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Armstrong: Of Covert Ops, Fake Marines, of Classifieds, of Cabbages and Kings
Quote:...This is a matter of interpretation. But I interviewed a bank supervisor today who has been in the business for 27 years, not quite as long as the guy John interviewed, but close.

He said the following:

Whenever a merchant brings in his deposits--cash, MO or checks--the last two are inscribed by his bank.

They are then sent to the local FRB, which does the same.

They are then sent to the regional FRB, which does the same.

Ultimately, his bank gets a copy with those inscriptions.

How could they get it back unless the FRB knew where to send it?

Edited by James DiEugenio, Today, 11:19 PM.

Let us avoid posting a single question for Tom Scully, because after all, he has studied this topic and found out the Postal Money
Order system, as was the banking system, going through dramatic technological innovation parallel to the time period between
Oswald purchasing postal money orders in 1962, and a postal money purchased in Dallas on 12 March, 1963 allegedly being
found by Robert H. Jackson in an Alexandria, VA, Federal Records Center on November 23, 1963.

Let us continue to approach contemporary banking officials with cold questions because their answers are "helpful" !

It is a matter of fact, and I talked to a cop who is an expert on the Taser's operation and appropriate application, and although he had no personal knowledge of Taser's of 1963, he was comfortable with the assumption that nothing significant had changed and
we could assume he spoke with a confident command of the subject.

"Everything is fake, and everybody lied....." - Peter Janney ( "....Tom Scully, a DiEugenio protege.....")

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7763&stc=1]

Quote:[URL=""]Hearings, Reports and Prints of the House Committee on ...
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1966 - ?
"In March 1960, the Post Office and Treasury Departments
initiated a study to determine the feasibility of expanding the electronic facilities in the Treasurer's Office to provide for processing postal money orders. Conversion of the money order operation to the electronic system was started in June 1962 and completed in April 1963...."[URL=""]

page 144 ( "banks, federal reserve, the public, and*" )
Closeout of Kansas City Money Order Center

Coincident with the installation of the print punch machines, the audit of the
money orders was transferred to a computer technique and consolidated with the audit
of Treasury checks at Washington, D.C., and the closeout of the Money Order Center at
Kansas City moved into its final phase. The Money Order Center was discontinued on December 1, 1963, except for three caretakers for the files, and all reports of money order issues now go to Money Order Audit Division in Washington, D.C. The last group of files at the Kansas City Center will be destroyed by March 31, 1965 (destruction age) and the caretakers will then be separated and the space leased to the GSA.

Money Order Audit Division, Washington, D.C.
In fiscal year 1965, 65 employees will handle payment, inquiry servicinng, and audit of the approximately 250 million money orders issued annually. The machine work will be performed by Treasury on a reim- bursment basis; but all contacts with banks, Federal Reserve, the public, and[URL=""][/URL]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7764&stc=1]

Federal Reserve Pricing Policy on Check Clearing Services: ...
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban
Affairs - 1984 -
[Image: JustifyNotPlacingEndorsement.jpg]
The Federal Reserve places an endorsement on all items that it processes through reader sort equipment. However, the Federal Reserve also offers a program, called "fine-sort," whereby depositing institutions may deposit checks that have been presorted and packaged according to payor institution. The Federal Reserve delivers these checks to the payor institutions along with the checks the Federal Reserve has itself processed.
The collection of checks in the fine sort program is accelerated because they can be deposited later than other check deposits.
In addition, the fine sort program is the most efficient method of collecting checks in certain instances,
such as when an institution of first deposit has a relatively large number of checks drawn on a particular payor institution.
Although the lack of the Federal Reserve endorsement on checks collected through the fine sort program may be a source of inconvenience for some depository institutions, primarily the larger institutions that may receive checks from several several sources other than the Federal
Reserve, the fine sort program does not result in significant problems in the return item process. We believe the fine sort program results in
improve- ments in the speed and efficiency of the nation's check collection system" .....

Quote:[PDF]The Role of the Federal Reserve in the Payments System
by PM Connolly - pg. 147 "....The Federal Reserve's Role in Developing High-Speed Check Sorting Equipment
"..By the time the EFA became effective in
September 1988, the Federal Reserve Board had proposed for public
comment, and subsequently adopted, regulations to accelerate the return
A working group of banking industry and Federal Reserve
officials contributed operational expertise that supported the develop-
ment of practical and effective regulatory change.
The Board also used its new regulatory authority to propose and
adopt an essential new standard that previously had eluded the banking
To accelerate the check return process, all participants in the
check system needed a ready means to identify the bank of first deposit....

....The endorsement standard in place prior to the enactment of the
Expedited Funds Availability Act had proved inadequate to support
the clear identification of each bank involved in the collection of a check.

The banking industry, through the American National Standards Insti-
tute, or ANSI, had made substantial progress during the 1980s on a more
comprehensive standard. However, the banks, equipment manufactur-
ers, and check printers had not reached closure on an adequate new
standard, in part because of the competitive concerns of particular firms.

To support the EFA, the Federal Reserve officials who had participated in
the ANSI process took all that had been accomplished with ANSI and,
with Board of Governors staff, added the new features needed for an
effective standard...."

Oswald Did NOT Purchase a Rifle from Kleins
by John Armstrong - allegedly found at the US postal facility in Arlington, VA, and not at the US postal facility in Kansas City where all other unpaid money orders that Oswald purchased from the Dallas post office were stored? ..?.

Uhhh... why did they store "all other unpaid" money orders in Kansas City..... how did they even obtain them? ....Anybody???
[Image: WashingtonPMOonRecord.jpg]
[Image: MoneyOrderCustody.jpg]
[Image: 1412-001.gif]
Page from Hill's 1959 Alexandria, VA, City Directory :
[Image: 1959AlexandriaDirRobertHjackson.jpg]
[Image: RobertHjacksonMoneyOrder.jpg]

Attached Files
.jpg   DiEugneioProtogeCrop.jpg (Size: 178.09 KB / Downloads: 25)
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Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
I'll be happy to ask you a question, Tom, IF you can promise to answer it in one paragraph without attaching umpteen images and/or entirely tangential genealogical or obituary records.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
I have come to the conclusion that the sole reason Tom Scully is here with all his data dumps is to attack John Armstrong.

So sick of his endless posts of old news articles that you cannot even read. At least Tommy Graves over at Ef keeps his criticism short and sweet.


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