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COPA: Who plans to attend this year?
We're still discussing the options for live broadcasting over the net. Obviously we can't broadcast every talk, as this is a disinscentive for people to attend.

Like last year, Cyril Wecht will be broadcast to the conference via video link up and that will be available on the COPA website. COPA has also offered this opportunity to several other researchers.

I just talked to John Judge and we were in agreement that Jim Douglas would probably be the best to broadcast, along with one or two others.

We'll know more closer to the conference, but I would provisonally say there will be 3/4 available to view live. These feeds will also be recorded and available to view straight after their completion.

Hope that clears it up a bit.
John Geraghty Wrote:We're still discussing the options for live broadcasting over the net. Obviously we can't broadcast every talk, as this is a disinscentive for people to attend.

Like last year, Cyril Wecht will be broadcast to the conference via video link up and that will be available on the COPA website. COPA has also offered this opportunity to several other researchers.

I just talked to John Judge and we were in agreement that Jim Douglas would probably be the best to broadcast, along with one or two others.

We'll know more closer to the conference, but I would provisonally say there will be 3/4 available to view live. These feeds will also be recorded and available to view straight after their completion.

Hope that clears it up a bit.
--- On Mon, 11/2/09, Copa <> wrote:

From: Copa <>
Subject: YouTube - COPA JFK assassination conference November 2009
Received: Monday, November 2, 2009, 6:17 AM

The 15th annual regional meeting of COPA is just a few weeks away. I am still trying to add a few key speakers to what promises to be one of our best lineups ever. Come and hear the latest evidence, the best research and the most cogent analysis of political assassinations from the 60s to the present. Special events include a Moment of Silence on the Grassy Knoll on November 22 at 12:30, a visit afterwards at Baylor University's Poague Library in Waco, TX to see the Penn Jones, Jr. collection, and a public talk "There Must Be Some Way Out of Here: The Rise of the Military Industrial Complex, the Permanent War Economy and the Future of Humanity, at 6:30 pm, on the night of Monday, November 23 at the Dallas Peace Center office, (Children's Chapel, *5910 Cedar Springs Rd, Dallas, TX).*

Also, John Geraghty has posted a video on You Tube promoting the conference. See the link below. I hope to see you there this year, other details attached - John Judge

-- John Judge
Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)
PO Box 772
Washington, DC 20044

Check out our new website:

Annual meeting in Dallas in November Hotel Lawrence - 214-761-9090 - discount room reservations
Speakers, films, books, resources, email for details

National organization of medical and ballistic experts, academics and authors, researchers and interested individuals investigating major political assassinations in America and abroad. Responsible for creation and implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act. Promoting a Martin Luther King Records Act and a grand jury process to reopen all the major assassinations.

We are not allergic to donations, donations NOT tax deductible. DVD set of last year's COPA meeting in Dallas for any donation of $50 or more.

Bernice Moore Wrote:
John Geraghty Wrote:We're still discussing the options for live broadcasting over the net. Obviously we can't broadcast every talk, as this is a disinscentive for people to attend.

Like last year, Cyril Wecht will be broadcast to the conference via video link up and that will be available on the COPA website. COPA has also offered this opportunity to several other researchers.

I just talked to John Judge and we were in agreement that Jim Douglas would probably be the best to broadcast, along with one or two others.

We'll know more closer to the conference, but I would provisonally say there will be 3/4 available to view live. These feeds will also be recorded and available to view straight after their completion.

Hope that clears it up a bit.
--- On Mon, 11/2/09, Copa <> wrote:
From: Copa <>
Subject: YouTube - COPA JFK assassination conference November 2009
Received: Monday, November 2, 2009, 6:17 AM

The 15th annual regional meeting of COPA is just a few weeks away. I am still trying to add a few key speakers to what promises to be one of our best lineups ever. Come and hear the latest evidence, the best research and the most cogent analysis of political assassinations from the 60s to the present. Special events include a Moment of Silence on the Grassy Knoll on November 22 at 12:30, a visit afterwards at Baylor University's Poague Library in Waco, TX to see the Penn Jones, Jr. collection, and a public talk "There Must Be Some Way Out of Here: The Rise of the Military Industrial Complex, the Permanent War Economy and the Future of Humanity, at 6:30 pm, on the night of Monday, November 23 at the Dallas Peace Center office, (Children's Chapel, *5910 Cedar Springs Rd, Dallas, TX).*

Also, John Geraghty has posted a video on You Tube promoting the conference. See the link below. I hope to see you there this year, other details attached - John Judge

-- John Judge
Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)
PO Box 772
Washington, DC 20044

Check out our new website:

Annual meeting in Dallas in November Hotel Lawrence - 214-761-9090 - discount room reservations
Speakers, films, books, resources, email for details

National organization of medical and ballistic experts, academics and authors, researchers and interested individuals investigating major political assassinations in America and abroad. Responsible for creation and implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act. Promoting a Martin Luther King Records Act and a grand jury process to reopen all the major assassinations.

We are not allergic to donations, donations NOT tax deductible. DVD set of last year's COPA meeting in Dallas for any donation of $50 or more.


The Coalition on Political Assassinations presents:
15th Annual Regional Conference, November 20-22, Dallas, TX

Latest evidence and research, authors, medical and ballistic experts, academics and researchers into modern political assassinations, including Malcolm X, John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy. Resource room with books, DVDs and digital collections. Films and presentations. Join us.
Dr. Cyril Wecht, M.D., J.D., former president American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Jim Douglass, author of JFK and the Unspeakable
Walt Brown, author of Master Analytic Chronology: The Death of President Kennedy
Russ Baker, author of Family of Secrets
John Armstrong, author of Harvey & Lee will be available to sign his book
Randy Benson, award-winning filmmaker, showing excerpts from The Searchers
T Carter, author an upcoming book Jerry Ray: A Memoir of Injustice
Ben Rogers, curator of the Penn Jones collection at Baylor University's Poague Library
Jim DiEugenio, author of Destiny Betrayed and editor of Probe
Lisa Pease, co-author of The Assassinations and editor of Probe
Robert Groden, author of The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald and Absolute Proof
Doug Valentine, author of The PhoenixProgram and The Strength of the Pack
Ed Haslam, author of Dr. Mary’s Monkey and Mary, Ferrie and the Money Virus
Other speakers to be announced

Friday, November 20
Early Bird Lunch, 12:00 pm Founder’s Grill, off lobby, Hotel Lawrence

Dinner, 5:30 pm, Café Bistro, Adolphus Hotel, 1321 Commerce Street, (214) 742-8200
COPA keynote speaker, 7:00 pm, Mezzanine level, Adolphus Hotel

Movies, 10:00 pm, Second floor Rear, Hotel Lawrence,

Houston & Jackson Sts., just off Dealey Plaza

Resource room open on 2nd floor rear Friday to Sunday, books and DVDs, authors
Saturday, November 21

Speakers 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Second floor Rear, Hotel Lawrence
Movies 10:00 pm, Second floor Rear

Hotel Lawrence, Houston & Jackson Sts.

Sunday, November 22 46th anniversary
Speakers and discussions 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Second floor Rear
Hotel Lawrence, Houston & Jackson Sts.
12:30 pm Moment of Silence

Commemorating the Assassination of President Kennedy

Grassy Knoll, Dealey Plaza, speakers following

Union Station and West End stations on DART rail.
All events open to public.
Registration at door - $60 for all events, $25 per day, $20 for Adolphus events
Coalition on Political Assassinations, PO Box 772, Washington, DC 20044

Bernice Moore Wrote:
John Geraghty Wrote:We're still discussing the options for live broadcasting over the net. Obviously we can't broadcast every talk, as this is a disinscentive for people to attend.

Like last year, Cyril Wecht will be broadcast to the conference via video link up and that will be available on the COPA website. COPA has also offered this opportunity to several other researchers.

I just talked to John Judge and we were in agreement that Jim Douglas would probably be the best to broadcast, along with one or two others.

We'll know more closer to the conference, but I would provisonally say there will be 3/4 available to view live. These feeds will also be recorded and available to view straight after their completion.

Hope that clears it up a bit.
--- On Mon, 11/2/09, Copa <> wrote:
From: Copa <>
Subject: YouTube - COPA JFK assassination conference November 2009
Received: Monday, November 2, 2009, 6:17 AM

The 15th annual regional meeting of COPA is just a few weeks away. I am still trying to add a few key speakers to what promises to be one of our best lineups ever. Come and hear the latest evidence, the best research and the most cogent analysis of political assassinations from the 60s to the present. Special events include a Moment of Silence on the Grassy Knoll on November 22 at 12:30, a visit afterwards at Baylor University's Poague Library in Waco, TX to see the Penn Jones, Jr. collection, and a public talk "There Must Be Some Way Out of Here: The Rise of the Military Industrial Complex, the Permanent War Economy and the Future of Humanity, at 6:30 pm, on the night of Monday, November 23 at the Dallas Peace Center office, (Children's Chapel, *5910 Cedar Springs Rd, Dallas, TX).*

Also, John Geraghty has posted a video on You Tube promoting the conference. See the link below. I hope to see you there this year, other details attached - John Judge

-- John Judge
Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)
PO Box 772
Washington, DC 20044

Check out our new website:

Annual meeting in Dallas in November Hotel Lawrence - 214-761-9090 - discount room reservations
Speakers, films, books, resources, email for details

National organization of medical and ballistic experts, academics and authors, researchers and interested individuals investigating major political assassinations in America and abroad. Responsible for creation and implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act. Promoting a Martin Luther King Records Act and a grand jury process to reopen all the major assassinations.

We are not allergic to donations, donations NOT tax deductible. DVD set of last year's COPA meeting in Dallas for any donation of $50 or more.

For those of you who will be in Dallas after the COPA conference ends, you are welcome to attend a public talk I have scheduled for Monday night, November 22 in Dallas. Those who live in Dallas are welcome and encouraged to let others know about this. I want to do an overview about the problem of militarization and also the solutions possible at the crossroads and crisis we face.

Veteran peace activist John Judge will speak on:

“There Must Be Some Way Out of Here: The Rise of the Military Industrial Complex, Permanent War and the Future of Humanity”

Since 1985, John Judge has co-directed the Committee for High School Options and Information on Careers, Education and Self-Improvement (C.H.O.I.C.E.S.), a volunteer group of veterans, military family members and others who counter military recruitment with civilian options in public schools in Washington, DC.

Sponsored by the Dallas Peace Center and Iranians for Peace & Justice.

November 23, 7:00 p.m.

At Cathedral of Hope, 5910 Cedar Springs Rd.

-- John Judge
Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)
PO Box 772
Washington, DC 20044

Check out our new website:

Annual meeting in Dallas in November Hotel Lawrence - 214-761-9090 - discount room reservations
Speakers, films, books, resources, email for details

National organization of medical and ballistic experts, academics and authors, researchers and interested individuals investigating major political assassinations in America and abroad. Responsible for creation and implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act. Promoting a Martin Luther King Records Act and a grand jury process to reopen all the major assassinations.

We are not allergic to donations, donations NOT tax deductible. DVD set of last year's COPA meeting in Dallas for any donation of $50 or more.

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