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Can't find diagram of shots to jfk from conspiracy point of view?
Gordon Gray Wrote:How about this? Connolly was shot more than once? There were 5 wounds.

Only one story can be correct:

1. If only the US government's evidence and reports are considered, it is clear a lone gunman fired three shots from the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) killing JFK and wounding two other men.

2. If the acoustical evidence analysis AND credible witness' observations are considered by themselves, then it is clear that a conspiracy killed JFK. And it wasn't just a conspiracy, it was a powerful conspiracy from high in the US government that had the power to forge evidence and harass witnesses to enable the press and the public to accept the story in #1.


If (1) is correct, you would only need to consider a handful of documents to reach a reasonable conclusion that LHO fired three shots and killed JFK. The Warren Report and Bugliosi's RECLAIMING HISTORY coupled with the integrity of the US government, for example; indicate this story is correct and everything else is based on misunderstandings, lies, over zealous conspiracy theorists and plain nuts who jump on the bandwagon when a conspiracy is considered.

If (2) is correct, there would be other information that the US government could not control nor forge. For example, the acoustical analysis indicates that the last two shots were fired BANG-BANG, two shots fired a split second apart. Is there information that supports this scenario?

1. A sizeable population should have heard two separate shots for the last shot like sounds heard. This internet blog suggests that between a statistically significant population of the witnesses in Dealey Plaza heard BANG-BANG, two shots fired a split second apart exactly like the acoustical evidence shows happened.

Richard Charmon's blog and references suggest over 20 witnesses (or is the correct answer 44?) said the last two sounds indicate that the last two shots were fired a split second apart. Many just say BAM-BAM or BANG-BANG.

2. The first of those last two shots was fired from the right front of JFK. It hit JFK in the head just forward of the right ear (in the hairline) according to a credible witness' Warren Commission testimony. Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman went on to say he saw a massive wound in the right rear of JFK's head that was approximately five inches in diameter. This description of the exit wound in the right rear of JFK's head matches what medical personnel at Parkland say they saw.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6316&stc=1][Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6317&stc=1]
Dr McClellan's drawing is consistent with what other medical people at Parkland say they saw when the back of JFK's head was viewed.

Nurse Pat Hutton's description of a massive wound in the rear of JFK's head sat classified TOP SECRET for decades in sealed storage until released. It was written soon after the assassination and was in storage for decades. Hutton was not influenced or pressured to say what she said she saw. WHY WOULD THE US government classify Hutton's comments TOP SECRET? If you read the whole page, you will see the only thing sensitive that might be representative of GRAVE DANGER to the security of the United States is the description of the massive opening in the right rear of JFK's head. Therefore, it wasn't danger to the security of the US, it was dangerous if this information became public to the conspirators in the US government who ordered JFK's murder.

The last shot of the double BANG was fired 0.7 seconds after JFK was shot in the head. IF you look at a computer stablized version of the Z film, you will see JFK knocked violently back to his right rear. 0.7 seconds after Z313, a bullet fired from the TSBD looks like it missed JFK's head and hit Gov. Connally in the back which bent him over forward EXACTLY like he said happened in almost every description he ever gave about the shooting.

When is Gov. Connally bent over? He told you and the Z film shows it (if and only if you look at the computer stabilized version of the Z film, the early Z film versions have a massive blur which obscures the radical movement of Connally when he is thrown forward when the bullet hit him in the back):

John Connally made TWO radical movements exactly when the acoustical evidence indicate shots were fired:

4.8 seconds BEFORE the fatal head shot

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6318&stc=1]

0.7 seconds AFTER the fatal head shot


[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6319&stc=1]
Connally's movement from the stablilized Z film immediately after JFK's head shot when the acoustical evidence indicates the last shot was fired from the TSBD.

WHY would anyone think Connally was shot with five separate bullets? His two radical movements made when the acoustical evidence indicates shots were fired paint a unique picture which is much stronger when taking the two sources of information together. I know this doesn't pass most people's smell test for reasonableness but it is one of the reasons the public has been tricked for decades.

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Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer
If you deliberately fail to consider evidence you can construct any scenario you wish. That is precisely what the Warren Commission did.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Drew Phipps Wrote:If you deliberately fail to consider evidence you can construct any scenario you wish. That is precisely what the Warren Commission did.

Am I guilty as charged OR am I showing you how to P R O V E what happened during the JFK assassination?

Even people who are not very familiar with the JFK assassination have seen the controversy over the mystery of the JFK back of the head witnesses. The US government official investigation backed up by seemingly foolproof evidence shows that a bullet entered the back of JFK's head and produced a large exit wound toward the front and top of JFK's head. The US government's investigation showed Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy by firing three shots from the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD). The US government's investigation also showed that LHO acted alone, there was no credible evidence of conspiracy.

On the other hand, the medical personnel at Parkland Hospital paint a different picture. There are a significant number of people who describe a massive (large) wound in the right posterior of JFK's head. One doctor said he saw the cerebellum oozing out the wound at the back of the JFK's head while he was at Parkland. The wound at the back of JFK's head was approximately 5 inches in diameter according to many of the witnesses at Parkland AND Bethesda.

It all comes down to which scenario is correct?

1. The US government's evidence and investigations which clearly shows a lone gunman fired three shots from behind

2. Witnesses and other evidence/information which shows that a powerful conspiracy killed President Kennedy.

Do you believe what you see in this drawing (which represents what the autopsy photographs show)?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6320&stc=1]

Or do you believe these people?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6321&stc=1]

There are over a thousand books which asks that basic question, which is right? Fortunately, there is a way to prove what happened and therefore show the actual scenario during the assassination shooting. The methodology to prove what happened during the shooting involves mathematical calculations that are not that complicated to perform but the results are almost impossible for some to believe because they show that the bottom line in the assassination can be known without any doubt.

The brainwashing of the public has been that effective.

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Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer
Drew Phipps Wrote:In the interest of covering new ground instead of stuff we've already covered:

1. Where was the microphone?

2. Please describe the trajectory of the bullet fragment that you say missed Connally's torso but managed to hit his thigh, which I'm supposing you will conceed is below and forward of his torso.

When the goons in the US gov't discovered that the audio evidence existed as Bugliosi said the HSCA was abuzz when Prof Barger said the audio recording had evidence there might be as many as six shots. There are several things that would be true if sounds of the shots were recorded:

1. The gunfire in Dealey Plaza would produce echoes and the recording would produce spikes each time an echo arrived at the microphone. Because the motorcycle was moving, each of the shots would be recorded at a different location. The acoustical experts had some experience with using a technique called echo correlation analysis which compares recorded test shots to the actual recording. A statistical match proves the sounds were produced by gunfire.

2. The time between shots in seconds could be determined. If the time between shots is the same in the two ways we have to measure them, then that also proves statistically the sounds of the shots were recorded.

Professor Barger chose to use echo correlation analysis as the method he was going to hang his hat on. The first shooting experiment produced statistically significant results such that the echo pattern matches were above 50/50 that they were produced by gunfire. Barger wanted to do another shooting experiment with the microphones closer together but the HSCA said they were out of money and one of the biggest questions in American history was not answered! By this time, the lies were so big that the US government could not let the little people know they were lied to.

The results with the widely spaced microphones:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6332&stc=1]

As can be seen from this table, the widely spaced microphone array showed statistical correlation above 0.5 for some of the shots from both the grassy knoll AND the TSBD! The shooting experiment Prof Barger proposed was to determine if the sounds from experimental recordings reasonably matched the actual recording. With this information, the government goons whose job it is to HIDE THE TRUTH could not let another shooting experiment be performed or else it would have removed all doubt.

So how did they hide 4.8 seconds between shots in BOTH the acoustical evidence and the Zapruder film? If you look at shot #2, you'll notice that it has 3 statistically significant microphones from the TSBD and one from the GN. Shot #3 has only one from the TSBD. Knowing that there were three shots fired from the TSBD, the HSCA audio experts picked #1, #2 and #5 from the grassy knoll. That hid the 4.8 seconds from the public!

But that alignment is ridiculous because the time between shots #1 and #2 was 1.7 seconds which is not sufficient time for the gunman in the TSBD to fire 2 shots. The only possibility for the first two shots from the TSBD is for shots #1 and #3 to be from the TSBD, and shot #2 from somewhere else!

But look, we got statistically significant matches from different microphones and different shooting places for some of the shots! To resolve this dilemma, you have to use BOTH the Zapruder film and the audio evidence to determine what happen and use other constraints such as the TSBD rifle's minimum shooting times between shots. When you do that, you get a unique shooting scenario that can be used to explain all of the wounds at when each of the five shots was fired: Z178, Z202, Z224, Z313 and Z325.

But to answer your question: None of the microphones was located exactly where the motorcycle was when shots were fired. The data was too poor and the US gov't would not let them do more shooting experiments. Shot #2, for example, could NOT have been fired from the TSBD (it was only 1.7 seconds after the first TSBD shot) and the grassy knoll view meant that shooter could not have fired either. Therefore you have to use other information to determine where the shooter of shot #2 was located!

CE840: three bullet fragments were found under Nellie's seat

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6333&stc=1]

Because the wounds at shot #1, #2, #4 and #5 allow only some of the wounds to be tied to those shots, a fragmented shot #3 must explain the rest AND the some of the evidence is very consistent with that happening:

1. John Connally's left thigh wound was caused (per Dr. Robert Shaw) by a bullet fragment, not a bullet
2. The wound to JFK's back (5.5 inches below his collar) when probed with both a finger and a surgical instrument showed no point of exit (i.e. it was a shallow wound that had no track toward the neck as the SBT fairy tale demands).
3. Multiple Witnesses saw something hit the pavement about this time

Connally was a tall man with little space for his legs. The 3rd shot from the TSBD hit a branch, fragmented with fragments going under Nellie's seat, and one hit Connally's left leg at Z224.

If you look at CE567, you'll see it was a metal jacket bullet but if CE399 was planted on a stretcher at Parkland to allow the shooting to definitely be tied to the TSBD rifle, then one of the shots had to have been fired differently to allow the truth to be hidden. Those guys were not complete idiots, they just assume the citizens are fools.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6334&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6336&stc=1]

Connally at z225 is looking to his right, at Z230 he has snapped his head toward the left even though he said in every interview I've ever seen that he thought the sound of the shot came from back toward his right which is were he turns AFTER he looked to his left. WHY toward his left? Because his left thigh had been hit by a bullet fragement. His left leg (thigh) was turned toward Nellie's seat.

Now when you look at Z273 it will make more sense:

Connally has no blood on his shirt
He has no exit wound on his chest about the size of a baseball
He can turn around in his seat because he is not shot in the back until Z325 when the force of the bullet to his back bent him over

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6337&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6338&stc=1]

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Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer
So your answers are:

1. None.

2. The second shot thru the trees from the TSBD fragmented, a fragment didn't touch anything or anyone else in the car, somehow described a curved path from the rear right to the front left, around Connally's torso, and embedded itself in his left inner thigh halfway between the knee and the hip.

You have a member of a "powerful conspiracy" firing at least twice blindly thru trees. You've substituted a "magic bullet fragment" for the original "magic bullet", simply for the reason that your theory needs that particular shot to damage Connally's thigh. You have ignored the evidence that the dictabelt recording wasn't a recording of the actual assassination. You have ignored the fact that no one has ever claimed that the "sound impulses" on the dictabelt were the actual sounds of the shots. You have ignored Connally's eyewitness evidence. You rely upon Zapruder's film, an understandable but increasingly questionable source.

My verdict: Guilty as charged.

Keep working on your theory, you've done great work on the eyewitnesses, but keep in mind that proof of a powerful conspiracy involved in the cover up isn't quite the same thing as proof of a conspiracy to kill.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Drew Phipps Wrote:So your answers are:

1. None.

2. The second shot thru the trees from the TSBD fragmented, a fragment didn't touch anything or anyone else in the car, somehow described a curved path from the rear right to the front left, around Connally's torso, and embedded itself in his left inner thigh halfway between the knee and the hip.

You have a member of a "powerful conspiracy" firing at least twice blindly thru trees. You've substituted a "magic bullet fragment" for the original "magic bullet", simply for the reason that your theory needs that particular shot to damage Connally's thigh. You have ignored the evidence that the dictabelt recording wasn't a recording of the actual assassination. You have ignored the fact that no one has ever claimed that the "sound impulses" on the dictabelt were the actual sounds of the shots. You have ignored Connally's eyewitness evidence. You rely upon Zapruder's film, an understandable but increasingly questionable source.

My verdict: Guilty as charged.

Keep working on your theory, you've done great work on the eyewitnesses, but keep in mind that proof of a powerful conspiracy involved in the cover up isn't quite the same thing as proof of a conspiracy to kill.

1. I never said none. With shot #2 being fired NOT from the TSBD and NOT from the grassy knoll, isn't it "STRANGE" that shot #2 showed 3 microphone locations from the TSBD and one from the GN? In other words, the acoustical experts took a shot that theoretically should not have passed their criteria and they showed 4 microphone matches with a p > 0.5. The HSCA acoustical analysis contains major mistakes but that doesn't mean it doesn't contain the sounds of the shots. 4.8 seconds and 0.7 seconds in both the Zapruder film and the acoustical analysis proves it did capture the sounds of the shots (by sounds, I mean the echo impulse pattern sound signature of a shot).

Prof Barger was trying to take the acoustical analysis to the next level with crap for data. Yes, it looked like shot like echo patterns but no, it was not good enough to determine the location of the shooter nor the motorcycle.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6339&stc=1]

If the second shooting experiment would have been conducted, then you would know to within a few feet where the motorcycle microphone was for each of the five shots. The gubermint goons couldn't let that happen and they didn't, the HSCA ran out of money. The only shot carefully analyzed by the HSCA was shot #4, the shot from the GN.

If you read the HSCA handwaving, you'll see that they used "scientific facts" to rule out the grassy knoll shot even though Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman described in his WC testimony a small hole about the end of his little finger in the hairline forward of JFK's right ear (entrance wound) and a massive wound about 5 inches across in the right rear of JFK's head (which matches numerous witnesses' descriptions of the wound in the back of JFK's head). For the conspiracy to succeed, the US government had to discredit and ignore the witnesses. In many cases, they just ignored credible witnesses and substituted lies.

Since the medical, ballistics and neutron activation analysis evidence, taken together, established that the President was struck by two bullets fired from Oswald's rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, the committee sought to determine if such shots could have struck the President, given the known position of his body, even the grassy knoll shot struck him at Zapruder frame 312. The results correlating the acoustical tape to the film, assuming the shot from the knoll was at Zapruder frame 312, are as follows:(107)

[TABLE="class: layout, width: 80%"]
[TD]Zapruder frame[/TD]
[TD]Acoustical determination of origin[/TD]
[TD]Impulse pattern I[/TD]
[TD]Impulse pattern II[/TD]
[TD]Impulse pattern III[/TD]
[TD]Grassy knoll.[/TD]
[TD]Impulse pattern IV[/TD]

It was determined by medical, ballistics and neutron activation evidence that the President was struck in the head by a bullet fired from a rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. For that bullet to have destroyed the medical evidence of the President being hit at Zapruder frame 312, it would have had to have struck at Zapruder frame 328-329. But a preliminary trajectory analysis, based on the President's location and body position at frame 328-329 failed to track to a shooter in the sixth floor southeast corner window of the depository within a minimum margin of error radius,(108)thus indicating it was highly unlikely the President was struck in the head at Zapruder frame 328 by a shot fired from the sixth floor southeast corner window of the depository. Further, there is no visual evidence in the Zapruder film of the President being struck in the head at Zapruder frames 173-177 or 205-208, the frames at which shots one and two would have been fired if the shot from the knoll was a hit to the head at frame 312. Accordingly, if the shot from the grassy knoll occurred at frame 312, no shot fired from the Texas School Book Depository would have struck the President in the head at any time. Such a finding is contrary to the weight of the scientific evidence. The committee concluded, therefore, that the shot fired from the grassy knoll was not the shot visually represented at Zapruder frame 312: that the shot from the grassy knoll missed President Kennedy;[SUP]17[/SUP] and that the most accurate synchronization of the tape and the film would be one based on a correlation of impulse pattern four on the tape with the fatal head shot to the President at frame 319 of the Zapruder film. When the tape and film are so synchronized, the sequence on the film corroborated or substantiated the timing of the shots indicated on the 1963 tape.

According to the more logical synchronization, the first shot would have occurred at approximately Zapruder frame 160. This would also

[SUP]17[/SUP]The committee noted there was no physical evidence of where a shot from the grassy knoll might have hit. Since a shot from the Texas School Book Depository hit the President in the head less than one second after the shot from the knoll, there would have been little apparent reason for a gunman on the knoll to fire a second shot.

The logic in the HSCA assumes the government evidence is correct. The acoustical evidence PROVES the US government forged and lied, you will probably never be able to comprehend that is true. That's OK, the US government has fooled millions for decades, this lie is not going to die overnight.

2. The original thread title was there was no diagram of a conspiracy scenario. A few trajectories along with wounds each of the bullets needs to be presented to answer the title.

There were three bullet fragments found inches away from Gov Connally. I can't prove Connally's leg was turned toward Nellie Connally except by noting that he had a wound in his left thigh from a bullet fragment, not a bullet. To fool Americans, the US government had to convince people that all of Connally's wounds were caused by one bullet. Connally had two of the quickest reactions in the Zapruder film exactly when the acoustical recording indicates shots were fired (4.8 seconds before and 0.7 seconds after JFK was shot in the head).

You've also noted the Z film and the acoustical evidence have flaws. YOU CAN'T blindly accept data from each one but taken together, a unique shooting scenario exists.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6340&stc=1]

[TABLE="width: 601"]
[TD="align: right"]AUTHOR:[/TD]
[TD]Abraham Lincoln (180965)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]QUOTATION:[/TD]
[TD]You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time.

It makes little difference what you and I think, it only matters what the evidence the US government did not and could not have forged shows. And that story proves conspiracy and massive amounts of forged evidence.

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Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer
Edwin Ortiz Wrote:I find the single bullet diagram very easily on the net but i have not been able to find a diagram with the shots coming from both the front and back with the adjusted locations contrary to the sbt theory...Is this due to the internet being filtered or lack of diagrams from a conspiracy point of view?....Though i have read many booms i dont recall where and if i have found any diagrams opposing the SBT diagram which we always see any thought please reply im still looking for the true accurate diagram of the incoming shots.

As covered earlier, the acoustical evidence analysis perfectly fits the timing of events as seen in the Zapruder film. Although the US government altered what we see in the Zapruder film, they did not significantly alter the timing of the events. As seen in Doug Hornes' video presentation on VIMEO, it appears the Zapruder film was hastily modified over the weekend after JFK was shot. The modified Zapruder film was complete by Sunday evening.


With the time between two of the shots being 4.8 seconds in BOTH the Zapruder film AND the acoustical evidence analysis, that would lead any reasonable person to conclude that the acoustical evidence is probably valid. That is so simple and obvious that even a child could understand that.

It was shown in post #29 that the medical evidence for John Connally appears to show that John Connally's wound to his wrist was struck first from the top of the wrist! As we look at the sequence of John Connally reacting to his first wound (Z224-Z240) (minor, trivial wound as described by Dr. Shaw, one of Connally's doctors), the bottom of his hand is turned toward his body which means a bullet could not have exited his chest and then hit his right arm on the top of it. So how do you explain the medical evidence for Connally's right wrist?

John Connally had turned to look over his right shoulder after he was first wounded at Z224 (from Z224 all the way to Z300) and is turning to look back over his LEFT shoulder when we can see he is rotating right hand while he is still holding his hat. In other words, the bottom of John Connally's right hand was turned toward his body before JFK was shot in the head which is further confirmation that John Connally was shot in the back after JFK's head shot at Z313.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6368&stc=1]

Because John Connally made such a radical turn after he was first wounded, no reasonable person would ever consider that when John Connally turned in such a radical manner that he had an exit wound in his chest about the size of a baseball. People consider the SBT to be true not because it is reasonable, they consider it because it is the only story the US government could tell to hide the fact that there were multiple gunmen firing at President Kennedy. And people only believe it is what happened because the US government has been successful at hiding when John Connally was wounded in the back. And of no blood can be seen on John Connally's chest or arm from Z224 all the way to after JFK's head shot which is further confirmation the US government's SBT scenario is a preposterous lie.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6369&stc=1]

You've also seen that John Connally said the force of the bullet bent him over. As can be seen, John Connally is not bent over until after JFK's head shot.


In the next post, I'll show you where and when each of the five shots was fired from and what wounds each of the shots caused.

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Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer
Edwin Ortiz Wrote:I find the single bullet diagram very easily on the net but i have not been able to find a diagram with the shots coming from both the front and back with the adjusted locations contrary to the sbt theory...Is this due to the internet being filtered or lack of diagrams from a conspiracy point of view?....Though i have read many booms i dont recall where and if i have found any diagrams opposing the SBT diagram which we always see any thought please reply im still looking for the true accurate diagram of the incoming shots.

The HSCA and Prof. Barger used echo correlation analysis to attempt to PROVE that there was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. The gov't got the HSCA to tie everything to the position of the motorcycle that recorded the sounds of the shots. The gov't then worked to destroy the acoustical analysis on the basis of the motorcycle position. As has been shown on this thread, the wide spacing of the microphones for the test shots introduced so much uncertainty that shot #2 correlated better than shot #3 per the HSCA acoustical analysis even though shot #2 did NOT have a test shot fired from the firing location! But that does NOT make the acoustical analysis worthless; instead, to PROVE the sounds of the shots were recorded, I use the fact that if the sounds of the shots were recorded, then the time between shots would match the timeline established by using the Zapruder film. Important events in the Zapruder film are:

1. Z190: Rosemary Willis says when she heard the first shot (and she said she recognized that sound as a shot), she stopped running.

2. Z200-Z224": President Kennedy is waving with his right hand above his head. Approximately one second later, JFK is emerging from behind the Stemmons Street sign and is obviously reacting to a wound. This has puzzled JFK researchers for decades because JFK reacts to a gunshot BEFORE John Connally reacts which starts at Z224.

3. Z224-Z230: John Connally starts a radical movement in reaction to a gunshot. He quickly raises his arms and snaps his head to look left (toward his first minor wound).

4. Z313 4.8 seconds after Z224, the JFK head shot drives Kennedy back and to his left. Dino Brunoli says that the head shot showed several frames in the original Z film where the forged version we see today only shows one frame. Removing/changing a few frames in the Z film does not significantly effect the time frame in seconds of the major events.

Z325: John Connally is bent over violently forward. John Connally in virtually every interview he ever did about the assassination said that the force of the blow to his back bent him over forward. That is exactly what is seen in the Zapruder film 0.7 seconds AFTER the JFK head shot.

As can be easily seen, the timing of the shots in the acoustical timing analysis almost exactly matches the timing of the events that are seen in the Zapruder film:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6371&stc=1]

The first shot came about Z178. It was fired from behind and was also the first shot fired from the TSBD. It was probably fired prematurely from the TSBD by a nervous gunman as it wildly missed the limo, ricocheted off the street curb and slightly wounded James Tague.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6372&stc=1]

the interview with James Tague also shows he is one of the many witnesses in Dealey Plaza who says the last two shots were BANG-BANG or as he says at about 25 seconds the "crack-crack of two rifle shots." The presstitutes "know" just like every JFK researcher that those sounds were echoes (the gubermint told them that) so they frequently don't allow the witnesses to say something like BANG-BANG. They consider it misleading so they do not want viewers to be misled by witnesses who were confused by someone hearing BANG-BANG.

The average JFK fan runs to see what Jim Marrs, or Bugliosi, or any of hundreds say about BANG-BANG and like the presstitutes, they assume that the US gov't got the story mostly right but that mistakes were made. They refuse to believe that virtually everyone was fooled by a corrupt government that was working hard to hide the truth. IF you accept any of the massive amounts of forged evidence by the US government, you will get the wrong answers. Virtually every JFK researcher accepts almost everything the US government provided as "evidence."

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Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer
Edwin Ortiz Wrote:I find the single bullet diagram very easily on the net but i have not been able to find a diagram with the shots coming from both the front and back with the adjusted locations contrary to the sbt theory...Is this due to the internet being filtered or lack of diagrams from a conspiracy point of view?....Though i have read many booms i dont recall where and if i have found any diagrams opposing the SBT diagram which we always see any thought please reply im still looking for the true accurate diagram of the incoming shots.

The second shot using the acoustical information could not have been fired from the TSBD because it was only 1.7 seconds AFTER the first shot.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6375&stc=1]

The HSCA did not use the constraint that the bolt action rifle found in the TSBD could not fire two shots less than 2 seconds apart, they used shot #2 as the second shot from the TSBD and ignored the third set of impulse echoes that looked like a shot because it was less mathematically improbable. The HSCA as you'll recall concluded there were four shots (#1, #2, #4 and #5 from the diagram). Using the timing of the shots, only shots #1 and #3 could have been fired from the TSBD, shot #2 had to have been fired from somewhere else.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6376&stc=1]

So did happen? Dr. Donald Thomas says the second shot missed. If you listen to him, he calls the second shot a rogue shot because he thinks the single bullet theory is correct :-)

If you listen to the witnesses, you'll find there are multiple people who say:

1. there was a bullet hole in the windshield just to the left of the rear view mirror (as seen from the driver's side)
2. Several witnesses at Parkland say President Kennedy had a small entrance wound in the throat.

You can also find witnesses such as Nurse Aubrey Bell who says there was a small entrance wound in JFK's throat. Connecting those two points together gives the direction of the second shot.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6377&stc=1]

If a shot was fired through the windshield and hit JFK in the throat, where did it go?

It turns out depending on which decade you look at the JFK assassination, you get different answers about where the back wounds to JFK were located. WOUNDS? Yes, wounds.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6378&stc=1]

Gerald Ford of course made it clear that the wound to JFK's back was at the base of the neck.

But after the movie JFK and the records review act, we see that there was a wound to JFK's back approximately 5.5 inches below his collar.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6379&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6380&stc=1]

The US government showed there were two bullet wounds to JFK's back, one in the base of the neck, the other about 5.5 inches below his collar. Every book and documentary out there is trying to figure out WHICH wound actually existed along with a connection to the throat wound when actually the bullet entered the front of his neck and exited the rear of JFK's neck.

For extra credit, you can find that JFK's shirt had a sample removed from the collar area! It wasn't a sample as the gubermint said for testing, it was removed to hide the hole made in the rear of the shirt in the collar.

The US government doesn't have to work very hard to fool the presstitutes. Fool the press and other Americans will fall in line.

When you look at the Altgen's photo, you see that the shooter had to be at or near ground level, he could not have been elevated above street level. Therefore, shot #2 was probably fired from one of the vehicles we can see in the Zapruder film background.

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Bill Charleston

All these years have gone by and it never occurred to me that Connally was shot after JFK's fatal head shot. Once you're walked through it, it's immediately evident that that's exactly what happened. It all fits! It's the ONLY thing that fit's. It's amazing work. You're the VERY first person to put this all together. Congrats!! Watching your video was like putting glasses on correctly after wearing them backwards for years without realizing it. A surprised viewer

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