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Freeport Sulphur, the Castro Plots, and the Indonesia Coup
Quote:and are going nowhere slowly.

Is it not better to go nowhere slowly, only to finish the race, then to get there fast, only to crash and burn?

Slow and steady wins the race.
A last reply to your quote Mark.

Quote:I don't ever see you on this Fool's Side of the Hill

A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. I do hope you understand Mark.
This site is called Deep Politics Forum. And this part of it is dedicated to the JFK Assassination.

Therefore, what Trump is doing with healthcare is irrelevant to the subject matter, and its not part of the deep state warfare. Its out in the open, on the front pages. Almost every day.

OTOH, Lisa's article was the first elucidation of the overthrow of Sukarno in light of the JFK assassination. Since his overthrow took place about 30 years prior to that article, then that qualifies as exposing something previously hidden that came about as a result of JFK's murder. And it was a pretty awful result. No one knows how many people actually perished, but the current estimates go beyond the first ones of approximately 300 to 400,000. Today its considered both the bloodiest CIA coup in history, and the Agency's masterpiece of covert action. Which was not fully uncovered until Greg Poulgrain's appearance on BOR a few weeks ago. That is how well hidden it was.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:This site is called Deep Politics Forum. And this part of it is dedicated to the JFK Assassination.

Therefore, what Trump is doing with healthcare is irrelevant to the subject matter, and its not part of the deep state warfare. Its out in the open, on the front pages. Almost every day.

OTOH, Lisa's article was the first elucidation of the overthrow of Sukarno in light of the JFK assassination. Since his overthrow took place about 30 years prior to that article, then that qualifies as exposing something previously hidden that came about as a result of JFK's murder. And it was a pretty awful result. No one knows how many people actually perished, but the current estimates go beyond the first ones of approximately 300 to 400,000. Today its considered both the bloodiest CIA coup in history, and the Agency's masterpiece of covert action. Which was not fully uncovered until Greg Poulgrain's appearance on BOR a few weeks ago. That is how well hidden it was.

Okay Jim, you win. Besides, I've got nothing to lose, and you're right, replacing the word "related" to "light of the" JFK assassination makes more sense. My problem is, I don't read things closely.
Quote:what Trump is doing with healthcare is irrelevant to the subject matter, and its not part of the deep state warfare. Its out in the open, on the front pages. Almost every day.

Yeah, true. But 50 years ago, it would've been considered "Top Secret" or a "national security" regarding to what Trump is doing. Today, running office is like running a three ring circus, all you need is a few clowns and Congress.
Quote:[FONT=&amp]So I am also Hypothesizing a "Go" on the kill plan as coming from the Eastern Establishment, down, more or less directly to operators like Hunt (A. G. points out the conspicuous absence of G Gordon Liddy through this period). The hit is carried-out without CIA top level sanctioning. How high does the cover-up go in the CIA, and at what points along the time-line?[/FONT]

Could this statement help explain what G. Liddy's photo is doing among Hunt's, Strugis' and others which was discovered at the building of the CIA in Miami Beach in 1971? I seriously thought that these photos may have had something to do with Watergate, but I knew that's impossible, because, Watergate hadn't happened yet. Then, I thought, may be Liddy's photo must have been inserted among the others as a decoy, but, than that's impossible too, because A.G. points out the conspicuous absence of Liddy was during this time period when Ruth Paine was also in Ohio. [FONT=&amp]G. Gordon Liddy took sometime in 1963 to Ohio and trips to Washington, D.C., puportedly on the Marathon Oil account.

If this is all true, and I can't see why it wouldn't be, this may help explain everyone involved in the conspiracy to kill JFK, or, at the very least the pasties had Oswald's case gone to trial.

Then, I remembered trying my best at getting a hold of Liddy hoping to ask him some questions, most importantly, just what was his photo doing inserted among the rest of the photos discovered by the greatest patriot that ever lived, but to no avail. I was unsuccessful in communicating with Liddy. Simply put, he didn't want to talk to me.

This information is what's most important to me Jim, compared to the overthrow of Sukarno if you'll forgive my ignorance. We all give credence to work found by others to be of great value when it's presented. To me, the work exposed by A.G is most valuable of all.

My focus has been that of the photos, and why? The person I'm quoting ask the question. "How high does the cover-up go in the CIA." My answer would be, as high as the president of the United States (LBJ) asked, in order to avoid WWIII.

Quote: "How high does the cover-up go in the CIA." My answer would be, as high as the president of the United States (LBJ) asked, in order to avoid WWIII.

The cover-up all started with LBJ, and ended with the Dulles Commission.

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