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Dallas for the 50th?
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Mayor Rawlings says they're taking steps to make sure tragedy doesn't strike twice here.

Everything these people do is an homage to the Third Reich.

Too true Phil!
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Ian Kingsbury Wrote:The pope of Dealey plaza is a very troubled soul

He knows it was'nt Oswald but his fee demands his role

Cos Ozzie he was having lunch could not get to the knoll

The pope is always haunted by an uttering from Fritz

"Can't put him in the window" it just gives him the shitz

He still takes all the silver playing the Larry game

"Can't put him in the window" ? Lets put him in the frame!.


Sicker than most would suspect in their worst nightmares......take a gander of this email the Pope is sending illogical as revolting in its 'listen little man/woman' tone. As a child I remember and loved the drawings with the caption "Can you find the ten things wrong with this picture?" Well, group, can you find the ten things wrong with what the writer thinks passes as logic in this email?! Win the prize for finding them all....have at it. [Mr. Dunkel, I have told you to NOT bother emailing me. Any such emails are subject to posting, despite your 'confidentiality notice'; and the well-deserved ridicule of this Forum and the World] angryfire Shame on you for being on the side of the Coup and its cover-up; and the suppression of dissident voices [from the Cabal's] of the truth of what really happened and why!!!:thumbsdown::wirlitzer: A 'Parade'?! For one week on either side of the event?! No mention of 'Assassination' in the event - you having a celebration of the Coup well done and well covered up down there?! Biased ticketing system! Police and who-knows-who-else vetting of those with tickets! No signs or umbrellas, etc.! Yes, it is illegal, unconscionable, and I hope your confusatorium and the City get their asses whipped in Court - though given the fascist courts these days [heirs to the Coup, as well], who knows! Were you just posing as a real researcher in the past or infiltrating the research community? Sorry, I have zero respect for you and your 'work' at the confusatorium. You are on the wrong side of history and the Truth...and worse, you have to know it [unless they did mind-control or psycho-surgery on you! You have 'made your bed'....and now you have to sleep in it - with the devils who celebrate the Coup, the Patsy Fairytale, and the coverup. How sick and evil is a celebration of the Coup d'etat and pre-planned crossfire murder of the only President who dared to begin to represent the People - not the Secret Government Cabal which is with us still and growing stronger day by day thanks to 11/22/63 and subsequent false-flag ops. Most of us [Americans], would like our Country back!!!!...and are prepared to fight those who stole it, and their heirs and 'errand boys' who continue to pump out propaganda and pull dirty tricks to keep it 'stolen' - along with Justice and Truth, Justice for our murdered leaders, reinstatement of the shredded Constitution (and its now lost protections).


Actually, Peter, cities have every right to close public property. Ever watch a parade? Did you notice traffic was not allowed on the parade route? Same thing.

There won't be a lawsuit for no one's being denied free speech - they're only being denied access to a small area of public property during a limited period of time, which is the morning of the event until it ends.

Or are you saying it was illegal for Dallas to close Dealey Plaza for two straight weeks so Oliver Stone could make his movie? Think before answering!

Good thing you didn't choose to be a lawyer. Smile


Confidentiality Notice: This message may contain confidential information and is intended only for the named recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disclose, forward, distribute, use or copy this email or its contents. If you are not the named addressee, please notify the sender immediately by return email that you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your system.

Thanks for posting that email Peter. His lack of logic is laughable. Last month a movie was being made in Lockhart and the area around the court was closed down for three days. It had nothing to do with denial of free speech, it was an action film and and cars had to park elsewhere. To compare closing down DP for a film, to closing it down the the 50th anniversary is as cheap as it is illogical. Of course this is a denial of free speech, free assembly, and many other first amendment violations. But why try to argue with this person? Wasting one's time.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Mayor Rawlings says they're taking steps to make sure tragedy doesn't strike twice here.

Everything these people do is an homage to the Third Reich.


Yes, Phil,
It is like the dark roots of Dulles Brothers showing in the hairs of their bleached out heads.

Homage. ?! Ah crap, yes it is.

I am stuck in Albarellis' "A Terrible Mistake", but want those here to know I agree 120% with your view Phil.

They (Big D) anticipate confrontation when there has never been any before. They create the confrontation for the sake of DENIAL.
The "we" opposing that view never needed "security" for a moment of silence in TRIBUTE to eclipsed greatness snuffed out here and 50 years ago.

One side's motivation IS STILL HATE in the name of an amorphous undefined nation that I MUST spell AmeriKKKa.
The City of Hate is unwilling to shed the name.

Fly your jets and kiss my ass DOD and Dallas.

Your "secret" is exposed. You HATE still.

I have a damn good idea why John Kennedy was not allowed to survive a visit.
I have a damn good idea of the various power groups involved.
I have too damn good an idea of parts of Dallas being complicit in the murder.
So in short FUCK YOU BIG D.
not to include the people of Dallas necessarily.
But again Fuck You Big D.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
It does not go back!

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Don't Miss COPA 2013 Dallas, TX



COPA is currently planning our 20th annual conference in Dallas which will mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy and the 45th anniversaries of the murders of Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King.
Our theme is: "50 Years is Enough! Free the Files Find the Truth" and we will hold our events from November 22-24, 2013 in Dallas. We will have the leading researchers, authors, ballistics, forensic and medical experts who have worked on these cases over the last five decades and the best documentary films. We plan to hold our Moment of Silence on the Grassy Knoll at 12:30 pm on November 22 as we have for the past 49 years.
Over 200 people have already registered, so please make plans to join us and register now to get a discount room rate at the Aloft before they run out. It promises to be one of our best conferences ever.

Among the confirmed speakers are Dr. Cyril H. Wecht, JD, MD (our founding president), Mark Lane, Peter Dale Scott, Richard Belzer and Jesse Ventura.

Also, Dr. Gary Aguilar, Robert Groden, Abraham Bolden, William Turner, David Talbot, Dick Russell, Russ Baker, Joan Mellen, Dr. Ernst Titovets (Oswald's best friend), Jefferson Morley, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, David Montague, PhD (ARRB staff), Rex Bradford, John Armstrong, Doug Valentine, Dr. Joseph Palermo, David Starks, Ed Tatro, Baba Zak Kondo, Jack Colhoun, Bill Kelly, Bill Simpich, Andrew Kiel, Chris Pike, Joseph McBride, Kenn Thomas, Stan Weeber, Wayne Smith, Ben Rogers, Edward Curtin, Michael Calder, Bill Holiday, Mel Barney, John Judge and many others. Please plan to join us for our most important conference to date.
The conference will run from Friday, November 22, 2:00 pm to 1:00 pm Sunday afternoon November 24. We will also arrange a trip for those interested to the Baylor University Poague Library collection of JFK researcher archives (Penn Jones, Jr., Robert Cutler, John Armstrong and others) in Waco, Texas after the conference. See: Please let us know if you are interested in going there. We will get back at 10-11 pm Sunday night and there will be a small transportation fee.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I am a long-time lurker, first post here. I need to be part of the 50th anniversary and so I will definitely be in Dallas this November, but I am wondering what some of your thoughts are on the different conferences. I am leaning toward attending the COPA one, but definitely wanted other opinions, whether you've attended before or not.

Michael Lane Wrote:Hi,
I am a long-time lurker, first post here. I need to be part of the 50th anniversary and so I will definitely be in Dallas this November, but I am wondering what some of your thoughts are on the different conferences. I am leaning toward attending the COPA one, but definitely wanted other opinions, whether you've attended before or not.


Michael: Welcome to DPF. In my opinion there is only one conference to attend. COPA.
I've never attended Lancer. Both will have great speakers, many will overlap.
Thank you.
The Sixth Floor's Conspiracy

Kennedy museum falsely denied its role in harassing conspiracy theorist Robert Groden.

A A A Comments (30) By Jim Schutze Thursday, Sep 12 2013

Dallas is two months shy of its commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dealey Plaza, which probably will come off somewhere midway between tragedy and comedy.
[Image: the-sixth-floor-s-conspiracy.9128243.40.jpg] Mark Graham
Robert Groden collected more than 80 tickets and an arrest in a city campaign to drive him from Dealey Plaza.

For more than two years, The Sixth Floor Museum, the city's official assassination museum in the School Book Depository Building, has lied about its involvement in the Dallas Police Department's campaign to cleanse Dealey Plaza of people who preach assassination theories to tourists.
Emails and now a lengthy legal deposition the sworn testimony of a career police officer involved in the police department's "Dealey Plaza Initiative" show irrefutably that The Sixth Floor was the lead agency goading the police all along.
Why does any of it matter? It matters because the same irrational forces behind The Sixth Floor's war on conspiracy theories are shaping the coming observances in Dallas in November. The old guard not anybody younger than 60, but the old people still suffers morbid shame over the assassination.
They want to hide the assassination itself from global view the way a physically wounded person might hide a scar or deformity. Maybe the most telling aspect of the whole "50th" observation is that the word "assassination" has been banned from it, like a funeral where guests have been told they may not utter the word "dead." It's just "The 50th," and it's not about the assassination. It is to be only about Kennedy's life and legacy. Why would anyone celebrate Kennedy's life in Dallas? This is where he got shot.
In this bizarre effort to mask the true nature of the event, the old guard has enlisted, of all things, The Sixth Floor, the very museum that is supposed to explain the assassination. In April 2011 when I started reporting on a police crackdown on free speech at Dealey Plaza, I told you the director of The Sixth Floor, Nicola Longford, insisted to me that neither she nor her museum had any role in the crackdown's most dramatic episode, the arrest and jailing of Robert Groden. Groden is an author who was a consultant in 1978 to the House Select Committee on Assassinations and in 1990 was a consultant to Oliver Stone in the making of the film JFK.
Before his arrest on June 13, 2010, Groden had been ticketed by city police more than 80 times for selling books and magazines in Dealey Plaza. All of those tickets were thrown out by city courts who found that Groden had violated no law or ordinance. So the city tried to get his attention a new way. They hauled him off to jail.
Groden is 68 years old, with health problems. He told me that when he was taken to Lew Sterrett Justice Center in Dallas, he told anyone who would listen that he needed to take important prescription medications while there. But he was not allowed access to his medications during his overnight stay in jail.
Groden is now suing the city in federal court for civil rights violations, and that suit has produced a trove of city emails. On June 14, 2010, the day after Dallas Police Sergeant Frank Gorka arrested and jailed Groden, Gorka emailed his boss, then Deputy Chief Vincent Golbeck of the Central Patrol Division. Gorka wanted Golbeck to know that, even though Groden was already out of jail, "He did not enjoy the jail experience."
Gorka tells Golbeck in the email that Groden was in jail for nine hours and had to pay a bail bond of $339 to get out. And then he tells him the best part. Groden "was not allowed his medications."
Golbeck sends his whole division an email telling them this is the way to go. "This is the action you should be taking on repeat offenders in Dealey Plaza. Citations are the price of doing business and not effective."
In the transcript of a lengthy deposition carried out on August 20, Groden's lawyer Brad Kizzia questions Gorka on his knowledge of the law pertaining to Groden's selling of books and magazines at Dealey Plaza prior to Gorka's arrest of Groden. Gorka tries several times to give the impression he didn't know a lot about the law governing sale of books and magazines on city-owned land and arrested Groden because Golbeck told him to.
"I was informed by Executive Assistant Chief Golbeck to go to the location and address a complaint about vendors in the park," he said.
But later when Kizzia continues to work the question, Gorka admits that, before arresting Groden, Gorka had read a Dallas city attorney's opinion saying there was no law against selling books and magazines in a park. And why would there be no such law, if there are laws against selling other stuff? Because books and magazines fall under the constitutionally protected regime of speech and freedom of the press.
I reached Golbeck last week, who retired this year and is living in another part of the country. Golbeck, by the way, had a long, distinguished career with the police department virtually unblemished by controversy. Golbeck told me that he alone ran the Dealey Plaza Initiative, acting on what turned out to be bad advice from the park department. "The whole Groden incident," he said, "is my responsibility. I was division commander of central patrol at the time."

He said, "We thought we had good legal advice. I should have done my own due diligence, probably. I relied on the park department, who should know their shop."
Golbeck told me he knew there were issues of freedom of speech: "I knew we were walking a very tight rope on the legality of freedom of speech, but at the same time he was running a business out there and blocking sidewalks."
ark Graham
Robert Groden collected more than 80 tickets and an arrest in a city campaign to drive him from Dealey Plaza.

So let's go back and count.
We have Gorka, a Dallas police sergeant, also with a long, clean career, who arrested Groden even though Gorka had read a legal opinion saying Groden was not breaking the law.
We have Golbeck, chief of the Central Patrol Division, who says he ran the operation on what he now knows was slipshod legal advice.
We have this pretty unattractive "can't beat the ride" element in which Groden had to spend nine hours in jail without his meds and pay a few hundred bucks to get out, with Gorka gloating over the part about the meds.
So where did all of this come from? What was the urgency? In a city with more crack houses than you can shake a nightstick at, why were police resources ever devoted to what was called the "Dealey Plaza Initiative" in the first place? Golbeck said to me, "We were getting some high-level complaints from The Sixth Floor Museum [and] from Downtown Dallas [Inc.]."
Pause. Rewind. OK, forget Downtown Dallas Inc. They're a kind of mini-Chamber of Commerce booster outfit. They complain about cigarette butts. I guess that's their job. But focus on the museum.
In July 2011, I asked Longford, director of The Sixth Floor, about the Groden arrest. She emailed me: "Concerning the city of Dallas and activities in Dealey Plaza, we are not party to the matters you have referenced, and it would thus be improper for us to comment." That has been the museum's position ever since.
We now know that's a lie. In a July 1, 2010, email from Dallas Police Lieutenant Anthony Williams to Gorka and other downtown police officers, Williams recaps and explains the whole sequence of events. Police met with officials of The Sixth Floor on June 9, 2010, according to Williams; the next day Longford sent an email "commendation" to Golbeck "thanking Lieutenant Williams and the officers of the CBD for the enforcement efforts around and on Dealey Plaza"; on June 13, Sixth Floor IT manager Brad Hamilton filed a police complaint about Groden; Groden was arrested and jailed that day. Why?
Look, Longford and her staff are museum people trying to run a museum. Their museum depends on old money in this town, and the old money is morbidly interested in the accusation of conspiracy in the murder of JFK. Why? Because they are the ones who always get accused.
William Manchester's 1967 book Death of a President said rich people in Dallas the owners of The Dallas Morning News in particular allowed and fomented a depraved culture of extremism that eventually had to cough up something like a Lee Harvey Oswald.
That's the real accusation. That's the ghost the old guard fears will come up out of the cemetery at Dealey Plaza on November 22, and that's why they won't allow anyone to utter the words that might call it up. This is all shame and superstition.
Gorka did not respond to my efforts to reach him. Longford declined to comment.
At the end of last week I spoke with John Judge, head of the Coalition on Political Assassinations in Washington, a loose confederation of Kennedy scholars and assassination theorists. The group, called COPA, has been the sponsor and host of Dealey Plaza anniversary observances every decade since the assassination. Effectively banished from Dealey Plaza for the 50th, they have been negotiating with Mayor Mike Rawlings for some months, hopeful the city would withdraw or soften its plan for exclusive access, heavy security and police cordons on November 22.
Judge told me Rawlings recently offered the group a compromise by which they would be allowed to gather at a site some blocks from and out of view of Dealey Plaza. He said COPA had not agreed to the terms, because it still objects to the whole idea of being pushed from sight.
I said, look. If I'm a reporter from Chicago or Berlin or somewhere, and I get sent to Dallas, Texas, to cover some prayer service for a dead guy, I'm already in a bad mood. But if you tell me they have set up a special concentration camp for conspiracy theorists so nobody in the media will see them? Guess where I'm goin'.
Not to worry. Stories like this one always get out.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I have talked with several people who are not going to Dallas due to the lock down of Dealey Plaza. To this I say "all the more reason TO go".
There will be a ton of press there covering the 50th anniversary and we need to be there by the millions. Literally. They cannot lock all of us up.
For myself this will probably be my last conference. I cannot help wondering if having these makes any kind of difference. Preaching to the choir mainly.
However, that said, this year should be the year to stand against the fascism that Amerika has become. A peace protest of sorts if you will.
Staying home means they really win.


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