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Any connection to Israel has been a banned subject her at DPF. I can't speak to this with any authority. Here is an interview with Jefferson Morley, David Talbot and Aaron Good. This brings to mind a long ago banned member (can't remember his name) who was advocating for Michael Piper's book, Final Judgment.
The discussion:
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I
"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
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28-04-2024, 06:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-05-2024, 06:08 PM by Brian Doyle.)
The subject of 'Final Judgment' was bullied off the board by Drago and DiEugenio...DiEugenio never honestly answered Piper's evidence and said he held his nose and put 'Final Judgment' in the trash...DiEugenio then went on to post much of Piper's evidence on the Education Forum over the years...Jim D has servile moderators who strategically ban and censor for him so he never has to answer for his outright dubious practices like he did with Piper...DiEugenio cited Mark OBlazeny...OBlazeny turned around and became an open Lone Nutter frequenting the worst of the Lone Nutter websites and declaring Oswald shot Kennedy alone from the 6th Floor...Drago had some kind of personality disorder where he was in it more for the bashing than the research...Drago would not tolerate any mention of Israel's obvious role in the assassination...Piper may have taken it one step too far and suggested the assassination originated from Israel however the rest of his background information on Lansky and Tibor Rosenbaum and the BCCI Bank was vital to understanding the motives that CIA solicited in Kennedy's killing...Piper's "Follow The Money" analysis was one of the best and those who criticize him never acknowledge it before going to censorship...
A moderator is only as good as his willing subjecting of himself to the rules and the correct evidence...David Josephs attacked somebody for posting that Israel's funding skyrocketed directly from the point of JFK's assassination...Like with Prayer Man, Josephs disappeared and never came back to account for himself when that claim checked-out and Israel and its favored status originated directly from the date of JFK's assassination...
The bottom line is CIA and Angleton bargained gains for Israel and Ben Gurion if they went along with Kennedy's Assassination...The new American CIA government that started with Kennedy's Assassination has been carrying out its promises to Israel ever since that agreement...
An FBI informer (Homer Echevarria) sent a message to FBI saying the Cubans were heard saying that Kennedy would be assassinated "as soon as we get the Jews on board"...Piper traced the phone calls to Ruby to the Jewish branch of the mob on the West Coast under Mickey Cohen...Ruby said he was in the Dallas Police Station acting as an interpreter for the Israeli Press...
Years ago I made a post on this board calling CIA and Dulles's methods "The Devil's Chessboard"...A few months later Talbot announced the name of his new book...I posted this on Talbot's Facebook page and he didn't deny it...
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Morley has posted an article showing James Angleton's close relationship to Israel...While helpful it is kind of weakly digressive in the face of US Representative Lawler passing a law in Congress making it illegal to criticize Israel...Which is basically an overthrow and betrayal of the Constitution and the people's right to Free Speech and dissent...Lawler passed a formal law saying any criticism of Israel is anti-semitism...That of course is idiotic and an insult to the intelligence of the American public, but we are not living in an age of enlightenment and if CIA thinks it can gain power by reducing the US Congress to the level of an internet comments section it won't hesitate...Protest of Israel's genocide is not based on anti-semitism (as if they don't know that)...It is based on Israel and its US partner flagrantly violating the Geneva Convention and crimes against humanity...Representative Lawler should be jailed in the Hague...
Morley brings a fire brigade bucket to a sweat shop inferno...
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The low down on Israel and the Kennedy Assassination is CIA organized and executed the assassination...Knowing this was a dangerous move that could blow back on them CIA sought potential partners and sold them an interest in going along...JFK was trying to prevent the current situation in Israel and tried to make them deal honestly with the arabs...He tried to de-escalate by keeping Israel from getting the bomb...CIA was looking for power and used its shady practices to seek out a mutual interest with Israel...A deal was struck and CIA went behind JFK's back and helped Israel develop nukes...Both Israel and CIA subverted Kennedy's power and established a mutual bond that harnessed American power...The Military Industrial Complex grew out of this and also consciously benefitted from this corrupting of American power...The Viet Nam conflagration shadowed the details in the fog of war...
The CIA has basically been in charge of America ever since it killed Kennedy and it has adopted Israel as its unquestionable cause...9-11 was a refresher of this covert coalition with America reasserting its backing of Israel and its geopolitics by staging a false flag attack against its own people - just so you know who is killing you...The idea is once you get such an evil, satanic arrangement you milk it for all it's worth...It is in this light that the Kennedy killers are making their move and representative Lawler has just outlawed the people's rights and Constitution and made it illegal to question this diabolical parallel false government and its overt Nazi-ism...Jim DiEugenio stays away from all this because he is sensitive to how it affects his click counts and invitations to film productions...
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Matthew Koch is trying to exploit the recent tensions between Israel critics and the US government by suggesting the radical left and right share the same blaming of Israel for the Kennedy Assassination...That there's a mutual craziness between those disparate groups due to an irrational hatred of Israel...As if that full history could be reduced to such a silly oversimplification...
Michael Collins Piper published the best analysis of Israel's black politics and their underground connections to CIA...His book 'Final Judgment' is the dense-est, most extensive collection of the information associating Israel with the events leading up to the assassination...
What Koch is trying to get away with ignoring is how Ben Gurion had a nervous breakdown and was forced out of office because Kennedy refused to allow Israel to have nuclear weapons...When an Israeli Prime Minister calls you a "threat to the existence of Israel" you have to watch out because Israel usually responds in an extreme manner to persons it labels as such...Angleton helped Israel get around Kennedy's nuclear embargo...
Homer Echevarria was a Cuban Exile operating in Dallas...An FBI informant sent in a report saying Echevarria was overheard saying "Kennedy would be taken care of once we have the support of the Jews"...
Piper outlined Jack Ruby being called by the Mickey Cohen branch of the mafia prior to the assassination...
Ruby told people he was in the Dallas Police Station Friday in order to serve as an interpreter for the Israeli Press...
The JFK research community is supposed to be intelligent and is supposed to objectively study the evidence...'Final Judgment' shows a strong covert network between Israel and the CIA's most sensitive covert ops and funding in a way where the two cannot be separated from the assassination...'Final Judgment' is the dense-est, most damning collection of evidence ever assembled on the issue...
No doubt CIA went to Israel and arranged a deal where Israel would get what they wanted if they cooperated in the regime change... No big deal for a country that was willing to attack the Liberty on the same basis...
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As usual DiEugenio comes up on the wrong side of an important research topic:
" No serious researcher that I have ever met took the Collins Piper book seriously. That is just pure hogwash. "
DiEugenio uses cheap tricks like trying to get rid of Piper at the name-calling level and manipulating his usual sycophants...After watching Dirty Jim for decades I have realized that he offers a dumbed-down product on subjects he doesn't want to admit, like he does here with Piper, and then he offers a very high quality product on subjects he wants you to believe...Jim's sycophants assume that since his good material is superb that they can just take his word on it with the people he dismisses...I have watched Jim destroy a lot of good research over the years along with its sources...
" At best, it was so strained it was kind of a joke. At worst it was pernicious. Someone once told me that he overheard the late author say, "If I could just have 20 minutes with Jim DiEugenio!" Nope. If I spent like seven hours reading your book and found it completely unconvincing, how is 20 minutes going to change that? "
All Jim is doing here is offering his usual excuse-making for not debating a person who he knew was going to disprove him...He does it all the time...The reason Jim is dirty is because a lot of his research effort consists of aimed censorship and personal destruction rather than honest debate and consideration of facts...Jim does the same thing with me...Jim probably never even read 'Final Judgment' (whose 500 pages would take much more than 7 hours to read)...DiEugenio is a political weasel and his whole attitude towards Piper is based on not losing clicks...
" When I say that book was pernicious, I mean it in two ways. First, because it is so weak, it makes JFK critics look really silly and marginal. Secondly, because of that, it makes us targets. When Collins Piper was speaking out here in the LA area before he passed on, the LA Times used that to do a front page story ridiculing him and JFK researchers at the same time. Even my graduate studies professor mentioned it to me. "
Piper is literally the best source on CIA, Israel, and the Intelligence scenario in the Mediterranean...Jim covers Piper's dense coverage of this complicated, inter-tied Intelligence network with the words "silly and marginal"...He then credits media critics whom he admits are just making excuses...DiEugenio fails to mention that the media refers to himself exactly the same way as he quotes them referring to Piper...The above is just shallow excuse-making designed to make Jim's automatic followers not realize that he is skipping the entirety of Piper's material - which is quite fascinating and quite deadly accurate...Jim is offering name-calling, basically, and insulting your intelligence...Jim is dirty and when he can't get someone by their material he goes after them with the cheap stuff above...It seems that Jim credits the LA Times when they ridicule Piper and joins them in using that ridicule to avoid his facts...Otherwise Jim normally excoriates the LA Times and calls them uncredible (except when he's using them to cut down a good researcher he doesn't want to put any skin in the game over politically)...
" Go all the way back to the beginning with say Meagher and Garrison, all the way down to this day, with all the people we featured in JFK Revisited. Show me one prominent, respected writer/researcher who ever advocated that the Mossad killed Kennedy.
(Sound of crickets in the night.) "
The cheap trick Jim is using here is he's trying to conflate Piper's claim that Israel planned and carried out the assassination with the rest of his supporting research on the Israel/CIA underground...Whether Piper's conclusion of Israel planning the assassination is wrong, the 500 pages of densely-packed research contained in 'Final Judgment' is by far the best available on the subject...If you are smart you'll realize that's why Jim avoids mentioning any of it and tries to get Piper down by the sole means of his conclusion...Whether Talbot or Morley, Jim is totally dishonest because many prominent voices have spoken about Israel's relationship to the people who killed Kennedy...Jim is trying to fool himself, and at the same time the readers, by pretending he could dismiss it all in the context of Mossad planning the assassination...Piper's 500 pages of supporting research is the best, most dense and informational treatment I have ever seen in Kennedy research...Even better than DiEugenio...
" So what Koch is selling here is pure moonshine. Hopefully, you and me and Ron will be able to neutralize the guy. "
Jim is protesting too much...If you read and discussed the 500 pages of excellent expository material Piper exposes in 'Final Judgment' you'll see what Jim says is quite dishonest and that the sheer association of the operations and alliances Piper exposes makes it impossible that there would not be a connection to the Assassination...Piper follows the money and that is usually the best way to trace real doings...It is 20 years since I read 'Final Judgment' so I would have to refresh to offer better examples of how Jim is lying here...But Jim is a dirty player and I assure you his betrayal of Piper (just like he betrayed me on Prayer Man) is solely based on himself not wanting to lose clicks on his productions, since I have seen Jim cover many of the same things that Piper covered elsewhere...
Jim slips above and accidently exposes how he really operates by "neutralizing" researchers like he did myself...He does that by ganging up in cliques and manipulating dirty moderators...
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11-07-2024, 06:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2024, 06:14 PM by Brian Doyle.)
If you look at the Niederhut Moderator post on The Education Forum Niederhut defended Piper but only so far...What looked like a defense of Piper actually came up a little short and fell short of ever discussing his actual material...I called Niederhut a few weeks ago and spoke to him about Gordon and his handling of my Prayer Man evidence...Niederhut confided that he wondered if certain people were Intelligence operatives...He also admitted that he was afraid to defend me because he feared being banned by Gordon ...So The Education Forum succeeded in associating Piper with mention of anti-semitism and removal of posts while once again avoiding any discussion of his highly credible material...And then Jim D comes in and says no one ever references Piper...So even Piper's alleged defenders manage to sanctimoniously avoid his material...The whole time Gordon's threatening shadow darkens the thread...This is the same dishonest BS they dodged the Prayer Man evidence with...The frauds in the research community manage to associate Piper with trouble, anti-Semitism, and site disruption but do so in a way where they use those false dramatics to avoid ever discussing his highly legitimate material (The DiEugenio trick)...And these are people who say their purpose is to expose such corruption...You'll please notice that the famous fact-checker DiEugenio didn't find any inaccuracies in Piper's claims...Jim is a real double standard fraud...