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The Decline and Fall of Jim Fetzer
For the record, the book I read by Ahmed was The War on Freedom.

Of course, that was before Fetzer, Reynolds, Wood, Lear etc.

Matt, did you see the hologram go up?
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Tower Two is the South tower, the first to collapse.

So much is clear, but I am still confused, which one Matt experienced coming down. The quote from the guy in a suit does not make sense when he is talking about tower two (WTC2).
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
There is nothing known to man at this time which vaporizes solid steel and turns concrete into dust other than the very, VERY high temperatures generated by a nuclear explosion.

This is nothing known to man at this time which can self generate fire and create molten lead and remain HOT for months without oxygen other than nuclear radiation.

Nothing but nuclear radiation can cause the many, many different types of cancers seen in the first respondents.
Asbestos does not cause testicular cancer.

Nothing known to man can generate the heat necessary or the explosive force necessary to remove 90,000 tons of material from beneath the 15 story chunk which fell THRU the remaining building and hit the ground in the same time it would have taken if NOTHING was there... other than a mini, highly directed nuclear device.

Think carefully now... WTC7 is a prime example of a freefall, implosion type demolition which was announced as already occurring by the BBC up to an hour before the fact.

A full 1/3 of the material in the buildings disappeared entirely. Vanished. 50,000 gallons of kerosene can't do that. The falling of the building cannot generate that kind of heat and yet this heat remained

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8005&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8003&stc=1] is a ultra slow motion video as these core steel columns which I understand carried and distributed the heat of a nuclear explosion deep under the WTC where the Core columns and the Granite bedrock are joined and where the majority of the flowing molten steel was found.

It amazes me that anyone can still choose to believe the story we were told.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8004&stc=1]

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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
This is all kind of like those ultra-detailed graphs with charts and diagrams that break down the ballistics of what went where in Dealey Plaza, and why building X is less likely a source of the shooters than building Y.

These days when talking about 9/11 with people (which, to be honest, I rarely do now, although I gave out thousands of DVD's in the past) I gently raise other 9/11-related topics in passing. I was about to write a long, jarring list but I have a design job to do today and really shouldn't be on forums.

I think the reason Fetzer likes drilling down into miscroscopic debate about scientific minutiae is that it leaves the original topic of discussion far, far behind, and specifically renders discussion about people and perpetrators and motives moot. What was the subject of this thread again? What are we talking about now?

I don't entirely agree with Ahmed on this, but he's mentioned as of late how he tends to distance himself from the 9/11 truth movement because of their relentless dwelling on a handful of topics. Tom Secker, who wrote a book on the 7/7 bombings which I think is the best out there on that subject, has said the same.

I think Jim was right to devote a two part article on Fetzer's behaviour and what it all might mean. Does anyone else have any thoughts on that topic?
Doesn't a nuclear explosion leave radioactivity?

Wouldn't a nuclear explosion at the bedrock base of the Tower have kinetically collapsed the building at that point? And doesn't this contradict the planted demolition charges theory?

It was the North Tower (hit first) that I was closest to when it was coming down, the South Tower had already came down so it was already very dark and dusty but not black-as-night as I remember when coming out of the Federal Building. I didn't see or hear the planes, but I was blocks away at that time (8:45-9:15 if I recall from secondary sources.) When I came out of my apartment I saw the now familiar image of holes in the top of the towers with plumes of smoke coming out.


I don't really know. In general any first responders that I know from that day seem satisfied with the consensus narrative, but its not a big sample. I do know, that because of the tremendous amounts of overtime, many, if not most of the firefighters that responded have retired on relatively high pensions. (Not that they didn't earn the money.)


I hesitate to ask what the hologram is? Part of Fetzer's energy weapon scenario?
Re: holograms.

I get it now. You're referring to the holograms Fetzer claims was what people saw in lieu of planes viz your essays, which do prove that all along Fetzer was willing to wed himself to the most far out hypothesis for any given inconsistency. Problems with the Z-film? Then of course the whole thing must be faked.
Yes that is what I meant about that .

BTW, has anyone clicked through to the links I put in about Sandy Hook? And then once you get there, lick on those links in those articles.

That is what really stunned me once I found them. And that is one of the reasons I wrote the article. And made it as long as I did. That stuff really showed how low Fetzer had sunk.
Matthew Poe Wrote:Carsten,

It was the North Tower (hit first) that I was closest to when it was coming down, the South Tower had already came down so it was already very dark and dusty but not black-as-night as I remember when coming out of the Federal Building. I didn't see or hear the planes, but I was blocks away at that time (8:45-9:15 if I recall from secondary sources.) When I came out of my apartment I saw the now familiar image of holes in the top of the towers with plumes of smoke coming out.

Thanks for the clarification, Matt. Must have been a hell of an experience.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
BTW, this article, Parts 1 and 2, have become the number 1 and number 2 most visited essays at

And its only like three days after part 2 went up.

I already got a radio interview request.

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