Bernice Moore Wrote:The license plate and registration on the 1962 Ford Falcon that Vallee was driving on November 1st in Chicago was New York Registration License plate # 311-ORF and was registered in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald. This is 21 days prior to President Kennedy's assassination and the world knowing the name Oswald.
In research at The National Archives in Washington of The Assassination files of 25 Million documents it turned up that in fact NY plate 311-ORF at the Vallee Traffic stop was registered in the Name of Lee Harvey Oswald. Documents declassified also state that same car in Dallas Texas at the time of the assassination. The detailed information with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles is still withheld by order of The US Secret Service and The FBI. In the 1960's license plate in the Hudson Valley were coded OR for Orange County, UL which meant Ulster County, SU was Sullivan County and DU was Dutchess County. Of the 25 Million documents in The JFK Assassination archives, there is a 6 page Secret Service report about a trip of President Kennedy to Stewart Air Force Base, (Newburgh, NY) and of him being shadowed by two member of George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party
If this is accurate information, the Vallee/Lee registration overlap is to be appreciated as a classic tactic within the larger doppelganger strategy.
If proven correct, that is spine-chillingly spooky - in all senses of the word.
As a random coincidence, I suspect the odds of this happening would be infinitesimal.
There are many fascinating speculations in this thread.
My own sense is that plots as fundamental as the assassination of a political leader often have a strictly demarcated cell structure and that the controllers desire operational resilience. If one plan is uncovered by low-level cops or becomes unlikely to succeed for unpredictable reasons, it is important for the controllers to be able to green light another operation.
This framework would also include the possibillity that the controllers might ultimately choose to use one operation (eg the Chicago plot) as a probing feint and/or an event providing red herrings which could subsequently be used to confuse the trail and/or an event of false reassurance in the integrity of the SS protection.
And more.
Yea, I doubt this could be true too. It's too spooky, as you put it.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:The reason you cannot compare Florida to Chicago is simple:
There was no Bolden, there was no Black.
Therefore, the facts and documentation are lacking to make any comparison
I adamantly disagree. Even though I'm not certain how and why you're limiting the term "comparisons."
You're citing dissimilarities, Jim, in order to argue against the validity of understanding each phenomenon partly in terms of the other.
Of course the similarities -- the extraordinary, coincidence-confounding, cold cut-deep similarities -- give away the game for which my hypothesis argues.
At least twice on this thread I've acknowledged that the mortadella-like thinness of Chicago in comparison to Dallas as we understand these plots today may indeed be a function of the absence of nearly 50 years of Chicago study such as that we've devoted to Dallas.
Be that as it may, we work with what we have.
At this point in time I cannot move beyond the hypothetical. I'm running on informed, refined instinct -- which can lead, but is insufficient in most cases to stand as "proof."
To reiterate for the purpose of clarity: I see Chicago -- at least -- as a ruse designed to account for anticipated Dallas-related leaks and to provoke "cognitive dissonance" post-attack. That is to say: A FALSE plot designed to be "thwarted" just before Dallas so as to provoke the reaction epitomized by JFK's own, "the Secret Service took care of it" stand-down iteration.
We disagree. So what? God forbid we march in lockstep.
But while we're disagreeing, indulge me and engage in this exercise:
If Chicago were intended to result in an actual assassination attempt, who would have inhabited the Sponsor level of the plot? Who would have been put forward as the equivalents of LBJ/Dallas FALSE Sponsors?
To paraphrase Don Corleone: Chicago was a con. It never could have served as the perfect site for the patsying of False Sponsors. But I didn't know until recently that it was only Dallas all along.
05-02-2011, 04:52 AM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2011, 05:25 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
William Kelly Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Bernice Moore Wrote:The license plate and registration on the 1962 Ford Falcon that Vallee was driving on November 1st in Chicago was New York Registration License plate # 311-ORF and was registered in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald. This is 21 days prior to President Kennedy's assassination and the world knowing the name Oswald.
In research at The National Archives in Washington of The Assassination files of 25 Million documents it turned up that in fact NY plate 311-ORF at the Vallee Traffic stop was registered in the Name of Lee Harvey Oswald. Documents declassified also state that same car in Dallas Texas at the time of the assassination. The detailed information with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles is still withheld by order of The US Secret Service and The FBI. In the 1960's license plate in the Hudson Valley were coded OR for Orange County, UL which meant Ulster County, SU was Sullivan County and DU was Dutchess County. Of the 25 Million documents in The JFK Assassination archives, there is a 6 page Secret Service report about a trip of President Kennedy to Stewart Air Force Base, (Newburgh, NY) and of him being shadowed by two member of George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party
If this is accurate information, the Vallee/Lee registration overlap is to be appreciated as a classic tactic within the larger doppelganger strategy.
If proven correct, that is spine-chillingly spooky - in all senses of the word.
As a random coincidence, I suspect the odds of this happening would be infinitesimal.
There are many fascinating speculations in this thread.
My own sense is that plots as fundamental as the assassination of a political leader often have a strictly demarcated cell structure and that the controllers desire operational resilience. If one plan is uncovered by low-level cops or becomes unlikely to succeed for unpredictable reasons, it is important for the controllers to be able to green light another operation.
This framework would also include the possibillity that the controllers might ultimately choose to use one operation (eg the Chicago plot) as a probing feint and/or an event providing red herrings which could subsequently be used to confuse the trail and/or an event of false reassurance in the integrity of the SS protection.
And more.
Yea, I doubt this could be true too. It's too spooky, as you put it.
Well spooky it may be, but I'd not be so sure it is 'too' spooky....given the history of the Planet's Human Polity over the last few thousand years....or even America's since the Lincoln Assassination [inside job]......
May 14th, 2008
An Odyssey for Truth and Justice
Information for this article was from released documents from the National Archives. Let's see if we can find these documents!...or are they all still classified?
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Quote: People forget that this country is run by the people according to our Constitution. We can do that you know.
Sorry, but its pretty damn easy to forget that these days....or remember that that is in abstract theory only! The Constitution, which was being undercut for a long time was effectively shredded with the legislation that came pre-packaged with the 'events' of 911 and Anthrax 'attacks'.....The COG order given on 911 or 912 may never have been rescinded or may secretly have modified or annulled most or all of the Constitution and many laws....we don't know and don't have the clearance to know. We are in nightmare territory now.... I'm not joking and refer you to Peter Dale Scott's great work on this subject.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I imagine the False Sponsors would have been similar to what we have today:
The Mafia, and the pro Castro Cubans.
Just because you move the geography north does not mean the tactics would change very much.
I don't know why you are up in arms about my observation about comparing FLorida to CHicago. We simply do not know much about the Tampa plot, or even if it really existed in an actual detectable form. The person pushing this has been Waldron, who has proven he cannot be relied on.
As per Chicago, this was simply a lost window. The only person who did any real research on Chicago was Edwin Black. And that was over a decade after the fact. The fact that he uncovered as much as he did, so late in the game is amazing. His essay is one of the very best on the JFK case in the seventies. But imagine what he could have known had be been doing this back in 1963-64, with a team of investigators. Therefore, all the details about this plot will never be known. I mean, like I said, I just learned that the Echeverria documents were falsified. Now I can see why. Echeverria fills out Black and Bolden, and supplies another link to Dallas. Where many people think the Cubans were used as the support group.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I disagree Charles. The Chicago Plot was real.
If you look at this they wanted to get Kennedy one way or the other. Any details could be covered-up by their take-over of the government with the Warren Commission. So it is feasible Oswald was going to be the patsy for the Chicago assassination somehow by means of the license registration. Vallee was discovered not by "Lee's" warning but by a landlady stumbling-in.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I don't know why you are up in arms about my observation about comparing FLorida to CHicago. I disagree Charles. The Chicago Plot was real.
I'm certainly not "up in arms."
Please re-read my previous post for tone, and direct your attention to this short paragraph:
"We disagree. So what? God forbid we march in lockstep."
Let me state again for clarity: The purposes of this thread -- and, for that matter, my earlier "JFK would have been hit even if he played ball with the Unspeakable" offering -- are to stimulate outside-the-box thinking, and to refine and expand our perceptions.
At this stage of the Chicago investigation -- and you're right, Black's is the only work on the subject that rises to the level of that term -- there is no basis for claims of objective truth.
We press on. I'm pleased that we disagree, for out of such intellectual conflict there often arises enlightenment.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I disagree Charles. The Chicago Plot was real.
If you look at this they wanted to get Kennedy one way or the other. Any details could be covered-up by their take-over of the government with the Warren Commission. So it is feasible Oswald was going to be the patsy for the Chicago assassination somehow by means of the license registration. Vallee was discovered not by "Lee's" warning but by a landlady stumbling-in.
See above. We agree to disagree.
I don't buy the "landlady stumbling-in" plot (as in literary plot) device. For my hypothesis to work, precisely such a "discovery" had to be made.
And don't conflate the conspirators' pre-assassination needs with their post-assassination requirements. Before JFK was eliminated, they needed maximum security for their plot as it unfolded.
The ruse of Chicago was created to facilitate the elevation of the plotters to positions of strength.