the early '60s fostered and fomented an atmosphere of political extremism that had to produce a Lee Harvey Oswald sooner or later. The late Stanley Marcus made that argument to me personally in an interview for a book.
So all of this vetting and the fences and the storm troopers and stern warnings and background checks by a PR company. What do you think that looks like, Mr. Mayor? In fact, forget what it looks like. What do you think it is? It's exactly the same kind of weird, parochial, off-the-charts, intolerant extremism that produced the assassination in the first place.
Is that what's got me so weirded out? Somehow, by some hook or crook, in a series of events and behaviors that simply defy reason, you are doing exactly what you want to avoid. You are doing it again.
Yes. You are doing it again. Dallas is displaying the same kind of intolerant jack-boot authoritarian intolerance that it did a half century ago when it was a petri dish for the infection called Lee Harvey Oswald. And, believe me, none of the world press you are so damned worried about will miss that story.
You have been quoted saying that no tickets will go to people deemed by your PR company to have "extremist ties." That's you. None of you, not you Mr. Mayor, not any of your special committee members, none of you should get tickets by this metric, because your whole approach to this event -- a public gathering in a public place to observe and talk about public history -- is extremist to the nth degree.
If you want to screen the crowd for pressure-cooker bombs -- you invoked the Boston Marathon -- do it. Do it that day, at the event. I suspect you'll have to do it anyway. Listen, there is a deep historical record here to show what you really want to do. This is content-based suppression of free speech to keep assassination conspiracy theorists away from the international press you think will show up for the 50th.
Why do you think you have the right to do that? This isn't your event. It doesn't belong to you. It belongs to the public. But you don't believe that, do you? You guys handed out press materials yesterday amounting to five pages of information. I counted six times in those five pages when you said the event will be "paid for by private donations."
You said it six times in five pages. Paid for. What the hell do you think that means? You think you bought it? You think you own the event because of your money? That's obscene, and it's obscene in exactly the same way the atmosphere here was obscene 50 years ago.
Go ahead and surround Dealey Plaza with literal or figurative concertina wire. As I have said here before, it will be a marvelous example of people playing to their own stereotype. Count on lots of street theater. You are making this a much better story for those visiting reporters by making it a much worse one for yourselves.
Oh, I know why it's spooking me so much. Decades ago I covered a story where they dug up Lee Harvey to see if he was really Lee Harvey. They took him to the Dallas County Medical Examiners Office, where the examiner found that he was Lee Harvey. But in the process they brought the stiff back through Dealey Plaza in a coffin in the world's most bizarre motorcade, of which my own vehicle was a part.
You're not thinking ... you wouldn't ... no, you can't even be considering ,,, OMG! Somebody! Call Arlington National Cemetery! Tell them to post extra guards!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Dallas as an armed camp for protection on November 22, 2013?! Not on Novemeber 22, 1963, it wasn't....

As for Tosh Plumlee, I believe him. Why should any person put himself through so much grief to tell his story! He has never made a dime on his story. His story has not waivered, and it has never been refuted. His credentials have never been refuted. He's writing a novel now and I can not wait to read it. Fiction is always greater than truth...or is that truth is always greater than fiction. I think the Warren Commission favored the former, and my friend Tosh is the latter. Nuff said.
This charade needs lots of national coverage.

I canot think of another event that was handled in this manner.

I wish someone would make a documentary about this. Michael Moore perhaps.

In advance so that the public at large is alerted to this outrageous

violation of our First Amendment guarentees.
I am in touch with a lot of people who will be there,
just WHERE I am not certain.

Go to BlackOpRadio for an hour of Jim Shutze and John Judge on the 'Bread and Circus (Maximus)
that will be the 50th!

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"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Daley's police army in Chicago 1968 was polarizing, no?

Johnson had got the message, lost Cronkite, wimpered on the floor of the Casino bar, victim of the pen attack

In October 1969 that police army was deployed in depth

The breaking of the plate glass was superfluous, counterproductive

Today the enormously powerful ballerina mayor of that city pleads with gangsters to spare the children

In the larger sense, it is not that the major crime event of the Twentieth Century has assumed retrograde

It is that its host city sinks into a La Brea Tar Pits of a successful war on fossil fuels

No animal as dangerous as the wounded one


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Gotta be
sadly so.
'National Security' excuse as 'law and order' once was.
fascist all.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
As Mayor Daley famously said [and could now be proactively applied to the DPD this coming 50th], "[size=12]T[/SIZE]he police aren't there to create disorder; the police are there to preserve disorder." [Richard J. Daley 1968]

Let's just hope there is no repeat of Kent State.....

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
On the "Ron Rosenbaum fires the first salvo" thread

Nathaniel Heidenheimer responded to Jim DiEugenio's assurance that, " ... believe me, it will be a war" for Dealey Plaza during the 50th anniversary festivities, with this keen and chilling observation:

I hope so, but I am increasingly skeptical.

How can there be a war if only one army takes the field?

All this focus on petitioning pols is not working. They are long past caring UNLESS there is a political cost for them to do so. There is no cost if there is no BROAD-REACHING POSTING going on, reaching a more general audience.

The preparations of the 50th, IMO have completely failed to take into account our new media environment, in which THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN THE MSM OTHER THAN CORPORATE DISMISSAL, so its either us posting wider into non-JFK related sites [i.e. more general readers to show them WHY it matters] or a war with only one army taking the field.

..taking the field....taking the field...taking the field.... It's simply not happening.

My comment there, slightly amended here:

Nor is it likely to happen.

It should have been a war 50 years ago.

But that's another story.

I couldn't agree with you more, Nathaniel. The paper tigers will be prowling Dealey Plaza. You can "hear" their growls already.

Signing petitions. Extending three fingers into the air. "Negotiating" with accessories to regicide.

A better metaphor: I can see the self-described Bravehearts now ... playing war, running through Dealey Plaza wearing too-small plastic helmets, their self-anointed leaders screaming "CHARGE!" in the ear-splitting tones of castrati.

As I noted more than 15 years ago:

We are at war with the murderers of John F. Kennedy[.]

And I am sickened by the mercy we extend to a merciless enemy each time we treat with collegiality their disgraced surrogates.

But before we can know our enemy, we must know ourselves. Define ourselves. Be at peace with and possess the courage of our convictions. Unite in a common crusade, the substance of which renders our superficial stylistic differences meaningless.

Who must we become?

The Lakota of AIM. The Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. The Viet Cong of Tet. .

At lease some of us are.

For others, it's all about book sales and bios.

Here's what all of us have in common:

We are the Palestinians of Sabra and Shatila.

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