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Nelson's LBJ Mastermind book

I'm with you in almost every respect.

But what you fail to address is the reality of the False Sponsor gambit as it has been played since the JFK conspiracy was in its pre-attack period, and as it manifests in Nelson's book-length disinformation.

The mis-identification (in Nelson's case, I judge the act to be intentional) of LBJ as an assassination Sponsor represents far more than a harmless error in flawed, undernourished-by-fact judgement. Nor, as I have clearly demonstrated by quoting Nelson, are we talking about insignificant semantical variations of the "mastermind"/"pivotal player" kind. Rather, it stands as a reinforcement of the ongoing JFK coverup -- a feint away from the true Sponsors.

Take away my strong suspicion that Nelson is a witting disinformationalist, and we still are faced with the same dark conclusion regarding the impact of the LBJ-as-"mastermind" argument: It serves the agendas of JFK's killers.

The mindless evasions of this point by Nelson's defenders -- at least those who would be expected to harbor a sophisticated understanding of deep political matters in general and the nature of the JFK coverup in particular -- are difficult to explain away as innocent failures of intellect. Ego-driven stubbornness may be the least troubling excuse for these critical failures.

From my very first post on this thread, my argument has been simple and clear: Based on Nelson's own repeated definitions of "mastermind" in the context of his LBJ claim, Nelson is powerfully reinforcing LBJ's false Sponsorship role in the coverup.

Another of the terrible side-effects of Nelson's book is the manner in which it has further Balkanized important elements of the research community. As Bud Fensterwald taught us, every intelligence operation worth the name has at least two objectives.

Do you know the old joke? The definition of Sicilian Alzheimer's Disease: You forget everything except the grudges.

EDIT FOR CLARITY: I am the Sicilian in question.

I hold no grudges against anyone who, on these cyber-pages or elsewhere, has chosen to give aid and comfort to Nelson and thus act as accessory to his coverup-enhancing acts. Those who do so out of ignorance and/or ego are to be educated and/or pitied.

Those who wittingly act in support of the coverup are to be exposed and fought without remorse.
Not only has this last post from the moderators been "too little, too late",
but Charles has just violated it in this post--and, no doubt, with impunity!

Charles Drago Wrote:Peter,

I'm with you in almost every respect.

But what you fail to address is the reality of the False Sponsor gambit as it has been played since the JFK conspiracy was in its pre-attack period, and as it manifests in Nelson's book-length disinformation.

The mis-identification (in Nelson's case, I judge the act to be intentional) of LBJ as an assassination Sponsor represents far more than a harmless error in flawed, undernourished-by-fact judgement. Nor, as I have clearly demonstrated by quoting Nelson, are we talking about insignificant semantical variations of the "mastermind"/"pivotal player" kind. Rather, it stands as a reinforcement of the ongoing JFK coverup -- a feint away from the true Sponsors.

Take away my strong suspicion that Nelson is a witting disinformationalist, and we still are faced with the same dark conclusion regarding the impact of the LBJ-as-"mastermind" argument: It serves the agendas of JFK's killers.

The mindless evasions of this point by Nelson's defenders -- at least those who would be expected to harbor a sophisticated understanding of deep political matters in general and the nature of the JFK coverup in particular -- are difficult to explain away as innocent failures of intellect. Ego-driven stubbornness may be the least troubling excuse for these critical failures.

From my very first post on this thread, my argument has been simple and clear: Based on Nelson's own repeated definitions of "mastermind" in the context of his LBJ claim, Nelson is powerfully reinforcing LBJ's false Sponsorship role in the coverup.

Another of the terrible side-effects of Nelson's book is the manner in which it has further Balkanized important elements of the research community. As Bud Fensterwald taught us, every intelligence operation worth the name has at least two objectives.

Do you know the old joke? The definition of Sicilian Alzheimer's Disease: You forget everything except the grudges.

EDIT FOR CLARITY: I am the Sicilian in question.

I hold no grudges against anyone who, on these cyber-pages or elsewhere, has chosen to give aid and comfort to Nelson and thus act as accessory to his coverup-enhancing acts. Those who do so out of ignorance and/or ego are to be educated and/or pitied.

Those who wittingly act in support of the coverup are to be exposed and fought without remorse.
Jim: Please stop this. Now.

The post before the last one was probably being written and posted as CD was doing his.

This thread has become an embarrassment. Old friendships ending over the word "Mastermind".


Everyone please reflect on the fact that today is the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King.

Take a deep breath and focus on our true enemies, who are many.


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