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DARNELL film Original
NBC Archives has apparently given the original footage taken by WBAP's Jimmy Darnell to the Sixth Floor Museum. This film includes footage of the TSBD front landing and the infamous PrayerMan figure, and is inherently the source for the best-quality image we will ever be able to obtain.

This is a big step forward. I worked with Brian Doyle for a couple of winters 6-7 years ago, appraising NBC's archivists (both in NY and LA) of the critical need to make the original available, even for just a private digital scan. And I beseeched RFK Jr. and several other luminaries to use their pull and help make this happen. This was a righteous effort and it is very satisfying to see it come to pass, however the details transpired.

The PrayerMan excerpt from the original has already been posted by David von Pein on Page 3 of the Education Forum thread news about the Darnell film at https://educationforum.iphost/topic/3079...-film/page 3/#comments

Already the PM image is at least as clear as Chris Davidson's best enhancement, which was made with high-key filters from a 1st- or 2nd-generation copy. And when the photo-wizards in the research community set their skills onto this new PM image, the identifying features will only become more and more apparent.

It is a stout woman in a ring-necked dress. She is a full head shorter than Wesley Frazier. Her name is Sarah Stanton.

This constitutes a complete vindication for Brian Doyle, who has been strenuously contending this very identity for the past decade. Opposing the mob - at great personal cost - who were arguing that PM was Oswald. Painstakingly vanquishing every last Sophistic argument that disingenuously attempted to fit Oswald inside that blurry image. Enduring endless insults and disrespect, and ostracization, in his effort to correctly discern the truth and preserve academic integrity.

The PM Sophists were so easily blinded - losing sight of objective, empirical science - to readily embrace any shaky argument that supported their zealous belief. They were not interested in subjecting their cherished idea to the rigors of cross-examination. They did not have ears to listen. And they did not bother to think through Doyle's arguments for themselves, out of fear of being ridiculed by their Murphyite peers. And as a result they ended up Shit Creek without a paddle.

They have no recourse other than to admit they were wrong. A simple apology, a simple thank you, goes a long way toward the healing that is needed in this community after the long, long PM struggle.

In the final analysis, we're looking for answers. And this particular question is not debatable. Who was PrayerMan? It was Sarah Stanton.

Thank you, Mr. Doyle.
Richard, you are making the mistake of suggesting the current research community are honorable people...They are not...They decided long ago that Prayer Man was the shibboleth for clique membership...They decided to honor the lies told against their disprovers and bond over Prayer Man right or wrong...It didn't matter to them because their other works validated them right or wrong...They don't bother with the details of destroying innocent people and denying their work...They can see Sarah Stanton's dress neckline on Prayer Man...They're not going to admit it because clique membership is a more tempting narcotic for the dishonest than the humiliation of truth...You're making a mistake Richard...Those people have no intention of researching fairly or acknowledging this undeniable evidence...The community is theirs to do as they please...This greater depraved agenda is what it is really all about...

The Education Forum is presently encouraging the bogus researcher Andrej Stancak to lie and say the woman's scoop neckline is a fogery designed to cover up Oswald's features...This Fetzer-like claim is desperate damage control intended to contain and control conclusive evidence that is fatal to their theory...If the image is doctored then those community hijackers can avoid all the necessary follow-throughs they hope their domination keeps you from noticing...For instance they hope you don't notice that previous images from decades ago also possessed the same neckline...So when exactly was the film forged?...

Because James Gordon censored the opposition there is no one in the current Darnell Film Acquisition thread to point out that the new clip clearly shows Sarah Stanton's obese hips on Prayer Man...There is no one to ask the Prayer Man excuse-makers if they are also suggesting those clearly-visible obese hips were also forged?...There is no one asking the Prayer Man group if they are making the preposterous suggestion that obese hips were also forged to cover up Oswald's features?...The clearly-visible obese hips on Prayer Man in the new clip forces the woman's neckline to be real simply because woman's hips are naturally accompanied by a woman's neckline...A woman's neckline naturally follows woman's hips...That's why Stancak and Larsen ignore the obvious obese hips in the new clip because they know they can't answer for it...And they know they can't get away with any goofy film forgery excuses...This is the level of stupidity that is currently being protected in the research community...

And all this is without even applying Davidson's digital enhancement process to these new frames in order to even further improve their resolution...The Prayer Man hijackers are trying to shut down any necessary further analysis in to this new film evidence with the false claim of film forgery...No one is calling for Davidson to apply his digital enhancement process and no one is pointing-out how the woman's hips refute the forgery claim...

Cogent common sense tells you that no forgery occurred because Couch/Darnell showed Sarah Stanton and the other employees on the top landing...Reality dictates that since there was nothing incriminating there was nothing to hide with forgery...Therefore the woman's neckline is real and proves Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton...

Turning over any material evidence to the Sixth Floor Museum in my humble opinion is akin to letting a den of foxes guard the henhouse. 

In spite of all the hot-air huffing & puffing about Prayer Man being a female, the plain simple Truth is He is not a female, and certainly not one that weighed 3X His 132lbs on Friday, November 22, 1963. in the form of Sarah Stanton.  Ms/Mrs. Stanton was not in Prayer Man's specific position as Mr. Darnell scanned his camera upon the TSBD entrance steps (the foregoing statement of a same day witness void of fiction about the whereabouts of Mrs. Stanton is highlighted in bold form by this writer for emphasis ----->

1 DL 100-10461 ARS/cms 

"March 19, 1964 Dallas, Texas "I, Mrs . Robert E . (Pauline) Sanders, Sr ., freely furnish the following statement to Eugene F . Petrakis and A . Raymond Switzer, who have identified themselves to me as Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation . "I am a Caucasian female employed as a clerk accountant at the Texas School Book Depository, 411 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas . I have been so employed for the past 61' years I reside at 4226 Delmar Street, Dallas, Texas, and was born November 6, 1908, Moran, Kansas . "At approximately 12 :20 PM on November 22, 1963, I left the lunchroom on the second floor of the building and went out the front entrance to await the arrival of the Presidential Motorcade which I knew was due to pass the Depository building at about 12 :30 PM . I took up a position at the top of the front steps of the Depository building facing Elm Street . To the best of my recollection I was standing on the top step at the east end of the entrance . "I recall that while standing there I noticed Mrs . Sarah Stanton standing next to me, but I am unsure as to the others . Mrs . Stanton is likewise an employee of the Texas School Book Depository .

Note, no one is standing in close proximity to Prayer Man (not Mrs. Sanders nor Mrs. Stanton, who otherwise were clearly standing together on the opposite end of those TSBD entrance steps quite a great distance from Prayer Man's specific location on the west end of those entrance steps). 

True to form, Mr. Murphy (Sean) predicated a decade ago some folks in the research community would be consumed with desperation to ignore the obvious by suggesting Prayer Man is female. He was right then. He is spot-on right now. 

The only male figure--the wrongly-accused--couldn't be identified in His rightful location that afternoon as President Kennedy was ambushed by a bunch of lying treasonous cowards, because he needed to be elsewhere amid a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure. As hard as it is for someone people to admit that Prayer man is no one other than the wrongly-accused is understandable (it's not easy for some people to readily admit they have been duped right from the very beginning, because the whole nation fell victim to the myriad of lies amid a hastily contrived script to Frame an innocent party). 

The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.

For further clarification, let's also read Mrs. Stanton's statement as well...

I, Sarah D . Stanton, make the following stat-nt and each to Thomas T . Trettis, Jr ., who has identified himself as a to the Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation I presently reside at 227 North Ewing Street, Dallas, Texas . was born on 6-9-22 at Grand Prairie, Texas . I am a white female and am employed as a clerk at the Texas School Book Depository Building .

"When President John F . Kennedy was shot I was standing onthe front steps of the Texas School Book Depository
standing onthe front steps of the Texas School Book Depository Building with Mr . William Shelley, 126 South Tatum, Dallas, Mr . Otls Williams, 3429 Southwestern., Dallas, Mrs . R . E . Sanders, 4226 Delmar, Dallas, and Billy Lovelady, 7722 Hume Drive, Dallas . All of the above are employed at the Texas Sc4,oo1 Book Depository Building . I heard three shots after the President's car passed the front of the building but I could not see the President's car at that time . I cannot say positively where the shots came from . I dk not see Lee Harvey Oswald at that time or at any time during that day "I did not see any person in the Texas School Book Depository Building on the morning of 11-22-63 who was a stranger to me . "I left the Depository building about 2 :20 on the afternoon of 11-22-63 after giving the police our names and addresses . "I have read the above two page statement and St is true and correct to the best of my knowledge . "/s/Sarah D . Stanton,3/18/64, Dallas, Texas "Witnessed : /s/Thomas T . Trettis, Jr ., Special Agent, FBI, 3-18-64 Dallas, Texas "/s/E . J . Robertson, Special Agent, FBI, 3-18-64, Dallas, Texas ."

Note, both women confirmed they were in close proximity of one another on the east end of the TSBD entrance steps, nowhere near Prayer Man's specific, precise location way over on the opposite end of those same entrance steps, where no one stood in close proximity to Him. Be wary of any "research' that dares to desperately put its own words & spin that runs counter to what both Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Stanton shared. 

The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.
Alan Ford is a disruption troll from the MacRae and ROKC websites...His job as a disinformationist is to enter well-researched serious opposing  evidence to any and everything I write for disruptive purposes...Prayer Man was proven to be Sarah Stanton long ago when photo analysis showed Stanton's 5 foot 4 height and obesity on Prayer Man...Recently Denis Morissette showed Prayer Man's elbow-length sleeve on Stanton...Sandy Larsen found Gloria Calvery on the steps in Couch/Darnell...This means Larsen calibrated the timing of Couch/Darnell to the exact moment that Buell Frazier said Sarah Stanton had turned to him to tell him what Calvery had said...Larsen had discovered evidence that determined the exact moment that Frazier said he was facing Stanton and that moment was the exact time of Couch/Darnell...Game over and this should have been enough to settle the issue in any credible group...

Both Alan Ford and Sean Murphy are perfectly aware of this...Murphy avoided any height analysis because he knew what it would show...Having no real belief in his bullshit Murphy took off and disappeared in to Parker's troll forest never to be seen again...Ford has been shown this conclusive evidence but he ignores it and just repeats the same confidently-asserted disinformation script...The problem with Ford's false case is it relies on misquotes of things that happened 5 minutes before Couch/Darnell...Larsen proved Couch/Darnell ocurred at the exact moment Frazier and Stanton were staring at each other in shock, so the Couch/Darnell clip is the best relevant evidence that comes at the exact time in question...Ford and Kamp have never recognized this FACT and continue to be allowed to enter irrelevant material that avoids the credible evidence...Even though this has been posted hundreds of times the Prayer Man disinformationists continue to be allowed to ignore it and post knowingly-false evidence that was already refuted...The moderators see this and continue to refuse to give any fair ruling on it because they and their favorites fell for Greg Parker's bogus Prayer Man theory when it first came out...They have created a situation where CT-ers no longer recognize important correct evidence...And the Deep Politics Forum now allows a Cinque-like nut who posts that Oswald was on the sidewalk waving a burning American flag at Kennedy free access to a forum that used to screen such demented trolls...

These moderators look at the current Darnell film thread and see that the Prayer Man hijackers are ignoring the woman's neckline and refusing to admit what it shows...This is no different than 2016 when Davidson showed Stanton's face on Prayer Man...Andrej Stancak found Pauline Sanders in Altgens in between Lovelady & Shelley...Therefore simple logic and reality dictates that this locating of Sanders, in addition to the evidence above, means the woman's neckline proves beyond any doubt that Prayer Man is Stanton...The moderators sit back in silence watching this satanic level of malicious dishonesty and pretend to still possess credibility...

If there were any level of credble Peer Review on the Kennedy internet the research community would realize this new copy is clearer because it is a first generation copy like Gary Mack was trying to tell us...Therefore the original celluloid will only further show this evidence more than it already has...Because the Education Forum is ran by censorship by that scumbag Gordon the members are getting away with ignoring that Stanton's obese hips are very visible in this new version...Ford and the Prayer Man hijackers are getting away with the murder of ignoring this and it is OK.with the bogus mods...That's why I'm the best and it is why the Prayer Man theory lay in smoking ruin at my feet...
(20-09-2024, 04:32 PM)Brian Doyle Wrote: Alan Ford is a disruption troll from the MacRae and ROKC websites...His job as a disinformationist is to enter well-researched serious opposing  evidence to any and everything I write for disruptive purposes...Prayer Man was proven to be Sarah Stanton long ago when photo analysis showed Stanton's 5 foot 4 height and obesity on Prayer Man...Recently Denis Morissette showed Prayer Man's elbow-length sleeve on Stanton...Sandy Larsen found Gloria Calvery on the steps in Couch/Darnell...This means Larsen calibrated the timing of Couch/Darnell to the exact moment that Buell Frazier said Sarah Stanton had turned to him to tell him what Calvery had said...Larsen had discovered evidence that determined the exact moment that Frazier said he was facing Stanton and that moment was the exact time of Couch/Darnell...Game over and this should have been enough to settle the issue in any credible group...

Horse manure, Mr. Doyle, and let me and those of us reading along here guess that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are switching holiday celebrations this year... Facts trump your self-serving "evidence" every time. 

Both Alan Ford and Sean Murphy are perfectly aware of this...Murphy avoided any height analysis because he knew what it would show...Having no real belief in his bullshit Murphy took off and disappeared in to Parker's troll forest never to be seen again...Ford has been shown this conclusive evidence but he ignores it and just repeats the same confidently-asserted disinformation script...The problem with Ford's false case is it relies on misquotes of things that happened 5 minutes before Couch/Darnell...Larsen proved Couch/Darnell ocurred at the exact moment Frazier and Stanton were staring at each other in shock, so the Couch/Darnell clip is the best relevant evidence that comes at the exact time in question...Ford and Kamp have never recognized this FACT and continue to be allowed to enter irrelevant material that avoids the credible evidence...Even though this has been posted hundreds of times the Prayer Man disinformationists continue to be allowed to ignore it and post knowingly-false evidence that was already refuted...The moderators see this and continue to refuse to give any fair ruling on it because they and their favorites fell for Greg Parker's bogus Prayer Man theory when it first came out...They have created a situation where CT-ers no longer recognize important correct evidence...And the Deep Politics Forum now allows a Cinque-like nut who posts that Oswald was on the sidewalk waving a burning American flag at Kennedy free access to a forum that used to screen such demented trolls...

On the contrary, Mr. Doyle, folks like me, Mr. Murphy, the exemplary researchers over at the RoKC and others who aren't so easily duped by your self-serving "evidence" know horse manure when they see  and/or smell it. Please Stop putting your words in the mouths of actual same day witnesses who were directly on scene that fateful afternoon. Huff and puff all you want but both Mrs. Sanders & the woman she stood beside, Mrs. Stanton, know precisely where they stood that afternoon. Anyone who says anything to the contrary of their same day direct evidence is what Mr. Murphy (Sean) proclaimed a decade ago @ some people--in their desperation--to ignore the plain simple truth @ the genuine identity of Pray Man, would desperately claim the Prayer Man to be a female. Mr. Murphy saw your "research" a mile away, Mr. Doyle, and your "evidence" as well. 

These moderators look at the current Darnell film thread and see that the Prayer Man hijackers are ignoring the woman's neckline and refusing to admit what it shows...This is no different than 2016 when Davidson showed Stanton's face on Prayer Man...Andrej Stancak found Pauline Sanders in Altgens in between Lovelady & Shelley...Therefore simple logic and reality dictates that this locating of Sanders, in addition to the evidence above, means the woman's neckline proves beyond any doubt that Prayer Man is Stanton...The moderators sit back in silence watching this satanic level of malicious dishonesty and pretend to still possess credibility...

Oh, dear

There you go again huffing & puffing about where you want Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Stanton to stand to prove your "evidence". As difficult as it is for you to admit--amid your Mr. Murphy's accurately predicted desperation--you cannot refute the bonafide statements of precisely where Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Stanton actually stood. Their statements are something your made up "evidence" simply cannot overcome, Mr. Doyle, it's that simple really. 

Mrs. Sanders & Mrs. Stanton don't accept your desperation mode "evidence" invitation to play musical-chairs. 

If there were any level of credble Peer Review on the Kennedy internet the research community would realize this new copy is clearer because it is a first generation copy like Gary Mack was trying to tell us...Therefore the original celluloid will only further show this evidence more than it already has...Because the Education Forum is ran by censorship by that scumbag Gordon the members are getting away with ignoring that Stanton's obese hips are very visible in this new version...Ford and the Prayer Man hijackers are getting away with the murder of ignoring this and it is OK.with the bogus mods...That's why I'm the best and it is why the Prayer Man theory lay in smoking ruin at my feet...

The worse thing any serious researcher could ever do amid this sixth-decade old mystery is allow proponents of the "Limited Hangout" disinformation team spoon-feed them contrived evidence mired in the stench of horse manure, especially if it's "provable" photos under extreme "doctoring" to ignore the very obvious about Prayer Man's actual identity.  

Cheers to Mr. Murphy (Sean), wherever he may be in Ireland today for his uncanny accuracy/prediction on how desperate some people in the JFK Assassination Community would succumb to claiming Prayer Man was female. He was right a decade ago. He is spot-on right now as well. 

The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody. 

*What part of this actual statement, void of your musical-chairs "research" and "evidence", Mr. Doyle, don't you quite understand?

1 DL 100-10461 ARS/cms 

"March 19, 1964 Dallas, Texas "I, Mrs . Robert E . (Pauline) Sanders, Sr ., freely furnish the following statement to Eugene F . Petrakis and A . Raymond Switzer, who have identified themselves to me as Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation . "I am a Caucasian female employed as a clerk accountant at the Texas School Book Depository, 411 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas . I have been so employed for the past 61' years I reside at 4226 Delmar Street, Dallas, Texas, and was born November 6, 1908, Moran, Kansas . "At approximately 12 :20 PM on November 22, 1963, I left the lunchroom on the second floor of the building and went out the front entrance to await the arrival of the Presidential Motorcade which I knew was due to pass the Depository building at about 12 :30 PM . I took up a position at the top of the front steps of the Depository building facing Elm Street . To the best of my recollection I was standing on the top step at the east end of the entrance . "I recall that while standing there I noticed Mrs . Sarah Stanton standing next to me, but I am unsure as to the others . Mrs . Stanton is likewise an employee of the Texas School Book Depository .
There is a major difference between two females standing together than a lone male figure standing in contrast a considerable distance away from the women on the opposite end of those front entrance steps.  

Be wary of Mr. Doyle, etc. al making up their own "research" and "evidence" amid a crafty game of musical-chairs to support their self-serving "research" and "evidence". Prayer Man is a male figure, essentially a man. 

Moreover, be wary of any "research" and "evidence" supporting the bogus 2nd Floor phantom encounter in the lunchroom myth either...Roy Truly and motorcycle officer Marrion Baker did not ascend the backstairs together in the same time sequence early researchers were lead to believe...turns out someone else was accompanying Roy Truly instead on that fateful afternoon ---->

Mr. BALL. You mentioned you saw Truly? 
Mr. PIPER. I don’t know whether it was a policeman or FBI or who it was, but another fellow was with him. 
Mr. BALL. And where were you?
Mr. PIPER. Standing right there where they make coffee. 
Mr. BALL. What did they do? 
Mr. PIPER. He ran in and yelled, “Where is the elevator?” And I said, “I don’t know, sir, Mr. Truly.” They taken off and went on up the stairway and that’s all I know about that. 

Mr. Piper and anyone of us reading along wouldn't mistake an obviously clad  white helmeted motorcycle officer in looooong black boots as a well-dressed member of the, quote, "FBI". Whoever ran up those backstairs with Roy "nothing truly about him" wasn't Marrion Baker in his obvious white helmet and looooong black boots motorcycle clad uniform. 

Only the Truth can withstand closer examination, but--unlike the plain simple Truth--the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to frame an innocent party falls apart upon closer examination. What a bunch of lying treasonous cowards ambushing an unarmed representative of the People, and then blaming it on an innocent party amid a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure. 

The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.

Seems the cat has Mr. Doyle's tongue, while he is desperately scratching his head trying to figure out how to explain away both the clarified statements of Mrs. Sanders & Mrs. Stanton to account for his musical-chair "research" and "evidence" placing Mrs. Stanton elsewhere on those front entrance steps. Oh, what a tangled web...

Only Prayer Man has rightful claim to his specific position on those front entrance stairs. Anything else offered up is akin to what the exemplary research of Mr. Murphy (Sean( predicted all along about some people--amid desperation-- would claim Prayer Man is female. Mr. Murphy was right then and spot-on in his astute assessment even now. 

I will venture back next week the Good Lord willing to determine if Mr. Doyle has any actual evidence or will continue to be mislead by his self-serving "research" masquerading as "evidence". 

The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody>
At a time when I finally achieved poetic justice and was vindicated by a 1st generation copy of Darnell Deep Politics decided to allow one of Duncan MacRae's more demented trolls full access to the DPF forum...As anyone can see Alan Ford is a disruption troll posting nutty confusion and is probably a government internet operative and Sunstein troll...

The new 6th Floor Museum 1st generation copy shows Sarah Stanton's female dress neckline clearly and ends the issue...That ignorant asshole James Gordon is allowing the Prayer Man trolls to lie and say Stanton's dress neckline is forged-in in order to hide Oswald's shirt collar...The Education Forum members accept this demeaning of all JFK researchers by Larsen & Stancak, reducing conspiracy research to the idiotic and painting us all as Fetzer-like nuts...

The only reason this is happening is because DPF dropped its opposition to the British Bully Forum and failed to step up...

(12-10-2024, 03:58 PM)!Brian Doyle Wrote: At a time when I finally achieved poetic justice and was vindicated by a 1st generation copy of Darnell Deep Politics decided to allow one of Duncan MacRae's more demented trolls full access to the DPF forum...As anyone can see Alan Ford is a disruption troll posting nutty confusion and is probably a government internet operative and Sunstein troll...

Oh, dear...

The new 6th Floor Museum 1st generation copy shows Sarah Stanton's female dress neckline clearly and ends the issue...That ignorant asshole James Gordon is allowing the Prayer Man trolls to lie and say Stanton's dress neckline is forged-in in order to hide Oswald's shirt collar...The Education Forum members accept this demeaning of all JFK researchers by Larsen & Stancak, reducing conspiracy research to the idiotic and painting us all as Fetzer-like nuts...

Facts matter, Mr. Doyle, stop confusing yourself with a propensity to rely upon fiction and/or self-serving "evidence" "analysis" sir. Prayer Man is a male. Mr. Murphy (Sean) warned the research community a decade ago that you and others will resort to identifying Him as a woman in desperation mode to avoid the plain simple Truth. Facts matter, Mr. Doyle, fiction however contrived is still not the Truth. 

The only reason this is happening is because DPF dropped its opposition to the British Bully Forum and failed to step up...

Or...wait for it...
Could it be the forum leadership sees right through your propensity to avoid facts at all cost to prove your self-serving fiction? Facts matter, Mr. Doyle, fiction however contrived is still not the Truth. 


Last thought, Mr. Doyle @ your suggestion that I'm  "a government internet operative".

Why would the government who has helped to cover-up the plain simple Truth in this case have me thwart your assertion that Prayer Man is a female named Sarah Stanton? 

Facts matter, Mr. Doyle, stop confusing yourself with the Agency coined-phrase "a limited hangout"...

Prayer Man is a male, Mr. Doyle, the wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.   
Prayer Man liars who are being protected on The Education Forum and Jacks are refusing to answer the technical point that the 1st generation copy at the 6th Floor Museum shows everything in the frame more clearly...Bart Kamp admitted on the "That's Enough Outta You" podcast that the new 6th Floor Museum copy finally showed the Press Car driver in sharp detail...Even Stancak admitted the 6th Floor copy showed Stanton was not to Frazier's left...So the 6th Floor Museum copy shows everything in much better detail...The Education Forum, with their criminal management, allowed Stancak and Larsen to lie and make the Fetzer-like claim that the woman's neckline was forged in order to hide Oswald's work shirt collar...That claim is childish and preposterous, however Gordon is enforcing it and the membership is going along...That idiotic claim is refuted by the other admitted clearer things in that 1st generation copy...The liars Stancak & Larsen refuse to answer if those other things are forged as well?...Obviously they are not so therefore the woman's neckline isn't forged either...

If you look closely at Ulrik's stabilized version of the 6th Floor Museum's copy you can see Stanton turning her head to talk to Frazier if you zoom-in...However I just realized you can see Stanton's white hair as well...The previous Discovery Channel copy had a dark blob that people were saying was Oswald's hairline...That dark blob was a film artifact, as is proven by the better 1st generation copy 6th Floor version showing Stanton's white hair and, more importantly, NOT showing that false Oswald's hairline...The fools at ROKC were calling a film artifact "Oswald's hairline"...The joke is deservedly on those fools...

Bart Kamp posted a blow-up version of Lovelady in Hughes on his Prayer Man website...In that article Kamp admitted that Prayer Man could be seen up with both feet on the landing behind Lovelady...Kamp stupidly didn't realize that was an admission that Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton's 5 foot 4 height...That link disappeared after I told this to Kamp on Jacks...

In his "That's Enough Outta You" podcast appearance Kamp had the dishonest balls to not even mention the clearly-seen woman's neckline on Prayer Man...And the two idiot hosts, Sean Kane and Bill Raider, didn't mention it either...

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