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Wickliffe Draper funded the MissSovComm, Sen. James Eastland, American Mercury and the IAAEE
[quote name='Tom Scully' date='Feb 15 2010, 12:25 PM' post='183559']

If Ferdinand Lundberg was correct about Herbert Hoover being a creation of the house of Morgan, and that Lamont and Dwight Morrow were president Hoover's principle advisors, isn't it a shame that it is only a coincidence that the son of the Bush-Harriman partner called the merchant of death because he ran Remington for the Rockefellers and sold that business in 1933, to the Duponts, and was an original incorporator, with the Harrimans, of Union Bank, confiscated in 1942 as alien Nazi property, is buried in a small Hawaiian churchyard, next to Morrow's son-in-law, instead of Morrow's daughter, Anne Morrow Lindbergh?

....And that it is a coincidence that this man buried next to Lindbergh, introduced to Willkie, after flying him to Willkie's Indiana home, the Abwehr agent assigned by Goering and Ribbentrop to finance the 1940 Willkie presidential campaign, with the goal of beating FDR in the election?

Because, if these instances weren't merely coincidental and there was a press in America committed to investigating and reporting the secrets of the wealthiest and most powerful as Lundberg once was, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Karl Rove and GHW Bush to be posting such enthusiastic comments on the occassion of the release of a new book embellishing the reputation of a man who did more to help the Nazis fund Willkie's campaign, a man who loved Charles Lindbergh and all that he stood for, more than Lindbergh's wife obviously did?

...And then, wouldn't that imaginary, principled press, in it's role as a check on and balance of power, go on to ask how the Nazi admiring and enabling, Bush family, could end up with two Bushes "serving" as either president or as VP of the US for 20 of the 28 years between 1981 and 2009?

Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 166
by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

"...The trip supposedly was purely for pleasure, as Willkie said to reporters, "I am
not even going to talk politics."1 ' Despite this declaration, on December 11, Sam Pryor,
Willkie's former campaign manager, invited Davis to Hobe Sound to meet with Willkie.
Accompanied by Marshall, Davis went to Florida to persuade Willkie to oppose
President Roosevelt's aid-to-Britain policy....

Quote:THE CONGRESS: Death of Morrow - TIME
A short time later the country was shocked to hear that Death had come—kindlier in this ... at 1:52 p. m. to kindly Dwight Whitney Morrow, in his sleep, of cerebral hemorrhage. ... No one demanded more of Dwight Morrow than himself. ...,742368,00.html

an excerpt from:
America’s Sixty Families
Ferdinand Lundberg
The Vanguard Press©1937 & 1938
The Citadel Press
New York, NY
578 pages Out-of-print

...Long before he became wartime Food Administrator the ambitious Hoover had
moved in the Morgan orbit. For more than twenty years he had promoted British
mining enterprises in Africa, Australia, and Asia, working in association
with British banks that were attuned with Morgan, Grenfell and Company of
London; Hoover, according to contracts on the record, drew $95,000 a year
salary for his promotional work and $5,000 a year for his engineering advice.
In 1909 Hoover reached the turning point in his career when he met in London
William Boyce Thompson, then a partner of Hayden, Stone and Company, New York
investment bankers. Thompson, a stock-market crony of Thomas W. Lamont of J.
P. Morgan and Company, was also primarily interested in mining promotions. He
brought Hoover into a number of Hayden, Stone and Company enterprises......

...Morrow and Lamont were Hoover's two principal advisers, and shaped the
policies of his administration. The essence of Hoover's policy after the
stock market tumbled and economic famine stalked the land was to "let the
depression take its course." This was also, by a curious coincidence, the
policy of J. P. Morgan and Company and its newspapers, for the Morgan banks,
alone of the nation's banking institutions, were almost one hundred per cent
liquid, 1. e., had all their resources in cash or government securities.
Every downswing in commodity prices, real-estate values, and securities
quotations, enhanced the value of the liquid funds at the disposal of J. P.
Morgan and Company, which grew more powerful every day that the nation as a
whole became poorer. It was unquestionably the Morgan objective to begin
investing at cheap price levels, but the situation passed completely out of
Hoover's control in 1932.

In the meantime Morrow and Lamont shuttled in and out of the White House with
the regularity of confirmed tipplers visiting their favorite tavern. When
Lamont was not in Washington the telephone wire between the White House and
23 Wall Street was in almost constant use.* President Franklin D. Roosevelt
was later to refer critically to this arrangement.[*The author was present at
a press conference in the offices of J. P. Morgan and Company the day after
England suspended the gold standard in September, 1931. Thomas W. Lamont had
carefully explained why he thought England's action meant further deflation
in the United States. Toward the end of his interview he was interrupted by a
page, who slipped a note into his hand. Lamont left the room. Upon returning
twenty minutes later, the ghost of a smile flitting over his face, he said
drily, "I've just been talking over the telephone with President Hoover. He
believes England's action will give prices an upward fillip over here."]

Morrow was appointed to the Senate in 1930 by the Governor of New Jersey, to
replace Walter E. Edge, who resigned to escape a deserved drubbing at the
polls. Morrow was subsequently re-elected by the efficient New Jersey
Republican machine of J. P. Morgan and Company, which already had Hamilton
Fish Kean, investment banker worth nearly $50,000,000, in the other Senate
seat from the state; Kean succeeded his brother, James Hamilton Kean, in the
hereditary office.

Morrow, as United States Senator from New Jersey, upheld the best traditions
of the Keans and of J. P. Morgan and Company. His conciliatory manners (he
would agree to anything verbally) won him the reputation of being a liberal.
He voted against the Norris Bill providing for public operation of Muscle
Shoals, and on every other measure dealing with the power question he
invariably favored the public-utility trust; he sought to block confirmation
of three Federal Power Commissioners who had replaced Commissioners friendly
to the power trust; he voted to confirm the appointment of a reactionary to
the Tariff Commission; he voted against all Federal relief bills for the
unemployed; he voted against the veterans' bonus; he voted for all big naval
appropriations; and he voted in favor of appropriating War Department funds
to foster military training in the schools and colleges. Morrow, in fine, was
a typical Morgan partner.

Morrow and Lamont, it is known in Wall Street, put the fearful Hoover up to
declaring the moratorium on war debts; Lamont also conferred with Hoover just
before Hoover announced the extension of time limits on New York bank credits
to Germany. As economic conditions grew steadily worse Hoover resisted all
pressure that he do something; instead, he adopted the Mellon method of
issuing false statements to the effect that conditions were improving.

There was more than a breakdown of the capitalistic economy in the Hoover
regime; there was a breakdown of common sense. Hoover inherited a situation
that not only went back to the war, but to the days of Mark Hanna. The
nation's industry was now largely trustified; monopoly ruled through the big
commercial and private banks. ...

Samuel F. Pryor & Son, by Sam Pryor III
President George H.W. Bush: I have read every word of Make It Happen and got an enormous kick out of it.

Karl C. Rove: If anything, Make it Happen underplays Sam Pryor's role in the 1940 Republican Convention and nomination of Wendell Willkie. Pryor was the pivot on what so much turned in those quick and important months.

[quote name='Tom Scully' post='161855' date='Jan 24 2009, 12:47 PM']

.....Then, in an anguished attempt to reconcile her husband's politics with her Smith College humanism, she made a terrible mistake: ''The Wave of the Future.'' In less than 100 pages of murky and illogical prose she tells the world that we must let Fascism take its course and learn to live with it, if necessary. In other words, do what she did. Submit.

The book's negative reception pained and humiliated her. She was considered as bad as her husband -- anti-Semitic, egomaniacal, a tool of the Nazis. What made the situation so much worse was that she didn't believe what she had written. She had done it all for Charles. Well, she never would again. ......
Charles Lindbergh Discussion Center: Why was Anne not buried with ...

Here are the linkages you have discussed which are required in order to drill down (or drill UP for that matter) into the Draper, G.L.K. Smith and Vonsiatsky nexus of characters who were the actual perpetrators of the JFK hit and the people who benefited financially from the JFK hit as a result of the enhanced Viet Nam War. Of course the Bushes benefited immensely just like my Uncle Charles W. Yost warned me in 1972 when George Bush took his job at the United Nations. And since my first job out of college was as a trainee stock broker at G. H. Walker Laird (as in George Herbert Walker (Bush)) headquartered in St. Louis at their in Providence, RI office, I can state with authority that I have seen these guys in action and got to know some of them pretty well. My boss? George Kirkpatrick, the son of Lyman S. Kirkpatrick of the CIA. Was I ever really ONE OF THEM? No. Everyone needs a start when you are in your early twenties.

1) William Rhodes Davis was both an organizer and attendee at The Asheville Conference run by William Dudley Pelley and Rev. Gerald L K Smith who were the ones who started The Nazi inspired Silver Shirts, the Christian Defense League, The America First Committee and The America First Party where Douglas MacArthur was later their Presidential Manchurian Candidate in 1952. These guys were ALL part of the Smedley Butler coup including Hayden, Stone and E.F. Hutton and Hornblower & Weeks, Hemphill, Noyes attempt using Wickliffe Draper money passed through his J.P. Morgan account which was the same method used by Draper to finance 5 Civil Rights Acts of Violence and Murder during the 1960's. The list should be well known to all of you by now. And Richard Condon, of course, beat us all to the punch in identifying Smith, MacArthur, Draper as the ones who had just tried to kill JFK in 1958. I only rediscovered his "criminal perpetrators" through very hard analysis. In 1963 George Bush was just a low level paper pusher either in the CIA or not, soon to be a member of the U.S. House of Representatives in Texas. The Bushes were just useful idiots who would do the bidding of the Conservative right-wing extremists in order to enhance their fortunes and their status. And at the time of the Smedley Butler coup, the Bushes were just newbies in the big picture.

2) The Governor of New Jersey referred to in the article above was probably Charles Edison, son of Thomas Alva Edison and the financier for Young Americans for Freedom on behalf of Bill Buckley, Jr. also in The Manchurian Candidate. Edison inherited over $100,000,000 from his father and spent most of it on right wing privately sponsored causes like the Katanga Freedom Fighters, on behalf of Rockefeller and the Charles Edison Dinner Committee. Another feather in his cap for Richard Condon.

3) Charles Lindbergh, of course, was another favorite of the far right wing's pro-Nazis. He even favored involuntary sterilization just like Draper and Company and he was an amateur Eugenicist and one of the main founders of the isolationist America First Committee with the eventual founders of The American Security Council Retired Generals Robert Wood and Robert McCormick and even Hamilton Fish III. These guys appointed Condon's infamous trio: Robert Morris, Charles Willoughby and James Angleton as leaders of The ASC which was a private non-governmental body intent of defeating the Communist Menace and they were a counter force against the NSC, The National Security Council of the JFK Admin and the Truman Admin, too. There was NO O.S.S. and NO CIA during the Butler and Burton K. Wallace coups against FDR, just Big Business and SMOM characters. The Butler coup and the JFK Coup were BOTH sponsored by Boston Fruit and United Fruit anti-Communist pro-Nazi Eugenicists like Wickliffe Draper and Andrew Preston.

4) Hoover of course was friendly with Vonsiatsky and the other Conservative anti-Communists. The Hoover family lost hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Russian oil properties after the Bolshevik Revolution. I discovered this 15 years ago. He spent his family's private funds in order to bring down FDR and JFK and recover his private fortune. Vonsiatsky was covered in spades in Man Cand because he was THE Manchurian Candidate and a Nazi, too.

5) Averill Harriman and his wife were very close to Wickliffe Draper. They sponsored the first two privately funded International Eugenics Conferences. Another kudo to Condon.

6) Who ran Remington for the DuPonts at one time? The Maguire character who also owned the Thompson Machine Gun Company, in Thompson, CT, Vonsiatsky's favorite arms dealer. Maguire once owned The American Mercury just like Clendenin J. Ryan did in the 1950's and he hired Bill Buckley and Brent Bozell, too. And Clendenin Ryan's grandfather owned some Belgian diamond mines in South Africa (Belgian Congo) where he mined industrial diamonds for Hitler. See: Diamonds for Hitler. Ryan also funded both Ulius Amoss and Carleton Coon, the Draper Eugenicist with private money for private projects including Man Cand Mind Control Projects. Navy Lt. Commander Clendenin J. Ryan and Frank Wisner reported to Admiral James Forrestal also in Man Cand. Kudos to Condon again and kudos to me, too. Ryan, Forrestal and Wisner were all involved with Man Cand type projects and they all committed suicide, too. Guilt or pressure? Who knows?

It is quite amazing that your research and my research dovetail together so nicely in all aspects. The major area where we differ is in regards to the influence of the GIGANTIC UMBRELLA organizations involved at the highest levels. My suspects have the required INTERNATIONAL, INTER-GENERATIONAL and INTERNECINE aspects.

I consider The Knights of Malta leadership, the Eugenicists, Wall St. and the Nazis as the dominant force in BOTH the FDR and JFK coups. 85% of the leadership of the OSS and the CIA and almost every single major INTERNATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY were made Knights of Malta or Dames of Malta. In my mind the CIA and the OSS were just wholly owned intelligence subsidiaries of The Knights of Malta, Order of St. John and the Shickshinny Knights of Malta, just like Army Intel, DISC and the NSA were also intelligence offshoots of SMOM.

The Bushes were just up-and-coming privileged members of the oligarchy in the 1960's and left the perpetration of the JFK hit up to the Drapers and the Eugenicists and the Mississippi Murderers and those using the Russian inspired Double-Headed Eagle design of both the Shickshinny Knights of Malta and Vonsiatsky's ROND and Bundist organizations.

Look at the Double-Headed Eagle design on the cover of the book, The Russian Fascists by John J. Stephan and at the web pages of the Order of St. John where their motif and Coat of Arms using their Double-Headed Eagle design is also depicted.


JFK was killed by members of The Shickshinny Knights of Malta which had exactly ZERO members in either the OSS or the CIA, Vonsiatsky's Manchurian White Russian Mafia including the Anti-Bolshevik Nations of Spas Raikin and Yaroslaw Stetsko, WACL with over 50 member countries which were almost all Catholic, as aided and abetted by Wickliffe Preston Draper sponsor of both The American and the International Eugenics Society, The Draper Genetics (Eugenics) Committee of the Senate Internal Security Committee of James Eastland, The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, Hitler's Holocaust Laws and The Pioneer Fund.

What is the hierarchy? International Eugenics, then International SMOM, then International SKOM, then International Nazism, then Catholic Crusaders, then domestic SISS using The Mississippi Murderers. When you find a Eugenicist and a Master Race Nazi Specialist riding a White Horse, while wearing the SMOM Knights in Shining Armor outfit with the Coat of Arms of SKOM, with Battle Medallions and Battle Ribbons on his chest, with a Golden Sash and Epaulets singing "Dixie", flashing a Nazi salute, while burning White Crosses and waving some Flag, riding against the heathens, commies, Muslims, the Mud People, Islamics and other infidels in either Nicaragua, Russia, El Salvador, Chile, Iran, Iraq or Afghanistan, then you have solved the mystery for the ages.

I wish I was in de land of cotton,
Old times dar am not forgotten;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
In Dixie Land whar I was born in,
Early on one frosty mornin,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.

The remaining verses drift into the common minstrel idiom of a comical plantation scenario, "supposedly [depicting] the gayer side of life for slaves on Southern plantations":[14]

Old Missus marry "Will-de-weaber,"
Willium was a gay deceaber;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.

But when he put his arm around'er,
He smiled as fierce as a forty-pound'er,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.

The final verse mixes nonsense and dance steps with the freed-slave scenario:

Dar's buck-wheat cakes an 'Ingen' batter,
Makes you fat or a little fatter;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
Den hoe it down an scratch your grabble,
To Dixie land I'm bound to trabble.
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.[15]
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.

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