The "Official Evidence" available will always have one and only one suspect.
It will only support Oswald in the 6th floor window and 3 shots.
Everything else is officially deemed "unofficial" so it holds little if any weight until you prove it to be evidence of the conspiracy.
According to trained, CIVILIAN ER doctors and nurses there was no shot from behind that hits JFK above the shoulders... In fact, to them, there was NO SHOT from behind JFK. From the Autopsy that no longer exists we learn:
Mr. Rankin:
Then theres a great range of material in regards to the wound and the autopsy and this point of exit or entrance of the bullet in the front of the neck, and that all has to be developed much more than we have at the present time.
We have an explanation there in the autopsy that probably a fragment came out the front of the neck, but with the elevation the shot must have come from, and the angle, it seems quite apparent, since we have the picture of where the bullet entered in the back,
that the bullet entered below the shoulder blade to the right of the backbone, which is below the place where the picture shows the bullet came out in the neckband of the shirt in front, and the bullet, according to the autopsy didn't strike any bone at all, that particular bullet, and go through.
So that how it could turn, and --
Rep. Boggs. I thought I read that bullet just went in a finger's length.
Mr. Rankin.
That is what they first said
The Evidence IS the Conspiracy.... there is no passage in the autopsy which says anything like this... so what is Rankin referring to here?
Prior to Bethesda there is simply no evidence which supports the autopsy evidence or a shot from the rear to anything above his shoulders
Boswell will try to tell us that 80% of his skull was gone - this after 8pm and JFK's body having been in that autopsy room for over an hour with the FBI barred from entry.
The Zfilm shows the front right hinged open yet close-able, not missing.
Humes' own description of the newly altered wounds appears in his testimony. The image below is an anatomically correct representation of that description.
Q. Dr. Humes, when did you first see the body of President Kennedy?
A. I didn't look at my watch, if I even had a watch on, but I would guess it was 6:45 or 7 o'clock, something like that, approximately.
I guess someone should have told the JCBT that while they were loading JFK's casket into the Ambulance, Humes was already with JFK at Bethesda... nice trick...
And we want to talk about what the Evidence shows?
"We found that the right cerebral hemisphere was markedly disrupted. There was a longitudinal laceration of the right hemisphere which was parasagittal in position. By the
sagittal plane, as you may know, is a plane in the midline which would divide the brain into right and left halves. This laceration was parasagittal. It was situated approximately
(1 & 2) 2.5 cm. to the right of the midline, and extended from the
tip of occipital lobe, which is the posterior portion of the brain, to the
tip of the frontal lobe which is the most anterior portion of the brain, and it extended
from the top down to the substance of the brain a distance of approximately
5 or 6 cm. The
base of the laceration was situated approximately 4.5 cm. below the vertex in the white matter. By the vertex we mean--the highest point on the skull is referred to as the vertex.
The area in which the
greatest loss of brain substance was particularly in the
parietal lobe, which is the major portion of the right cerebral hemisphere.
The margins of this laceration at all points were jagged and irregular, with additional lacerations extending in varying directions and for varying distances from the main laceration.
In addition, there was a
(3) laceration of the corpus callosum which is a body of fibers which connects the two hemispheres of the brain to each other, which extended from the posterior to the anterior portion of this structure, that is the corpus callosum. Exposed in this laceration were portions of the ventricular system in which the spinal fluid normally is disposed within the brain.
When viewed from above the left cerebral hemisphere was intact. There was engorgement of blood vessels in the meninges covering the brain. We note that the gyri and sulci, which are the convolutions of the brain over the left hemisphere were of normal size and distribution.
Those on the right were too fragmented and distorted for satisfactory description.
(4) When the brain was turned over and
viewed from its basular or inferior aspect, there was found a
longitudinal laceration of the mid-brain through the floor of the third ventricle, just behind the optic chiasma and the mammillary bodies. This laceration partially communicates with an oblique
1.5 cm. tear through the left cerebral peduncle. This is a portion of the brain which connects the higher centers of the brain with the spinal cord which is more concerned with reflex actions."