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Adele Edisen Wrote:

After not being able to mention it for several months, I can now
announce the publication of an outstanding new JFK book on
the assassination. Peter Lemkin will be especially gratified to
learn of it.

The book is

Tom Wilson's Journey into the
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Donald T. Phillips

Peter...this book is the reason Jonathan has been reluctant
to talk to you. He was working with Don on the book. Tom
had selected Don as someone he'd like to do a book. I will
send you a private email about this. This is the book you
were hoping somebody would write, and is better than you
could have expected. I will put you in touch with Phillips
in case you have questions.

I have read the book, and it is an outstanding presentation
of Tom's computer analysis. I felt like it was Tom himself
speaking to me. It is PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED.

This is a very important book and may change the thinking
of some researchers about Tom's work. It contains many
new revelations not previously known to most.

Even those who refuse to believe Tom's analyses will find
much additional information new to them.

This is a "must have" book for all serious JFK researchers.
It will be available from Amazon.


Jack and Peter,

What a wonderful surprise. Thank you. I thought it would never happen. I just ordered a copy from Amazon.

I remember Tom Wilson's presentation very well and was very much impressed by it. It made a lot of sense to me. Many in the audiience seemed not to understand the physics involved.

I also recall the loud music from the adjoining revelers, but never suspected they could have been the Secret Service celebrating their reunion, or whatever.

I think the first ASK Meeting was when I met yiu, Jack. The first speaker at that meeting was Ed Hoffman, and I was blown away by his recollections translated by his daughter. I remember David Lifton's presentation and also Paul O'Conner's talk. I had an opportunity to speak with Paul, which I appreciated. I still have my commemorative T-shirt from that meeting, my very firsr such attendance.

It was Mary Ferrell who persuaded me to be there, and then my next time was in 1993 when I fearfully presented my own material, again at Mary's urging. She had convinced me that speaking out would be safer that not doing so. Well, I'm still here, so I guess she was right. And I do really miss her...

It wil be interesting to observe the reactions to this book. We shall see what we shall see...


I had forgotten that was an ASK conference. I thought it was Lancer.
I think that was the about the time of the switchover from ASK to Lancer.
They all begin to run together.

Just got the book on Tom Wilson today! Mind Blowing just looking at the photos and reading a few lines. Will dive into it tonight and have more to say shortly. Get it!...and for the LNs it is the end of the 'road'! Case now closed! Conspiracy!...big time!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter, et al,

Until Wilson's methodology can be independently verified and his work on the JFK materials replicated, we have NOTHING!

Hasten the day.

Yes, But! I agree to really prove it to those outside the community. But for those who already know the basics, there is no way he could have forged or invented some of his images....and information he got from them.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
No, But!!!

Peter my friend, how long have you been at this game?

"No way" this work could be fraudulent?

Spare me!

To paraphrase Fox Mulder, I'd like to believe.

But I won't believe in Wilson's dream until it is rigorously tested.

And neither should you.

Charles Drago Wrote:No, But!!!

Peter my friend, how long have you been at this game?

"No way" this work could be fraudulent?

Spare me!

To paraphrase Fox Mulder, I'd like to believe.

But I won't believe in Wilson's dream until it is rigorously tested.

And neither should you.


Charles...have you read the book?


Yes I have -- from cover to cover.

Please don't misunderstand me: I have as little reason to doubt the validity of Wilson's work as I have to accept it.

None of us should demonstrate the tiniest objection to legitimately objective, rigorously scientific testing of his method in general and the application of his method to the JFK evidence in particular.

As for Wilson's story in its non-technical aspects: I apologize in advance if you accept what I'm about to write as an insult to your friend's memory, but all I have right now is his word that events transpired as he related them. And surely you'll agree that when it comes to the investigation of this case, the word of no man should satisfy us when other avenues of investigation are open.

And no, I am not advocating for rigged experiments of the Randi, FEMA, and NIST varieties, for example.

Let Oliver Stone and/or other monied third parties ante up and fund controlled, monitored experiments. Let the chips fall where they may.

In closing, let me ask -- if you know -- why no overt mention is made of Wilson's alleged visit to the "secret" archives as facilitated by Ted Kennedy. Or should I infer that the multi-staged forgeries Wilson claims to have examined -- photos not previously known to exist -- were made available on that visit?

I agree that the methodology must be validated, but I am struck by the information and photos, along with what I know privately, and is not in the book. Of course there could be and should be some doubt....but I think this will go a long way to satisfy [until the validation] much of what he claimed to have found. I still do not think that EVERY one of his findings can be taken as gospel, but I think, in the end, he'll have a very high 'batting average' and has done what none thought could be done. Again, I have some private information, that apparently is not in the book that lends some further positive credence. His paranoia and secrecy must be condemned as naive, at best. His lawsuit a folly. His having given much of the best evidence to the FBI's 'black hole' a gross error. He wasn't perfect and didn't walk on water, but I think his general technique might be a boon to us in the research community. As you know, I was working on the validation and had been 'blocked' - unbeknownst to me due to the book. Time to get back 'at it'!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
God speed, Peter.

Let's make the best use of Wilson's work as it exists. Let's validate it if we can, dispose of it if we must.

If he's the real deal, everything can change.
Charles Drago Wrote:Jack,

Yes I have -- from cover to cover.

Please don't misunderstand me: I have as little reason to doubt the validity of Wilson's work as I have to accept it.

None of us should demonstrate the tiniest objection to legitimately objective, rigorously scientific testing of his method in general and the application of his method to the JFK evidence in particular.

As for Wilson's story in its non-technical aspects: I apologize in advance if you accept what I'm about to write as an insult to your friend's memory, but all I have right now is his word that events transpired as he related them. And surely you'll agree that when it comes to the investigation of this case, the word of no man should satisfy us when other avenues of investigation are open.

And no, I am not advocating for rigged experiments of the Randi, FEMA, and NIST varieties, for example.

Let Oliver Stone and/or other monied third parties ante up and fund controlled, monitored experiments. Let the chips fall where they may.

In closing, let me ask -- if you know -- why no overt mention is made of Wilson's alleged visit to the "secret" archives as facilitated by Ted Kennedy. Or should I infer that the multi-staged forgeries Wilson claims to have examined -- photos not previously known to exist -- were made available on that visit?


Tom's visit to the "secret" Archives may not be in the book because
he may have been careful to leave no written record of it for reasons
unknown, perhaps to avoid embarrassing any secret sources, such as Ted
Kennedy or others. Tom was very circumspect about proper protocol.
Perhaps he had made some sort of promise to Marshall or Kennedy.

I have related his visit to the "secret" Archives just as he told it to me.
He described how he was given access because he had written a letter
to Teddy, who referred him to Marshall, who gave him a written letter
of permission to see files not in the public section. He described how
he was searched for cameras, recorders, pens, pencils and papers,
because his visit was limited to one hour and he could do an "eyes only"
review of the materials without taking notes of any kind. He described
how a large envelope was brought out for him to examine while a
guard stood nearby watching. He was astonished that the envelope
was what might be called a JOB ENVELOPE containing autopsy "original"
photos, and the several "in-between" art steps involved in retouching
the originals. Tom was an extremely honest (but a bit naive) man who
could not believe what he had seen. This confirmed the government had
lied. I could tell by the awe in his voice that he was relating an actual
event that had occurred. He did not make this story up. Of that I am
100 percent certain. Why it is not in the book, I do not know.

I do not necessarily agree with ALL of Tom's CONCLUSIONS...but I definitely
know that he was honest, but was very naive in his trust of government
institutions. He thought he could work through the existing system of
justice. He was wrong about that.

I know enough about computers and photography to know that his work was
based on sound principles. He would not have been the top computer
man at US Steel without great credentials. He had invented a computer
"light valve" on which he had a patent pending. He had a degree in
electrical engineering. He was not some dumb-ass researcher making
up something. Tom's computer work was valid; perhaps a FEW of his
conclusions were not.

As for Oliver Stone, he was so impressed with Tom's work that he
hired Tom as a consultant to analyze numerous photos related to
the movie. That is a pretty good endorsement, from a movie maker.


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