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Debunking the Grassy snow job and proving film alteration
Albert Doyle Wrote:There's motion within the single frame. Are you sure you aren't capturing the intact head at the beginning of the frame that lasts until the end of the frame and looks like it is still intact but isn't? It's sort of a image 'drag' within the single frame itself. This could account for what looks like an intact head at the same time as a blood spray.

Just read my posts and click the links. There is no such thing as a blood mist when a person gets shot in the head. Frame 312 is clean but the mist starts to form after 312 but almost entirely between the two frames. This proves deception on the part of whomever altered the film.
[Image: WallPaint604.jpg]
You can see it appear before the shot here. You just have to know to look for. I'm here to provide the truth that so many have been dreading for decades.:afraid:
[Image: fake-mist_o_GIFSoupcom.gif]
This conpsiracy kook who promotes obvious nonsense published an article (just a few months ago) that blatantly lies about a very important fact in the film. GREER HAS BOTH HIS HANDS OFF THE WHEEL 4 seconds before he fires the fatal shot. He also places the gun in his left hand. This obvious truth is so scary to these kooks that they publish articles as recent as May, 2010. They are dreading the day when at least alot of people find out this shocking truth.

I have studied first-generation clear prints of the Zapruder film and it is apparent that while it may be questionable as to why Greer turned and looked back at Kennedy and then could not recall that fact for the Warren Commission, at no time did his two hands leave the steering wheel of the limousine. There are plenty of real conspiracies out there without dragging this old wheezer up again.
[Image: greer239247.gif]
[Image: gifsoup.gif]
[Image: jimmarrs.jpg]
Marrs also lies about Cooper being the first to tell the truth about the driver. Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams published, 'A Murder Within', in 1974. GOOGLE IT.
218 • BEHOLD A PALE HORSE William Cooper

public and perpetuate the cover-up.
I called Bob Grodin and accepted his challenge. I invited him to
appear with me at Beverly Hills High School and show his film
. I would
show my film. The audience would decide. He refused. He refused
because he knows what I know, that the audience would boo him out of
town. Grodin knows that Greer shot Kennedy because he is part of the
Bob Grodin is the same Bob Grodin who claims to be the world's
foremost independent photo-interpretation expert. Bob Grodin has NO
photographic education whatsoever. He has never worked with photography
Bob Grodin has never been a photographic interpreter in his life.
He has been lying to the public about his credentials for all these years and
no one even checked; not even Congress checked his credentials when they
hired him
. Do you really think that was an accident? I HAVE A DEGREE
Bob Grodin is the same Bob Grodin who was hired by the House Select
Committee on Assassinations in 1976. He is the same Bob Grodin who
blatantly lied to the committee and told them that the driver, William Greer,
never took his hands off the wheel. His job is to write books and confuse
you. His job is to maintain the position that the government lied and that
there was a conspiracy. His job is also to prevent you from knowing the
truth about who did kill the President
. You cannot welcome the New World
Order if you have faith in your government. You WILL have faith in your
government if you learn that Greer killed Kennedy on orders of the Illuminati
and that it had nothing to do with the legal, Constitutional
government. Did you know that the man who was in charge of the Secret
Service at the time of the assassination became the man in charge of
security for the Rockefeller family upon his retirement? Well, now you
know. You should also know that Bob Grodin is a friend of Leslie Watkins,
and it is Bob Grodin's name that Watkins uses as the alias of the astronaut
cited in Alternative 003. Did you know that when Ricky White made
appearances on talk radio across the country to say that his father killed
Kennedy, that Bob Grodin accompanied him? Did you know that every
time a caller asked Ricky White a question, Grodin answered for him? Do
you really believe that is a coincidence? Ricky White's father did not kill
For years I have been telling people and audiences about the discrepancies
between the doctors' reports in Dallas and the autopsy report
made at Bethesda Naval Hospital. I have revealed that the wounds were
tampered with and changed. I have been telling the world that the body
was removed from its casket aboard the plane and was taken out the galley
Takes both hands off wheel. There's a good possibility Groden's lies were televised and recorded. I believe he testified twice. WATCH GREER PLACE THE GUN IN HIS LEFT HAND.
[Image: Grerrighttoleft.gif]
The slob on the right is Groden, likely the 45th aniverssary on Elm street.
[Image: RobertGrodenpathetic.jpg]
I knew a long time ago, bobharris77 had realized during the making of this clip that the film had in fact been altered to hide the fact the driver shot Kennedy. He did make some adjustments to it because you can no longer advance it with your mouse from 158-200-202. At two minutes you could see the red smoke and then advance to 202 and see the red blotch appear, both of those happening in unison with the white extending backward.

At around 1:30 he's babbling on about how the driver's left hand is at his side while holding steady at frame 312. At the end of his verbal nonsense he advances to frame 313 where you can clearly see it extend in sync with the headshot. What he did was create this effect which distracts the viewer from seeing the fake white working in sync with the fake red blotch. He did this because the screen didn't change for 30 or more seconds before advancing it to 313. This amount of time would have revealed to at least some viewers the connection between the fake reflection and the headshot. Bob, knows the driver fired on Kennedy and this effect proves it beyond any doubt. Bob, is a wannabe conspiracy theorist which means the driver did it, is off limits. This should teach anybody out not try to use the film to disprove an obvious fact because some sleuth may come along and use it against you. After this idiot found out I was using his stupid video to prove the film was altered he went back and enhanced the effect to better hide the fake white and fake mist causing and hiding the headshot from the front.
[Image: WallPaint551.jpg]
The above effect was created to hide the fake reflection and fake blood mist from working in sync to cause and hide the heashot coming from the driver. Watch the fake white extend in unison with the red mist between 312-313.
[Image: harrisfakeegifslow.gif]
[Image: jfkslowjoltgif.gif]
[Image: WallPaint726.jpg]
Greer had the fitted gun in his left hand as late as frame 278 and then it dropped out of the camera's view. Greer never placed his hand back on the wheel because he shot Kennedy and WOULD NOT HAVE done so because he shot Kennedy. The fake hand comes off the wheel between 303-304 with no arm attached to it.LOL
[Image: gifsoup.gif]
[Image: WallPaint617.jpg]
GREER STARTED his second turn to shoot Kennedy at 301, only 23 frames after the gun was last visible in his left hand. He never placed his left hand back on the wheel, obviously. The fake hand starts with two dots at the same time the nose of the gun creeps up from Roy's head. It was created to distract from Greer shooting over his shoulder and to provide 'implausible denial' for what really happened. Greer's hand is hidden by the left side of Kellerman's head.
[Image: fakehanddgif.gif]

[Image: fakehandgif.gif]
Robert Hanson Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Did Greer Shoot JFK......NO! That 'baby' has been put to bed and put to sleep over and over...but it keeps rearing its ugly head. I feel it is used only to discredit the JFK research community. IMO.

Did Greer Shoot JFK...... BEYOND ANY DOUBT. That truth was never even challenged remotely. The silly zapruder film cartoon of Greer shooting jfk was accepted as authentic and the fake reflection was also accepted as authentic but the film is a laugable forgery committed by goons from the 60's. I have proven beyond a doubt that Greer killed Kennedy. Feel free to embarrass yourself by posing the pink elephant defense.

OMG who are you? Greer killed no one with a gun. This is disinfo. I agree with Peter 100%. It is designed to embarras the research community.
Mr. Hanson you are new here but you will find very little support for this absurd old tale.

A "kook" who promotes "obvious nonsense."

A "slob."

Now there's world-class scholarly research and reasoning for ya!

The exquisitely timed burying of the Greer-did-it absurdity/obscenity in the midst of a seemingly endless, endlessly redundant appeal to some of the deepest-held beliefs of JFK investigators is nothing more than psychological disinformation in full flower.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Robert Hanson Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Did Greer Shoot JFK......NO! That 'baby' has been put to bed and put to sleep over and over...but it keeps rearing its ugly head. I feel it is used only to discredit the JFK research community. IMO.

Did Greer Shoot JFK...... BEYOND ANY DOUBT. That truth was never even challenged remotely. The silly zapruder film cartoon of Greer shooting jfk was accepted as authentic and the fake reflection was also accepted as authentic but the film is a laugable forgery committed by goons from the 60's. I have proven beyond a doubt that Greer killed Kennedy. Feel free to embarrass yourself by posing the pink elephant defense.

OMG who are you? Greer killed no one with a gun. This is disinfo. I agree with Peter 100%. It is designed to embarras the research community.
Mr. Hanson you are new here but you will find very little support for this absurd old tale.


If it's disinfo then challenge what I've posted. If you say I've posted no evidence you are copping out. Greer killed Kennedy beyond any doubt. If I'm wrong then it would be easy to pick apart. I HAVEN'T BEEN CHALLENGED IN TEN MONTHS OF POSTING TO FORUMS AND NEVER WILL.
They do not allow it to advance to 313 because it would recoil with the double image.
[Image: jfkcloserecoil.gif]
[Image: jfkwhitegiffast.gif]
[Image: greer2.gif]
Austin Miller's Warren Commission Testimony (back to the list of witnesses)

(Miller was standing on the triple overpass)

Mr. BELIN - Well, describe what happened. Did you see the motorcade come by?
Mr. MILLER - Yes sir; it came down main street and turned north on Houston Street and went over two blocks and turned left on Elm Street. Got about halfway down the hill going toward the underpass and that is when as I recall the first shot was fired.
Mr. BELIN - Did you know it was a shot when you heard it?
Mr. MILLER - I didn't know it. I thought at first the motorcycle backfiring or somebody throwed some firecrackers out.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you hear or see?
Mr. MILLER - After the first one, just a few seconds later, there was two more shots fired, or sounded like a sound at the time. I don't know for sure. And it was after that I saw some man in the car fall forward, and a women next to him grab him and hollered, and just what, I don't know exactly what she said.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you see?
Mr. MILLER - About that time I turned to look toward the - there is a little plaza sitting on the hill. I looked over there to see if anything was there, who through the firecracker or whatever it was, or see if anything was up there, and there wasn't nobody standing there, so I stepped back and looked at the tracks to see if anybody run across the railroad tracks, and there was nobody running across the railroad tracks. So I turned right straight back just in time to see the convertible take off fast.
Mr. BELIN - You mean the convertible in which the President was riding?
Mr. MILLER - I wouldn't want to say it was the President. It was a convertible, but I saw a man fall over. I don't know whose convertible it was.
Mr. BELIN - Where did the shots sound like they came from?
Mr. MILLER - Well, the way it sounded like, it came from the, I would say from right there in the car. Would be to my left, the way I was looking at him toward that incline
Mr. BELIN - Is there anything else that you can think of that you saw?
Mr. MILLER - About the time I looked over to the side there, there was a police officer. No; a motorcycle running his motor under against the curb, and jumped off and come up to the hill toward the top and right behind him was some more officers and plainclothesmen, too.
Mr. BELIN - Did you see anyone that might be, that gave any suspicious movements of any kind over there?
Mr. MILLER - No, sir; I didn't
Mr. BELIN - Did you see anyone when you looked around on the railroad tracks, that you hadn't seen before
Mr. MILLER - No, sir; I didn't.

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