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Mr. Lewis,

I believe you are not familiar with the facts and observations. The collapse time is difficult at best to nail down because it began for example, in the case of WTC 1 with the top section of about 14 or so stories being destroyed from about the 96 floor up to the top. If you observe the many videos it appears as if those stories are being "crushed" (destroyed) at the bottom and the ones above descend. This sequence takes approximately 4 seconds. The motion of the roof line does wobble about, both before the actual descent and as it comes down. This is not easily or perhaps impossible to see with the naked eye, but scientists have analyzed the motion with "trace" software and determined its motion. The antenna atop WTC1 also clearly tilts to the east and south in ADVANCE of any obvious to the naked eye motion of the roof line.

We can conclude from the antenna motion that parts of the structure supporting the antenna were failing in ADVANCE of the roof decent or visible destruction and hence the antenna's motion. We don't know what caused this motion and it could be incendiaries or explosive or weakened steel. Whatever it was it occurred inside the core and out of our view.

Once the entire 15 or so stories came apart (whatever the mechanism) they represented about 30,000 tons of material which had descended over the 4 seconds onto the top floor(s) of the lower section below the "crush" (crash) zone of the building up at the mid 90s. Some material from the destruction of the top went over the side. Nothing was shot up. Study the videos. The top section experienced a gravity driven... collapse of unknown cause... onto /into the lower section of the tower.

The the destruction phase which I refer to as ROOSD - runaway open office space destruction occurred. The appears to travel at about 60 mph or 100 feet per second destroying 8 floors in one second. Obvious the collapse begins at 0 mph accelerates up to 60 or so mph and then no faster. This part of the destruction is 1100 feet and therefore tool about 10+ seconds. So the total elapsed time of visible collapse was about 14 seconds. We could not see the "end" of the collapse and we can't tell precisely when it began except to use the first downward motion of the roof or the antenna, but clearly the "collapse" was already happening as structure was failing unseen behind the facade before the facade and the roof moved.

The collapse elapse times might be ascertained from seismic records but it is yet to be determined when that began as well. There are delays in the seismic waves and correlating them to the videos is imprecise. Plus the early movement likely would not have a seismic signature. That would begin only after there was significant crashing of heavy material on the ground... and we know that something in free fall from 1300 feet wouldn't show up for 9 seconds after it began falling.

So the collapse time is quite imprecise and given as a range since we can truly only know when it ended. And there's the Spire which stood for perhaps 15 seconds AFTER the global collapse of the floors and facade. It's likely and possible that parts of the spire were falling in the period when the global collapse obscured or view until we could see the Spire when most of the dust was blown to the SE and then it too collapsed.

So what was the total collapse time for WTC 1? When did it literally begin? When do we start the clock when we observe the first motion? And when does the collapse end... when the Spire falls?

Finally, the 60+ mph is quite fast.. the velocity of a free falling object after about 3 seconds. However it is not an unreasonable speed considering that the tower was 96% air, and the floors themselves were on 4" thick no-stone aggregate lightweight and very brittle concrete and these floors and the 88 trusses which supported them would offer very little resistance to 10's of thousands of tons of falling debris... and they would "fail" almost instantly from the impact.

Larry Silverstein is reported to have said he made the decision to "pull" it and this has been interpreted to mean that someone in the FDNY or NYC DOB indicated to him that the building was un able to be saved... and that explosives were placed to "take it down" and -pull it- was the technical term for taking a building down. That sounds fishy doesn't it?

However consider the following. Two huge buildings had collapsed in the morning and this was quite a shock. Though they were hit by plans and showed massive fires for a while, there were also reports of explosions. The officials could have suspected a massive terrorist attack with planes AND bombs. They couldn't possible know for sure in the madness. Thousands of people had been killed in the twin towers including hundreds of fire fighters, police and first responders. Don't you think the officials would have been spooked and think that 7 was going to go as well? There are reports that the city had an engineer sight the building with a transit after it was damaged by debris from WTC 1. This, if true, and it likely is, was prudent. If a huge building showed even a few inches of distortion, it would mean that the structure has twisted, joints stressed and this mean that the structure was not at full "strength capacity". Would you go into a building that was distorted by 2-3 inches... after it had been struck by debris and had fires and huge tanks of diesel fuel stored there?

Perhaps the officials decided it was necessary to get everyone out of the building... and they did in the AM and not fight the fires and let them self extinguish or just see what happened, believing that unfought fires WOULD weaken steel and it MIGHT collapse. Steel has fire protection for 2 hrs. After that it is unprotected and will begin to lose strength. We don't know how long the fires raged, what was burning and so forth. Some have claimed they only burned 20 minutes consumed the flammable material and move on. But haven't we see a building in Madrid burn for many hours... it did not collapse. But it was a different design and included a concrete core I believe.

YES all three collapses could have been caused by explosives. But we don't have proof of this and the collapses were gravity driven (one started) and did not defy any laws of physics.

Careful observations informed by technical knowledge of structural engineering, physics, material science and even optics will lead to understanding what happened. All of these are key to understanding.

First of all, this thread is about Dr. Judy Wood's important evidence-packed textbook, Where Did The Towers Go?, and its implications as well as the invaluable information it contains. Please stay on topic.

Second of all, 'pull it' does not necessarily mean 'controlled demolition with explosives', as you can see in this video which documents the take-down of WTC Building 6:

Lastly, if you are truly interested in bringing the true suspects to justice, please familiarize yourself with the large sum of important, easily verifiable, empirical evidence from 9/11 that must be explained, as seen in Dr. Wood's book, and less completely at her website ( Please stay on topic, as this thread is about Dr. Judy Wood's book and the important evidence it contains.

Thank you and Best Wishes,

9/11 Challenge: Explain the Evidence
Actually, Mr. Rodriguez, I believe I was on topic, as the topic was how the buildings came down. I understand that the thread was about Dr. Woods' book, but that book is about how the buildings came down, albeit an alternative theory, interesting as it may be. And as for the term "pull it" in reference to Building the worker clearly explains, this was a special circumstance to avoid further damage to surrounding buildings. This was emphatically NOT what Mr. Goldstein was referring to, as he clearly didn't mention any special circumstances that would cause the building to be pulled. And as I mentioned in my previous post, Building 7, which Goldstein was explicitly referring to, came down in its own footprint in less than ten seconds, which clearly excludes they way that the term "pull it" was used in the YouTube video.

Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez Wrote:James,

First of all, this thread is about Dr. Judy Wood's important evidence-packed textbook, Where Did The Towers Go?, and its implications as well as the invaluable information it contains. Please stay on topic.

Second of all, 'pull it' does not necessarily mean 'controlled demolition with explosives', as you can see in this video which documents the take-down of WTC Building 6:

Lastly, if you are truly interested in bringing the true suspects to justice, please familiarize yourself with the large sum of important, easily verifiable, empirical evidence from 9/11 that must be explained, as seen in Dr. Wood's book, and less completely at her website ( Please stay on topic, as this thread is about Dr. Judy Wood's book and the important evidence it contains.

Thank you and Best Wishes,

"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Just who is this "Goldstein"? Never heard of him in connection
to 911.

A few in the list below I'm not convinced of...but most of them beg for an explanation [that will never come from the official version]....and investigation. The numbers didn't want to be cut from Wood's website which has recently undergone some changes. I don't have the book, so can't speak to it. I'd love to have it, but I too have $$ problems. Someday...perhaps.

The Twin Towers were destroyed faster than physics can explain by a free fall speed "collapse."
They underwent mid-air pulverization and were turned to dust before they hit the ground.
The protective bathtub was not significantly damaged by the destruction of the Twin Towers.
The rail lines, the tunnels and most of the rail cars had only light damage, if any.
The WTC underground mall survived well, witnessed by Warner Bros. Road Runner and friends. There were reports that "The Gap" was looted.
The seismic impact was minimal, far too small based on a comparison with the Kingdome controlled demolition.
The Twin Towers were destroyed from the top down, not bottom up.
The demolition of WTC7 was whisper quiet and the seismic signal was not significantly greater than background noise.
The upper 80 percent, approximately, of each tower was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth.
The upper 90 percent, approximately, of the inside of WTC7 was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth.
One file cabinet with folder dividers survived.
No toilets survived or even recognizable portions of one.
Windows of nearby buildings had circular and other odd-shaped holes in them.
In addition to the odd window damage, the marble facade was completely missing from around WFC1 and WFC2 entry, with no other apparent structural damage.
Fuzzballs, evidence that the dust continued to break down and become finer and finer.
Truckloads of dirt were hauled in and hauled out of the WTC site, a pattern that continues to this day.
Fuming of the dirt pile. Fuming decreased when watered, contrary to fumes caused by fire or heat.
Fuzzyblobs, a hazy cloud that appeared to be around material being destroyed.
The Swiss-Cheese appearance of steel beams and glass.
Evidence of molecular dissociation and transmutation, as demonstrated by the near-instant rusting of affected steel.
Weird fires. The appearance of fire, but without evidence of heating.
Lack of high heat. Witnesses reported that the initial dust cloud felt cooler than ambient temperatures. No evidence of burned bodies.
Columns were curled around a vertical axis like rolled-up carpets, where overloaded buckled beams should be bent around the horizontal axis.
Office paper was densely spread throughout lower Manhattan, unburned, often along side cars that appeared to be burning.
Vertical round holes were cut into buildings 4, 5 and 6, and into Liberty street in front of Bankers Trust, and into Vesey Street in front of WTC6, plus a cylindrical arc was cut into Bankers Trust.
All planes except top secret missions were ordered down until 10:31 a.m. (when only military flights were allowed to resume), after both towers were destroyed, and only two minutes (120 seconds) after WTC 1 had been destroyed.
Approximately 1,400 motor vehicles were towed away, toasted in strange ways, during the destruction of the Twin Towers.
The order and method of destruction of each tower minimized damage to the bathtub and adjacent buildings.
More damage was done to the bathtub by earth-moving equipment during the clean-up process than from the destruction of more than a million tons of buildings above it.
Twin Tower control without damaging neighboring buildings, in fact all seriously damaged and destroyed buildings had a WTC prefix.
The north wing of WTC 4 was left standing, neatly sliced from the main body which virtually disappeared.
For more than seven years, regions in the ground under where the main body of WTC4 stood have continued to fume.
The WTC1 and WTC2 rubble pile was far too small to account for the total mass of the buildings.
The WTC7 rubble pile was too small for the total mass of the building and consisted of a lot of mud.
Eyewitness testimony about toasted cars, instant disappearance of people by "unexplained" waves, a plane turning into a mid-air fireball, electrical power cut off moments before WTC 2 destruction, and the sound of explosions.
Eyewitness testimony of Scott-pack explosions in fire trucks and fire trucks exploding that were parked near the WTC.
There were many flipped cars in the neighborhood of the WTC complex near trees with full foliage.
Magnetometer readings in Alaska recorded abrupt shifts in the earth's magnetic field with each of the events at the WTC on 9/11.
Hurricane Erin, located just off Long Island on 9/11/01, went virtually unreported in the days leading up to 9/11, including omission of this Hurricane on the morning weather map, even though that portion of the Atlantic Ocean was shown on the map.
Sillystring, the appearance of curious cork-screw trails.

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"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Jack, I'm sorry that I misspoke. I was referring to Larry Silverstein, the man who owned the lease on the WTC property, and who made over $900 million in insurance payments after its destruction. Again, I'm sorry I misspoke...brain cramp, I guess Smile

Jack White Wrote:Just who is this "Goldstein"? Never heard of him in connection
to 911.

"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
James Lewis Wrote:Jack, I'm sorry that I misspoke. I was referring to Larry Silverstein, the man who owned the lease on the WTC property, and who made over $900 million in insurance payments after its destruction. Again, I'm sorry I misspoke...brain cramp, I guess Smile

Jack White Wrote:Just who is this "Goldstein"? Never heard of him in connection
to 911.


I knew that, of course. I was just needling in the interest of accuracy.
Thanks...I needed that Smile

Jack White Wrote:
James Lewis Wrote:Jack, I'm sorry that I misspoke. I was referring to Larry Silverstein, the man who owned the lease on the WTC property, and who made over $900 million in insurance payments after its destruction. Again, I'm sorry I misspoke...brain cramp, I guess Smile

Jack White Wrote:Just who is this "Goldstein"? Never heard of him in connection
to 911.


I knew that, of course. I was just needling in the interest of accuracy.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Jack, I have one you believe that a "DEW" brought the towers down, or was it something else?

Jack White Wrote:
James Lewis Wrote:Jack, I'm sorry that I misspoke. I was referring to Larry Silverstein, the man who owned the lease on the WTC property, and who made over $900 million in insurance payments after its destruction. Again, I'm sorry I misspoke...brain cramp, I guess Smile

Jack White Wrote:Just who is this "Goldstein"? Never heard of him in connection
to 911.


I knew that, of course. I was just needling in the interest of accuracy.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
In my own opinion, I have studied the entire case very carefully over the last many years. I feel the main destructive demolition force was via the use of computer timed and carefully pre-planted nano-thermate [or some similar substance]. That said, there are many features of the events and evidence that can't be explained by an exothermic explosive alone; and I do believe it very likely that in tandem some kind[s] of DEW might have been used and this needs more study. Just as there was enormous resistance to 'no plane' at the Pentagon [and that is now more or less gaining acceptance]; Just as there was great resistance to explosive planned demolition - and that is now becoming quite widely accepted; there is enormous resistance to any talk of DEW or other exotic weapons. They all need to be researched, if they seem to explain the events and evidence....and then either accepted or discarded. Many think that Wood is totally insane, more so that she uses whimsical names for strange features after the event. I do not find her at all strange. She is thinking out of the box..but the 'box' was the official cock and bullshit story - that almost everyone now rejects....or soon will. So many parts of the official story fall apart with a little study....correction...all parts of it fall apart.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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