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The Decline and Fall of Jim Fetzer
Make sure to let us know how to find the interview.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:BTW, this article, Parts 1 and 2, have become the number 1 and number 2 most visited essays at

And its only like three days after part 2 went up.

I already got a radio interview request.

Before clashing with him directly at The Memory Hole, and subsequently being instantly banned for pointing out how it could not be innocent mistake or lack of self interest that made Fetzer continually distract deny and deviate from what was important, I also outed Sofiar Shafquat aka Sofia Smallstorm.

She is all in herself a modern day combination of Fred Crisman and Ruth Paine. So helpful, so into the field... and so very very suspicious. Military background in Pakistan, utterly bizarre and purposefully demoralizing approach to deep events... A bird dog to out serious fact finders and at the same time reduce their findings to the level of garbage.
To show the extent of Fetzer's insanity his crew was claiming Jeff Bauman, the man at the Boston Marathon with his leg bone sticking out while being escorted to help, was a crisis actor with a fake horrific prosthesis making it look like his legs were blown off. The insanity of this claim is anyone could do basic research and find Mr Bauman's relatives or friends and ask them if he had good legs before the bombing. Or his doctor. The fact Fetzer seriously promoted this claim is grounds for Cuckoo land alone. We're talking the full Carmen Miranda fruit basket...
Albert Doyle Wrote:To show the extent of Fetzer's insanity his crew was claiming Jeff Bauman, the man at the Boston Marathon with his leg bone sticking out while being escorted to help, was a crisis actor with a fake horrific prosthesis making it look like his legs were blown off. The insanity of this claim is anyone could do basic research and find Mr Bauman's relatives or friends and ask them if he had good legs before the bombing. Or his doctor. The fact Fetzer seriously promoted this claim is grounds for Cuckoo land alone. We're talking the full Carmen Miranda fruit basket...

Crazy. But crazy like a fox.

Each time Fetzer, or a Halbig for example, drops a load on the carpet, they taint by association all other researchers and make a subject taboo for "normal" "sane" people whilst simultaneously providing perfect cover for the lapdog media and "academics" to totally ignore the substantive issues around an event.

UFOlogy is a classical example of this. All the real secret space vehicles, bizarre but real mind experiments and channelling experiments - everything that sounds the craziest - is the best documented; but very few are prepared to discuss it because of the virtual certainty of thread hijacking, disinformation and guilt by association.

Likewise with Sandy Hook - there is some stuff associated with it that is almost unthinkable in its evil and the implications of it, but no one will seriously look at it now, due to the Fetzer-Halbig-Shafquat circus.

Ditto 9/11. Ditto so many others.

And look at the JFK and RFK murders. Some extremely outre things are well documented, some bizarre (to the uninitiated) elements such as duplicates of Oswald - but with a miasma of absurd claims courtesy of Fetzer et al good information goes begging and the undoubted still undiscovered films, pictures and even witness testimony goes unreported.

It isn't accidental.

One of the worst things Fetzer has done - in an Alex Jones type way - is to glom on to something real, but add absurd details or assertions to discredit the entire concept. For example photographic alteration which HAS happened, DOES happen and is an established part of intel work and the lapdog media has become a "UFO nut" type joke now due to his overegging of the pudding alleging pretty much NO photograph is genuine or unaltered.

I now treat Fetzer as an ONI asset whose function is twofold:

1. detect otherwise silent or unfound researchers, who naively come forward to him - with disastrous results

2. whatever he discredits has an element of truth to it or he wouldn't go after it.

For example now he's latched on to Apollo - it makes me more sure than ever that although the Moon has been visited the photographic record of those vists is faked, BUT not in the ways he alleges. What he advances is always flawed and always one or more "kill switches" in it.

Like the bad witnesses in the Shaw trial - they tend to lead a large number of open minded people to conclude "one bad - all bad." Which is simply not the case.

Life's more complicated than that.
O'Reilly is playing the role of the sane realist who questions Fetzer's bizarre conspiracy claim. Fetzer is playing the role of the better more reasonable presenter of truth on O'Reilly's show in order to draw in those who don't believe the official account. However the intention is those who are attracted to Fetzer's pitch then check him out some more and discover his nutty claims therefore destroying any faith in conspiracy theorists. All brought to you on FOX.

This is how loony these people are. I would have punched him too.

And here is the Kubrick hoax I mentioned in my article:

This was a creation to counter the fact that NASA had found some wreckage of one of the Apollo missions on the moon's surface. Which is really powerful evidence we went. So they put this hoax together.

BTW, if you click through the links at the end of the article to the Sandy Hook stuff, they used the same techniques there. They manufacture evidence. See for yourself. Its a disgrace really. Because of what it does to the people doing really good work on these SCADS.
A whole bunch of far out theories is being lumped together as springing Minerva like from Fetzer's addled head, but remember Jim has proven that Fetzer's raison d'etre mostly consists of poisoning existing CTR with his bathos and grasping onto far out twists.

To wit, the Boston Bombing. I don't agree with everything the late Dave McGowan wrote but I thought him a curious mind with a unique, moralistic worldview and effective (if sometimes overheated) style.

One of his best efforts was his long photo analysis/essay of the Boston Bombing. I found it pretty revelatory in a very discomfiting way. I don't think anyone with an open mind who digests it can completely disregard it and think "yeah, this is a normal IED scene." The material about the guy with the cowboy hat and American Flag running Jeff Bauman down the street in a wheelchair, while pinching his hanging artery together with his fingers, is especially hard to dismiss. Given especially that there were, according to McGowan, stretchers and ambulances on the scene.

Its a little bit unwieldy to navigate now b/c his old website has been shifted around since he died but it can be found on and between these pages. (For example, for part 2 change "114" to "115" etc...) I recommend anyone who had doubts about the provenance/nature of that attack to take a look with an open mind. I agree the implications are unsettling, but for me his information is difficult to ignored.
O'Reilly is playing the role of the sane realist who questions Fetzer's bizarre conspiracy claim. Fetzer is playing the role of the better more reasonable presenter of truth on O'Reilly's show in order to draw in those who don't believe the official account. However the intention is those who are attracted to Fetzer's pitch then check him out some more and discover his nutty claims therefore destroying any faith in conspiracy theorists. All brought to you on FOX.

So you think Fetzer was (and is) a conscious disinformation artist? An agent with a handler? That's a possible scenario. I tend to think of him as controlled opposition in a less cut and dry way. Perhaps his secret sources, the ones he sometimes alludes to, are jerking his chain, feeding him false "inside" information and puffing up his ego? B/c he certainly seems to believe in what he's talking about.

O'Reilly comes across as a bellicose drunken father-figure lecturing a wayward "punk" in that clip, nothing sane or realistic about it IMO. His questions are classic CIA talking points to challenge CT'ers. He's a disgrace.

If you buy Fetzer, we live in The Truman Show.
I don't buy Fetzer at all. I think like Alex Jones (who does seem very conscious of his role,) he stinks up the neighborhood. My question is to how aware is Fetzer to his role as controlled opposition. He is very valuable to TPTB. But I think you mean more fool me for even questioning his possible erstwhile sincerity. Fair enough. Is he also playing crazy then?

Did you know that Gordon Duff, Fetzer's former Veteran's Today (a bizarre name for a website that claims Mossad agents are murdering American school children) partner-in-crime has admitted that 40% of what he writes is misinformation and patently false?

I linked to the McGowan presentation because it overlapped with what another poster to alluded to about the Boston Bombing.

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