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SSA BOLDEN;amnesty international
Letter to Amnesty International
Sent by Email 12-10-2010
Amnesty International Secretariat
1 Easton Street
Tel +44 (0)20 7413 5500
Fax +44 (0)20 7956 1157
Tel +44 (0)20 7413 5500
Fax +44 (0)20 7956 1157


The above named beseeches Amnesty International to look into my treatment by the United States Government. I have written many of the details of my unconstitutional treatment in my autobiography, “The Echo from Dealey Plaza". The book is well documented with the notation of trial transcript citations and other government documents.

On June 6, 1961, I became the first African American United States Secret Service Agent to be appointed to the White House Presidential Detail. This appointment came by virtue of a conversation that I had with President John F. Kennedy on April 28th, 1961 at McCormick place in Chicago, Illinois.

Prior to becoming a member of the United States Secret Service, I had the honor of becoming the first African American Investigator for the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. I went on to become a member of the Illinois State Police where I served for four years.

We all know that President Kennedy was assassinated in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963. This heinous crime set the stage for additional tragedies. A few years later the Honorable Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Honorable United States Senator Robert Kennedy were brazenly gunned down as they traveled about the country preaching against racism, intolerance, and violence. In all three instances, high officials in the government were quick to attribute the murders of the three outstanding leaders to a "lone gunman theory."

While I am not a conspiracy theorist as to the details of the Dallas crime, I am a living witness to the conspiracies that were in motion immediately before and immediately after the assassination of our president. These conspiracies were concealed from the investigative agencies appointed to determine the truth that surrounded the assassination of our president that sunny day in Dallas.

What occurred in Dallas that November 22, 1963, was not only a strike against a president who was a sincere believer in freedom, justice and equality for all peoples regardless of race, but it was an action against all of the American People who depend upon our constitutional processes as our method of governance. Kennedy's murder was a blow against our constitutional democracy. Moreover, the infamous crime was a bold attack upon the constitutional office of the Presidency of These United States of America.

After President Kennedy was assassinated, I observed as some supervisors and fellow agents within the secret service covered up evidence of other conspiracies to assassinate President Kennedy for the express purpose of obfuscating and hoodwinking the American people as to the facts surrounding his murder.

When I attempted to reveal what I witnessed to an official government body investigating Kennedy's assassination, my whole life changed as a faction within the secret service tried to dehumanize and destroy me. I was framed by my own agency, thrown into prison, drugged and accused of "not being a team player." During the first trial, the trial judge instructed the jury that in his (the trial judge's opinion) the evidence sustained a verdict of guilty. The jury was instructed to continue to deliberate taking his opinion into consideration. When the jury remained hung, the trial judge refused a motion to remove himself from officiating a second trial. At the termination of the second trial and during the juries' deliberation, the trial judge had my attorney and I removed from the court building. Neither of us was present when a so called sealed verdict of guilty was returned.

I have written my autobiography, The Echo from Dealey Plaza, and on March 4th, 2008, my life story and what happened to me was published by Random House Publishers, Inc. In May of 2008, I received the London England Baker Street Tankard Literary Award for a writing exemplifying a quest for justice without regard for the consequences. My book was nominated to receive the Pulitzer Prize for Memoirs and Autobiography. I have received the African American Literary Arts Award and the Alpha Phi Alpha General President's Award for Courage and Excellence. In 2009, I was issued a citation from The Honorable United States Senator Roland Burris (D Illinois) for my steadfastness in the pursuit of justice and equity in the law.

I have suffered the results of an unlawful trial and conviction for the past 47 years and the United States' Courts have evaded their responsibilities in regards to the unconstitutional treatment of one of America's citizens.

I pray that you will use your international status to bring this travesty of justice before the international audience. I will afford you with any documentation deemed necessary to carry out your investigation.

Thank You for your consideration.

Abraham W. Bolden, Sr.
7632 South Sangamon Street
Chicago, Illinois 60620
Good on him. I hope Amnesty can and will do something for him in getting some justice. He has certainly been abused by that system.
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