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Hillary sick?
Peter Lemkin Wrote:While not allowed in all voting jurisdictions, I think the best way to register a 'vote of disgust' is to either vote for minor party candidates or to vote for none of the above or a write in candidate that is real or fictional. If one stays home, they can and do interpret this as political dis-interest rather than disgust [more often the case].

Yep, I have always considered that option too. But in the end I would still be playing in their rigged casino and, therefore, accepting their game is valid even though it isn't.

In the UK the loyalty by MP to their political parties translates as anti-democratic imo. MP's who vote according to their party whips, and most of them do that most of the time, means they can't possibly represent the wishes of their constituents on certain issues. Which they are supposed to do and claim to do.

In the last analysis, I regarded it as better to not get involved at all in their world and to make this position as public as possible.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Comments in red.

David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:As usual Cliff, you designedly miss the central point that Assange and Pilger made --- utterly blinded as you are by your singular hard-wired partisan perspective.

The USA arms the Saudis. Check.

The Saudis arm Al Q and ISIS. Check.

Care to break out of your own hard-wired partisan perspective and tell me what I'm missing?

Let me take that little laughing jester you placed above and put it here:


You are aware that I'm English and can't vote in America aren't you, Cliff?


You are aware that I find both both parties equally bloody awful, both wholly, bought and paid for liars, cheats and crooks who only represent the interests of the 1% and big business?

I'm aware of all the hackneyed cliches about American politics, yes.

You are aware - because I've stated it a number of times - that I have refused to vote in political elections for the best part of 40 years over here in Blighty. The reason is that here in the UK we are likewise beset by crooked and wholly reprehensible politicians who only represent the values of the 1% and big business.

False equivalencies are to be rejected as readily as false dichotomies.

Here in America if the Democratic grass roots put enough pressure on the corporate Democrats we can get policies that benefit us.

When the grass roots relax the corporatists obey their masters.

We didn't relax on net neutrality, and now its the law.

When Republicans are in power they answer to a different base of folks who have a different agenda which the Dem base finds repugnant.

Why would I want to vote for people like that? Doing so would pollute and contaminate me.

My only choice is to not vote as a protest. I'm saying to them the only thing I can say: I won't play in your rigged game. I see through it for what it is.

So where's my partisan perspective, Cliff?

You've been openly rooting for Trump, sir.

You can't tell the difference between a corporate technocat and a wanna be fascist autocrat?

Other than detesting them all equally for befouling and soiling public office for private gain.

A moral compass is what you might be missing, I think.

I stand against fascism. You not so much.

It's laughable Cliff. Hackneyed cliches and all.

On Trump and fascism you really are mis-stating my position and I suspect you know you are too. But I also understand that your views have developed out of not knowing me in the least - plus that you must now defend your indefensible Hilary not through her qualities - none of which I've once seen you extol (there aren't any worth mentioning to be fair) but only as a means of defeating Trump who you regard as a far worse candidate.

As I've stated many times, but which you choose to ignore, obviously, US voters have been given an awful choice between two terrible candidates, neither of whom are worth a candle. I have said - and will continue to say - that of the two, I marginally prefer Trump ONLY because he has said he would not start a war in Syria, which would mean a war with Russia, which would be a major war between NATO and Russia ---- and very possibly with China joining in also. Any war America engages in would automatically involve the military forces of the UK. Which explains (again) why I fight that possibility as much as I can.

I note that I am far from alone in holding this position on Trump. John Pilger and Julian Assange reach precisely the same conclusion in their recent video. Numerous other observers and commentators around the world who are either on the left or diligently anti-war also agree. With all the reservations I have briefly stated above.

Can Trump's word be trusted? No one really knows, except maybe he himself and his inner circle. But the rest of us have to make choices based on what we know and believe. So, the short answer is that I'm very much against the US starting yet another war which may, this time, spin completely out of control. The stakes probably have not be higher since 1983.

Were it not for that single thing I would shout a curse on both their houses and not get involved at all, and simply sit back and let America reap it's own whirlwind. But it's the rest of the world that will pay the blood price of the American Shadow being unleashed. As usual.

On fascism: it's something I've spent fighting in principle my entire life. To be honest, to see you deride that is something I find objectionable. But again I recognise your view is born out of ignorance.

So, for the record:

My family have a history of fighting fascism. This includes my grandfather risking himself in Berlin and Vienna against the Gestapo in 1938/9. Ostensibly he visited Berlin and Vienna on a lecture tour on eye surgery. His true reason, however, was helping prepare the mechanism for Jews to escape the Nazis.

After the war, every year, a group of Jewish survivors/escapees would arrive at his house in our small Hampshire village to celebrate their escape. One of those was Margita Freudenbergova, who escaped from Czechoslovakia on the final Kindertransport. She later married Geoffrey Goodman, a family friend until his death 3 years ago (see HERE & HERE).

Thanks and have a nice day.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
As an American who has been following US politics for 30 years, I'm fully aware of what the Clintons are all about - they are on a par with the Bushes and other elites in both parties. Trump is something totally different, and not in a good way. I really do see this as being comparable to the 1932 German Presidential election between Von Hindenburg and Hitler. A lot of people on the Left in German politics held their noses and voted for the old General to defeat Hitler, and it worked. Unfortunately, Germany also had a Chancellor's job that nobody else could seem to hold on to...
David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Comments in red.

David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:The USA arms the Saudis. Check.

The Saudis arm Al Q and ISIS. Check.

Care to break out of your own hard-wired partisan perspective and tell me what I'm missing?

Let me take that little laughing jester you placed above and put it here:


You are aware that I'm English and can't vote in America aren't you, Cliff?


You are aware that I find both both parties equally bloody awful, both wholly, bought and paid for liars, cheats and crooks who only represent the interests of the 1% and big business?

I'm aware of all the hackneyed cliches about American politics, yes.

You are aware - because I've stated it a number of times - that I have refused to vote in political elections for the best part of 40 years over here in Blighty. The reason is that here in the UK we are likewise beset by crooked and wholly reprehensible politicians who only represent the values of the 1% and big business.

False equivalencies are to be rejected as readily as false dichotomies.

Here in America if the Democratic grass roots put enough pressure on the corporate Democrats we can get policies that benefit us.

When the grass roots relax the corporatists obey their masters.

We didn't relax on net neutrality, and now its the law.

When Republicans are in power they answer to a different base of folks who have a different agenda which the Dem base finds repugnant.

Why would I want to vote for people like that? Doing so would pollute and contaminate me.

My only choice is to not vote as a protest. I'm saying to them the only thing I can say: I won't play in your rigged game. I see through it for what it is.

So where's my partisan perspective, Cliff?

You've been openly rooting for Trump, sir.

You can't tell the difference between a corporate technocat and a wanna be fascist autocrat?

Other than detesting them all equally for befouling and soiling public office for private gain.

A moral compass is what you might be missing, I think.

I stand against fascism. You not so much.

It's laughable Cliff. Hackneyed cliches and all.

On Trump and fascism you really are mis-stating my position and I suspect you know you are too. But I also understand that your views have developed out of not knowing me in the least - plus that you must now defend your indefensible Hilary not through her qualities - none of which I've once seen you extol (there aren't any worth mentioning to be fair) but only as a means of defeating Trump who you regard as a far worse candidate.

As I've stated many times, but which you choose to ignore, obviously, US voters have been given an awful choice between two terrible candidates, neither of whom are worth a candle. I have said - and will continue to say - that of the two, I marginally prefer Trump ONLY because he has said he would not start a war in Syria, which would mean a war with Russia, which would be a major war between NATO and Russia ---- and very possibly with China joining in also. Any war America engages in would automatically involve the military forces of the UK. Which explains (again) why I fight that possibility as much as I can.

I note that I am far from alone in holding this position on Trump. John Pilger and Julian Assange reach precisely the same conclusion in their recent video. Numerous other observers and commentators around the world who are either on the left or diligently anti-war also agree. With all the reservations I have briefly stated above.

Can Trump's word be trusted? No one really knows, except maybe he himself and his inner circle. But the rest of us have to make choices based on what we know and believe. So, the short answer is that I'm very much against the US starting yet another war which may, this time, spin completely out of control. The stakes probably have not be higher since 1983.

Were it not for that single thing I would shout a curse on both their houses and not get involved at all, and simply sit back and let America reap it's own whirlwind. But it's the rest of the world that will pay the blood price of the American Shadow being unleashed. As usual.

On fascism: it's something I've spent fighting in principle my entire life. To be honest, to see you deride that is something I find objectionable. But again I recognise your view is born out of ignorance.

So, for the record:

My family have a history of fighting fascism. This includes my grandfather risking himself in Berlin and Vienna against the Gestapo in 1938/9. Ostensibly he visited Berlin and Vienna on a lecture tour on eye surgery. His true reason, however, was helping prepare the mechanism for Jews to escape the Nazis.

After the war, every year, a group of Jewish survivors/escapees would arrive at his house in our small Hampshire village to celebrate their escape. One of those was Margita Freudenbergova, who escaped from Czechoslovakia on the final Kindertransport. She later married Geoffrey Goodman, a family friend until his death 3 years ago (see HERE & HERE).

Thanks and have a nice day.

::Round of applause::
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
Tracy Riddle Wrote:As an American who has been following US politics for 30 years, I'm fully aware of what the Clintons are all about - they are on a par with the Bushes and other elites in both parties. Trump is something totally different, and not in a good way. I really do see this as being comparable to the 1932 German Presidential election between Von Hindenburg and Hitler. A lot of people on the Left in German politics held their noses and voted for the old General to defeat Hitler, and it worked. Unfortunately, Germany also had a Chancellor's job that nobody else could seem to hold on to...

Can't vote for Hindenburg. He lied about his e-mails. Hitler said he wouldn't annex Austria so he's okay.:Hitler:
My comments in blue.

David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Comments in red.

David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:The USA arms the Saudis. Check.

The Saudis arm Al Q and ISIS. Check.

Care to break out of your own hard-wired partisan perspective and tell me what I'm missing?

Let me take that little laughing jester you placed above and put it here:


You are aware that I'm English and can't vote in America aren't you, Cliff?


You are aware that I find both both parties equally bloody awful, both wholly, bought and paid for liars, cheats and crooks who only represent the interests of the 1% and big business?

I'm aware of all the hackneyed cliches about American politics, yes.

You are aware - because I've stated it a number of times - that I have refused to vote in political elections for the best part of 40 years over here in Blighty. The reason is that here in the UK we are likewise beset by crooked and wholly reprehensible politicians who only represent the values of the 1% and big business.

False equivalencies are to be rejected as readily as false dichotomies.

Here in America if the Democratic grass roots put enough pressure on the corporate Democrats we can get policies that benefit us.

When the grass roots relax the corporatists obey their masters.

We didn't relax on net neutrality, and now its the law.

When Republicans are in power they answer to a different base of folks who have a different agenda which the Dem base finds repugnant.

Why would I want to vote for people like that? Doing so would pollute and contaminate me.

My only choice is to not vote as a protest. I'm saying to them the only thing I can say: I won't play in your rigged game. I see through it for what it is.

So where's my partisan perspective, Cliff?

You've been openly rooting for Trump, sir.

You can't tell the difference between a corporate technocat and a wanna be fascist autocrat?

Other than detesting them all equally for befouling and soiling public office for private gain.

A moral compass is what you might be missing, I think.

I stand against fascism. You not so much.

It's laughable Cliff. Hackneyed cliches and all.

On Trump and fascism you really are mis-stating my position and I suspect you know you are too.

With all due respect, David, you don't appear to fully grasp Trump's fascism.

But I also understand that your views have developed out of not knowing me in the least - plus that you must now defend your indefensible Hilary not through her qualities - none of which I've once seen you extol (there aren't any worth mentioning to be fair) but only as a means of defeating Trump who you regard as a far worse candidate.

To state it mildly.

As I've stated many times, but which you choose to ignore, obviously, US voters have been given an awful choice between two terrible candidates, neither of whom are worth a candle. I have said - and will continue to say - that of the two, I marginally prefer Trump ONLY because he has said he would not start a war in Syria, which would mean a war with Russia, which would be a major war between NATO and Russia ---- and very possibly with China joining in also.

It's true -- your support for Trump has not struck me as "marginal."

Looks quite pronounced to me.

I'll be happy to stand corrected.

Any war America engages in would automatically involve the military forces of the UK. Which explains (again) why I fight that possibility as much as I can.

We're on the same page. I've been in active opposition to American imperialism since the George McGovern campaign in 1972.

And I fully expect the day after tomorrow when this national and personal nightmare is over we'll be on the same page again, you and I.

I note that I am far from alone in holding this position on Trump. John Pilger and Julian Assange reach precisely the same conclusion in their recent video.

Two Australians who know fuck-all about American society, the American economy, American politics or the American people.

They know less about Donald Trump.

Numerous other observers and commentators around the world who are either on the left or diligently anti-war also agree. With all the reservations I have briefly stated above.

Proves a widespread information deficit among the anti-war left.

Can Trump's word be trusted?

To an informed American this question is absurd.

Hillary lies like a typical American politician.

Trump is an industrial strength liar.

"I'm the least racist person you've ever encountered," said the otherwise unabashed racist.

"No one respects women more than I do," said the serial groper.

"I'd be the last person to use nuclear weapons," said the self-declared Christian who can only recite one Bible verse -- "An eye for an eye."

No one really knows, except maybe he himself and his inner circle.

Or any consumer of US cable news who's watched Trump advocate torture for the sake of torture and the slaughter of the families of said tortured terror suspects.

9 terrifying things Donald Trump has publicly said about nuclear weapons

But the rest of us have to make choices based on what we know and believe.

Anyone who believes Donald Trump is a "peace candidate" doesn't know enough.

So, the short answer is that I'm very much against the US starting yet another war which may, this time, spin completely out of control. The stakes probably have not be higher since 1983.

Such a scenario is far less likely to occur under Clinton. Do you understand the blood-lust for war with Iran which resides in every right-winger's heart?

Were it not for that single thing I would shout a curse on both their houses and not get involved at all, and simply sit back and let America reap it's own whirlwind. But it's the rest of the world that will pay the blood price of the American Shadow being unleashed. As usual.

Trump says the US military isn't tough enough.

He'd level Raqqa and everyone in it if given the chance.

"I'll bomb the shit outta 'em," says he.

On fascism: it's something I've spent fighting in principle my entire life.

Then your understanding of Donald Trump is sorely lacking.

To be honest, to see you deride that is something I find objectionable.

As I found your crack about my lack of a moral compass way out of line.

A cheap shot for a cheap shot -- like it says in the Bible.

But again I recognise your view is born out of ignorance.

So, for the record:

My family have a history of fighting fascism. This includes my grandfather risking himself in Berlin and Vienna against the Gestapo in 1938/9. Ostensibly he visited Berlin and Vienna on a lecture tour on eye surgery. His true reason, however, was helping prepare the mechanism for Jews to escape the Nazis.

After the war, every year, a group of Jewish survivors/escapees would arrive at his house in our small Hampshire village to celebrate their escape. One of those was Margita Freudenbergova, who escaped from Czechoslovakia on the final Kindertransport. She later married Geoffrey Goodman, a family friend until his death 3 years ago (see HERE & HERE).

Thanks and have a nice day.
Cliff, I'm not going to dignify your last post with a response.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Quote:Clinton is the most dangerous person alive,' an interview with Edward S. Herman

November 7, 2016

by Ann Garrison

Ann Garrison: Earlier this year, you told me that you differ with Noam Chomsky, your co-author of "Manufacturing Consent" and other books, in that you plan to vote for the Green Party's presidential and vice presidential candidates Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka in the swing state of Pennsylvania. Are you still planning to do so?
Edward S. Herman: Yes.
[Image: Hillary-Clinton%E2%80%99s-nuke-dream-gra...=590%2C332]
AG: Can you explain why?
ESH: Because the two duopoly candidates are dangerous to societal and international welfare and even survival. Hillary Clinton is a neo-liberal and pre-eminent war-monger. I think she is the most dangerous person living in the world today, given her highly likely election victory and her likely performance as president.
She represents the corporate elite and military-industrial complex more clearly than Trump and she is a follow-on to Bush and Obama. She will pursue similar policies except for her somewhat more aggressive bent.
Trump is a self-promoting windbag, racist and dangerous, unpredictable phony. We have a ghastly choice in these two.
Jill Stein offers a protest opportunity, more so than not voting. On the line that either voting for Stein or not voting would constitute a vote for Trump, one might argue that a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war with Syria and Russia and a vote for Netanyahu (and hence for escalated violence in Palestine).
AG: Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's email has revealed that Hillary Clinton is well aware that the Saudi and Qatari rulers not rogue elements fund ISIS, and the same Saudi and Qatari rulers fund the Clinton Foundation. Throughout the last George Bush's presidency, there were innumerable headlines that "Saudi oil sheikhs met with George Bush on his Crawford, Texas, ranch." What are your thoughts on that?
Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's email has revealed that Hillary Clinton is well aware that the Saudi and Qatari rulers not rogue elements fund ISIS, and the same Saudi and Qatari rulers fund the Clinton Foundation

ESH: Saudi Arabia is a U.S. ally and an instrument of the warfare state. Hillary Clinton has treated its leaders warmly and she will continue to do so as president.
The Clinton Foundation's receipt of money from Saudi and Qatari leaders is a first class conflict of interest and outrage, but the media have focused on the many less important abuses of Trump, helping cover over the outrages of their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, and her husband, Bill Clinton.
AG: What do you think of Clinton's statement that she would make removing Bashar Al-Assad her top priority? And Trump's statement that he would not, because that would recklessly risk confrontation with Russia?
ESH: Hillary Clinton has essentially promised to escalate war in Syria and is therefore promising to go to war with Russia as well. Diana Johnstone has made the case that Hillary Clinton plans to try to bring about "regime change" in Russia.
Hillary Clinton has essentially promised to escalate war in Syria and is therefore promising to go to war with Russia as well.

This is of course incredibly dangerous and would have aroused a really democratic media, but the existing media are part of the war system; hence Hillary Clinton's commitment to wars is essentially suppressed. Trump has made a number of statements along the lines of reducing U.S. interventions and commitments abroad and trying to deal with Russia in a less confrontational manner, but he has sometimes contradicted himself by urging expanded arms, use of nuclear weapons etc.
But Hillary Clinton has said nothing that would offset her war-mongering. This difference from Trump may help explain the intensity of media hostility to Trump.
AG: Jill Stein has said that "wars for oil are blowing back at us with a vengeance" and that she would cut the military budget by half, close most of the foreign bases, and redirect resources into a Green New Deal that would fully employ Americans building sustainable energy and agricultural infrastructure. I can't imagine you disagree, but do you think it's important for the Greens to articulate such a vision at the national and international level, instead of focusing solely on local races that they might win?
Jill Stein has said that "wars for oil are blowing back at us with a vengeance" and that she would cut the military budget by half, close most of the foreign bases, and redirect resources into a Green New Deal that would fully employ Americans building sustainable energy and agricultural infrastructure.

ESH: The Greens don't have the resources to compete in many local elections. So she is wise to focus on the big national and international issues. Furthermore, the real gap in the political system is the lack of opposition to national neoliberal and militaristic policies.
It is said that she can't make a bigger mark given the hegemony of the duopoly, but even Ralph Nader couldn't get 5 percent of the vote. The system still works well for the 1 percent.
AG: Michael Moore has made a movie called "Trumpland" and warned that Trump's election would be the end of the United States, assuming that would be a bad thing. David Swanson, author of "War Is a Lie," has imagined the same but argued, in "Secession, Trump, and the Avoidability of Civil War," that the break-up of the United States is not the worst possibility on the horizon. Do you have any thoughts on this?
ESH: Michael Moore is completely oblivious to the fact that the enlarging war that is likely to follow Hillary Clinton's election threatens not only a nuclear exchange, but also attacks on civil liberties and the march toward fascism. In its own way, the election of Hillary Clinton might threaten a democratic order as much as a Trump victory. The anti-Trump hysteria has tended to block out consideration of the Hillary Clinton menace.
The enlarging war that is likely to follow Hillary Clinton's election threatens not only a nuclear exchange, but also attacks on civil liberties and the march toward fascism.

AG: Is there anything else you'd like to say about why you're voting for Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka?
ESH: I've always believed in the moral rule laid down in the categorical imperative: "Do that which you would wish generalized."
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Quote:NOVEMBER 7, 2016

As the Political Charade Ends, the Real Battle Begins


  • [Image: print-sp.png]
The U.S. political charade is nearing its finale with the most hated presidential candidates in history rushing to the finish line. At this point, the contest of the greater of two evils has escalated. An allegation of Trump raping a 13-year-old girl has come forward, while the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of private email servers was reopened, along with the Clinton Foundation scandal of accepting millions of donations from foreign countries.
"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal". These words of Emma Goldman have never been more true than with this 2016 presidential election. WikiLeaks' trove of docs from the private email account of Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta brought up the big Elephant in the room; this illusion of democracy and the role of the Democratic Party in maintaining the façade. Hillary's paid Goldman Sachs speeches revealed where her loyalty really lies and clearly laid out why a Warmonger neocon like George W. Bush is with her.
But Hillary is better than Trump!' says Michael Moore, who plans to vote for Hillary. This is like saying the Democrats, who undermined and rigged the whole election process and are corrupt to the core are somehow worthy of a vote. As Chris Hedges astutely pointed out in his book "Death of the Liberal Class", there is no party that represents progressive values. There is no left. Indeed, there is no party on the right either. It has really become just one raucous party for the oligarchs.
In this election sponsored by transnational corporations and billionaires, no matter how independent politicians might appear in this staged democracy, they always come with strings attached. Trump is a phenomena created by the puppet masters behind the scenes, working on the emptiness at the core of American politics to prey on the vulnerable and those repeatedly betrayed by the system.
This can no longer be called speculation or wild imagination. WikiLeaks' releases showed how the Clinton campaign conspires to "produce an unaware and compliant citizenry" with their strategy to elevate "Pied Piper" candidates like Trump as her primary lesser evil' leverage for winning. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Anybody who plans to vote for Hillary might want to do some due diligence by reading the summaries of the most revealing Podesta Emails.
What is unfolding now is a scourge against the American people and this election marks the end of this illusion of democracy. Former Black Panther and imprisoned journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal gives an astute analysis on the state of America. Calling it "the ultimate reality show", he described how this U.S. Presidential election reflects "the fall of empire" and noted that "this is how democracies fall. History repeats itself, first time as tragedy, second time as farce." Like the fall of the Roman Empire, these two faces on the ballot box remind us of plutocrats drunk with power who have their shaky inept hands close to the nuclear button.
In an interview with John Pilger, WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange noted how he feels sorry for democratic nominee Clinton for being eaten alive and tormented by her own rabid ambition. From the Ecuadorian Embassy, where he has been arbitrarily and unlawfully detained for more than four years, Assange shared insights gained from the DNC emails. He shed light on this hidden network of power, describing how Hillary is its representation, acting the role of a "centralizing cog" that interconnects different interests like big banks and Wall Street, along with people in the Intelligence and the State Department.
Assange pointed to how the most revealing aspect of these emails is that the terrorist group known as ISIL or ISIS has been largely created with money from people with deep financial ties to the Clinton Foundation. He noted how one can't understand Clinton's foreign policies without understanding her deep connection to Saudi Arabia, particularly after giving them an $80 billion arms deal.
During the fall of any empire, new powers often emerge. We are already seeing the pipeline of unaccounted power that emanates throughout Washington, where media institutions and justice systems are acting as Clinton loyalists. Once again, this was shown in the Podesta Files as the mainstream media colludes with the Clinton campaign and a senior Department of Justice official, giving the campaign a quiet heads up for legal filings about Clinton's emails.
Tech giants like Google and Facebook are inside her think-tank. Chief operating officer of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg was revealed as a Clinton partisan. Also, former Google chairman Eric Schmidt was shown to be directly involved in engineering the success of the Democratic Party.
This power structure didn't emerge overnight. It has been here for decades. It is just that in the post-November 8 America, the face of this blatant corruption will become more visible. Armed with advanced technological capabilities like drones, mass surveillance and artificial intelligence, this limitless ambition for pursuit of power is expanding around the world to reshape the future of people in the new digital age.
Struggles for democracy are now global. So, any resistance has to transcend borders. While pillars of democratic institutions are failing fast and systems of representation' abandoning the people, WikiLeaks' real investigative journalism, which has no allegiance to any country or corporation, has courageously stepped forward to resuscitate the fundamentals of democracy. True democracy requires informed citizens, so it is imperative for all to continuously analyze these documents and digest reality, so to better understand the machination of governance we are under.
Voting is never the end and it is not about who wins. The choices are not Hillary or Trump, nor which party to support. There is no choice, no solution and no changes available in the voting booth of a corporate duopoly-occupied electoral arena. Yet, we must make real choices and solve our very real problems.
It is time to reject this greater evil politics and strike the courage to break the political bond that has connected us to the puppet strings of power. Voting with conscience is not a protest vote. It is our civic duty as We the People, who together are the highest office of the land, to declare the just cause that impels us to this separation. As the theatre of contrived democracy comes towards an end, our decisions made on election day are where our real battle begins.

Clinton strategist: We need to "produce an unaware and compliant citizenry...""

Move along folks, nothing to see here...



The Most Revealing Emails from the #PodestaFiles, Separated By Category

[Image: theclintonemails.png]

Introduction:JohnPodesta is Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign Chairman. Podesta previously served as Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama.
On October 7th, 2016, WikiLeaks publish thousands of emails belonging to Podesta's private email archives. More emails were released in the days that followed. Below is a compilation of some of the most revealing and damaging emails discovered:
Last updated Nov 7, 2016 (Parts 1 - 34)

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Transcripts from Hillary Clinton's lucrative closed-door paid speeches delivered to elite financial firms and other special interests groups (which she has refused and failed to disclose to the public after much demand) have finally surfaced: (See Attachment)
Clinton staff conspiring to stage leaking' of favorable excerpts from wall street speech, in efforts to calm down the public while leaving out more damaging parts:
Leaked private speech, Clinton: "You Need Both A Public And A Private Position"
Leaked private speech, Clinton: "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with
open trade and open borders":
Mocking environmentalists in private meeting with unions, Clinton: "I want to defend fracking." Climate change environmentalists should "Get a life": (See attachment)
Politico article
Leaked private speech transcript shows Clinton's warm ties to Wall Street's most powerful figures: Clinton: "There is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives" The pressure on officials to sell or divest assets in order to serve, she added, had become "very onerous and unnecessary":
Leaked private speech to Goldman Sachs, Clinton: Wall street was only accountable for the financial crisis for political reasons. The blame placed on the United States banking system for the crisis "could have been avoided in terms of both misunderstanding and really politicizing what happened":
Leaked private speech, Clinton: US will "ring China with missile defense": (See attachment)
Hillary Clinton flipped her public position on TPP after her team discussed how she would be "eaten alive" by Labor:
Clinton speechwriter: "We are trying to find a good way to leak her opposition to the pipeline without her having to actually say it":

Clinton campaign: Strengthening bribery laws is 'really dicey territory' for her:


Hillary admits the governments of Qatar & Saudi Arabia are funding ISIS:
Qatar gifts Bill Clinton $1,000,000 for his birthday:
"Take the money": Clinton Campaign welcome foreign donations:

Tina Flournoy, Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton, tells Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta: "Foreign govt donors: all the money is in":

King of Morocco to give $12,000,000 for a meeting with Hillary Clinton:
Saudi Sheikh won't donate money to Clinton Foundation unless he receives a phone call from Bill Clinton. Staff responds: Bill won't do it "unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check":
Leaked private speech transcript: Clinton: Syria no-fly zone (her position) would mean "killing a lot of Syrians": (See attachment)
Iran Deal (which Hillary negotiated and defends) "condemns the next generation to cleaning up a nuclear war in the Persian Gulf". John Podesta responds with "Yup":
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta owned 75,000 shares in Putin-connected energy company:


The Democratic National Committee tells CNN's Anchor Wolf Blitzer which questions to ask Trump: --(from DNC leaks)

Clinton Staff hosts private "off-the-record cocktail party" with 38 "influential" reporters, journalists, editors, and anchors (from 16 different mainstream media outlets including CNN, NBC, CBS, NYT, MSNBC, & more) with the stated goal of "framing the race": (see attachment)
John Podesta hosts a dinner with reporters: I'm "Cooking for 30 of your reporter friends":
Full list of media guests:
Donna Brazile (CNN contributor at the time, and current DNC Chairman now) leaked CNN town hall questions to Hillary's staff:

Former CNN host, current DNC Chair Donna Brazile, exposed as leaking 2nd townhall question to Hillary Clinton:

Fox News leaked Town Hall question to Clinton campaign:
Hillary Clinton reads directly from script during Phone Interview with MSNBC's Chris Hayes:
Associated Press "journalist" Eric Tucker is willing to be 'steered away' from a story about Clinton's emails:

CNBC's John Harwood asking John Podesta "What should I ask Jeb?" for his upcoming interview with Republican candidate Jeb Bush:

Lanny Davis proposed getting Hillary a softball interview with Fox's Megyn Kellybecause he knows Ailes/Kelly 'well'. "I can reduce the risks" and ensures answering "without interruptions":

Clinton campaign and the New York Times coordinating attack strategy against Trump:

New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich gives Hillary veto power:

Glen Thrush, POLITICO's chief political correspondent and senior staff writer for POLITICO Magazine, sends John Podesta an article for his approval. Writes: "Please don't share or tell anyone I did this. Tell me if I fucked up anything":
Boston Globe colludes with Clinton campaign to give Hillary a "big presence":

Arianna Huffington, co-founder of Huffinton Post, prefers covertly echoing Hillary's campaign messages:

John Podesta receiving drafts of New York Times articles before they're published:
Ad for Hillary Clinton secretly pitched by right-leaning' Heat Street journalist' Louise Mensch:
More media collusion: NYT and AP "helpful" to Clinton campaign:
Brent Budowsky (writer for The Hill and Huffington Post) warns John Podesta about possible Hillary attacks and that not talking to the press is killing her support: "I'm not going to raise this publicly, but..":
Huffington Post contributor Frank Islam writes to John Podesta in email titled "My blogs in the Huffington Post", says "I am committed to make sure she is elected the next president." "Please let me know if I can be of any service to you":
Clinton staff "Placing a story" with Politico / New York Times: "place a story with a friendly journalist" "we have a very good relationship with Maggie Haberman of Politico" "we should shape likely leaks in the best light for HRC":
Clinton staff "placing a story with a friendly at the AP (Matt Lee or Bradley Klapper)":
MSNBC's Meet The Press host and Political Director for NBC News, Chuck Todd, hosted a dinner party in 2015 for Clinton Campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri:

Leading pro-Hillary personalities Jessica Valenti, Jamil Smith, and Sady Doyle "worked with" the campaign:
Clinton staff appearing to control the release times of Associated Press articles:
Clinton staff colluding with New York Times and Wall Street Journal to paint Hillary's economic policies in a "progressive" light:
CNBC panelist colluding with John Podesta on what to ask Trump when he calls in for an interview:


Clinton strategist: We need to "produce an unaware and compliant citizenry" to defeat Trump:

Democrats prepared fake Trump "grope under the meeting table" Craigslist employment advertisement in May 2016:

Worried about Hillary's health getting attention: "Hard to think of anything more counter productive than demanding Bernie's medical records.":
Clinton campaign scrambled to escape "calls for transparency" on Hillary's health and taxes. Campaign manager Robby Mook to chairman John Podesta: Hillary's health and taxes are "hyper sensitive topics":
"How bad is her head?" - John Podesta on Hillary Clinton:
Clinton campaign Insiders fear Bill's sex life could sink Hillary. Podesta says they should "shut the hell up about this":
Major concern over Hillary's shady financing. It can "bring down a Hillary Clinton candidacy":
Hillary campaign desperate to generate fake "USA!" chants, calls Trump supporters "angry white guys":
Advisor to John Podesta: "Apologies are like her Achilles heel. But she didn't seem like a bitch in the interview.":
Worrying about Hillary's low turnout at events:
Brent Budowsky (writer for The Hill and Huffington Post) acting as an advisor again: Warns Podesta: "Almost every message being projected outward from her campaign is negative, and a candidate with high distrust ratings should not be doing this. My phone has been ringing and my email box is full with democrats who like me who support her, but like me, are appalled and losing confidence" "This campaign is in very, very big trouble":
John Podesta tells Hillary Clinton she needs to reach out to "needy Latinos":
Clinton allies pondered polling in 2008 about Obama's cocaine use, his father's Muslim faith:
Gathering information on Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of raping her:
Senior Clinton aide Huma Abedin in leaked email: 'Can we survive not answering questions' from press?:
Budowsky warns Podesta: "Be very very careful" of the "intense antipathy" being created by Team Hillary. "Many Bernie supporters and younger women will not vote for her in November". "The daughter of a Democrat who has worked for senior Democrats told me "I just hate her so much I might even vote for a Republican but I will never vote for her.":
"fucking insane" -- Co-Chair of the Transition Team, Neera Tanden, on Clinton's use of private email to run the US State Department:


Donna Brazile, now the current DNC chairwoman & replacement for Debbie Wasserman Shultz (who was forced to resign because of being anti-Bernie/Pro-Clinton), leaked insider Bernie Sander's campaign information to Hillary's staff:
And she leaked debate questions to Hillary Clintons:
7 months before Hillary earns nomination over Bernie Sanders, Donna Brazile pledges to John Podesta that "as soon as (Hillary's) nomination is wrapped up. I will be your biggest surrogate" "Look forward to working with you to elect the first woman President of the United States" says Podesta:
Concessions given to Bernie Sanders & his supporters were a false illusion of a victory for Bernie's "self righteous ideologies". Clinton Advisor: "Bernie and his people have been bitching about super delegates" "Throw Bernie a bone...[...]....his people will think they've "won" something from the Party Establishment. It doesn't make a difference. We don't lose":

Clinton's campaign tells the DNC to hold sham meetings with other candidates, make primary look less rigged:
"Bernie needs to be ground to a pulp. Crush him as hard as you can". Podesta replies: "I agree.. Where would you stick the knife in?"

Clinton campaign manager: "Had a great meeting with Berman today. We agreed that if she (Hillary) gets a significant primary challenger, we need to consider changing course and getting NY, NJ, and maybe others to move their dates earlier to give her hefty early wins."
Judd Legum, founder and editor of Thinkprogress, sending suggestions to the Clinton campaign on how to own Sanders:

Hillary Clinton's most trusted aid, Huma Abedin, writes to Hillary's campaign chairman John Podesta and her campaign manager Robby Mook about receiving insider information about the DNC convention and organizing a private call with Debbie Wasserman Shultz:
Clinton staff discusses Hillary only supporting a carbon tax to knock Bernie Sanders out of the primaries: "To be clear: it's lethal in the general, so I don't want to support one. But don't want to give bernie contrast right now.":
Hillary's campaign manager Robby Mook, in an email to other staff, calls New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio a "terrorist" after Bill de Blasio speaks kindly of Bernie Sanders and stalls on his endorsement for Hillary Clinton during an interview:
Former Clinton Foundation official reprimands Super Delegate Tulsi Gabbard for endorsing Bernie Sanders and being "disrespectful" to Hillary Clinton:
Clinton staff: Hillary is convinced Bernie Sanders' plan is "naive and unworkable":

John Podesta calls Bernie Sanders a "doofus":
Bill Clinton's chief of staff, Tina Flournoy, sends a creepshot of Bernie Sanders in his swimming suit to the Clinton campaign and leaks it to tabloids:
Hillary's huge debate prep book against Bernie Sanders (Prepared answers to anticipated debate questions): (See attachment)


Department of Justice Assistant Attorney Peter Kadzik (the representative chosen to head up a "thorough" review of the new Huma Abedin emails) outed as a mole for Hillary Clinton campaign. Offers "heads up" briefings:

John Podesta: DoJ's Peter Kadzik "kept me out of jail"

DoJ's Peter Kadzik part of a small group of friends invited to Tony Podesta's birthday party:

Peter Kadzik's son solicits for a job working for the Clinton campaign:

Cheryl Mills (Clinton top aid, Chief of Staff at State, & lawyer for the Clintons) did not want Hillary to run for president:

State Department fed information to Clinton campaign & modified draft press release for her:

State Department tipping off Hillary's staff about upcoming investigation details regarding her case:

Neera Tanden & Podesta on why Clinton techie Bryan Pagliano was "avoiding testifying" over emails (took the 5th 125 times):

Hillary campaign desperate to "get ahead of the narrative on this email issue":
John Podesta urges Clinton camp to "dump" emails:

"we need to clean this up" -- Clinton campaign panics after Obama misleads public over Clinton emails:

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook to John Podesta on Clinton emails: "[we] were told everything was taken care of":
John Podesta to top Clinton aid Cheryl Mills: Asks if they should "hold emails to and from the President of the United States? That's the heart of his executive priviledge." Email dated only a few hours after being served subpoena:
Expresses concern that the Correct The Record superpac is pushing its legal boundaries and may be colluding directly with the campaign:


Clinton Foundation Executive, Doug Band: Clintons have over '500 different' conflicts of interests:

Doug Band calls Chelsea Clinton a "spoiled brat" for digging into Foundation corruption:

Doug Band threatening to expose Chelsea Clinton's misuses of Clinton Foundation resources if she keeps digging -- "(she was) using foundation resources for her wedding":

Chelsea Clinton's husband Marc Mezvinsky used Clinton Foundation poker games to boost his hedge fund according internal allegation from Doug Band:

Clinton staff: Bill Clinton had 'real serious conflicts' with foundation work:

WikiLeaks memo exposes 'Bill Clinton Inc.', reveals Bill's wealth was tied to Clinton Foundation:
USA Today: Memo shows Bill Clinton's wealth was tied to Clinton Foundation
The Washington Post: Leaked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income

Clinton campaign admits Huge Discrepancies' in gender pay at Clinton Foundation. $190,000 pay gap between the highest paid men and women:

Confidential auditor's report states that Clinton Foundation is engaging in illegal conduct (see attachment tab):

Internal legal review concluded that the Clinton Foundation was run "like a political operation":

Hillary's campaign manager, Robby Mook: "it's a little troubling" that meeting of Clinton Foundation was held at Goldman Sachs HQ:

Doug Band details how female Clinton Foundation Chief Laura Graham nearly committed suicide by plunging her car into ocean depths because of treatment from Bill & Chelsea Clinton. Staffers write each other about how Chelsea won't even care about it:


John Podesta wished San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook had been white:
"Food Groups" Clinton campaign organized potential VPs by race and gender:

Email reveals that Bob Creamer, who engineered violence at Trump Rallies on behalf of the Democratic Party, is 'close to Robby Mook' -- Clinton campaign manager:

"Have her beat the shit out of a.. staffer" as prep to make Clinton less "unpleasant" during interviews
Clinton Staff mocking conservative Catholics. Advisor to Podesta: "severely backwards gender relations" "they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion.":
Finance billionaire Herbert Sandler to Clinton campaign chief John Podesta: ("Subject: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy") "I guess it takes a study to point out the obvious":

Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook writes to John Podesta May 2015 "I still want HRC to win badly. I am still here to help as I can.":
Ron Klaine (Joe Biden chief of staff) betrays Joe Biden and acts as a mole for Clinton camp. (Note: Ron Klaine was former Chief of staff for Al Gore in 1999 and was let go because of his conflict of interest/loyalty to the Clintons) Joe Biden was rumored to replace Hillary Clinton as the nominee. "I am definitely dead to them but I'm glad to be on team HRC":

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asking Clinton staff for approval/input about what he will say when asked about Hillary Clinton by interviewer:
Curiel family is friendly with Clinton staffers. Gonzalo Curiel is the judge ruling over a case where Trump is sued. His cousin, Carolyn Curiel, raves about John Podesta; "Carolyn Curiel was just here with a group of Purdue students that visited the debate site. She and I exchanged raves about the two of you." Podesta replies "Wow! Small world.":
Hillary Clinton decided on Tim Kaine as VP in July 2015. "A little unseemly." (She didn't officially announce Tim Kaine as her VP publicly until July 2016):

Podesta practices bizarre occult blood rituals? Here's an Email between Tony Podesta (John's brother) and Marina Abramovic. In it, they invite John Podesta to a "Spirit Cooking" dinner that's happening at Marina's house. Researching her brings you to her webpage and a graphical book she created about "Spirit Cooking" and what rituals it involves. Also a youtube video (warning: disturbing content) on what "Spirit Cooking" actually is, by Marina Abramovic:

Marina Abramovic invited by John Podesta to attend Hillary Clinton's campaign launch:
Bonus: Clinton staffer shares campaign road trip story of Hillary ordering food at a Chipotle restaurant and nobody recognized her:

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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